Hold Onto the Stars by Tracy Broemmer

Chapter 11

CJ blinked,a little bit surprised by Peyton’s question just because it felt flirty. And they had cleared that up earlier when she suggested he go out with Violet again. Right? No more flirting; she wasn’t interested in him that way, and Violet would be a much better match for him.

Except she was interested in him, and she wanted to flirt back. Even though she was playing with fire.

“Of course, I did,” she answered with a small grin. “God, he was hot.”

“Good in bed?”

“No.” She laughed. “Can’t have everything, I guess.”

Peyton’s roar of laughter shot a jolt of awareness down through her belly. CJ popped a cracker in her mouth and chewed slowly. Best to keep her thoughts to herself.

“You don’t think a guy can be the whole package?”

Eyes locked with his, CJ pressed her lips together and offered him a tiny shrug. “He wasn’t.”

Peyton nodded. “What about Texas?”


“You said you went to Texas with Violet. What did you do there? Another beach?”

“Actually, no. We stayed in Dallas. Fort Worth. Did some cowboy stuff. Museums.”

“Texas School Book Depository?”

“Yep. I like history.”

“Is that what you studied in college?”

“Didn’t go,” she said quietly, and because it had become a bit of a sore spot for her, she continued, “I grew up around my dad. Spent most of my time with him. I started learning the job, learning about electricity when I was, maybe, twelve. I never considered doing anything else.”

“He didn’t want you to go to college?”

“No.” She sighed. “He was fine with me working for him. I did my apprenticeship. I’m a licensed electrician.” She shrugged. “And Dad’s getting older. Ready to retire.”

“Will you take over the business?”

“Wouldn’t I be silly not to? He’s established. Successful. People know and trust us.”

“True, but is it what you want?”

CJ stared at him silently. She didn’t know what she wanted these days, which was why she was pushing this guy that she was very attracted to toward her best friend. Violet Craine had life by the balls, and she was going places. She knew exactly what she wanted, and Peyton Quinn fit the bill. Perfect guy. Perfect marriage. Perfect children.

CJ was a hot mess compared to Violet.

“Did you always want to be a teacher?”

Peyton held the eye contact a moment longer, as if to make the point that he didn’t want her to change the subject. Finally, he turned and went back to the refrigerator to dig around, presumably looking for pizza toppings.

“Nope. When I was a kid, I wanted to be an astronaut.”

“What changed your mind?”

“Terrified of heights,” he admitted. “Little bit claustrophobic. Not sure I could handle the space thing.”

CJ watched him toss a package of cheese and a package of pepperoni on the counter and go back to the fridge again.

“Salad?” he offered.

“No. You shouldn’t even be doing this for me.” She waved his offer away and shook her head.

“When I was eleven, I decided I was going to be a professional soccer player.”

“Oh.” She nodded and tipped her bottle up to drain it. “Interesting. Most boys either want to play baseball or football.”

“Well, I was too little for football. Played flag when I was in grade school. Thought they were going to have to put my mom on Xanax. And I did play baseball. But I was a better soccer player.”

“And what happened to that dream?”

“Um.” He shrugged and blew out a quick sigh. “Had a serious injury that put an end to the whole soccer thing. I did decide young that I wanted to teach, but I can’t say I envisioned myself in an elementary setting.”

CJ was curious about the serious injury, but she didn’t want to be nosy. “What grade did you want to teach?”

“High school.” He noticed her beer was empty and grabbed two more from the fridge.

“I have to drive home. And I’m in the company truck.”

“You could stay long enough to sober up if you’re feeling tipsy.”

She laughed softly and rolled her eyes.

“High school what?”

“History.” He moved around to her side of the counter and leaned over to rest his elbows. “But my first job right out of college was teaching sixth grade at a private school. Did that for three years. Taught fourth grade for a year. And now, I’m teaching third for a second year.”

“How did you choose Oak Bend?”

“Well, desperate to get away from the ‘burbs, I did an internet search. Found the job opening. And here I am.”

CJ turned sideways on the stool and studied his face.

“I’m glad you found us.” She hadn’t meant to speak the words out loud, but once they were out, she couldn’t take them back. Peyton straightened at the counter and eyed her with an intensity that took her breath away.


CJ broke the eye contact and lowered her gaze to his hand, fisted around his fresh bottle.

She nodded. “Well, I mean, our third graders need a teacher, right?”


She held her breath when he loosened his grasp on the beer and reached to rest his hand on the counter, closer to her. No one called her Crosby but her dad and Violet. And they both did it to be ornery. Peyton made her name sound sexy. She’d never considered her name or anything else about herself sexy.

“I should go, Peyton.” She swallowed hard.

“Tell me you’re not attracted to me.” His voice was low and even, but when she flicked her eyes up to meet his, his face was twisted in a grimace.

“I can’t,” she admitted.

“Then tell me again why you think this is a bad idea.”

“She’s my best friend.”

“And I get it. But there’s nothing between us. It was one date, and a blind date at that.”

“I just think you would be better off with her.”

“And I disagree. I’ve spent more time with you already than I have with her. I like you.”

“It’s a small town, Peyton. People know you went out with her.”

“We didn’t—I didn’t even kiss her goodnight. We’ve talked since then, but I don’t think she felt anything for me, either.”

CJ swallowed hard and worked to avoid his eyes.

“Why are you so adamant that she’s better for me? Are you really worried about what people would say?”

She wasn’t worried about what people would say. It was true, a blind date that didn’t throw sparks didn’t mean much in the big scheme of things. But CJ was spinning her wheels as she tried to figure out what direction her life was going. She didn’t want to drag Peyton along on that journey, especially since she assumed he would want children someday.

