Sassy Cowgirl Kisses by Kathy Fawcett

Chapter 40

“Shhh, we don’t want to wake anybody,” Ash tugged on Sassy’s hand while holding a finger to his lips. They spent the full day at the river, followed by dinner at a popular restaurant located by the trail head. The two had to wait a long time for their table, since a large wedding party occupied half the dining room.

No matter, Ash and Sassy lost track of time as they talked about all manner of subjects, such as school and work. Both avoided talk of family, for their own reasons. And food was always a safe topic—which is how they ended up in the ranch kitchen. Ash insisted Sassy try Liu’s spring rolls before she let another day pass her by.

The two, who had been laughing loudly just moments ago while driving down the dark ranch road, now tried to contain their volume as they walked into the kitchen.

The only light was a soft glow illuminating the counter tops.

“Why are we here again?” Sassy giggled into Ash’s shoulder.

“Spring rolls, remember? You said you were starving, and couldn’t wait ‘til we got back to town.”

“Oh yeah,” she said, in a close to normal voice.

“Shhh, you’ve got to keep your voice down, Sassy.”

“But don’t you live here?”

“Yes, I do.”

Ash thought about that. He’d always have a home at the ranch, the family made that clear. But he’d been living at the bungalow in town this summer. And just like Colton, Pike, and even Ridge, it was only a matter of time before he’d find his own place.

The home on the ranch, the Big House, as the Wests called it, was becoming his home away from home, and part of him felt he was trespassing on Kat and Gunnar—especially, though he didn’t know why, with Sassy in his arms.

Ash could never remember a time when his older brothers brought girls to the ranch, until they were practically wives, that is. It made him feel guilty, and he wanted to get out of there. He only hoped Sassy wouldn’t ask to see his rooms, or get a grand tour in the dark. But it was exciting having her with him. It made him feel very grown up, as if he too was bringing the woman he might marry.

“I found the fridge,” Sassy whispered, and tugged his hand.

Silently, the door on the sub-zero opened to reveal a platter of Liu’s famous delicacies. Ash put four in his hand and turned to smile at Sassy in the dark. Her lovely features were lit by the refrigerator, and he was drawn to her smile.

“Kiss me,” he whispered.

“But I’m starving,” she whispered back.

“Me too,” he said, quietly closing the door of the appliance.

In the dark, they drew close until her body was pressed against his own, and they held each other tight. Ash’s arms wrapped around Sassy’s small waist as he caressed her back.

“One spring roll for every kiss,” he said, nuzzling her warm neck.

“That’s bribery, but okay,” she said with a gasp, as he brought his lips to her jawline and worked his way along her cheek.

Sassy inhaled sharply as she pulled him closer, hungrily searching for his mouth in the dark. When they met, Ash and Sassy were barely breathing as the sensation overtook them both. In the dark, everything around them melted away. They could only sense the warmth and taste of each other in a new and deeper way than before.

Without thought, both held each other tighter, their bodies swaying almost imperceptibly.

Nighttime kisses, they were learning, had more meaning. More power. More depth than sunlight kisses. It both intrigued and frightened them as they began to understand where kisses in the dark could lead. The tighter she gripped his shoulders, the harder Ash held onto her. His hands kneaded the muscles on Sassy’s back and worked their way downward. He fairly gasped as he felt just a hint of the curves that waited below—a place his hands had no right to be, he knew.

Flashes of his room began playing in his mind, as he wondered if Sassy would go there with him. But he shook his thoughts clear, knowing what a betrayal the mere suggestion would be to Sassy. She’d told him not to make assumptions.

“We’d… better get out of here,” Ash said, catching his breath, though it was hard to pull back from their embrace.

Nodding and loosening her grip, she exhaled a trembling breath, making Ash want to start all over again. He willed himself to move away.

“Let’s go,” Sassy whispered in his neck as she slipped her hand in his.

Quietly, they moved as one to the door to slide back under the Wyoming stars then towards their homes. Neither saw the third person in their presence; someone watching with great interest from a darkened corner of the adjacent great room.

After she was certain the pair had left, Kat exhaled raggedly, boiling with anger.