A Lock Of Death by Beena Khan


Before we left, Dimitri used the logs of the fireplace to burn the place down in true Dimitri Nikolaev style. I guess that side of his was never going away.

The ride was quiet as we returned home.

I didn’t cry on the ride, nor did I look at him.

I simply stared ahead.

I had taken a life today.

Maybe that made me cruel.

I wondered what would have happened that evening when Alexander had found me, and he had returned me to my father?

Would my father have sold me again?

Dimitri pulled into his white mansion with gilded red gates, jostling me out of my morbid thoughts. He headed toward the garage, but he didn’t enter it. He stood outside the entrance.

Exiting the car, he slammed the door behind him.

I looked up after a second and stepped outside.

Dimitri waved a hand to the several bodyguards around the area to leave. I turned my back to him and headed in the direction of the mansion, but a hand grabbed my braid. The cold wind cut into my skin as I glanced behind me.

The sight of me left me baffled.

He was smiling.

Dimitri Nikolaev grinned at me.

Maybe, I was traumatized.

I hoped I wasn’t hallucinating.

He looked so different.

His eyes twinkled and softened. My pulse jumped to my throat, and my heart raced so fast. I’d only seen him smile like that once at the motel room weeks ago.

I blinked rapidly, wondering if I was in some kind of dream.

Shaking my head, I asked, “You are smiling again?”

He tilted his head and gave a boyish shrug.

“You make me smile,” he murmured.

My heart thudded inside my chest.

Before I could say anything, he pulled me toward him.

My lips parted and my hands slammed against his chest.

I blinked a couple of times.

“Yes, how can I help you, Sir?”

I didn’t know why the snarky side of me had slipped out.

He gave a knowing look. “You think I’m going to let you go inside the house?” he whispered.

Puzzled, I glared at him. “Why not?” I whined.

He reached behind and dropped his leather jacket on the ground. Startled, I glanced down, and he reached forward and yanked my wool coat off me. My teeth clattered when the chilly air hit my bare arms. I wore another one of my sequin dresses. A strappy dress today. I thought I would wear a nicer one to meet my father today. Sadly, I never had a chance to reveal it.

It wasn’t gold today.

Blue. I wore blue.

I arched an eyebrow. “You are up to no good.”

I turned around to leave, but he grabbed my braid and pulled me back to him.

“Blue,” I whispered when my back landed against his chest.

“You killed someone today,” he replied against my neck.

His breaths tickled me, and I squirmed against him.

I should be crying about the kill, but my face remained dry.

“You fucking killed someone,” he declared again, his voice laced in disbelief.

Maybe he’d lost his sanity like me.

“With your damn hair.”

He sounded impressed and proud.

Did I hear him right?

I peeked a glance at him and almost cowered back.

He no longer smiled at me.

Stormy eyes had returned.

“I always thought you were a nut case.”

Oh, God. Did he want to get punched by me today?

He turned me around and pushed me toward the hood of the car. I gasped and fell back, my elbows resting against it.

“I should be gentle with you today after what you have done,” he spoke, his low voice deepening and being carried out by the wind. “The first kill is always the hardest… but you look unaffected, so I won’t have any mercy on you tonight.”

I choked out a gasp, and my surprised eyes met his.

In the next second, he pulled his shirt off and dropped it on the ground. I bit down on my lower lip and Dimitri moved toward me.

“When did you learn to talk so much?” I asked softly.

He tilted his head. “I still hate talking. Don’t remind me.”

A laugh erupted from my throat.

His pupils dilated once again.

“You like it… so I try for you, Goldie,” he finished.

I stopped laughing, my breath caught in my throat.

He’d never told me that before.

My eyes softened and my gaze dropped down to his lips.

We’d never kissed before.

That was one thing I was always afraid to ask him.

Maybe he didn’t like kissing.

I didn’t want to push him, so I never asked.

I averted my eyes and stared at the ground.

“How did someone like me… meet someone like you?” I whispered with an ache.

Dimitri leaned closer until he was in front of me, his arms resting on either side of the hood of the car, caging me in.

My eyebrows creased as I met his intense gaze.

His eyes were no longer dry like the first time I’d met him.

They filled with emotion now.

So beautiful.

“Fairytales have never existed for me until I met you. I feel one day, I just might wake up and you won’t be there. You’ll disappear, and I’ll be lonely… all over again.”

