Sassy Cowgirl Kisses by Kathy Fawcett

Chapter 42

“Hmm, somehow I pictured the ranch being much bigger than this.”

Erik Olsen got out of Ash’s Jeep and looked at the little bungalow in town. Ash tossed Erik his duffel bag and smiled. “After we drop off your things, I’ll take you out to the ranch and the gorge. But you and I will bunk here,” he said. “I guarantee, the view is prettier.”

Just then, Sassy and Freda pulled into the driveway next door and got out to carry in the bags from their Saturday morning grocery run.

“I see what you mean,” Erik said with a smile to Ash.

“Ladies,” Ash called over, “need a hand?”

“Oh, if we can clear trees from the creek and help the heifers birth their calves, I think we can manage a bag or two of noodles and bananas,” Freda said with a smile in Erik’s direction. She was wearing one of her roommate’s sundresses with her river sandals, and a single silver bangle gleamed against the tan of her skin.

Sassy thought her roomie was looking at Ash’s friend a little too long, and gave her a slight nudge with the gallon of milk in her hand.

“Move along, Freda,” she said under her breath.

Ignoring her, Freda smiled even bigger, which was returned by the young man neither had met. He was as tall as Ash, with blonde wavy hair and bright blue eyes, and a deep tan of his own.

“Where are your manners, Ash?” Freda spoke.

Dropping his shoulders in resignation, Ash walked around to where Freda and Erik were standing.

“Sassy and Freda,” he said, “this is Erik—my friend from Michigan. I invited him to come to the big West Ranch cookout tomorrow night, and get a taste of ranch life.”

“And barbecue,” Erik said. “Ash promised me dinner at a place called Red’s tonight. Which sounds a whole lot better than noodles and bananas, if you two would join us.”

“We’d love to,” Freda spoke up. “We have no previous engagements, do we Sassy?”

Sassy looked over at Ash, who had his mouth hanging open in surprise, but not disappointment. He and Sassy shrugged and smiled at each other. They both knew his friend was expected, and figured they wouldn’t see each other very much. But Erik and Freda changed all that. Their attraction to each other was immediate, and concerning, Sassy thought. Even though she’d never met the elusive Jim Tim, she thought he and Freda were a serious item. In fact, every Sunday, when Freda returned from Lander, Sassy surveyed her friend’s hand for a sparkling diamond.

“Well that’s settled,” Ash said. “We will pick you up at six, so be hungry.”

“Starving,” Freda and Erik said in unison, and then laughed.

“Well, look at you, all flushed from flirting and gawking at Ash’s friend,” Sassy said to Freda as they walked into the house. “Truth be told, I’ve never seen you look more radiant.”

Sassy began putting groceries away while grilling her friend.

Freda merely shrugged, but retained a private smile.

“Come on, Sassy, he’s gorgeous,” Freda said at last.

“So are you, Freda,” Sassy countered, “but I was under the impression that you were spoken for. You weren’t acting like a future missus lawyer just now.”

That did it—Freda’s face turned into a frown as she tossed the milk in the fridge with all the delicacy of a baseball pitch.

“James Timothy Freemont has allowed me to shlepp my sore, aching body all the way to Lander every weekend this summer,” Freda said, “without making special plans for us, or welcoming me with open arms.”

Sassy poured two iced lemonades and sat down at the table to listen to this new information. Freda followed suit.

“Sometimes he seems outright surprised to see me, as if he hadn’t given me much thought, and it hurts my feelings. Lately I feel as if I’m throwing myself at him, which isn’t at all how it was before this summer. For two years we’ve been scheming, and talking about how it will be after law school. Well, here it is—and nothing.”

Freda stopped and took a sip, then set her glass down and looked at Sassy.

“My gut tells me he’s a coward. Too scared to propose, and too scared to break up.”

Freda’s lip quivered, but then she sat up straight and looked her friend in the eye. “On the flipside, that tall beautiful Norse god who got out of Ash’s Jeep made me feel pretty… and seen. And—don’t take this the wrong way—but he was looking at me and barely noticed you, Sassy. So I’m going to enjoy tonight’s date at Red’s BBQ. And if he has a little sauce on those beautiful full lips of his, I may offer to kiss it off.”

Smiling at her friend, Sassy nodded.

“Okay, little firecracker, let’s get you all purtee, and go have some fun.”