Sultry Oblivion by Alexa Padgett



Over a weekend in late July, yet another interview with Aya’s father surfaced, this one including the tidbit that he’d tried to get full custody of her because of her mother’s “poor choices.” Aya spent the afternoon listless, as she’d been off and on since my comment about not wanting kids. I didn’t wish to discuss that with her again—not when we clearly had such different views—so I was at a loss as to how to fix things.

Instead, I focused on her father. With a little research, I figured out the perfect solution—to the troubles with her father, at least. I smiled as I placed the call to Hugh.

He sighed long and hard into the phone. “Are you sure you want to do this, man?”

“I don’t like bullies.”

“Not every situation is like the ones with Lord Prescott.”

“You’re right. Some people are worse. But yes, I’m sure. I need to make amends for screwing up.”

“I don’t think this is the best way—”

“I didn’t ask you that,” I said. “I just…I want her happy, man.”

“Fine,” Hugh grumbled. “But remember I said this was a terrible idea.”

“Gotta go.”

I hung up just as Aya entered the room. She hadn’t been at my place much, but I’d asked her over today so we could spend the afternoon and evening together—a quiet one, without Steve or my security in the house. Steve was out on a date, and Brandon had someone nearby, but we had the place to ourselves.

The guys and I had agreed to perform in some local shows soon, which would tie up nights, so I was trying to soak up all the time with her I could get.

She wore jeans that encased her trim thighs and tight ass to perfection. Her tank top was simple cotton, but that didn’t stop me from admiring the view. And damn, I loved the way she smelled. So clean—like sunlight. Her eyes brightened to almost blue, and her soft, pink lips turned up in a smile when she noted the kittens playing near my desk. I smiled back.

She plopped down in my lap, and I grunted a little as I shifted her off my hard, aching dick to my thigh. The kittens meowed and clawed at the legs of my jeans, begging for attention.

Typically, I sat on the floor with them in the smaller sitting room adjacent to the library, because they seemed to like the space. It was cozy and near the kitchen—their other favorite spot. I’d seen Steve slide them pieces of ham and replace their water with cream…when he thought no one was looking.

The guy was as much a softie as I was, but even less willing to show it. His unwillingness to bend those stiff walls was part of why I remained angry with him.

I set aside those concerns and focused on placing the kittens next to us, one by each hip, on the leather sofa. I petted their small heads as I stared into Aya’s brilliant eyes.

“What has you thinking so hard?” she asked.

“You and me, long term.” I bit the inside of my cheek, wondering if that was the right thing to say. Aya seemed less skittish, but part of me worried she’d always expect me to take back my emotions, my love, at any minute. That this was all just one big manipulation.

Trust eroded when you let someone down. I knew that better than most.

“And that made you smile?” She flicked at my lower lip.

“It did. I like long term with you.”

She narrowed her eyes. “That wasn’t all you were thinking about.”

Once again, Aya could read me better than anyone else. “I was thinking about Cam and Jenna and all they’ve had to overcome to be happy. I mean, he’s settled down, has a kid on the way. They’re so happy; it’s kind of disgusting.” But I was still smiling. “As Cam says, ‘happier than pigs in mud.’”

She giggled. “He says shit, I bet.”

I shook my head. “Mud, because Jenna might not mind getting dirty, but she always smells like a rose. Direct quote.”

Aya snuggled her head into my shoulder. “They’re so cute.”

I ran my hand down her long hair and petted her, much to the kittens’ yowling disappointment. “I want you to be happy like that, Ay.”

She looked up at me, those large eyes so filled with emotion. Most of it seemed like love, but fear still drifted in the background. I held her, trying not to let my discontent bleed through.

“I do, too.” She opened her mouth, then shut it.

I waited, but that oily feeling slid through my middle. “What?” I asked.

She dropped her gaze. “Will you…will you at least consider, maybe in the future, the possibility of a family?”

I could deny her nothing. “In the distant future,” I clarified.

Her eyes turned darker with frustration, but she nodded. “Distant future,” she parroted.

I hugged her to me, appreciating the concession. I could only hope my own feelings on the matter would temper themselves as well.

The kittens frisked at my sides, trying to climb my T-shirt. Aya scooped them both into her arms as she rose, rubbing their soft fur against her chin as she moved toward the sitting room. I had a delightful view of her round ass, and I watched it sway as she walked. She settled the kittens in their bed, pulling out a couple of their toys, which they tumbled over in adorable disregard for decorum, and then she beelined back toward me. This time, I watched those high, perfect tits bounce a little as she shut the door between the rooms.

She slid back onto my lap, her arms around my neck. I relaxed into the cushion, my hands on her hips, fingers molding to the taut globes of her buttocks.

“I like you here,” I said.

“I like being here. So much, Nash.”

My dick took notice as she bit my earlobe. I kept still, barely breathing, waiting to see what she’d do next. Her small, warm palm pressed against my cheek, and I turned my head.

She smoothed her lips over mine before she settled her mouth there, tongue dipping between my parted lips. My heart rate kicked up and my arms tightened around her of their own accord.

I turned her a little so her neck wouldn’t strain as she kissed me—and so I could palm her gorgeous ass. She moaned into my mouth when my hand slid down to her upper thigh. She pressed her breasts into my chest, her nipples pebbled hard against the soft cotton of her shirt and mine.

The kiss went on and on, each swipe of my tongue bringing forth a new flavor or texture I had to savor. Kissing Aya was more than foreplay; it was a sensual give-and-take unlike anything I’d ever experienced.

Her lips quivered against mine when I slid my hand from her thigh, under her top, and up her rib cage. She opened her mouth wide, moaning, tipping her head back harder into my supporting hand when I plucked at her taut nipple. She pressed tighter into my lap as I used the heel of my hand to swirl her areola.

“I like that,” she moaned against my lips.

“I can tell,” I said. Humor trickled through me, but it was vastly outweighed by the heavy hit of lust.

When Aya arched her back, pressing her breasts against my palm, my erection firmed, and I was desperate for her to grind down onto it, giving me the friction I craved.

“Ay, this is getting so hot.”

“Yes,” she murmured, going back to sucking on my earlobe.

“I promised you…”

“That you’d love me.”

“I do.”

She pulled back and her eyes burned. “Prove it.”

I loved every single second of her goading me. I pinched and plucked at her nipple again as I placed soft, open-mouth kisses against her pulse at her throat. She shifted, restless in my lap, but I wasn’t going to give her a hard fuck.

Aya deserved more. She needed it slow, deep—so deep she didn’t know where she ended and I began. And then, when she’d lost her mind to the pleasure I could give her, I’d pound her body so hard, she would never forget I’d been there.

Best fucking plan I’d ever created.

Executing proved harder than expected, though, because Aya had her own ideas.