Kite In The Snow by Karla Lopez


The closer I get to Mae, the more broken I feel. I feel like I failed her by letting her go without trying to make her stay. I believed her, but I should have done everything to keep them safe.

I might actually lose Mae, and I will never forgive myself if I do. I make my way through the hospital, asking at the front desk for Mae. “Can I help you, sir?”

“Uh, yes. I’m here to see Mae Bakeman. She’s been here for a couple of days, but I just found out about her accident.”

She looks at me with sincere sympathy. “Are you family?”

“Yes, I’m her husband,” I lie through my teeth, knowing that she’ll catch me on my lie because it’s a small town. Her eyes move to Carter, and they soften further.

She nods and takes my ID before she types a few things. “She’s in room 3952 in the ICU.” I thank her, and I’m about to leave when she stops me again.

“You can’t take him up with you.” I look at Carter and feel torn in two.

“I don’t—” I start to say but stop myself out of fear.

“I can hold him here for you while you go visit her.” I hesitate, but something about her kind eyes makes me trust her.

Carter goes willingly without a fuss, and I make my way through the hospital. With every step I take, my anxiety grows more at what I’m about to see. Her room door is made of glass and when I catch sight of her, my legs weaken and I fall.

“Sir, are you okay?” The nurse asks behind me.

I can’t find my voice as I stare at Mae looking so small and so bruised up, you can barely make out her features. I heave out each breath, but the only thing that comes out is a strangled sound.

I hear the nurses talking to me, but it sounds like I’m under water. I just stare at Mae, looking so broken.

My Mae.

You have to be a special kind of evil to do this to someone. So much anger runs through me, and I want to hurt Travis in every possible way I can think of.

I stand abruptly and go into Mae’s room. The nurses stand at a distance, but I know they’ll be there in case I break down again.

I swallow the tears suck in my throat. I grab her hand and all I do is watch her for what seems like hours, but I know it isn’t because there’s still light outside her window.

“Mae,” I rasp. “I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I let you leave.” I cry hard, feeling the tears soak the hand that I’m holding. “I have him. I have Carter, and Travis will never touch you again. I promise you that. Please, baby, wake up so you can come home. Come home to me, baby.”

I continue to cry until I can’t keep my eyes open any longer. I’m startled awake by soft hands in my hair. I look up and blue eyes stare back at me.

I stand and watch her in disbelief.

“Mae,” I whisper.

“Hi,” she says in a small voice.

“How long have you been awake for?” She gives me a small smile. She looks like an angel.

“An hour. I heard everything you said, Wyatt. I can breathe for the first time since we were last with you.”

“Baby,” I cry, letting the tears fall freely. “I’m so sorry.” I hiccup and cry as I hold her against me.

She moans in pain. “Shit. I’m sorry.”

She shakes her head. “No, it’s okay. Wyatt, it’s not your fault. I’m going to be okay. The doctor came in while you were asleep, and he said that it was a good sign that I could remember everything. I’m on the road to a good recovery.”

I hug her tighter as her words register. My girl is going to be okay. I don’t deserve it, after letting her go like that. I’m so grateful for it.

“Where’s Carter?” she asks a little panicked now that it’s registered he’s not here.

“He’s safe, baby.” With those words, her tears are now falling freely too.

“We’re really free?” She sobs as she holds on to me.

“Yes, baby. You both are free.” We hold each other until neither of us has anymore tears left to cry.