Big Boy by Skyler Snow

I probably shouldn't have beennervous, but I couldn't stop jittering. Carter and I had been spending a lot of time together, but now we were meeting up with both his friends and a few of mine. It was like our worlds were coming together and that made me fidget. What if they didn't like me? What if things went south?

Stop thinking about it. That's not going to help this night go any better.

Carter was already waiting for me at Shine Bar. We were supposed to get a table, play some pool, and spend some time together. I was looking forward to seeing Andy, his husband, Naomi, and her girlfriend. Aaron, who I had slowly started getting to know, would be there too. The few other friends Carter mentioned I hadn't met yet.

I found a parking spot and walked into Shine. The bar was one I'd been to a few times in the past and it was mostly a queer crowd, which I loved. I never ran into any issues or faced any judgment and it sorta felt like home when you were there. Good food, great drinks, and a pleasant atmosphere made me want to visit more even if I didn't love going out often.


I glanced around until my eyes landed on Andy. "Yo," I said as I walked over to him. "Where's everyone else?"

Andy was sitting at the bar. "I came to get another round of drinks. We found tables near the pool table." He tapped his fingers on the bar. "I met your boyfriend."

I didn't correct him. "Yeah? What do you think?"

"He's sweet! A big old teddy bear that needs a hug," he said with a chuckle. "But um, you might want to keep an eye on him tonight."

I frowned. "Why's that?"

"Well, he seemed a little off and I thought he's probably shy. But then he started drinking and he's been drinking, hard."

"One of these for him?" I asked as I nodded toward the drinks that were placed on the counter.

"Yep, he had a few margaritas. This one is his," he nodded to a tall blended margarita with a lime on the rim.

"I'll take that." I plucked up the drink and grabbed a few others to help Andy. "Show me the way."

Andy grabbed the rest of the drinks and we walked through Shine until we reached a back room. My eyes were immediately drawn to Carter. He stood with his friends laughing and chatting as he threw back his head. I loved how carefree he was, but I was concerned about what was going on with him. I didn’t know him to be a huge drinker.

"Hey, Sam!" Naomi smiled at me. "Let me help you with those."

"Thanks," I said as I let her take some from me. "Good to see you here."

"You too. I'm shocked Carter could get you out of the house to join us," she laughed.

I groaned. "Let's not start in on the introvert." I waved to her girlfriend. "Let me go say hi to Carter."

"Of course! Play me in a round of pool later?"

"Definitely and I'll kick your ass too."

"That's what I like to hear. Delusion," she purred.

I laughed as I walked away from her and made my way to Carter. He immediately threw his arms around my neck and hugged me tightly. When he pulled back his face was dusted in a shade of pink and he grinned at me with glossy eyes.

"You made it!" He laughed. "Hi."

"Hi," I repeated. "Ooh, you've been drinking."

"A little," he shrugged. "Is that my margarita?"

"It is." Carter reached for it, but I pulled it out of his grasp. "No, no. I think you've had enough."

He huffed. "I have not! Give it to me, Daddy."

I narrowed my eyes. "Carter? Are you drunk?"

"Don't make a scene in front of my friends," he whispered as he stepped closer and looked around. "They're staring and you're making me uncomfortable."

I wrestled with myself. Deep down I didn't feel as if I should give him the drink, but the way he said I was making him feel uncomfortable was making me feel horrible. Finally, I handed it over and his pout dissolved into a smile.

I'll keep an eye on him and if he shows any signs of being too intoxicated, we'll leave.

"Hey, Sam." Aaron waved at me as he stood in front of a tall man with red hair and a beard. "This is my boyfriend slash Daddy, Red."

I held out a hand. "Nice to meet you, Red."

"You as well."

"This is Layne and his Daddy, Branson. And that's Asher and Jase. Their Daddy is Kyan." Carter smiled as he introduced all of them to me. "Everyone, this is Samuel."

Once all of the introductions were made I started to realize that they were pretty cool. Each of them had their own personalities, but they welcomed me. And it was nice being in a room full of Daddy’s and boys.

"Let me take more of your money," Aaron chuckled as he picked up a pool cue. "Those classes are definitely helping the studio, but I could use something pretty."

I laughed. "Oh is that what you're after? Let's go."

"Don't pay him any attention," Red cut in. "I literally pay for everything."

Aaron pouted. "That's not true Daddy, and you know it!"

