Hold Onto the Stars by Tracy Broemmer

Chapter 20

“Look,I know it’s Friday, and we all love Fridays, but what’s got you so pepped up?” Leslie asked from the chair behind her desk.

“Pepped up,” Peyton repeated, uncertain he liked the visual. Rather than a guy ready to go home and fix dinner for his date, it made him sound like a retired college English professor dressing snazzy and sipping a martini while waiting for his turn to throw Jarts at a backyard party. From his spot—propped in the doorway of Leslie’s classroom—he threw Leslie a frown. “Just ready for the weekend.” He stuck his hands in his pockets.

“No kidding.” She yawned. “Lily has a sinus infection. She’s not sleeping well, so I’m not sleeping well.”

“How were the puppies?”

“So great, we’ll be bringing one home in three weeks.”

Peyton laughed.

“And in the tradition of naming dogs after famous people,” Leslie nodded her head at him, “Josh wants to name this guy Kenny Rogers.”

“Kenny Rogers?” Peyton snorted.

“Yep. He went digging through Jonathon’s dad’s music collection. He thinks your dog is ultra-cool, and her name is way cool, and so, Kenny Rogers.”

“So, is that the dog’s name?”

“No. It’s Chief.”

“That’s a good name for a dog.” Peyton nodded. “See you Monday.”

“Peyton!” she called when he turned to go.

Peyton looked over his shoulder.

“Have fun with CJ tonight.”

He almost tripped over his own feet. How did Leslie know he was seeing CJ tonight? Had CJ told her? Or had CJ told Violet? That meant something, right? He and CJ had talked every night this week. Tuesday, they spent most of the evening on the phone. On Wednesday, they took a walk with Junie. No deep conversations about the past or plans for the future. Instead, they debated the best Clint Eastwood movie. They had agreed to disagree—Peyton liked him in Unforgiven, and CJ liked Gran Torino best—and moved on to best 80’s hairband. Last night, CJ had plans with Violet. She had offered to cancel them, but Peyton insisted she go out for margaritas with Violet. She’d texted him when she got home, and they had ended up on the phone until after midnight.

“Thanks,” he told Leslie now. “You leaving soon?”

“Yes. Got a few things to do here. And then I’ll head home to the zoo.”


He slung the strap of his bag over his shoulder and hustled down the hall to the door. He had gone to the store last night when CJ was with Violet, so he drove straight home now to get things ready. CJ would come shortly after five. He wondered as he drove if she would wear a dress again. If she did, he wasn’t sure they would make it out of the kitchen, and there was every possibility the lasagna he made would be in the oven too long.

He didn’t care.

Junie bounded through the house with a ton of energy when he got home, as if she knew CJ was coming for dinner. Peyton carried his bag up to his room, changed clothes, and headed back down to the kitchen, all the while dodging Junie as she ran in circles around him.

When his doorbell rang, the lasagna was indeed in the oven. He had opened a bottle of dry red wine to let it breathe, and he was mentally kicking himself for not having candles to light. Junie raced him to the door, but Peyton didn’t mind. When he pulled the door open, Junie shot out and nosed CJ’s leg. CJ leaned over to scratch the dog’s ears, giving Peyton plenty of time to drink her in.

She wore a sleeveless dress. Again, no frills. No long skirt. No fancy, uncomfortable material. Just a royal blue t-shirt dress that skimmed her tanned legs just above her knees. The dainty silver bracelet that circled her ankle sent a spike of arousal straight to his cock.

“I missed you too, Junie girl,” she crooned. Still leaning over June, she tilted her head to look up at Peyton. Her smile sent a spike of something entirely different to his heart. She was beautiful, and she was his. For now. Peyton had to do everything he could to ensure that she wanted to stay his.


Forever? Hell yes, he wanted Crosby in his life forever. A little bit giddy with the thought, it was all he could do to contain himself.

“Hi.” He returned her smile. “You gonna come in, or are you gonna stay on the porch and make out with my dog all night?”

CJ’s laughter rang out, happy and genuine, and then she kissed the top of Junie’s head and stepped inside.

“You look beautiful,” he told her as he pushed the door closed.

A faint blush tinged her cheeks, and she opened her mouth like she might argue. Finally, she offered him a shy smile.

“Thank you.”


“I am.”

“The lasagna is in the oven. How about a glass of wine?”

“Oh, so we’re beginning my wine education tonight?”

“Yes.” He took her hand and led her to the kitchen.

“What’s that?” She nudged the cake he had made, the cake pan covered in foil.


“Mmm.” She waggled her eyebrows at him as he poured two glasses of wine. “Any chance I can have a little dessert right now?”

Peyton handed her a glass and drank from his own.

“What kind of dessert are we talking about, Crosby?”

Eyes on her glass, CJ tilted it a bit and then tried a small sip.

“What’s on the menu?”

“Chocolate caramel cake with nuts.”



She put her glass down and reached for him.