“Are you telling me you would be okay with it if I went out with Violet again? If I kissed her? The way I kissed you?”

“That’s not fair,” she whispered. She peeked at him again, but when she tried to look away, Peyton caught her chin in his hand and gently forced her to look at him.

“Why isn’t it fair?”

“Because of course I don’t want to imagine you kissing her the way you kissed me.”


The whisper made her shiver with longing. He stroked his thumb over her lips, drawing a sigh from deep inside. When Peyton slid his fingers up the side of her face, she turned into his caress.

“We’re too old to play games.” His voice was gruff. “Don’t push me at her, unless you know something I don’t.”

CJ nibbled on her lip, her brain flashing bits of her conversation with Violet at her in neon colors.

“Do you?” he asked when she said nothing. “Did she ask you not to see me?”

“No.” CJ barely shook her head.

“Are you involved with someone else?”


“I want to kiss you again.”

“Who taught you to ask permission for a kiss?”

“Lots of sexual harassment training.” He grinned sheepishly. “Is it obnoxious?”

“Actually, I think it’s sweet,” she admitted.

“I don’t wanna be sweet to you, Crosby.” He stepped closer. “I want to turn you on. Like your surfer boy did.”

CJ inched closer to him and pressed her face to his.

“You do.”

“I can deliver,” he promised her. “If you give me a chance.”

She tipped her face back to look him in the eye and then lowered her gaze to look at his lips. Peyton took her move as the invitation it was and dipped his head toward her for a soft, tender kiss. CJ’s head was spinning with the press of his lips on hers. Torn between needing to stop what they were doing and needing to sample more of him, she put her hands on his chest with the intention of pushing him away.

But Peyton tipped his head and deepened the kiss. He slid his tongue over hers and nipped gently at her lips. CJ fisted his shirt in her hands, and then she smoothed her hands up over his shoulders to hold on, hungry for more.

“Peyton.” She broke the kiss and rested her forehead on his chin. “This is a small town. It’s not like Chicago.”

“Do people seriously think Violet and I are that involved already? Do people ever get divorced here?”

“Being with you is only going to make things harder when the spark goes out.”


“Look, I’ve dated a lot of guys that live in Oak Bend. And yes, I’ve slept with some of them, and it gets awkward when you bump into people after you break up.”

“So, let me get this straight.”

Rather than backing away, Peyton moved close enough to press his middle to hers. CJ drew back to look him in the eye when she felt his arousal pressed into her.

“You’re telling me you can’t get involved with me because it’ll be messy when the new wears off and things go south.”


“And in your world, am I the one who’s going to call it quits? Or are you going to end up bored with me?’

“Why are you making this so difficult?”

“Because your reasoning is bullshit, Crosby Jean.”

CJ laughed, but she groaned and dipped her head to rest on his shoulder.

“That’s sexy.”

“Calling bullshit?”

She shook her head, still resting on his shoulder. “The way you say my name.”

“You’re sexy.”

This time, CJ’s laugh was long and loud.

“Yep, the cargo pants must do wonders for my ass.”

“You’d be surprised.” He wagged his eyebrows. “Your laugh turns me on, Crosby. So thick and throaty. Makes me hard.”

CJ wound her hand around his neck and tangled her fingers in his curls.

“Not now.”


“I’ve been working all day. Outside.” She lifted her chin to look at him. “I need a shower. I look like a man in these pants.”

“Sweetheart, you most definitely do not look like a man.” Peyton stepped back and admired her from head to toe, making a point of checking out her attributes that were definitely not manly.

“I have steel-toed work boots on, Peyton.” She tipped her head.

“Sexy.” He shrugged. “Sexiest electrician I’ve ever seen.”

“Oh my God.” She rolled her eyes. “You’re incorrigible.”

“You know what would be even sexier?”

“I’m afraid to ask.” She licked her lips and arched her eyebrows, waiting for him to continue.

“If you put your tool belt on and took your shirt off.”

“Is that some iconic poster somewhere?”

“It should be,” he said sincerely. “Although, I don’t want to share that vision of you with anyone.”

“Well, I hate to disappoint you, but I’m wearing a sports bra that is definitely not sexy. And I need a shower.”

“I have a shower,” he reminded her.




“Will you still stay for pizza with me?’


“Will you go out for dinner with me?”

CJ sighed and nodded. Odds were, Peyton Quinn would be just another regret within a few weeks, but if there was no chemistry between him and Violet, why not have a little fun? Violet had been right when she reminded CJ that if she thought sex was overrated, it had been too long since she’d had any.

“Will you go steady with me?” Peyton flashed her a devilish grin.

“Only if I can wear your class ring.”

“Eh.” He flinched. “My high school girlfriend got pissed at me and threw it in a lake one weekend.”

“What’d you do to deserve that?”

Peyton dipped his chin to his chest and groaned. “I found out she was cheating on me, and I may have called her a few names.”

“This from the gentleman who asks permission to kiss me?” CJ tipped her head and frowned.

“I don’t like cheating.”

CJ didn’t, either. But then, people involved in serious relationships shouldn’t.

“Are you gonna feed me?” she asked him. “Because the beer’s going to my head.”

“Does that mean tomorrow you’re going to say the beer made you say you would go out for dinner with me?”

“I think we should do this one day at a time,” she answered sincerely. Maybe one day at a time, she could handle seeing Peyton. Looking out at her future, at all the unknowns, left her feeling small and messy. Maybe it was time to relax her hold on the reins and have a little fun before her dad retired and left her the business.