One little corner of Red's lips quirked up and he shook his head. "I don't know that at all."

As they started playfully arguing, I grinned at them. The two of them were cute together. Branson, one of the other Daddies, walked over and patted my shoulder.

"You have to ignore them. They're children. Come on, I'll play a round with you."

"Me too," Kyan chimed in. "So, what? Boys versus Daddies? That should be interesting."

"Yes, but we have to make it interesting." Jase leaned on his Daddy and beamed up at him. "Loser has to do whatever the winner wants."

Kyan's eye twitched. "I don't like the sound of that."

"Do it, Daddy," Asher grinned. "When you win that means I get to watch you punish him."

I laughed at the three of them. They all seemed so close, joking and laughing. All of Carter's friends were cute. I was glad he was close to so many good people. Everyone needed support systems after all.

"I'll play a round,” I smiled. “Want to play too, Carter?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I do!" He beamed at me. "I'm really good at this game."

"Okay, then let's play."

We took our positions at the pool table and started up our game. I went after Kyan, circling the table before I made a few shots and quickly had to hand off the cue. The Daddies were up, three to zero.

"So, Sam," Aaron cut in, "we're glad to have you. Carter's always been pretty independent, but it's nice to see him with some company."

"No," Carter growled. "Don't start."

"We just want to make sure you're going to be a good match for him," Aaron continued. "How long have you been a Daddy?"

"You don't have to answer that," Carter cut in.

I waved a hand. "I don't mind answering some questions." Aaron's next move was a scratch and Layne took over. "I started attending local munches and meets-ups as soon as I turned eighteen. I knew I wanted to learn about the lifestyle so I threw myself into it. After a year or two, I realized I was most drawn to being a Daddy. Taking care of people makes me happy."

"Aww that's so sweet," Layne said. "Have you had a boy before?"

"Yes, a few. But nothing ever stuck the way I want things to stick with Carter." I blinked. "Seriously, I can not stop running my mouth by mistake."

Carter laughed. "You like me."

I raised a brow at him. "Of course I do." When I grinned I watched him light up. "That's why we're here now."

"Why do you always have to make me blush? Stop it!" Carter protested.

"Not a chance, sweet boy."

It felt good to be surrounded by people who understood our lifestyle and didn't judge. Even my friends knew that I was deeply connected to our BDSM community and they seemed just as comfortable around my friends. I didn’t love going out, but in an environment like this? I could make an exception.

We took turns playing while Carter's friends continued to grill me. I didn't mind a bit. They were clearly worried about him and I was glad he had good friends to look out for him. Carter needed people to have his back.

"So, do I pass the test?" I asked after they were done interrogating me.

"Yep!" Asher smiled at me. "We think you might be perfect for Carter."

"Guys," Carter groaned. "Come on."

I chuckled and lined up the last shot. "Well, I'm glad you guys like me, but I'm about to ruin that right now."

I sank the eight ball into a corner pocket and the collective groan that went up from the boys was deeply satisfying. Red grinned and Kyan high-fived me.

"That wasn't fair! You distracted us," Asher pouted.

"Him! You're the one who's going to have Kyan doing weird shit tonight when we get home," Jase said as he pulled Asher's ear. "I'm going to take it out on you."

"They're such sore losers," Red chuckled. "Aaron, go get me a beer."

Aaron narrowed his eyes. "Daddy, you are milking this, aren't you?"

"I am," he grinned. "I really am."


"Ooooh," Layne winced. "You're getting in trouble."

"Yes, he is," Red said, his eyes darkening. "And he knows it."

Carter shook his head and held onto my arm. "Ignore my insane friends," he whispered. "I'm glad you all like each other, I was nervous."

"Is that why you were drinking so hard tonight?"

He stiffened. "I don't want to talk about that."

"We're going to, but not now. I'll wait until we leave."

Carter pouted. Yes, I knew it was going to make him a little irritated, but we had already discussed open communication. It was something I thrived on as a Daddy and I needed to know that we were on the same page about everything.

"Another round?" Red asked.

"I'll play this time," Branson nodded.

We set up the table and played again. It was easy to see these Daddies and boys loved each other. Not only that, but the Daddies were a lot like me. Branson was a bit more outgoing which made up for how quiet Red and I were. And Kyan was sweet, his personality shining whenever he was next to his boys. They all worked together and that's what I wanted for me and Carter.