“I’ve been thinking about this since you showed up at my house Monday,” she confessed. Peyton reached blindly to set his glass on the counter and wrapped his other arm around her. “Nope, that’s not true.”

“No?” He tipped his head back to look at her with a small frown.

“I’ve been thinking about this since the last night we were standing here kissing in your kitchen.” CJ stood on her tiptoes to kiss the tip of his nose and then his cheeks and finally his mouth. “Nope. That’s not true either. I was thinking about this the night you were with Violet. Figuring that lightning was going to strike me down.”

Wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close, Peyton chuckled at her confession.

“I was on my date with her thinking she was perfect. Just not for me.” His lips touched hers gently, but when she opened her mouth, he was eager to stroke his tongue over hers. CJ wound her arms around his back and pressed into him, into his kiss.

“I think I might be in over my head with you, Peyton Quinn.” Her whisper puffed his chest up with excitement. Her warm breath on his face chased a shiver up his spine.

“Me too.” He dragged one hand down her side and cupped her hip. “I’m not sure I can get enough of you.”

“Maybe we should try?” She took a step back and looked up at him with the hint of a smile on her lips.

“We should definitely try,” he agreed.

CJ opened her eyes wide with surprise when he inched the bottom of her dress up and smoothed his fingers over her bare skin. Peyton held the eye contact as his fingers explored. His cock nearly exploded when he cupped her ass cheek and found nothing but her soft, warm skin.

“Fuck.” Breathless with lust, the word was a long, guttural sigh. CJ tilted her head and quirked an eyebrow at him. Peyton squeezed her cheek and let his fingers roam further. “Sweet.” He grinned when he touched a slice of lace.

“Bet I’m the only electrician you know who wears a thong.”

Peyton laughed and nodded, fingers still kneading her cheek.

“Probably so.” He dropped a quick kiss on her lips. “Can I see?”


Rather than sliding the dress up far enough to take it over her head, Peyton turned her around and flipped it up. He eyed the tiny strip of white lace and her perfect ass, greedy to sink his teeth in for a taste.

“Crosby.” He clenched his teeth and squeezed his eyes closed for a moment. “God, I just want to eat you.”

The soft mewling sound she made drove him to his knees.

“This is sexy as fuck.” Kneeling behind her, he skimmed his fingers down her legs and touched the ankle bracelet. “This right here was enough to break me.”

“I don’t wanna break you, Peyton.” She laughed softly. “I wanna play. Can’t play with something broken.”

Trailing his fingers back up to her knees, Peyton dipped his head to press his open mouth to her skin. She wobbled when he flicked the back of her knee with his tongue. Her body tensed as he licked a trail over her thigh. She moaned with pleasure and grabbed for the counter to steady herself when he pressed his thumbs into her ass cheeks and licked the scrap of lace.


The need in her voice scraped over his skin and left him hot and achy. His cock twitched, but he wanted to see her undone on his kitchen floor. The slight tremble in her legs thrilled him. Eyes open, watching her react, he saw her take the dress in her hand and slide it up over her hips.

“I need…”

“What do you need, Crosby?” He scraped his teeth over her skin, her shiver making his balls ache.

“I need to come.” She let go of the dress to touch herself. Peyton watched for a second, watched her fingers push the lace aside and stroke her clit.

“If you do that, I’m gonna come just watching you.”

She wiggled her ass a bit as she touched herself. Peyton was torn between the desire to watch her long, elegant fingers rub the swollen pink flesh and learn what she liked and the need to push her hand aside and touch her. To feel her slick heat around his finger.

He gave in, desperate to be part of her pleasure. Hands still on her hips, he pressed his thumbs into her cheeks again to open her to him and flicked his tongue over her seam. When her knees buckled, Peyton nudged her hand away.

“Harder,” she gasped when he stroked her clit. Crosby wiggled again, her ass cheeks brushing his face as he gave her a hint of pressure. She moved with him, seeking her release. Peyton eased a finger into her wet heat, still stroking her with his other hand.

“Oh God.” She moved faster as he pressed one finger and then two inside her. “Oh God. Peyton.”

“I got you.” He kissed her cheek again and then pressed his open mouth to her hip when she bucked against his hand. Her body tensed above him, her walls tightening hard around his fingers. Peyton slowed his movement, but he continued to touch her, varying the pressure to make the pleasure last.

“God.” She went limp. On his knees, Peyton watched her duck her chin and cover her face with her hands. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“That was so fast,” she mumbled. “You’re fixing me dinner. You have the table set so pretty.” Silly, considering what they had just done, but the fact that she had noticed his attempt at creating a romantic atmosphere lit him up like a Christmas tree.

“I have absolutely no complaints,” he promised her. “And I might have come in my shorts watching you come undone.”

She laughed softly and met his gaze.

“Did you?”

“No.” He kissed her thigh. “But I’m pretty sure I have the bluest balls in Michigan right about now.”

“How long does the lasagna need to bake?”

Peyton stood as she looked around the kitchen. “Twenty minutes left.”