Dimitri leaned down and nipped at my jawline, leaving kisses there. I squirmed like a kitten underneath his touch.

“You see me,” I whispered. “People have looked at me, but no one has ever seen me.” He paused and his wild eyes met mine. “No one has ever looked at me the way you do like you just don’t want my body. You want everything.”

He lifted me by my hips before he planted me on the hood of his car. Reaching underneath my dress, he yanked my panties to my feet before pulling them off completely. A tiny yelp left my lips and his eyes returned to my face. His hands moved toward my dress straps, pulling them down to my ribs.

My breath hitched, and goosebumps pebbled against my body as the windy air cut through my skin. My glittery eyes looked up, but his gaze was focused on my bra.

Reaching his hand forward, he ripped it down the middle with astonishing strength. I gasped in surprise. Dumbfounded, I could only stare as he pushed it down my shoulders.

His large cold hands captured my warm breasts, sending bolts of shivers down my spine. I sighed when he leaned in, and his warm mouth sucked them crudely.

They were already sore from his usual harsh sucking, and this brute always made them worse. His marks were everywhere on me. Sometimes, in the morning, I couldn’t even get up.

I squirmed against him, but his mouth only pulled my nipple deeper into his mouth. His teeth grazed them one by one before trailing kisses down to my navel. My elbows jerked back and landed on the hood of the car.

He inserted his tongue into my belly button, licking my piercing, and I moaned as electricity vibrated to my core. His eyes met mine again, and my breath hitched at the way he looked at me like I was the most magnificent thing in the world.

Reaching a hand to his pants, he unbuttoned them and pulled his shaft out. I was still staring at it when his thumb and forefinger reached up and tilted my chin, meeting his gaze again.

Locking himself to me, he slammed into me in a thrust.

I whimpered against him and collapsed onto the hood. His hips moved against mine as he stood over me, claiming me, marking me as his forever. His thrusts became violent and ruthless and other times, he slowed down and gave gentle thrusts, making me crave him even more.

I never had someone make love to me before.

I never had someone screwed my brains out and make love to me at the same time.

Dimitri and Blue came and went, flashing right before my eyes until they became one. His mouth lowered to my breasts, lapping against my hard nipples again.

I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him closer as he slammed into me again.

“You’re my entire universe, you know that, right?” he murmured. Thrust. “My whole universe can’t move on without you.” Thrust. “You have no idea.”

I shattered before him, and he watched my expressions the entire time, those eyes never leaving my face.

A few seconds later, he released inside of me.

I sighed blissfully, closing my eyes for a few seconds. I breathed, content filling my heart. I could sense him still eyeing me, so I peeked open an eye. A tremor ran down my body.

With a sigh, I lifted myself upright.

“Dimitri,” I whispered, choosing to say his real name.

He tilted his head at me, waiting for me to finish.

“You’ll always stay with me too, right?”

His eyes narrowed.

I was afraid of losing him too, the same way he might be for me. I remembered that ache in his voice when he’d asked me if I would ever leave him.

“You’re all I have,” my voice cracked and my eyes watered. “If I have you, I have myself. I have everything. I never had someone of my own. You’re all I want, and I don’t know what I’ll do if you’re not here. If I don’t have you, I’ll die without you.”

I hated how my voice came out so small.

His hard eyes softened, and he leaned in and gave me a kiss against my forehead.

“I will never leave your side,” Dimitri promised.

I closed my eyes as his mouth roamed down my face and over my cheeks, leaving kisses.

“As long as I am alive, I will always be here with you, fighting for you, every step of the way. No one can touch you anymore. Those that have harmed you are no longer alive.”

I shivered at the brutality in his voice.

“It all ends here. Whatever you face, I’ll face it with you. Every night that you have a nightmare, I’ll be there to hold you in my arms. I’ll creep into your nightmares and blaze every fucker, and you know how much I like burning very much.”

My watery eyes brightened, and I laughed.

“You will never be alone or lonely ever again. I may not have a moral conscience, but I always keep my promises. For you, I would keep my word always. It won’t be easy being with me. I might get ugly at times, but I promise I’ll always be here, devoted to you with every breath that I breathe.”

I blinked back tears.

