Tame Me by Jayda Marx

Chapter Six


I snuggled close to Evan as he carried me to his house. Sure, I could have climbed down and walked on my own two feet, but I’d never felt safer or more cared for than when I was in Evan’s arms.

He took me inside through the same door as earlier, and into the room where I shifted and changed into his clothing.

“Here we go,” Evan said as he placed my feet on the cool floor. “Let me get you all set up.” He stepped around me to a large basin before bending over and turning some knobs, bringing water into the tub. He lifted a bottle from the side of the basin and poured liquid into the water, causing a mountain of bubbles to form.

“That smells great,” I told him when I caught the scent of warm vanilla in the air.

“I bet it will feel even better.” Evan offered his hand to me and I quickly took it. As I walked towards the basin, I realized that I was naked (the intensity of the moment with Alpha Torrence made me forget) but I also realized that I didn’t mind. I was comfortable around Evan in any state. He was, after all, my fated mate; my perfect match. And his warm smile and gentle touch left no room for worries.

I sighed when I stepped into the tub and settled into the warm water. “This is so nice; much better than the stream I usually bathe in.”

“I’m glad you like it. I’ll be happy to give you some peace and quiet-”

“Please don’t go,” I interrupted, and Evan smiled.

“Thank you.” I couldn’t believe that he was thanking me. Evan collected a few washcloths from a cabinet before kneeling beside the basin. He lifted a cloth and asked, “May I?”

When I nodded, Evan dipped the fabric in the water and pressed it to my chest, scrubbing in small, gentle circles. Brown droplets slid down my skin and into the water. “I’m sorry,” I told him as my cheeks blushed. “I didn’t realize I was so dirty.”

“No worries, wee one.” Evan pressed a kiss to my forehead and went back to cleansing my body.

He used more of the vanilla liquid as he scrubbed, covering my skin with fragrant bubbles before rinsing them away. His touch remained gentle and caring; no one had ever touched me this way. No one had ever looked at me the way he did.

Each time the water became murky, Evan drained it and refilled the basin with fresh liquid, making sure it was a nice temperature. I giggled when he scrubbed my toes; I didn’t even know I was ticklish. I bit my lip when he washed my thighs, and I held my breath when he cleansed my groin.

But no matter where he touched me, he treated me with respect. He didn’t grab or demand more, and the warmth in my chest grew stronger than ever before.

“Okay, we just have your hair left,” Evan said once my body was squeaky clean. “Scoot down just a wee bit and I’ll get you taken care of.”

I slid my bottom along the slick basin and leaned back. Evan cradled my neck in his hand and dipped my head back into the water, making sure to keep it away from my eyes.

I moaned when his strong fingers massaged my scalp and soaped up my locks. Once every inch was clean, he dipped my head back into the water again.

"There we go," Evan hummed as he rested my head on the brim of the tub. "You relax there and I'll get it all combed out for you."

He retrieved a comb and ran it through my curls without pulling a single tangle. "You're really good at this."

Evan chuckled. "I grew up with four sisters, so I learned a lot about hair. By the way, if you ever want braids, just let me know; I'm kind of a pro."

I giggled at my silly mate. "That's sweet. I wish I were closer to my brother. I tried playing with him when I was younger, but my parents kept us apart. They said that he would ruin his reputation and lose the respect of other shifters if he hung around with someone like me."

"Archie, I'm so sorry. You deserve better."

I smiled at him and insisted, "I have better now; I have you."

"Yes you do," Evan answered with a soft smile of his own. "And I promise to make the rest of your life the best of your life." He combed his fingers through my wet curls and asked, "May I kiss you?"

I nodded eagerly and waited for his soft lips to touch my forehead, but instead, Evan leaned closer to my face. My heart pounded when his nose brushed against mine. His breath fanned against my cheeks.

And then it happened. Evan pressed his lips to mine for my first kiss; the other shifters from my skulk didn't hesitate to use or take advantage of me, but no one had shown me such tenderness.

