For Crying Out Loud by J. Preston



6 years later

“This bloody thing won’t close!” I exclaim, exasperated. You’d think that after all this time, the monster would give out and die on me. But noooo… He just keeps on living his best life, mocking me every time I travel anywhere.”

“Awww, kitten, you want me to close Sully for you?” Aiden comes up behind me and kisses the nape of my neck. I turn around and wrap my arms around him, the suitcase all but forgotten. “Yes, please, Mr. Vaughn.” I pull his head close to mine and land a big smoocher on his stubbly face. He has not shaved in over two weeks, and I have to say I’m digging the stubble, especially in the bedroom…

“At your service.” He winks at me.

Aiden, ever the seducer, trails his fingers down my side, lifting me up and wrapping my legs around him. “Mmmm, I will never get tired of this.” He nuzzles my neck, the scruff of his beard rubbing against my sensitive skin.

“Good thing I’m keeping you.” I smile into his hair, then sigh. Aiden strokes my face once, twice, then gently drops me to my feet and turns to face Sully. With minimal effort, he closes that fucker and zips him up. How the hell? This hunk of a man never fails to impress me. We’ve been together for over six years and, with a hand on my heart, I can honestly say I have never been happier. He is the key.

I used to be terrified at the prospect of moving to new places, at having to start over. With Aiden, that fear is gone. He is my anchor, my constant, my everything. It doesn’t matter that straight after college we moved back to London. Aiden set up a charity practice where he helps those in need of legal services but without the means to pay for it. I’m so proud of him. It took a lot of convincing and shouting, but his dad finally came on board when Aiden signed the paperwork to be a silent partner in the Vaughn Industries conglomerate. I think his dad just really wanted it to stay in the family. I get that. The money doesn't hurt either. Apparently, being a silent partner brings with it some nice dividends, which means Aiden can truly focus on his passion for helping underprivileged kids.

I’m sure you’re wondering what has happened to little, old me. Straight after we moved to London, I snagged a job with Cancer Research UK. No, no… I haven’t found a cure yet, but I’m working on it. The best thing about my job is that I can continue my education while doing research and lab work, so basically a dream for a nerd like me!

“We really should be checking out,” Aiden groans from behind me. I dive onto the bed and bounce a couple of times, spread like an eagle.

“I’m gonna miss you, bed. You’ve given me some fantastic memories and nights full of blissful slumber.”

“Er-hmm,” Aiden harrumphs behind me. “I think you’ll find I was the one who gave you all the blissful memories.” He was, but the guy already has an enormous ego, so I try not to indulge it too often. I nuzzle the pillow and consider if stuffing it under my dress could fool anyone into thinking I’m pregnant. Probably not, as the staff here came to know us by name in the last two weeks. Imagine if, on the last day, I’d come out looking ready to pop. Nothing to see here, peeps, supernatural pregnancy here. You know, like Bella Swan. Duh, all I needed was two weeks. But honestly, both the pillows and the mattress were so comfy I’d happily stuff them in Sully to take them home. “C’mon, kitten, let’s get going. They’ll come and pick up our bags for us while we check out.” I huff and get off the bed. I’ll miss this, the sunshine, the holiday mode, the constant free drinks, all the food you can eat, the pool… “We’ll come back next year, if you want.” The wonderful mind reader takes my hand. I knew I loved him for a reason.

“I hope you enjoyed your honeymoon, Mr. And Mrs. Vaughn,” The lady in reception says as Aiden hands her his credit card. Oh, did I forget to mention this tidbit? YES! We totally got hitched! He liked it and he put a ring on it!

It was a small ceremony with just our families, and Carter, obviously. That boy would not miss a party if his life depended on it. But it was perfect. Aiden’s dad wasn’t too happy that he couldn’t throw a big wedding party to invite all his business contacts, but Aiden and I wanted it to be just us, so we promised him that once we get back from our honeymoon, he can host a business party to celebrate our nuptials. I don’t mind. In the end, I had my perfect wedding with all my important people, and my perfect Aiden.

Honestly, to this day I think he’ll turn around at any moment and ask himself ‘What am I doing with this crazy woman?’, but he hasn’t yet, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it’ll take him at least 60 years to figure out he married a total nutcase. By that time, he’ll be too old to get rid of me. Oh, who am I kidding? He’ll probably be a GILF.