“You know,” he continued, his oceanic eyes lighting up. “Dimitri means follower. When I grew up under my brother’s rule, I didn’t like being one, but then I met you… I’ll follow you as your shadow to the end of this world.”

He left more kisses on my forehead and I hummed.

“You will never be a weakness to me,” he said, amusement filling his voice. “Radost' moya. You’re my joy and my sun. You’re my yellow, Goldie.”

Every part of my face had been kissed by him except my lips.

Moya,” he promised.

I snapped my eyes open and met his radiant oceanic eyes.

“You’re mine and I look after what’s mine.”

I gave him a heartbreaking smile.

“I don’t know what love is. I’ve never felt it, but there is something in here,” Dimitri said pointing to his heart, “And if this is love, I’ll own it and say I love you, Zara. Moya dusha. I don’t need a soul when you’re my soul.”

Tears prickled my eyes.

“I love you too,” I whispered, “I love you so much.”

His eyes darkened. “I’ll keep your name safe with me forever, milaya moyna. My sweet. Radost. My sunshine.”

His heated eyes dropped to my lips.

“I’ve never kissed someone before,” he admitted in a voice so low. “But I want to kiss… you.”

Wait, what? I stared at him, open-mouthed.

“You haven’t—"

I never finished the sentence because his lips fell on mine, shutting me up.

Time stilled as my lips met his soft, full ones.

I closed my eyes and wrapped my palms around the back of his neck and pushed my mouth closer to him, tasting him for the first time. He tasted delicious with a hint of mint.

I sighed against his warm mouth as we connected. Riots exploded as we became one. I was so complete with him.

He didn’t take away from me. He added to my very being.

The frequent gusts of wind undid my hair, ruffling my braid. He moved his mouth over mine, again and again, wrapping his hands around my waist. He bit down on my lower lip, and I groaned against him. Our mouths swirling against each other, commanding for control, battling one another.

His mouth was my new drug.

Ever since that night when we’d truly touched for the first time, I stopped relying on molly. I still did it sometimes, but he was there for me through the pain. I wasn’t alone in the night anymore. I stopped being lonely ever since he entered my life.

I sucked his bottom lip and gave it a sharp nip.

He growled against my mouth, the sound vibrating, and his kiss turned fierce. He consumed me, licking and devouring my swollen lips giving one bruising kiss after another. The stubble on his face rubbed against my soft cheeks.

Our souls and heartbeats synchronized with each other.

Heart to heart.

Skin to skin.

We breathed in each other’s air, each other’s breaths until they became the same. It sent a quiver down my spine as he let himself unravel before me. Our lips intertwined like two stems of roses. Pure heat. Pure bliss.

The firecracker of the kiss continued and Dimitri bit down my lower lip again, causing me to groan into his mouth.

He didn’t kiss me like I was his first kiss.

He kissed me like I was the last he would ever have.

His hand tangled in my hair through the depths of it when his lips moved away from me.

“These locks will be the death of me,” he declared.

I laughed and my hazy eyes shone down on him.

“Blue,” I whispered after a moment. “Do you want a baby?”

His eyes shot up at me before widening in realization.

My cheeks flamed. I blushed like a schoolgirl.

This man could still make me blush even when I had just killed someone hours ago.

It would hit me later, probably, and I knew he would be there with me through the darkness.

“We’re going to have a baby,” I continued.

I had tested positive for a pregnancy test this morning.

The blue in his eyes brightened, sparkling like stars themselves. “What do you want to name the child?”

My eyes twinkled, and his breath hitched.

“Baby Blue,” I joked.

He threw his head back and his laughter thundered through the dark winter night. My smile froze as I just simply stared at the Russian man before me. He was so beautiful and so mine.

I pulled my dress back up and laid on the hood, blissful as I stared up at the dark velvety night.

The stars were so much clearer and brighter here than the city, and I could see everything.

A moment later, he joined me and laid against the hood too.

I turned to him and smiled.

I hadn’t expected that.

His pants were back on at least.

Dimitri Nikolaev held my gaze.

I didn’t have to look up at the night anymore because every time I looked into those oceanic eyes of his, they were the stars and the sky themselves.

We stayed there on top of his car, on his hood, together.

I always watched the night from the tower, lonesome with loneliness in my heart.

I’d been a loner my whole life until I met another lone wolf.

I wasn’t alone anymore, and my heart was full of him.

There was someone right beside me, watching the night with me.