Sultry Oblivion by Alexa Padgett



I’d missed the profound pleasure I found in Nash’s arms, and though I understood we still had work to do, I wanted to connect with him on this physical level. This seemed a way we could move forward—a way we’d always understood each other. I couldn’t stand being so separate from him any longer.

I scooted back on his lap, toward his knees, making sure to grind down hard as I shifted. Nash’s eyes flared wide, those storms turning hazy. My hands slid down his pecs, flattening over those impossible abdominals to his tight hips. I grasped the edges of his T-shirt and yanked the material over his head. He sputtered, spitting out the cotton that must have gotten caught in his mouth.

I giggled even as I leaned forward, my lips taking the same path my hands had moments before. Once I reached his navel, I slid to the floor and moved my hands to the button of his jeans.

But then came his voice. “Ah, ah, ah, love. I have some unfinished business.”

He scooped me up and settled me back on the wide leather sofa. The way he whipped off my jeans and panties led me to believe he wasn’t quite as in control of himself as his voice suggested.

He dipped his head and buried his cheeks between my thighs, licking at the crease where thigh met buttock. He nipped the skin there before soothing it with his tongue. I expected him to move to the other side, but he used his hands just above my knees to pry my legs farther apart and kissed me—full-on tongue to my folds.

I arched my back, shocked by the contact even as my body tried to force my lower lips against his gentle ministrations. I moaned. He kissed me deeper, parting my wet flesh with his tongue and delving deep inside me.

My thighs shook, and I tried to tighten them around his head, but he kept just enough pressure to keep my legs open—my body open—to his will.

And he willed to love me deep and soft, which he proved over the next few minutes. I tried to twist, unsure if I wanted to move from or get closer to his nips, sucks, and licks.

He met my gaze before he thrust his tongue inside me one more time.

I combusted around him. My gasps and screams echoed around the space as my belly and thighs convulsed. I softened, finally relaxing on the couch, still trying to catch my breath.

Nash pressed a soft kiss to the fleshy part of my thigh before he crawled up my body. I continued to tremble through the aftershocks as he pulled me tight into his arms. I rested my head against his chest, unsurprised to feel the raging staccato of his heart.

“I’m ready,” I said.

He pulled back, studying my face before a slow, totally masculine, pleasure smile lifted his lips. “Mmm… I like you ready for me.”

My body glowed with the warmth of residual pleasure…until he pulled back farther. “Nash—”

“Oh, I want you, Ay.” He pressed my hand to the bulge—the large, hard bulge that caused my core to clench delightfully. “But…are you sure? About us?” He looked pained. “Because this is more than getting off. This is me showing you just how much I love you. It…it’s going to tether me to you more tightly.”

His words warmed me. I placed my hands on his cheeks, and he nuzzled into my palm, kissing it.

“I want to be as connected to you as I can,” I said around the emotion building in my throat. “You own this,” I placed his hand over my heart.

His palm encompassed my entire breast. My lack of breast size used to make me self-conscious, but Nash’s appreciative looks, his half-lidded gaze when he licked my nipples, made it clear he was attracted to my body.

“Now, I want you inside me, making my body yours, too,” I whispered.

He gently squeezed my breast, causing my back to arch. His smile turned darker, more seductive.

“If you’re sure…” he began.

I brought his head down, my palm on his nape, my teeth nipping at his lip. “So sure.”

He moaned before he sat back enough to help me remove my top and then stood, toeing out of his boots while unbuttoning his pants. He slid the jeans and underwear off his hips in one smooth motion and stepped casually from the garments. He bent, pulled out his wallet, and found a condom. I watched him, licking my lips as he rolled the latex down his length. When he got to the base, he gave it a good squeeze, and I gasped, my thighs clenching at the sight of Nash in his own hand.

“You sure about this, Ay?”

“Definitely.” I opened my arms to him, and he settled over me. I spread my thighs, and he slipped between them. He cupped my cheeks in his big palms and surged upward, into me. I blew out a long, slow breath at the thick slide of him rooting inside me.

Nash’s eyes widened, the storms gone, replaced by wonder. He pulled back a little, so I tilted my hips, trying to capture all of him. He grinned down at me. I tugged his head toward mine, kissing him because he seemed reluctant to let me taste myself on his lips.

But I wanted that—I wanted everything with him.

I made sure to kiss him long, slow, and deep, savoring the nuances of how our flavors melded. And as he settled against and over me, I used my inner muscles to squeeze him tight.

He pulled back just enough to speak. “Driving me crazy.”

“Good. I want you wild.”

“Hell, Ay…” He groaned.

And then he was moving, and it wasn’t soft. He let me know he was there, deep inside me, that he owned me.

And I lost myself to the pounding of his body into and against mine, just as I lost myself in his beautiful, clear eyes. He hovered over me, watchful, intense.

We peaked together—him with a muffled shout, me with an open-mouthed, silent gasp.

He collapsed on top of me, his cheek to my shoulder, his lips to my neck, his arms cradling me like I was the most precious thing there was.