My eyes slid shut and I gave myself over to the moment; the feel of his soft lips on mine, his scent in my nose, and the warmth in my chest. It was the most incredible thing I'd ever experienced, and I wanted it to last forever.

But Evan pulled away all too soon. When I managed to pull my eyelids apart, I found him staring back at me with a dreamy, sparkling gaze. I wanted to tell him how much the kiss; how much he meant to me, but all that came out was a quiet, "Thank you."

"Thank you," he answered just as quietly before giving me another quick kiss. He didn't ask and I didn't want him to. I wanted him to kiss me whenever he felt like it; I was sure that I'd never get enough.

"Would you like to relax a little longer?" Evan asked. "Or would you like to get out? Are you hungry? What do you need?"

His care warmed not only my chest, but my whole body. "I'm ready to get out and I'm still full from the sweeties you gave me. But I am a little tired if that's okay." Since I first saw him a couple of nights ago, I hadn't slept well because of my curiosity and excitement. And the stress of the day had me worn out.

"Of course it is. Let's get you dried off and I'll show you to our bedroom."

"Our bedroom?" I repeated in surprise, and Evan winced.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to push. I will gladly sleep on the sofa if you'd prefer to be alone."

"No, no, I want to be with you!" I replied quickly, making Evan's grin return.

"Thank you, wee one." He pulled a plug from the basin, allowing the water to drain before he stood up and retrieved a towel from a bar along the wall. Evan held it open and when I climbed out of the tub, he wrapped the soft fabric around my body.

As he patted my skin dry, Evan kept his gaze on whichever part he was drying without letting his eyes wander. I appreciated the respect, but I also worried that he wasn't impressed by my body. I couldn't blame him; I was small and skinny without the muscle tone shifters usually possessed.

Evan tucked the towel around my waist and cupped my cheek in his warm hand. "What's bothering you?"

I forgot that he could sense my emotions. I couldn't hide anything from him and I didn't want to. I looked down at my bare torso and asked, "Are you disappointed?" When I looked back up at Evan, a hurt expression painted his handsome face.

"Absolutely not. Archie, you are the man of my dreams. You're so beautiful and your body is incredible; being so close to you is driving me crazy, but I would never disrespect or frightenyou. I want to make you feel safe."

"You do." Evan could have done anything to me, but he only cared for me and made me feel special, cherished, maybe even…loved. Is that what this is? Is that the warmth inside me?

"Come with me." Evan led me out of the room and into another, and my jaw dropped at the sight of a huge bed in its center.

"Jings!" I exclaimed as I ran my fingers along the thick, dark wooden frame. "This is incredible. Are you sure I can sleep here?"

"Of course I'm sure," he replied with a chuckle.

I couldn't wait to try the bed out, but I didn't want to get it wet, so I stripped off my towel and climbed up, my knees sinking into the squishy surface. I flopped onto my back and brushed my arms and legs against the soft blankets. I was just about to borrow beneath them to feel their warmth when a low growl caught my attention.

I snapped my eyes to Evan, who was watching me with a dark, hungry gaze as I rolled around naked in his bed. I wasn't frightened; I was excited. So much so that my body began to react; my heart beat faster, pumping my blood through my veins and into my quickly swelling cock.

Slightly embarrassed and unsure what to do, I went back to burrowing, completely covering myself from the tip of my head to my toes. I heard quiet shuffling within the room and my breath caught when the bed dipped beside me.

"Is it okay if I join you?" I nodded my head, shuffling the covers, and Evan chuckled softly before ducking under the fabric with me. Thanks to my keen senses, I could see his face clearly in the darkness. I could also see that he'd stripped down to nothing more than a pair of shorts. His broad torso was smooth and strong and made my mouth water.

"What do you think?" He asked, making my cheeks flush. "Is it comfortable?" Oh, he's asking about the bed. I nodded; it beat the hell out of my straw pile. "Good. I always want you to be comfortable."

