Dragon Hunter by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 17

They walked the rest of the way back to his chamber in silence.

I think you know.His words swirled around and around in her head on repeat. I think you know. I think you know.

“Do you have a first aid kit?” Riley asked as soon as they were inside his apartment.

“No need.” Fog walked over to the kitchen and washed his face, cupping his hand under the steady stream. Then he grabbed a towel and dried himself off.

When he turned back to her, she noted that the wound was sealed. It already looked a day or two old. The bruising looked worse, which was also further along in the healing process. “Does it hurt?” she asked, touching his cheek with two fingers and examining the wound.

“I told you I’m fine, and I meant it.” There was a growl to his voice. Fog paced to the other side of the room, looking out over the view, but it didn’t look like he was seeing much of anything. He looked deep in thought.

“What did the text say, exactly?” It was clear as day where his mind was at. Namely Storm. Maybe it wasn’t as bad as Fog thought.

“He told me to forget about the meeting we have scheduled later. Then he said that we have until tomorrow to start testing compatibility, or you’re going to be sent home.”


“He said that we can’t have fights breaking out in the lair. That you were at risk, and he might be a prick, but he’s also right on that one point.” Fog turned. “It’s one hell of a thing. You could have been hurt today.” He roughed up his hair, looking pissed off.

“I can take care of myself. I didn’t get hurt. Stop being so hard on yourself. You were protecting me.”

“Fights like the one you just saw can turn nasty. I’m talking shifting and serious violence. That was nothing. That was like two children quarreling. You could have been hurt. Storm is right.”

“So you need to claim me. Tell me about this ‘not actual sex’ idea of yours.” In the back of her mind, she heard Melina telling her to smell the roses and to have good sex. To live a little. She ignored the voice.

His cheeks turned pink, and he shuffled from one foot to the other, looking uncomfortable. It was disconcerting to see a big bad shifter so out of sorts. He rubbed his jaw, his eyes blazing.

Oh crap!

“That bad?” she asked.

“It would involve getting my scent on you,” he mumbled. It was unusual for Fog. He was still looking down at the floor.

“What? As in, we rub up against each other?” she asked. “Would we have to be naked?” She made a face. That wouldn’t work for her.

“It would mean getting my seed all over you, Riley.”

She felt her blood drain and even gasped. “Oh!” Crappity crap!

“I’m afraid that the best way of doing it would be to jerk off on—”

“I get the picture.” Oh, good lord! No!

“I can see that you’re horrified, and I don’t blame you. I think we should just do this the old-fashioned way. I’m game if you are. I mean, it’s clear that we’re attracted to each other. Let’s just fuck. There’d be no more issues with males like Tornado. Storm would get off my back. You would be safer than what you are now. What do you say?” He folded his arms, looking at her with a whole lot of expectation.

Riley couldn’t say anything right away on account of her jaw being on the floor. She couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t do anything except gape.

“Say something.” Fog’s voice was soft. “I know I can be crass. I know that it’s not what you want, but,” he shrugged, “we could make the most of it.”

Once again, she heard Melina’s advice running around in her head. “You won’t accidentally fall in love with me, will you?” She regretted the words the moment they were out. How stupid was she?

Fog laughed. He shook his head. “I told you I’m not in that place right now. I like you well enough. I think you’re fucking sexy, but no, I wouldn’t fall for you.”

“Not to be nasty, but you’re not my type.” She put it out there.

He pulled in a breath and even started to say something. “Yo—”

Maybe she had been a bit harsh. “I am attracted to you, Fog. I’ll give you that, and I like you well enough as well, but that’s where it ends.”

“We’re on the same page. That’s great news.” He nodded, rubbing his neck. “So, this could work, then?” He looked her in the eyes.

Riley sighed. Why did she have to be so complicated? Why? For once in her life, she wished she could drop all her rules and just be. She couldn’t! “Well…first, you need to know my rules. I mentioned them before, remember? I don’t have many, but I stick to them religiously.”

