Kite In The Snow by Karla Lopez


I walk into the coffee shop after going on a long drive and watching the sunset. We still have one more hour before we close, and Camila is behind the register. We barely have any customers, just the few that are either reading or working.

Camila holds Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. She’s so lost in her book that she only looks up to see if I’m a customer, when she realizes it’s me, she goes back to her book.

It’s been a month since James left and two since Mae and Carter have left. I feel lost, but I’m starting to hide it. Camila looks like she’s doing better, but I do see her read a lot.

It’s probably her way of coping.

I’ve gotten one letter from James; he’s in Washington state, living his best life. I couldn’t be happier for him.

I walk around the counter and instantly stop when I spot a certain handwriting.

Mae’s handwriting.

Without thinking, I grab it and head upstairs without saying anything to Camila. She’s been closing lately, so I know I don’t have anything to worry about.

I’m so scared of what the letter will say, I can’t stop shaking. I sit on my couch and hold my breath while I open it. I hold it to my chest, praying that this letter doesn’t break me after.



A joy I have never felt before, mixed with relief that Mae didn’t leave me just like that takes over and my chest warms. She didn’t leave because she didn’t love me. She was just scared for Carter.

What Mae doesn’t realize is that I can protect her and Carter. I love them so much. And no one, not even Travis, will take that away from me.

I look at the date of the letter and realize that the letter was dated almost ten days ago. An uneasy feeling comes over me. Mae and Carter should be here by now.

I pace my small apartment and try to think of reasons why Mae wouldn’t have arrived.

Maybe she changed her mind?

No, Mae wouldn’t do that.

My gut tells me there’s something more. Maybe she got caught trying to leave. A panic runs through me as horrifying thoughts cross my mind of something happening to Mae and Carter.

I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself. Without thought, I’m on the next flight to Texas. I land in the Dallas airport, then have to take a bus to the small town of Bowie, Texas.

The town feels like a ghost town, hardly anything here other than all the essentials that a town needs to run. I pass a few shops and a diner as I make my way to the returning address Mae left on the letter. As I make my way through the town, people stare hard and unpleasantly.

They don’t take well to newcomers. I ignore them and make my way to Mae’s address. When I get there, a decent one-story house comes into view. The house looks dark and cold.

I knock on the door and wait for a response but no answer. I look through the window, but the blinds and curtains are shut closed.

“Can I help ya?” A very strong southern voice comes from behind me. I turn and see a small old lady walking over with a cane.

“Uh. Yeah. Mae, have you seen her?”

She eyes me as if she could trust me, but her next words make it hard to swallow and all the air leaves my lungs. “She ain’t been around in days cause she at the local hospital.”

I heave, feeling like someone punched me in the gut. “Last I heard, she was in a coma.”

I try to calm the ringing in my ears and the pain in my heart. “What happened to her?”

“Travis happened to her.” I grit my teeth at the mention of his name.

“Where is Carter?” I ask frantically.

“His mama came for him the day the paramedics came for Mae.” I shake my head as I try to reign my emotions. I’ve never wanted to hunt down and hurt someone the way I want to do so now.

“For what is worth, I hope she lives.”

I turn before I walk away. “If that were true, you would have helped her.”

“Boy, you don’t know who the Richardson’s are in this town.” I shake my head while I walk until I find Travis’s parents’ house, on the other side of the town, to get to Carter.

I want to check on Mae, but I can’t do that yet. I need Carter first. They might not let me come in with a baby, but I’m not leaving him in their hands for a second longer.

I make it there after walking for a little over two hours. A giant mansion comes into view and it’s a weird contrast from the humbling town that surrounds it. I see where all the money goes.

I press the button and wait for a voice to come through. “Can I help you?”

“Tell whoever the fuck your boss is that I’m here about Mae.” Not even thirty seconds later do they buzz me in. The door opens, but before I get to it, I see Travis walk out, and I lose it.

“You motherfucker!” I scream as I swing my fist into his jaw hard enough to make a popping sound. Female screams echo in the background, and I see that it’s an older woman holding Carter. I take a second to take in how big he is, but also so beautiful just like Mae.

For some odd reason, Travis doesn’t hit me back and when he looks into my eyes, his are bleak and lifeless. It throws me off guard, I can literally see him breathing and bleeding from the lip I just busted, but he actually looks dead.

“What in the hell is going on in my house, dammit!” A deep voice roars behind Travis. The older man that is a look alike of an older version of Travis comes toward us.

“We have plenty to talk about.” I say to everyone and no one at the same time.

“Who the fuck are you?” his dad says, trying to intimidate me with his deep voice and his dark scowl.

“Your worse fucking nightmare, if you don’t do what I say.”

“This is my house, boy.”

“I’m well aware. I need you guys to hand over Carter.” I look over to Travis where he just watches right through me. “I need you to sign over your parental rights and leave Mae alone.”

His mother cries, but I ignore her. His dads face becomes red from anger, but Travis, his face is blank. Nothing is registering. “He will do no fuckin’ thing. Ya hear me.”

“If he doesn’t, I will go to Dallas, to real cops that can help, and when that doesn’t help, I’ll show them and the world the videos and pictures of Travis beating Mae. I will show the world the kind of pigs you and your son are.”

His face turns redder, if that were possible. Travis doesn’t say anything, all he does is stare. His dad swallows hard as he stares at me with a death glare.

After a few minutes of intense staring, he breathes hard. “Travis you will sign over your rights. It’s election year and you are fuckin’ stupid if ya think I’m giving that up for your kid.”

I look over at Travis and just see a shell of a person, who really doesn’t exist anymore. I almost feel bad for him, especially for what his dad said, but Travis isn’t innocent. He did this to himself.

“No! Please!” his mom cries. His dad raises his hand to quiet her and she does so on command.

Without another word, his dad walks off and his mom hands Carter over after she says goodbye. She gives me his diaper bag and before I turn and leave, Travis’s weak voice hits my ears.

“Can I say bye to him?” I hold Carter possessively, but I know deep down this will be Carter’s last moments with his dad.

I nod and hand him over but stay close. Every time Travis blinks, tears run down his cheeks and this is the first time I see real emotion on his face.

“H-hey bud,” he says weakly, and it actually breaks my heart. “I’m so sorry. I always dreamt about you, but I’m too far gone to be what you need. I hurt your mama, and I hate myself more than she will ever know.”

I turn my eyes away from the sight because I can’t possibly be feeling sympathy for Mae’s abuser. I shake my head as my morals fight against each other. Hate and understanding are having a battle in my heart.

“I love you, bud,” he sobs the last words out, and I swallow the bits and pieces of sympathy I have for him and bury them deep.

I grab Carter and I feel like I can almost breathe. I just need Mae to feel complete. I know Travis and his dad will have the papers sent to us, there’s no way he’s letting any chance of a scandal getting out.

“Hey, bean. You’ve gotten so big. I missed you more than you know. You and your mama. I can’t wait for us to be together again. It’s finally over.” He giggles as I keep talking all the way to his mom.