Dragon Hunter by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 13

Two days later…


He did not need this in his life right fucking now! Even though he was still out of earshot, he focused on his breathing. On keeping his heart rate down. He didn’t want to alert that bastard that something was wrong. Which was true! Everything needed to be seen as going well. Which it actually was. The pressure was irritating the fuck out of him. For a moment, he considered ending this conversation, turning, and going the other way.


He couldn’t, though. If he did that, he’d be seen as running away. Of hiding something. Fog needed to stand his ground. Moreover, he needed to keep cool. He had this.

“Did you give our conversation any thought?” Fog asked under his breath. He had been leading up to this question. There was still time to ask it since that asshole was still out of hearing range.

“I did, and let me get this straight, you’re trying to get a rescue team together to go down and save the human should the royals take too long to send one of their own?” he looked confused, and Fog couldn’t blame him.

“Yes, that’s the long and the short of it.” He noted that Storm had stopped to talk with someone; he glanced toward where Fog was standing. Good! Gave him a few more seconds.

“What makes you think they’ll take a long time?” Winter asked, folding his arms.

“You know the royals and red tape. It’s already taken too long, if you ask me. I want to be able to put a few males from our tribe forward and expedite matters.”

“That makes sense. I would be up for that, but to go without authorization…” He shook his head, looking solemn. “You’re asking for trouble if you do that, Fog.” The male’s eyes flicked down the hallway for a second before coming back to hold Fog’s gaze. “By the way, Storm is headed in this direction.”

“I know,” Fog grumbled. “I was just about to ask you if you knew what human females like to do for fun?” He needed to change the subject before Storm got to them. The male was still headed down the hallway in their direction.

Damn it all!

“For fun?” Winter rubbed his chin. “I take it you’re referring to the human you have squirreled away in your chamber?” He lifted his brows. “The one you rescued?”

“One and the same. Yes, I like her and want to spend time with her. Which brings me to my original question, what do humans like to do for fun?”

“I hear they like multiple orgasms,” Winter deadpanned. “Just a suggestion.” Then he shrugged, smirking.

Fog rolled his eyes. “I’m not pushing that aspect of our relationship yet, but—”

“Oh, so it’s a relationship?”

“I’m testing compatibility, so yes, it might be headed in that direction. For now, I want to,” he shrugged, “spend time with her. Take her mind off her friend. I’ve been on Stag runs, so I know full well what humans enjoy between the sheets, but I’ve never spent any time with one outside of the bedroom.” It was all true! Now that Storm was within hearing distance of this conversation, he hoped the fucker was listening in.

“Hmmmmmm…” Winter rubbed his chin. “I don’t know. Perhaps take her out to dinner. Take her flying. Maybe a picnic on the cliffs would be nice.” Winter shrugged. “You could go to the beach or for a walk in the forest.”

All good suggestions. “I like it,” Fog started to say. “I think I’ll—"

“The human is not permitted to leave the lair,” someone said behind him. Fog knew exactly who that someone was. Storm. He fought hard not to roll his eyes and groan.

Instead, Fog forced a neutral expression and turned. “Sire, how good to see you.” Not!

“The cave dwellers may be looking for the human. Let’s keep her safe by remaining within the lair for now,” Storm lifted his brows, “shall we?”

“That is a good idea,” Fog said, even though he wanted to argue. The cave dwellers were averse to bright light. Which meant that they would be quite safe if they stuck to daylight hours. Riley would be safe if they did any of those activities, as long as they did them while the sun was up. Since he couldn’t say any of that, he kept his mouth shut.

“The female is on our soil for you to test compatibility.” The prince narrowed his eyes. “Your chamber is the best place for that particular exercise.”

Fog nodded. “I do want to get to know her first, but yes, you are right.” Best he just agree with the fucker. He had to work not to gnash his teeth while doing it.

“You should get started then, or I might assume that you’re not a good match.” Storm’s eyes stayed narrowed. His meaning was clear.

“Riley is a timid human who is worried about her best friend.” There was an edge to Fog’s voice that couldn’t be helped.

“About that,” Winter said. “I heard that a rescue team is being put together. When is this going to happen?” he asked Storm.

“It’s still being discussed. Nothing has been decided yet.”

“A team will be sent, though, right?” Winter asked; the male cocked his head. “You can’t just leave a human female down there with those creatures.”

“As I said, it is being discussed. You do not need to be concerned with the matter. The correct decisions will be made, and actions will be taken accordingly.”

Fog clenched his jaw to keep from saying something that would get him into serious shit.

“I am interested in joining when a search party is sent,” Winter said. “As is Fog. We were just discussing it not so long ago.”

“Oh, were you now?” Storm looked his way. “It’s noble to put yourselves forward like that. It might be a dangerous mission. I will let you know if we need volunteers. Thank you for offering your services.” He actually looked like he meant it.

Fog felt his blood boil. He already knew that there wouldn’t be a team. There wouldn’t be a rescue mission. Nothing was being discussed. It had already been decided. His hands were tied; he couldn’t say anything to anyone. His chest tightened as he held back a growl.

“I’m sure I’ll see you very soon,” Storm told Fog. “I’m hoping for some good news. It’s always a joyous occasion when a mating is announced.”

No pressure!


If they didn’t test compatibility soon, questions were going to be asked. Ones he would struggle to answer. Riley might be sent home. Fuck!

“I need to get going,” he told Winter.

“Good luck with your female.”

“Thanks,” Fog mumbled. He was going to need it. Fog had a feeling that as much as Riley said she was willing to do anything to stay on dragon soil and to see her friend rescued, sharing his bed on the regular might not be one of those things. It would ultimately be up to her.