It was obvious that he was talking about more than just the bed. "I'm sorry I hid from you under the covers. I got nervous."

"I understand. Just remember that you're safe here. I will never ask for more than you're ready to give."

My lips trembled as they curled into a smile. I'd never been treated with such care. "Thank you."

Evan pressed a soft kiss to my lips before asking, "May I hold you while we sleep?"

"Please." I rolled over and pressed my back against his front. My eyes widened when I felt a hard lump poking my hip, but I didn't say anything. I wasn't sure what to say.

Evan wrapped his strong arm around my waist, enveloping me in his warmth and strength. I was safe, secure and comfortable, and I had this forever.

Just as my eyes were growing heavy, something Evan said earlier came knocking on my brain and I couldn't ignore it.

"Evan, are you awake?"

"Aye," he answered sleepily. "Is something wrong?"

"No, I was just wondering; earlier you said that you were running out of time. What did you mean?"

Evan took a deep breath and traced his fingers across my stomach. "I want to be honest with you, but please don't think I'm demandinganything from you."

"I would never think that."

He kissed the back of my head before explaining quietly in my ear, "I told you that vampires need blood to survive, but what I didn't tell you was that once a vampire meets their mate, they can only feed from them, unless of course they are a vampire as well."

"So...you need to feed from me? Even though I'm a shifter?"

"To be honest, I wasn't sure at first; I've never known a vampire who was mated to a shifter. But after I saw you that first night, I tried to feed from the bagged blood we have here and it made me ill. My body rejected it and I knew that I could only feed from you, my fated one."

I smiled with pride; I wanted to feed him. I wanted to be the one to provide him with what he needed. "And...the time?"

"We usually feed every few days to keep up our strength, but if we wait longer than a week, our life force dwindles and we perish."

I tossed the covers off of us and quickly turned to face him. "How long has it been for you?"

"Since I couldn't drink the bagged blood, it's been four days."

"Shite, Evan. You have to feed." I stretched my neck out and turned my head to the side. My mate licked his lips but didn't bite; he just caressed his fingers over my throat.

"I can wait a little longer. I don't want you to feel pressured or think that I expect-"

"I don't think that," I interrupted. "I want to do this. You've helped me so much and I want to help you too. You're my mate and I want to give you everything you need. Please."

Evan smiled gently and moved his hand up into my hair. "I don't know what I did to deserve such a sweet, perfect mate."

He leaned closer and kissed me softly. When his lips left mine, they trailed a line of gentle kisses across my cheek and down my throat. His touch caused my pulse to race, and my cock swelled and stiffened once more.

I shivered when Evan brushed the tips of his fangs across the flesh of my throat, and I moaned when they popped through the surface.

He took a long draw of my blood as I fisted the sheets beneath me. I'd never felt such intense pleasure; my entire body burned with bliss. Each sip he took from me felt like a draw from my cock. My legs hardened and my stomach clenched. I cried out as a wave of ecstasy overtook me. My balls rolled and my cock jerked, and warm liquid splattered up my stomach.

Evan pulled his fangs from my throat and licked my flesh to close the wound. He peeked down at my sticky torso and then looked into my eyes. "Archie…"

"I'm sorry," I butted in. "I didn't mean to. It felt so good and it just happened. Did I ruin it?"

Evan kissed me again and quieted some of my fears. "You could never ruin anything," he whispered against my lips. "Feeding between mates is intense and wonderful. Tasting your sweet blood affected me too." He nodded down to his shorts which were tented away from his body by a long lump.

My brain went fuzzy and my mouth watered, and the words, "May I touch you?" left my lips before I knew what I was saying. Evan's eyes darkened as he nodded.

I inched my shaking hand towards his body. I gulped when my fingers wrapped around his thick erection, feeling his body heat through the thin material of his underwear. I gave him a timid stroke and Evan moaned my name, driving me crazy and making me hungry for more.

