Tame Me by Jayda Marx

Chapter Five


My heart leapt at the sound of rustling leaves and tiny footprints beating the dirt as they raced towards me. A smile captured my lips when I saw a red blur approaching, but it disappeared just as quickly when I felt panic and sorrow rolling off of my mate. The strength of his emotions nearly brought me to my knees, but I stood firm, waiting to offer him the comfort he needed.

Archie burst through the forest opening and bolted towards my house. When I called out his name, his terror grew and he pushed faster. What happened to you, wee one?

“Archie, wait!” I called out as I followed behind him. “Please; it’s me. It’s Evan.”

At the sound of my name, Archie’s feet halted. He turned to face me and quickly shifted into his gorgeous human form. As much as I wanted to view his nude body on display, I couldn’t take my eyes from his face, where tears streamed down his cheeks.

“Archie,” I whispered with a pained voice, and my mate ran towards me at top speed. He leapt into my arms, locking his legs around my waist and his hands behind my head as he wept into my neck.

“It’s okay, beautiful,” I soothed as I stroked my hands up and down his back. “I’m here. I’ve got you and everything is okay now.” Whatever had him upset, it ended now. I’d give my last breath to protect him from harm.

I kissed his curls and whispered soothing words into his ear until Archie’s sobs turned to sniffles. I gave him one more kiss to the temple before asking quietly, “What happened?”

“Alpha Torrence,” Archie whispered back. “He...he…”

“Did he hurt you?” I asked when he couldn’t finish his sentence. Archie nodded against me and a loud growl rumbled in my chest. “That boggin’ doaty feartie! I’ll rip his baws off and shove them right up his arse!” I didn’t get mad often, but when I did, I sounded very Scottish.

I marched towards the tree line, ready to rip the sorry excuse for an Alpha apart limb by limb. But I stopped when Archie raised his head from my shoulder and looked at me with pleading, watery eyes.

“You can’t go there! I’m all healed up now; he only hit me. He wanted to...he was going to…” He didn’t finish his thought, but I understood, and another growl tore through me. I hated Torrence for laying a single finger on my mate, but the thought of him taking advantage of my Archie made my blood boil.

“But I ran. He told me that I was never allowed to leave, but I did. I had to get to you. I disobeyed and deserted him and if I go back there, he’ll kill me. Please don’t take me back to him!”

I hugged him tightly and promised, “You were so brave to get away, and you never have to go back there. I want you to stay right here with me. I need to know that you’re safe and taken care of. I need you, Archie.”

He sniffed and blinked wide, surprised eyes. “Nobody has ever needed me.”

“I do. More than you know.” He was the other half of my soul, and I couldn't survive without him.

“I need you too, so please promise me that you won’t go looking for Alpha Torrence. I can’t stand the thought of something happening to you.”

As much as I wanted Torrence’s head, I didn’t want to put stress or worry on my sweet mate. “I promise. I will never leave you.” I sealed my vow with a kiss to his forehead and Archie gave me one of his pretty bashful smiles. “Come on, wee one; let’s get you home.”

Archie sighed happily and rested his head on my shoulder, but I carried him a few steps closer to my house before he popped up again and looked at me with panic in his eyes. “Wait!”

“What’s wrong? Do you not want to stay with me?” I wouldn’t make him do anything he wasn’t comfortable with, no matter how much I craved it.

“I want it more than anything, but I have to tell you something and I’m afraid it’ll change your mind.”

“Archie, that could never happen. You can tell me anything and I swear on my life nothing will change the way I feel about you.”

He swallowed hard and said, “The glass fox you gave me...it’s broken. I showed it to Alpha Torrence to prove that I had a mate and he smashed it. It was too busted to fix, so I buried it in my old room. I’m so sorry; I should have taken better care of it.” His eyes filled with moisture as he awaited my response.

I took a moment to tamp down my anger at Torrence for destroying something that meant so much to my mate; I didn’t want Archie to think it was aimed at him. He was so precious; even though his gift was broken, he still buried it like treasure.

“You have nothing to apologize for,” I told him with a smile. “Your safety is all that matters to me, but I’m sorry that Torrence took it from you. I’d be happy to make you another one tomorrow at my shop. You’re welcome to help me if you want to.”

Really?” I nodded and Archie hugged me tighter than I thought possible. “My chest is feeling all warm again.”

I chuckled and squeezed him back. “Mine too. Now let’s go home; I think I know just the thing to help you relax.”