For Crying Out Loud by J. Preston


Gosh, these are so much pressure! Bear with me since I’m doing it for the first time! There are so many people I need to thank. If I forget to name anyone, I’m truly sorry but please know I still very much appreciate you! Thanks for being the reason this book exists!

My beta team: Kirty, Carissa, Marcie, Chelsea, Bri, Channin, Jessica, Kyra, AmyLynn, Ashley, Dakota, Sami, Elizabeth, Brooke and Jenny. Each and every one of you has been invaluable in making this book into what it is today. Thank you for believing in Jenny and Aide, for answering my random questions at various hours and for inspiring me. Now onto Carter’s story! Who’s with me?

Special thanks to Carissa, thank you for doing the graphics and helping me out in the midfield that is trying to get your book out there! You’re an absolute gem.

To all my author friends, you guys rock, especially my Motivational Arse Kicking Group. Your support and belief in me means the world to me. Love you all!

To my editor Addie. Thank you for putting up with me reformatting things half way through edits! Again sorry! I swear, I won’t do it again :D But most of all thank you for helping me, you’re never getting rid of me.

ARC team - thank you for giving me your notes and spotting last minute edits!

Thank you Rich, for being so patient and supportive each time I said I needed to write or edit. I love you to the moon and back, monkeypants.

And most importantly, thank YOU for picking up this book, and making my dream a reality. I hope you had a good laugh, maybe got a bit sad, but most of all enjoyed yourself while reading this book.