“The ‘no oral sex’ one has to go!” Fog said, taking a step towards her. “The first thing I plan on doing to you is slipping off your panties, getting between your thighs, and licking—”

“No!” she practically yelled. Everything in her had coiled and tightened. Her clit gave a zing she felt right down in her toes.

“You’re saying no, but I can scent your arousal. You’re aroused by the idea of me sucking on your clit, but you are sticking to your rule?”

Why did he have to have such a great sense of smell?“Maybe I like dirty talk more than I ever thought. I’m not into oral sex. I just…it’s too intimate.”

“Sex is intimate. I don’t understand, that’s all.” His voice was gruff.

“You don’t have to go there. I don’t need it,” she tried. It normally worked like a charm on guys she dated. They even seemed relieved about not having to do the deed.

Not this time.“I want to, Riley. It would make both of us very happy…I promise you.”

She shook her head.

“You’d better tell me the rest of your rules.” He didn’t look happy. His brow was furrowed. His eyes looked darker. He folded his arms.

“I’m, um…I’m shy.”

He nodded once.

Riley licked her lips. “I prefer to have sex in the dark.”

He nodded again, not disagreeing, which emboldened her. “If it can’t be in the dark, then I like to keep my bra on. Since I don’t know you very well, I would prefer to keep a shirt on, as well. I mean, that shouldn’t be a problem. We can still have sex, can’t we? You can get your scent on me? Storm will be off our case? You’ll rescue Ashlyn, and we can go back to our lives. No harm, no foul.” Her heart was racing.

Fog looked disappointed. His jaw tightened, and he looked down at the floor for a few moments. “You’re okay with coming…hard?”

She swallowed thickly. “Um…I suppose.”

“You suppose?” He pushed out a breath through his nose. “Do you remember my rules?”

Only too well. “I remember that they clash. I’m not wearing lingerie.”

“I was teasing about the lingerie,” Fog deadpanned.

“Oh!” she breathed out. “Okay, then, we—”

“I prefer it when both parties are naked.” His voice was thick…deep…so deep.

She swallowed thickly. Shit!

“I’d want to get my hands all over you. Not just my hands, but my mouth, my tongue, my teeth, too. Clothing gets in the way of all that.”

“I, um…” Her voice was squeaky. “I…can’t,” she mumbled. She’d had guys break up with her over her rules. “I’m afraid that I have to stick to my guns on this.” She had this strange emotion churning through her. One she didn’t recognize.

“I like naked; you like clothing. Can I at least take off your panties, or am I pushing them to the side?”

Why did everything he say sound seriously sexy? It all turned her on. Made her a touch lightheaded. “You can be naked if you want,” she blurted like a complete idiot.

“Thank fuck! Otherwise, it would be impossible between all the layers.”

“Please don’t be mad.”

His face softened. Fog sighed and scrubbed a hand over his face. “I’m not mad. I’m just wondering what happened to you.”

“Nothing happened.” She shook her head.

“I know you were teased as a kid. That you were considered to be a little overweight, but surely that’s not it. I assure you that you’re gorgeous. I want nothing more than to look at you. To admire you.”

Gosh, that was so sweet and so sincere. Riley felt herself melt a little, which in turn made her shake her head. “No! Nope. I can’t.”

“Okay, so I say naked, and you say clothed. I say yes to eating you out, and you say absolutely not. Am I right so far?”

She nodded.

“Anything I’ve missed? Can we kiss?”

She nodded.

“Can I suck on your nipples through your layers?” His eyes were blazing.

She nodded once. “I think that would be okay.”

“Mmmmm…are all positions okay?”

“How many positions are there?”

“Jesus! This is bad.”

“Why is it bad?” It wasn’t bad. They hardly knew each other.

“Bad was an incorrect choice of words. I’m fine with your rules, although I might try to get you to bend them.”

“No bending.”

“Oh, there will be bending, Riley.” He took a step toward her, and she took a step back. He took another step.

