Hold Onto the Stars by Tracy Broemmer

Chapter 12

Peyton hopedthe pizza night was the beginning of something for them. He was careful not to push for too much, even though he would have been happy forgoing the pizza and just kissing CJ the rest of the evening. They talked and laughed a lot, but the conversation did take a few serious turns, the heaviest being when CJ shared that she’d lost her mother to stomach cancer when she was seven.

CJ liked his pizza. She insisted on helping him clean up the kitchen, even though she had to be exhausted and ready to get home. When she left late in the evening, fingers of pink and purple sunshine stretched far and wide in the sky. Peyton walked her out, not because it was getting dark, and he worried about her making her way down the driveway, but because he didn’t want to say goodbye.

At her truck, they stood a modest distance apart, mindful of the neighbors who might be watching, although Peyton wasn’t sure he cared what they thought. He would call Violet, though, and talk to her. It was one thing to decide there was no chemistry on a date and therefore not want to go out again, but it was something totally different to move on and start dating that person’s best friend. Peyton didn’t believe for a second that Violet had feelings for him, but he wanted friendship with her, and respect was a good place to start.

He tucked his hands in his pockets when CJ pulled her door open and climbed into her truck. She had called it quits after two beers, so she was fine to drive. By the same token, since she had quit after two beers, he wondered about the sparkle in her eyes and hoped it was because she liked the way things had gone tonight, and then he decided he might be crazy.

“So. Tomorrow?” He tipped his head and arched his brows.

“Are you asking if I’ll sleep with you tomorrow?”

Peyton chuckled softly and stepped closer to her open window.

“No. I’m asking if you want to get dinner tomorrow.”

Peyton held his breath and stared back boldly when CJ studied his face.


“The Rox?”

“Sounds good.” She nodded.

“Do I need to wear protective armor?”

“I’m not sure what you’re suggesting, Peyton Quinn.” That throaty laugh warmed his belly and deep into his groin.

“I like how you think, but I meant is someone going to come after me because of Violet?”

“There’ll be talk,” she assured him. “But it won’t last long.”

“I can handle a little talk,” he promised. “Can I pick you up?”

“Yes.” She drummed her fingers on the steering wheel and pursed her lips. “I, um…I live with my dad. And I know that makes me sound like a loser.”

“Why does that make you sound like a loser?”

“I’m thirty years old, living with my dad.”

“When did you turn thirty?”


“June. I’m dating an older woman.” He wagged his eyebrows at her, happy when she laughed at him and rolled her eyes.

“Anyway.” She licked her lips and took a deep breath. “It’s a duplex. Dad’s on the east, and I’m on the west side.”

He nodded and stepped a few inches closer to the truck.

“CJ? Stop trying to find reasons for me to not want to be with you.”

“That’s not what I’m doing—”

“It is,” he argued, “and it’s not going to work.”

He waited for her next reason, her next excuse for things not working out for them, but CJ only nibbled on her lip. Something he desperately wanted and needed to do for her. To hell with it, he decided, and leaned into the open window to kiss her.

“Peyton!” Her breathless squeal threw his head and heart on a mental journey to a horizontal surface, and his hands twitched with the need to make her say his name like that again.

“Hmm?” He pulled back and grinned at her.

“You didn’t ask me that time.”

“Sorry,” he whispered and then added, “not sorry.”

“Someone needs to at least tell Violet—”

“You kissed me back, just saying.” He straightened and stood outside the truck innocently, hands still in his pockets. “And I’ll talk to Violet.”

“Her ex was pretty bad.”

“I heard.” He nodded.

“See? People talk.”

He leaned in through her window again with a small smile. “We could really give them something to talk about.”

“I gotta go.” She started the truck but made no move to put it in gear.

“And I don’t do gossip, Crosby. Leslie told me about Violet’s ex when she set up our date.”

“Do you just absolutely love Leslie?” CJ lifted her hand from the wheel and reached as if to touch him. But she apparently thought better of it and let her hand fall to her lap.

“She’s the best,” he agreed.

“And Jonathon.”

“More competition, Everhart? Really?”

“He’s married.”

“Yeah, well, you keep telling me how hot other guys are. You’re killing me.”

Peyton jumped back from the truck when CJ suddenly swung the door open and jumped out.

“What’re you—?”

She moved closer, reached to cup her hand around the back of his head, and drew him down to kiss him. Stunned by her bold move, it took Peyton half a second to respond, but when he did, he held her tight. Hands appropriately placed on her hips, he dug his fingers in and sunk into her hot, silken mouth.

“There.” She patted his chest as she backed up. “Something to talk about, right?”

Peyton gaped at her as she climbed back into the truck, dropped it into gear, and pulled away from the curb. She shot him a sly smile and a wave and left him standing there with his heart in his throat and his cock like a rocket ready to launch.