A Secret to Shatter by Katie O’Connor

Chapter Thirty-Three

Four short, hectic weeks later, on October 16th, Honey stared into the full-length mirror in Robert and Sue’s guest bedroom. She couldn’t believe what she saw. She spun around to see the back of her wedding dress. Floor length, it had no train. The heart shaped bodice was form fitting to the waist. It flared widely in lush layers of chiffon floating around her like a feathery bell. The sleeves were long and fitted with flaring lace around her wrists. Tiny pale pink flowers, so light they were almost invisible, decorated the bodice and the fluttery hemline. A wide silk ribbon in the same shade wrapped her waist and tied in a neat bow with tails which flowed almost to the floor. The dress was a childhood dream come true.

She’d left her multiple bracelets at home. She wore only her anklet of bells, tiny silver heart earrings and a white gold heart necklace which Ira had given her the day after he proposed. They’d gone to the store together to choose her ring. She smiled down at the simple band with its small diamond. Ira wanted something flashier, but she wanted this one. Pretty, elegant, not too flashy, it was a ring she could wear every day, even to work.

She spun around in a circle and a half, watching her skirt float as she turned. This was the perfect day. Happiness flooded her heart and shone from her eyes and in her flushed cheeks.

“Ready for the final pin up?” Lacy asked, coming into the bedroom after a quick knock.

“You bet. Let’s do this. I can’t wait to get married.”

Lacy slipped a long smock over Honey’s shoulders to protect her gown. With a few quick twists and clips, she had Honey’s hair piled high on her head in an elegant bun with a cascade of spiral curls flowing down her back. She pinned three pale pink camellia flowers into the base of the bun and declared Honey ready.

“You’re beautiful. You’ll stop his heart for sure. I’m so happy for you both.”

“Me too,” said Candice slipping into the room.

Honey studied her friends. Each had shadows in their eyes. They were honestly happy for her, but perhaps a bit jealous as well. She chose not to fret. She’d learned that love found you when you were least expecting it. Their turn was coming.

A brisk knock drew her attention to the door. “Are you decent?” Robert called out.

“I am. Come in.”

Robert and Sue stepped into the room. Sue sighed and clasped her hands together. “You look lovely.”

Robert cleared his throat. “Welcome to the family.” He kissed her lightly on the cheek. “This family is growing in leaps and bounds.” He chuckled. “First Tricia and Daisy. Then Hannah came home. Amy and Casey joined us next. Then my son Ira. Now you. Sue and I couldn’t be happier.”

“I’m honored to be part of your family. Thank you for agreeing to walk me down the aisle.”

“My pleasure, dear. My pleasure. Are you ready?” He smiled and offered his arm. “The crowd is getting restless.”

“I’m ready.” She was ready. Every molecule of her heart, soul, and mind was ready to marry Ira. She turned to her friends. “You ready?”

“We are,” Candice declared.

“Beth’s waiting in the kitchen.”

Faster than she thought it could happen, she was standing in the kitchen looking out into the yard. Rows of white folding chairs had been set up with an aisle between them leading to a white tent decorated in pink flowers of all shades. It was beautiful and elegant. She grabbed a mental snapshot, not wanting to forget a single moment of this day.

Robert and Sue slipped outside and into chairs reserved for them at the front of the aisle. Cameron stepped to Honey’s side just inside the doorway leading to the yard. “I’m honored that you asked me to lead you down the aisle,” he whispered as the photographer grabbed a few shots of them before stepping stepped outside to photograph the crowd and the ceremony. The videographer was already set up.

“You’ve been like a father to me, how could I not ask. Thank you for coming.” The words were inadequate, but her focus was on her upcoming vows. She’d thank him properly later.

She peeked outside. Far ahead, at the end of the aisle, Ira waited beside his brothers, a nervous frown on his face. Nobody would agree to be left out of the wedding party, despite Honey only have three bridesmaids. Instead, all of the Flint sons stood waiting beside Ira.

They were a handsome lot. Strong and good looking in their suits and ties. None of them compared to Ira, the man who had crept in and stolen her heart.

Clair de Lune by Claude Debussy started to play. Sue stepped forward and urged Daisy and Jane to head down the carpeted aisle. Holding hands, they skipped up the aisle without regard for the music, tossing flower petals far and wide, making the audience chuckle.

Beth in her knee length pink dress was next. Candice followed in a longer dress in the same color. Finally, Lacy in a shorter version of Beth’s dress.

Honey sighed happily. Her three best friends were walking her toward the man of her dreams. Life didn’t get much better.

Now, if they’d just hurry up so she could become Ira’s wife, life would be perfect.

As her bridesmaids took their positions, the music changed to Wagner’s Bridal Chorus. Honey and Cameron stepped forward into the yard.

The slight frown on Ira’s face morphed into a beaming smile when he saw Honey.

She hurried forward, eager for the wedding to begin. Cameron chuckled and with a quick grin at each other, they sprinted the rest of the way.

Breathless, she smiled at Ira.

“In a hurry, are you?” he whispered, taking her hands in his.

“You better believe it. I’m not giving you a chance to change your mind.”

“Oh, Honey. That’s not going to happen, not now, not ever. You stole my heart at first sight, and again when we shattered the secrets between us. You’re not getting away from me ever.”

The minister cleared his throat. “If you two are done with your secret lovey-dovey chit chat, we’ll get started.”

The crowd laughed again and he began, “Dearly beloved…”

* * *

Thank you for choosing to read Honey and Ira’s story. I hope you enjoyed it.

There are more Flint family stories to read.

You don’t want to miss Clare and Zane’s story. Coming November 2021

Curious about Carl Flint’s friend, Mark Sterling and his life in Haven, Alberta? Check out Saving Grace and find out all about love and life in a small mountain town.
