It Started with a Snap by Piper James

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Being alone in my apartment felt…off. It was ridiculous, because I really valued my independence and privacy. I would’ve been the first to tell you that I didn’t need a man to make me happy. I didn’t need a man for anything—except for the occasional orgasm.

Shit, maybe that was it. Ethan Perry had given me more orgasms in the last week than I usually got in six months…self-induced ones, included. He was like a drug, my own personal brand of heroin, where after one taste, I was completely hooked and begging for more.

And now, he was my boyfriend.

I’d been trying all morning to wrap my head around it, but nothing made sense. But at the same time, everything made sense.

I never formed romantic relationships, yet I dove into this one headfirst with a jetpack strapped to my back.

With Ethan fucking Perry, of all people.

I fell back against my bed, hugging a pillow to my chest. Everything about him was so unexpected. Sure, he was as responsible and level-headed as I’d suspected, but he had this other side I never saw coming. He was sweet and attentive, giving me everything I needed before I even knew I needed it.

And that singing voice…Jesus Christ. I made a mistake, letting him know how deeply it affected me. If I ever got mad at him, I was sure he’d use it to his advantage. I couldn’t see myself ever being able to resist it.

“Fuck, this is weird,” I mumbled, rolling over onto my stomach and grabbing my phone from the nightstand after it chimed a notification.

When have I ever laid in bed, daydreaming about a man? Not since my favorite vampire show aired, and all I could think about was a certain British actor with dimpled cheeks and a hypnotic stare.

Seeing a text from Sage, I tapped the icon to read it.

Sage: Brunch at my place in an hour. I have news.

Oh, good. Getting out to see my friends would be good for me. And it would prove that I could still function as an adult without Ethan by my side…even if I was missing him like crazy. He was at Sunday breakfast with his brothers, a tradition they’d created a few months ago.

God, I’d just seen him an hour ago when I left his bed. I was annoying myself at this point. This brunch invitation couldn’t have come at a better time.

Me: I’ll be there. What’s the news?

Sage: Nope. See you in an hour.

Me: Boo. You suck.

Sage: Love you, too. Get your ass over here.

Sage: I have bagels and cream cheese.

Me: See you in 45.

I forced thoughts of Ethan from my head as I hopped into the shower. It was difficult, especially being naked and soapy and—

Stop it, Ember.

Fuck, he really was an addiction. I just hoped he wasn’t one I was going to have to break any time soon.

* * *

“I’m engaged!”

Sage shouted the words as soon as Belle, Dakota, and I were seated at her table, smearing cream cheese on cinnamon raisin bagels and drinking coffee and mimosas. I had to go to work in a couple of hours since the boutique was open from one to five on Sundays, so I skipped the alcohol and just poured orange juice into my champagne flute.

“What?” Belle squealed, bouncing in her chair as Sage pulled her left hand from beneath the tablecloth to show off a large round diamond surrounded by sapphires.

Dakota grabbed Sage’s fingers, yanked her hand closer so she could inspect the engagement ring. Sage waggled her fingers as Dakota let out a string of oohs and ahhs.

When Sage held her hand toward me so I could get a better look, I stayed true to form, saying, “Wow, that’s huge. Are you sure it’s real?”

“Shut up, bitch,” Sage said, shoving at my shoulder as I laughed.

“Seriously though,” I said, sobering. “It’s magnificent, Sage. I’m so happy for you.”

And I was. She deserved every bit of the happiness Chase gave her. They’d been living together for about nine months, they were deliriously happy, and Sage was the perfect stepmom to Chase’s son, Daniel. It had only been a matter of time until he proposed.

“Give us the details,” Belle begged, taking a long drink of her mimosa. “Don’t leave anything out.”

“Well, it was nothing like Noah’s proposal,” Sage said, winking at Dakota. “But for me, it was perfect.”

I busied myself taking a big bite of my bagel. I didn’t want to think about Dakota’s proposal video and how it had made me feel while I was watching it. That little cryfest was something I’d never admit to anyone.

“Chase had been carrying it around in his pocket for weeks. He wanted his proposal to be spontaneous, just another precious moment to add to the ones we experienced together every single day. His words, not mine.”

“That’s so sweet,” Dakota said.

“He really does know you,” Belle added.

“He really does,” Sage said, laughing. “He was making me watch The Karate Kid for the twelve-thousandth time, hoping I’d somehow change my mind and love it as much as he does. I was talking trash about the main character and his shitty attitude, and his response was, ‘God, I love you. Will you marry me?’”

“Oh, my God,” I said laughing.

“Right?” she replied. “I turned to shove him, thinking he was joking, and he was holding the ring box in his hand. I almost blacked out from the shock.”

“There’s something to be said for the spur-of-the-moment, I can’t waste another second not wifeing this woman up proposal,” Dakota said, a dreamy look on her face.

“I agree,” Sage said, lifting her mimosa glass to clink it against Dakota’s.

The table fell silent then, like there was a giant pink elephant in the room…and that elephant was me. Belle was married, Dakota and Sage were engaged, and I was…what? Alone forever? Well, not technically alone. They knew I was sleeping with Ethan, but they thought it was casual and temporary. I didn’t know how temporary it would be, but it definitely wasn’t casual. Not after last night.

“Oh, come on, guys,” I finally said, breaking the silence. “You know I have no interest in getting engaged. You don’t have to feel weird celebrating just because I’m the last woman standing.”

“Right,” Belle said, clearing her throat and smiling. “Ember doesn’t do relationships.”

I kept my expression neutral, but my eye must’ve twitched or something, because Belle’s gaze widened. She tilted her head to study me, and I dropped my head to look at my half-eaten bagel.

“Uh-oh,” Dakota said. “Someone’s not telling us everything.”

I looked back up, and she waggled her fucking eyebrows because she knew I’d been spending a shit-ton of time with Ethan, in and out of his bed. I narrowed my eyes at her, and she blew me a kiss.

“Ember,” Sage said firmly, and I turned my gaze to meet hers. “What’s going on?”

“Ugh. God, you guys are so annoying,” I said, but I didn’t mean a word of it because I was dying to tell them. But I still had my image to protect. “It’s no big deal. Ethan and I have been having a lot of fun together, and well, we’re dating now. Exclusively.”

There was a moment of silence as the others stared at me with their mouths hanging open. Then simultaneously, as if right on cue, they started to scream. I plugged my ears, feeling my face heat with embarrassment. Even though I wanted to tell them and expected this ridiculous, over-the-top reaction, it still made me blush.

“You have a boyfriend!” Belle shouted, laughing.

“Ember Moore went and let herself get tied down. Classic,” Sage added, clapping her hands together like a damn kindergartner.

“I deserve at least partial credit for this development,” Dakota announced, holding up a palm. “I’m the one who reminded her who she is when she was secretly pining over him.”

“I never pined,” I argued, but no one heard me or cared.

They were too happy. For me. For Ethan. For themselves.

Their happiness was contagious, and I found myself smiling so big, my cheeks hurt. Lifting my glass of juice into the air, I made my own toast.

“To the Perry brothers, for coming into our lives and making us the happiest, most satisfied women in Red River.”

Because, hey, I was still me. It wouldn’t be an Ember-toast if it wasn’t at least somewhat suggestive.

“Here, here,” Dakota cheered as we all clinked glasses.

“Tell us everything,” Sage demanded with a grin.

“Where should I start?” I asked. “Oh, I know. Let me tell you about his singing voice…”