Until Love by May Gordon


The most stressful part of a mission is always the wait, and that hasn’t changed now that I’m out. It’s been weeks since Rose told me about her past, and though we’re watching for her brother’s men, nothing has happened. I feel like we’re walking on eggshells and I fucking hate it. This time it’s not my life on the line but those of the woman and child I love with all my heart. And on top of all that, the stress has triggered my PTSD, undoing the progress I’d made.

"You good?" Nico asks, pulling me out of my trance. He was clearly talking and I missed it.

"What?" We’re in his garage while he’s tinkering on one of his motorcycles.

"You’re different lately, like the poison within you is finally dissipating.”

"It's Rosie and Posie," I reply, intentionally rhyming their names and smiling. "They were healing me.” Then I take a deep breath and admit, “But learning about her brother is bringing it back. If I lose them, I won’t survive it, I already know that much.”

“You would never let that happen.” He responded with great confidence, and the fact he believes in me so much eases some of my fears. Then he hands me a wrench and suggests, "Help me like you did when you kids were younger."

"I can't believe Sophie still lets you ride after your accident."

"She fucking hates it," he confesses, "but I'm careful now."

As we work, I listen to him reminisce about the old days and the funny shit we used to do. Specifically, how my antics would drive my mom crazy. She never tried to curb it, though. Said she loved my spirit. Thinking of her soothes me and makes me wonder how my girls are doing. Last I checked on them, Sophie was showing off her shoe collection and making dinner.

“Can I help?” Posie’s voice comes from the garage door.

“Of course kid. I’ll show you.”

With her standing in front of me, I explain what we’re doing and the pieces we’re using. When we’re done, Nico starts the engine, making Posie laugh with delight. I spend the next few minutes explaining to her what make and model the bike is and all the other specs on it.

"That is so cool. I want one."

"Over my dead body," I retort.

Nico chuckles and slaps me on the back before heading inside. "Daughters are a handful.”

"I am," Posie quickly agrees. I crack up until she asks if she can sit on it. Reluctantly I do it, hoping that’ll be enough, but when she pretends she’s riding, I know I’m in trouble. Can I handle being a dad? My gut feeling already has me wanting to lock her up to be safe, I can’t imagine when she hits teenage years. I’d think I would kill any boy who even looks at her.

I know Rose raised her, but I’m curious if she had any interaction with Don. "Posie, do you remember your father?"

"Never had one." Her tone lets me know she isn’t upset talking about this, thankfully. “Just me and mom.” Then my heart skips a beat at her question. "Can you be my daddy?"

I don’t even hesitate to say, "I’d be honored." That unconditional love parents are supposed to have for their kids? It hits me right then when she grins. I feel so much joy, and peace in my heart it’s unsettling, and a dream come true.

“Lunch is ready,” Rose calls out. “You two coming?”

"Yay. I’m hungry!” Posie shouts. I set her on her feet from the bike, then she runs past her mom, not even bothering to see if we’re following her. Moving to Rose, she strokes my cheek and I lean into it. With her on the top step, we’re currently the same height.

“You okay?”

"Perfect as long as I have my girls."

“You always will.” She promises and seals it with a kiss that quickly grows heated. I pull her against me, never wanting to let her go.

"We'll get through this,” I vow, just as I have been for days. But I’ve reached my limit now. I’m done waiting for them to make their move.

I'm going to them.

* * *

Knowingthey’ll be safe there, I leave Rose and Posie at Nico’s and meet with Sage. He pulled all the information he could on Bennet, and while it isn’t much, what’s there is some scary shit.

"This guy does not mess around. The police, DEA and FBI have been after him for years."

"You have a contact within the Feds?" He nods, telling me his dad does, too.

“What are you thinking?"

"Giving them everything they need to put that piece of trash behind bars."

That catches his attention. “What’s your plan?”

“Leak that I’m in possession of his book, and a meet place i’m handing it off the the FBI. That will catch someones attention and they will try to stop me.”

"You sure, man? That’s gonna put a target on your back. There has to be another way."

“I can handle it.”

He concedes. “Wes and his crew could back you up. I know he’d be more than willing to help.”

"I might take him up on the offer later, but for now, we prepare."

"Are you talking about your storage unit?" Since returning, I’ve been purchasing weapons here and there and storing them. Having them close made me feel better, I guess I’ve always been preparing for another war.

"Never hurts to have firepower just in case." Thanking him, I accept the file on Donovan and retrieve Rose, Posie, and Princess before heading back to my place. Our place. I decided to keep my plan quiet from Rose for now. No need to worry her now.

Once home I take a shower while Rose puts Posie to bed, and find her waiting on me in the bedroom, I should have known she knew something was up because its the first question she asks me when I walk in.

“You and Sage are cooking something up.” She already knows me so well. But the last thing I want to do is talk or let her know my next steps. So, I distract her instead. I walk up to her, dropping my towel on my way and gently push her onto the bed. Crawling over her, I trail my lips down her neck, stopping only when her clothes get in my way.

“Robert.” she warns, but makes not effort to stop me.

I quickly solve the problem of her clothes and continue my journey where I suckle her nipples as my hand heads toward her pussy.

"Oh god, Robert." Her moans and roving touch are too much for me to resist. She always works me up quickly, drives me crazy from her scent alone. I never thought my touch could turn someone on like this. The way she reacts to my callused hands, she begs for it. Once I pulled down panties and see her wet pussy all bets were off. Without warning, I spread her legs wide and thrust into her, adding my own sounds of pleasure as my cock wears her like a teeth.

"You always feel so fucking perfect." it’s a blessing and a curse. Sex with Rose is on my mind almost all the time during the day. Since our first time together, we make love every chance we get, proving the love and connection we have for each other is far bigger than just each other. I don’t want to lose this. I need my family to be safe.

And because of that, there’s a pit of despair brewing in my gut, telling me something is about to go wrong. I just hope I can prevent it.