“I don’t wanna wait twenty minutes to feel you inside me.”

Peyton bit off a curse and adjusted his cock.

“I don’t want our first time to be standing around in my kitchen.”

“Do you have a condom?”

“I do.”

Peyton jumped, surprised when she reached for his fly.

“The only thing that matters about our first time.” She eyed his fly as she dragged his zipper down painstakingly slow. “Is that it involves you. And me.”

“Crosby.” He rocked forward on his toes when she slipped her hand inside his open zipper to cup him.

“We could do this now.” She kissed the corner of his mouth. “And then later, you could take me to bed.”

“I can’t wait to get you naked in my bed.”

Crosby pressed into him, waist to shoulder, and nibbled a path from his lips to his ear.

“Fuck me, Peyton.”

Before he could move, she stepped away. Peyton cupped his cock, painfully hard, when she gathered the dress in her hands and slowly lifted it. The lace thong skimmed low over her hips. Her smooth, flat belly appeared an inch at a time. Peyton’s eyes were greedy for the curve of her hips, her belly button, the bottom of her ribs. He gave his cock a tug when she eased the dress up over the skimpy lace that covered her breasts.

Her dress hit the floor in a blue pile, but his eyes were glued to her. The curve of her shoulders. The definition in her upper arms. The lace straps over her shoulders. Cups that barely covered the perfect globes of her breasts.

Her cheeks were flushed when he lifted his eyes to hers. This time, though, arousal colored her face. Lips parted, she watched him drink her in. Peyton froze, his hand still gripped around his cock, when she slipped her fingers under her panties and eased them down over her thighs. He tipped his head, eyes following her hands as she pushed the thong low enough to step out of and then stroked her hands up over her inner thighs.

“You belong in a fucking centerfold,” he groaned. “I could look at you all day and night.”

He held his breath when her hands reached her hips. His pulse thrummed in his throat and ears when she slipped her fingers through the curls between her legs and touched herself again. Unable to control himself any longer, Peyton pulled his wallet from his back pocket and shimmied out of his shorts and briefs. His cock, thick and heavy, jutted toward Crosby.

He caught the look of appreciation on her face as he tugged at the collar of his shirt and pulled it off over his head.

“You are a beautiful man.” Her eyes roamed over his shoulders and his chest, lingering on his hips and the narrow trail of hair that led from his abs down to his cock.

“I’m only human,” he caught her hand when she reached to touch him, “and if you touch me now, I’m gonna come all over you. I need to be inside you.”

“I kind of like the sound of that.” She nibbled her lower lip, as if she were uncertain, and tilted her head to give him a sultry look. “Maybe later?”

Desperation exploded out of him in a harsh laugh. He jerked away when she wrapped her fingers gently around his cock and pressed her thumb to his head.

“You’re killing me.”

“Want me to slow down?” She met his eyes and licked her lips, her thumb moving in a slow circle around the tip of his cock.

“No. I don’t.” He grinned. She continued to stroke him as he plucked the condom from the leather and stuck it in his teeth to tear it open. When she licked her lips again, he imagined her tongue on his cock, and hurried to roll the condom on. Crosby linked her fingers with his and crowded into him immediately. Her hot skin pressed to his lit a fire in his balls, and he turned her so her back was to the cabinets.

Hands heavy and possessive on her hips, Peyton took her mouth in a hot, wet kiss. She arched her back, pressing her hips to his cock. Her lace bra tickled his chest, her soft but firm breasts heavy against him.

“Peyton.” Her whisper was lost in the kiss, but her hunger was evident in the way her hands touched, smoothed, devoured his shoulders, his arms, his hips. Driven to take her and greedy for everything she was offering, Peyton slipped his hands over her hips and cupped her cheeks. Crosby, as if dancing with him for the hundredth time and not the first, lifted her legs to circle his waist and locked her ankles. “What’re you doing?” Her sweet little shriek and chuckle was an arrow in his heart. He turned her and walked her to the wall by the doorway.

“Need a wall.” He bit the words out and tipped his face down to bite the skin between her shoulder and her neck. “I need some traction.”

“I need you.” She rested her head on the wall and cupped his chin in her hands. “I need you inside me right now.”

Rather than drive into her and pump her hard, frenzied and hungry, Peyton held the eye contact and pushed only the tip of his cock into her folds.

“That feels good,” she whispered.

His head, his heart, were full of things he wanted to say. Afraid, though, that it was too soon, he only nodded and leaned in to kiss her. Crosby opened her mouth, curled her tongue around his, and then adjusted her hips when he eased into her further.

“You feel perfect,” he told her as he pulled out of her only to plunge into her again, harder and deeper this time.

“Made for me.” Her eyes fluttered closed for a moment. Peyton nuzzled her face, pressing kisses to her cheek. “I think you were made for me.”

“Made to love you.” Hips still pumping against her, Peyton dipped his head and nipped at the curve of her jaw. “Just to love you.”