"Oop," Carter mumbled. "Ah fuck."

I turned around to see Carter trying to clean up a spill on the table. "Hey, are you okay?" I stopped and picked up his drink. "Did you get another one of these?"

He shrugged. "Maybe."

"Okay," I said sternly, no longer willing to play nice Daddy. "It's time to go."

"No," Carter groaned. "I want to stay awhile longer."

"Baby, you're drunk and it's time to go home. Now, we can leave peacefully or we can argue about it, but I'm not letting you pour one more drop of alcohol into your body. You need to talk to me and tell me what's going on."

Carter crossed his arms over his chest. "I don't want to go."

I raised a brow. "Oh? Being stubborn is going to get you punished, you know that?"

He pouted and his arms loosened. "I don't want to be punished."

"Then say goodnight to your friends and let's go home."

"Yes, Daddy," he whispered.

Carter hopped down from his stool and went to tell his friends goodnight. I did the same with everyone until it was time to go. Carter held out his arms and I helped him into his jacket before I took his hand. He was quiet the entire time I drove to his place as I checked on him every once in a while. By the time we walked through the door he plopped down onto the couch immediately.

"Okay," I said, joining him. "Tell me what happened."

Carter glanced up at me and then away. "I didn't get that last job I applied for. Do you know how many I went to, interviewed for? And not one call back." He shook his head. "I finally had to face the reality that I can't stay here."

His words slurred and I sat beside him before I took his hand in mine. That's what was bothering him so much. I lifted his hand and brushed my lips against the back of it.

"I'm sure you'll find so-"

"No." He shook his head sharply. "I won't find anything and I can't wait around any more. This is it." He sucked in a shaky breath. "I'm talking to my mom tomorrow about moving back in with them. Pathetic, a man in his thirties moving back home," he muttered.

"Stop that." I grabbed his cheek and made him look at me. "Things happen in life that set you back and that's okay. But you don't have to do that to yourself." I frowned. "But moving back in with your family? Is that a good idea?"

"Probably not," he laughed. "I mean my mom and I made up, but it's in her nature to be critical of me. I know she'll go right back to driving me crazy once I can't get away."

No, I didn't like that at all. Carter was only starting to really recover again. If he went back home and they harped on him like they had before, things weren't going to go well. It was dangerous and I didn't like the idea of him suffering like that.

"Why don't you move in with me?" I blurted out. "Even if you didn't want to move into my room right away, I have the spare and you would be welcome to it."

Carter blinked at me. "Really? You would do that for me?"

"Of course," I said as I squeezed his hand. "I care about you, Carter. And I would love to have you with me."

He glanced away. "No. I'm sorry, but not yet."

"Why not?"

"You already see how crazy I am and you've been able to put up with it. But moving together this quickly?" He shook his head. "I don't want you to see so much you no longer want to be around me. I'd rather sit on the sidewalk in a box than make you hate me."

"That would never happen," I stressed as I moved up on the couch and looked at him more closely. "Carter, I know living together isn't easy, but we could do it. I don't want you going somewhere that's going to harm you mentally and physically."

He looked over at me and shrugged. "I don't have a choice," he whispered. "I'm going to Sunday dinner tomorrow to talk to them about it. If you want to support me, I'd like it if you came too."

I sighed. Ultimately, it was Carter's decision to make about living with me and he'd chosen not to. As much as that hurt, I wasn't going to leave him on his own tomorrow.

"Are you sure I'm invited after the last time?"

Carter nodded. "I'm sure."

"Yes, I'll go." I stood up and pulled him with me. "Now, let's get you some water, food, and get you into bed."

"Okay, Daddy." As I started to walk away, he stood still and I was pulled back. "Are you upset with me for not wanting to move in?"

I shook my head. "I am a little upset, but that's okay. You're entitled to your own choices and boundaries, sweet boy." I leaned over and kissed him. "And I respect your choice."

"Thank you," he whispered, but he didn’t move. “I’m sorry about what I said at Shine. That was manipulative and I saw that it hurt you.” He frowned up at me. “I didn’t mean it.”

“We all say things we don’t mean sometimes. But you apologized for it and I accept it. Now, let’s get you hydrated.”

I smiled at him before I took his hand and led him into the kitchen. Once I was able to get him a little sobered up, we could climb into bed together and cuddle. After the night we'd had, I was sure we both needed that.