“It was amazing,” Aiden replies. “In fact, I think we’ll be coming back for our anniversary.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful!” She hands Aiden a bill to sign. “As requested, we contacted our supplier and the new mattress and bedding should be delivered to London in the next week.”

My jaw hits the floor. “You didn’t!” Aiden’s dimples flash my way, those damned dimples… “You little rascal.”

“What can I say? What my wife wants, my wife gets.” A hundred orgasms, stat. No. I’m joking. Seriously joking, I’d die after the tenth one. Nine is how many Aiden got out of me in one go. He’s a wizard, just like Harry Potter. But seriously, when that eighth one happened, I was ready to keel over and die, but the devil himself possesses Aiden each time we are in bed, and he makes it his personal goal to coax as many as he can. Every. Single. Time. I’m not complaining. I’m not! But when tears are streaming down my face, snot out of my nose, and my whole body is shaking…you gotta give a girl a small break, you know what I mean? Otherwise, I’ll end up in that book, ‘Unusual ways to die’. That’s a book that’ll take you down a dark, dark rabbit hole. I digress.

“I’m definitely keeping you.” I smile up at my hunky husband adoringly. “You, mister, are stuck with this.” I gesture up and down my body.

“Thank fuck for that,” he mutters as he takes my hand and guides me outside to the taxi. The driver jumps out and opens the car door for us. I’ll miss being a honeymooner, where everyone waits on you…

At the airport, we spend a short amount of time browsing for last minute gifts, then, before I know it, it’s time to board. I miss home. I miss Jake and Buke. Buke is the only one of Aiden’s dogs that’s still with us, and her and Jake are inseparable. Dad also lives in London with his girlfriend, Lisa, whom he apparently met the year I moved to Starwood. Talk about when the cat’s away…. But, of course, I’m happy for him. Lisa is wonderful and Dad finally put down roots in one place. As I settle into our comfy first class seats, wondering if ten in the morning is too early for champagne, Aiden squeezes my hand.

“You okay, love?” he asks with concern in his voice. Fuck. I always forget. I should really tattoo this on my hand for situations like that. ‘Aiden thinks you’re afraid of flying’. I take in a shaky breath, ready to start the performance of a lifetime, then I exhale. I mean, the dude married me. Divorces aren’t easy so, maybe it’s time to fess up?

“Aiden…” A corner of his mouth lifts up, and a small dimple makes an appearance. “There’s something you should know…” He raises his eyebrow. I take a deep breath and prepare for what surely will be the start of a divorce conversation. You lie to somebody for six years, shit is bound to come back and bite you in the ass. But maybe I’ll manage to convince him to forgive me before he signs on the dotted line?

“You’re not afraid of flying,” he says matter-of-factly. What the hell?

“You know?”

“I’ve known for a while. Since our first flight back from London, actually.” I hang my head. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

“I dunno,” I mumble. “I was embarrassed at first, cause I was so into you, and then… It just became a thing. I’m sorry.”

“I forgive you,” he says, stroking my cheek. “In fact, I know just the way you can make it up to me.” He does? Naughty thoughts start swirling in my head. As much as he always says he doesn’t, he wants the membership card to the Mile High Club, I just know it!

“Oh, yeah?” I look up at him from beneath my lashes, with what I hope is a seductive way.

“Yeah,” he blushes. Aiden blushes! This must be some kinky stuff he is thinking of. “I was thinking…” He takes a deep breath, takes my hand and looks into my eyes. He seems terrified, but also kinda hopeful. “Now that we’re married… That maybe… You know, only if you think you’re ready,” he blurts out, and my heart begins to race as if it’s knowing where this is going, even if my head is still not quite there. “That maybe we could start trying.”

I draw a blank. “Start trying what?”

And, as Aiden squeezes my hand again, my brain catches up.

“For a family.” He smiles a small smile. My eyes well up and a tear escapes. “Oh, Jenny! It’s okay if you’re not ready. There’s no rush. I just thought I’d bring it up in case you are.”

“N-o,” I manage to say. Aiden’s face falls. “No. No. I mean, no. Shit, I’m not doing this right. Aiden,” I slip my hand from his and cup his face. “It’s everything I wanted. Yes, I want to start a family. Yes, I want to start it with you. God, I can’t think of anything else I want more right now!”

His crumpled face rearranges into a bright smile. “Yes?”
