Dragon Hunter by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 18

Fog heard Riley check her phone. Her breathing changed, and he felt her flop back onto the bed. It was already bright out. The sun was high. It had to be nine, maybe even ten.

“Everything okay?” he asked, his voice still clogged with sleep. He turned to face her. Riley’s hair was mussed; she was still beautiful, regardless. They’d fucked until late last night. She wore one of his t-shirts. Thankfully, she’d ditched the underwear but was still twitchy about him seeing anything. Someone had done a number on her. That much was clear. Someone he wanted to kill with his bare hands. Riley was beautiful…exquisite even, and yet she had this image of herself that didn’t compute. It wasn’t just the image of herself. He still felt more than ever that something bad had happened to her. Fog hoped she’d confide in him at some point.

Riley rubbed her face. “I wake up every morning hoping Ashlyn tried to contact me. That she made it back home. That she was let go. I know it’s not going to be the case, but I’m disappointed when it doesn’t happen nonetheless.” She pushed out a heavy breath. “I feel terrible. Here I am having a good time when she’s…” She shrugged. “I wish I knew what was going on with her. I feel bad, that’s all.”

“The equipment arrived yesterday. I’ll get cleaned up and then head out on a last-ditch effort to find someone to go with me. I don’t like the idea of going alone.” He shrugged. “I will if I have to; I’ll get your friend back. I’m considering telling my friends that the royals don’t plan on sending a team.”

“You’ll get into trouble.”

“No one needs to know. Least of all the royals. I have more chance of someone agreeing if I speak freely.”

“I guess you’re right. All I can say is that I wish I could do something. I wish I could go with you.” She pulled herself up higher onto the pillows.

“That’s not going to happen.” He shook his head. “It would be too dangerous.”

“What about you? It would be dangerous for you too.”

“I’m a big boy.” He grinned. “Big enough to take care of myself.”

“You’re undoubtedly big.” She got this naughty-looking smile, and he scented arousal. Riley was receptive. She was incredibly sexy. For a moment, he was tempted to make her forget about all of this…if only for another hour. To show her how she affected him. Fog held back. There was a lot of planning that needed to be done if he was going into those caves tomorrow. It couldn’t be put off any longer. He was going at sunup. His mind was made up.

“You’re big,” her smile died, “but you’re up against a whole tribe of them, and they’re big too.”

“I’ll be fine. I plan to use stealth. That, and surprise. I’m almost hoping they capture me.”

“Don’t say that,” she pushed out.

“What? Why? Would you miss me?”

Her eyes clouded. “More like, how would you save Ashlyn if you were captured? You could be killed.” She looked like she might care, though – and not just about Ashlyn, about him too.

“At least that way, I would be able to speak with them. To educate them, perhaps. That’s what they need.”

“They don’t speak much English, and they’re as barbaric as they come. I agree with Storm on this one; you can’t get caught. They would kill you in cold blood. I know it! You need to find a way to get Ash and to escape. In and out without them ever finding out. Can you do that?” Her brows were raised, and she sounded nervous.

“I can certainly try,” he finally said.

Riley nodded once; her expression seemed to soften, and she licked her lips.

“I’m going to grab that shower. Do you want to wash my back?” He bobbed his brows at her.

“I think you’ll manage just fine.” She smiled.

“I know I’ll manage. It’ll just be so much more fun if you’re there with me.”

“I have rules for a reason,” she murmured, almost looking disappointed.

“You can follow your rules.”

She giggled, chewing on her lower lip. “How do you figure?”

“I’d love to see you in a wet t-shirt.” He grinned. “I think you’d be sexy as fuck.” He toyed with the hem of the garment in question.

Riley pushed out a throaty laugh. “I don’t think so.”

Fog sighed and shrugged. “You can’t blame a male for trying.” He leaned in, his eyes on her lips.

“Ummmm. No kissing outside of the bedroom, unless we’re in public.”