I leaned forward and pressed our lips together, and our kiss quickly turned into one like we'd never shared; it was hot, needy, and wild. Evan slid his tongue into my mouth and I licked against it. Our teeth nipped each other's lips and we swallowed one another's moans. But it wasn't enough. A need burned inside me that I couldn't ignore.

I tore my mouth from Evan's and told him, "I want to bite you too."

His nostrils flared with heavy breaths before he answered, "That will seal our eternal bond to one another. Are you ready for that, wee one?"

I nodded, having no doubt in my mind that I was ready to share my life with someone so wonderful. "Is it what you want?"

"More than anything." At his answer, my fangs elongated, preparing to bite and claim my mate. "Archie, you're so sexy." I flashed a smile before dropping my head into the crook of his neck.

I took a deep breath, pulling his crisp scent into my lungs. To my surprise, my softening cock sprang back to life. Evan shuddered when I licked the supple flesh of his throat. His pulse thumped quickly beneath my lips as I slid my teeth into his skin.

I bit into his throat until my fangs scraped against his clavicle. Raspberry flavored blood trickled onto my tongue and energy buzzed around and within me. My senses heightened, my soul mended, and my body rejoiced.

I grunted against his skin as a second powerful orgasm ripped through me, and my seed speckled across his hips. Evan called my name in a cry that vibrated my lips as his own body jerked. The scent of his release mixed with mine and filled the air with the sweetest aroma I'd ever smelled.

I pulled my fangs free of his throat and watched as his skin pulled together into a pretty pink mating scar. He was marked forever as mine and I was his.

I opened my mouth to tell him how happy I was, but all that came out was a gasp of surprise when I saw a band of light peeking out of Evan's forehead.

"Oh god, what's happening?" I asked worriedly, but Evan only smiled.

"It's okay, Archie; it's our bond." A second shimmering gold light popped through my own face, but I couldn't feel it except for the pleasant warmth it gave. The strings touched ends and Evan explained, "This represents our mental link. We will be able to speak to one another without words, and communicate no matter how far apart we are."

Another gold cord protruded from each of our stomachs and this time I wasn't frightened. "This is our physical link. Our lifelines are now entwined; we cannot survive without each other."

A third beautiful twinkling string came from our chests and touched as the other two had done. "And this is our spiritual link. We can feel each other's emotions and soothe one another's worries or fears. Our souls are bound together, and we will never love or desire another. You're my world, Archie; my life."

My eyes teared up at his sweet words as the lights detached from our bodies. They coiled and twisted together like slithering snakes before stretching between us as one braid. It entered us both at heart level before shining brighter, glistening like a thousand stars. Then just as quickly, the light died away and the cord disappeared.

"We're one now," Evan told me, but his lips didn't move. He was speaking directly into my mind; communicating without words.

"I can't believe this is real."

"Me neither, and I couldn't be happier."

I beamed at him before looking down at the mess I made on his stomach. "Sorry about that."

"I'm not," Evan shrugged. "It was so damn sexy." He scrunched up his nose and nodded towards his lap, adding, "I made a bit of a mess of myself too."

I chuckled until he peeled down his boxers to remove them; then my jaw dropped as I went silent. Even though it was soft, Evan's dick was long and chubby as it rested against his thigh.

I closed my mouth in time to swallow the puddle of drool forming within it. Evan used the cloth of his underwear to wipe his body clean and then, after asking permission, wiped me down as well.

We snuggled beneath the blankets again, but I was warmed from the inside out by the feeling Evan gave me with his respect and care. Even though I'd never felt it before, I was positive what the feeling was and I wanted to tell my mate exactly what he meant to me.

But he beat me to it. Evan pulled me closer and whispered in my ear, "I love you, Archie."

"I love you too," I replied quietly as my stomach flipped. I borrowed deeper into his hold and added, "This is the best birthday ever." His deep, warm laugh and rumble of his chest lulled me into a peaceful sleep.