“We’re in bed, Riley.”

“No kissing unless we’re having sex.”

“New rule?’ He lifted his brows.

“Yes.” She nodded. “Couples kiss, Fog. We’re not a couple.”

“No, we most definitely are not a couple. It’s just that most females like to be kissed after being thoroughly fucked.”

“I’m not most women.”

“No. No, you’re not, Riley.” She confused him more than anyone ever before. Riley was unlike anyone he’d ever met. She was interesting to him…and possibly dangerous to him, too. Perhaps all these shitty rules were a good thing. Less chance of falling for someone who was never going to fall for him in return. He wasn’t going down that particular road again.

* * *

The team was assembledout back. They’d all made successful kills. Ice had made two.

Sun grinned when he caught sight of him. “Hey, Fog.” His grin grew wider the closer Fog got. “Glad to see…or should I say ‘scent’ that you’ve broken your dry spell. What was it like to be between a pair of human—?”

Fog cuffed the male upside the head.

“Heeeey!” Sun frowned. “Here I am, being happy for you, and—”

“Fog isn’t just with some human; he’s testing compatibility. Don’t be a jerk,” Ice ground out.

“Yeah, don’t be an idiot,” Winter added, hoisting his white tail onto one of the meat hooks. “She seems nice.” The male grinned. “You look happy,” he told Fog.

“Did you explain to her how much dragons like eating humans?” Sun sniggered.

“Fuck off, Sun!” Fog snarled. “I swear, I’ll hurt you.” He pointed at Sun, trying hard not to laugh.

Sun put both hands up. “Okay, okay. I couldn’t resist. I cannot wait to make the mating list myself.”

“You!” Winter choked out a laugh. “I can’t see you settling down…ever.”

Sun frowned. “No, settling down is not for me, but I do want to be able to go on a whole lot more Stag runs.” Sun’s eyes were bright. “Males on the list get to go more often.”

“You won’t be making the list any time soon.” Ice was smiling. “You’re too immature.”

“What? Me?” Sun staggered back, his hand on his chest, looking wounded.

Fog laughed. They all did, only because it was true.

“Yes, you!” Fog finally said after a good hard laugh. “You need to do something that will put hair on your chest.”

“I don’t want hair on my chest.” Sun looked down at his hairless pecs. “Humans like my chest just like it is.”

“I don’t mean actual hair, you asshole. You need something to help you grow as a person,” Fog explained.

“Human females help me grow just fine.” He palmed his cock.

“Forget about it.” Fog laughed despite trying hard not to. It wasn’t good to egg on a male like Sun. He didn’t need it. “About why I’m here, I’m afraid you’re not invited.” Fog shrugged.

“Not invited to what exactly?” Sun asked, folding his arms.

Fog pushed out a breath. Everyone was focused on him. “I’m sure most of you have heard by now that I’m trying to find recruits for a rescue mission to save Riley’s best friend, Ashlyn.”

“You know you can add me to the list, Fog,” Winter said. “Have the royals mentioned that a team is going? Is it official? Are they looking for volunteers?” He looked animated.

“That’s just it.” Fog shoved his hands into his pockets. “It’s taking a long time. I’m beginning to think that a team might not be sent.”

“How do you know that?” Winter asked.

“It seems that the writing is on the wall. Think logically about it. I don’t think a rescue mission will be organized,” Fog added. “In fact, I’m pretty sure.”

“I think you’re wrong,” Winter said. “I don’t think the royals would leave a human female down there. I’m certain a team will be sent. In fact, I’m pretty sure that one has been deployed already. We just haven’t been informed about it.”

“I’m considering going down with or without the royals’ permission. I have all the equipment, a map outlining the cave systems, and a plan.” It was a fucking terrible plan. “All I need is one or two others to go with me.”

“That is the worst fucking idea I have ever heard.” Ice folded his arms; his eyes were blazing.

“Didn’t you hear me? A female is down there against her will.”

“I know that. We all do. It’s terrible. I feel for her. I feel bad for your female, as well. She must be beside herself with worry, but you can’t go fucking around in those caves on some vigilante rescue mission.”

“The royals aren’t sending a team.” Fog sounded every bit as frustrated as he felt.

“I still think you’re wrong on that note,” Winter went on, shaking his head.

“If they’re not sending a team, it’s with good reason,” Ice deadpanned; his eyes were narrowed.

“Oh, so now you’re siding with the royals? You? After what happened with Azure?” Fog had to say it, even though it was a bit of a low blow.

“Yes, I am. Those cave fuckers are not to be messed with. You go down there, and you might never come out. Don’t do it!”

“Okay, okay.” Fog put his hands up. “I said that I was thinking about it. You convinced me otherwise.”

“You won’t go down there?” Ice held his gaze. “Tell me you won’t!”

“I won’t!” Lying to his friend’s face was one of the hardest things he had ever done. His plan might be shit, but he knew deep inside that it would work. He knew for a fact that the cave dwellers were dragons. That changed everything.

“I’m glad to hear you’ve dropped it, Fog,” Winter said, looking sincere. “You’re a good male; you tend to think with your heart and not with your head. Not everyone is like you.”

“Although he might be thinking with his head, too. Just not the one on his shoulders.” Everyone turned to glare at Sun, who chuckled.

For once, he was happy with Sun and his shitty comments. It defused the whole tense air that had settled around them.

“Even if the royals end up putting a team together…” Ice shook his head, “I’m sorry, bro, I have a mate. We’re starting a family. I can’t go running half-cocked into a cave system to face strange creatures. Azure would have my balls.”

Starting a family.

Did that mean that Azure was with child? Funnily enough, Fog found that the thought didn’t anger him like it had not so long ago. He didn’t feel the pain and the hurt, either. He felt…fine, which was great since he needed to focus on rescuing the human. It looked like he would need to go alone, which was less than ideal.

“I also need to stay in one piece, bud.” Sun looked upset. “There are humans out there who need me. I can’t get injured or killed.” He shook his head.

“I get it. I understand. Let’s wait to hear from the royals. So far, it’s Winter and me who are volunteering. I’m going to try to get a meeting with Storm,” he lied some more. “I’ll try to convince them that we need to go. I’ll let you get back to work now.”

“You enjoy your time off with your human,” Ice said.

“Oh, I will.” Fog forced a smile as he turned, heading back to the lair. He pushed his way through the doors and started towards…

“Fog,” a deep voice rasped behind him. “I’ll go,” the same voice said. The words were followed by a deep grunt.

Fog turned, and for a second, he felt speechless. “Avalanche,” he said. He looked around them to see if there was anyone close by. They were alone. “Are you sure?” His throat clogged with gratitude. “It would be without authorization and as good as a giant middle finger to the royals.”

The male nodded once. “I know. We’re off shift for the next two days. I’ve got nothing better to do, anyway.” He made it sound like they were going fishing.

“Holy fuck, bro.” Fog chuckled. “That would be great.” He wanted to tell the male that he wouldn’t regret it, but he couldn’t do that because he just might change his mind.

Fog’s heart raced. It looked like he might not need to go in alone after all. Having said that, he was instantly concerned about putting another life at risk.

“Tell me your plan,” Avalanche said, rubbing absently at the blood on his chest, smearing it across his skin. Perhaps this male was the best person for the job.

“Okay.” Fog nodded. “But I must warn you. You’re not going to like it.”

Avalanche didn’t say anything. The male kept his eyes firmly on Fog’s.

“If you decide to pull out after this talk, I will completely understand. You can’t breathe a word of this to anyone, though.”

Avalanche grunted again, this time with a nod of agreement. Who was he kidding? Avalanche didn’t talk much, even when spoken to. This was perfect.