Riley’s heart was going nuts as she stepped back again. Maybe this was a bad idea. No, she was pretty sure that it was a godawful idea. The worst. When her back hit the wall, she realized that she was breathing so hard she was practically hyperventilating. The scary part was that she wasn’t sure whether it was excitement or fear that was causing her heart to race and her palms to turn sweaty. It was probably a good dose of both.

“Calm down,” Fog murmured. “I’m not going to do anything you don’t want. He held up both hands, palms forward. “Let’s start with a kiss. Can you handle a kiss?”





She nodded once. “Okay.”

“Can I put my hands on your hips?” he asked.

“Ahhh…yes.” She nodded.

As he reached for her, Riley shook her head. She’d been running late that morning and hadn’t… Oh hell! Why today? “I know this is a bad time, but I need to shower, I’m—”

“Don't worry about that now.” He put his hands on either side of her against the wall. Stood close but without actually touching her. “You look good and smell fucking amazing.”

“I really should—” Then Riley registered what it was he had said and frowned. “I do?”

“Yep, and besides, I’m going to dirty you up, so there’s no need for a shower right now.”

How did he manage to make gross things sound sexy? “It would probably still be better if—” She was struggling to catch her breath.

“Is this another rule of yours?” His dark stare was on hers.

She shook her head.

“Okay then…no shower.”

“No shower.” Her voice was a mere squeak. Her eyes felt wide.

Fog put his hands on her hips and gave a squeeze. “Try not to think too much,” he whispered as he nuzzled into her neck. “Try to feel instead.” He licked her. Licked! “You taste good.” He kissed her neck, causing goosebumps to rise on her skin.

She gave a startled yelp when he nipped her flesh. Right where her collarbone and her neck met. How did she feel that between her legs? She bit back a moan. How could she be moaning already? “I'm going to make you feel amazing,” he mumbled against her skin.

“You will?” Her voice was filled with question, even though she believed him. She believed every word.

Fog gently cupped one of her breasts. Instead of tensing as she expected, Riley moaned as he brushed his thumb over her tightening nipple.

Then he captured her lips. Fog dove straight in, not giving her a chance to think or act. His lips were soft and his tongue demanding. The perfect combination. Her arms threaded around his neck. Riley dug her fingers into the tops of his shoulders; her hips rocked, trying to close the space between them. What was happening to her? She couldn’t seem to stop. Even the little whimpers she was making left her lips unbidden.

Her eyes sprung open, and she pulled in a sharp breath as Fog slipped a hand between her legs over the material of her dress. Riley's eyes widened as he cupped her sex. She moaned, the sound loud and wanton. Using his thumb, he rubbed over her most sensitive area. Even through the layers, it felt amazing.

She pushed out a deep groan that had desperation laced into it. Keeping his touch really soft, he continued to rub on her clit. Even straight-out sex had never felt this good before. She wanted…she…she needed… Oh! Oh! Her hands were clenching and unclenching on his shoulders. Her whimpers were… Holy shit! It felt like she might start begging soon.

He broke the kiss. “I’m going to get under your dress,” he said as he pulled up the hem. “I won’t look,” he whispered against her mouth.

“Okay.” She was full-on panting at this point, wanting to rub herself against him like a cat in heat.

Next thing, his hand was under her dress, stroking up her thigh. Up…up…and up. Then his fingers were closing over her sex, rubbing her through the thin silk. “Wet,” he murmured.


How could one word turn her on so much? How? Riley moaned when he said it. Her hips rocking forward. His thumb found her clit through the soft material, and she groaned hard.

Fog leaned down; he sucked and then nipped at her nipple through her dress. It wasn't gentle or playful. It was serious. He was serious. A zing of pleasure mingled with a hint of pain had her crying out. Shit! It felt good too. How could something like that feel good?

It sounded like he said, “So receptive” against her flesh before nipping her nipple some more. His thumb traced lazy circles around her clit. “Heads up, I’m going to make you come now,” Fog murmured as he shoved her panties aside.

Oh shit! Oh hell!“Okay,” she squeaked again.

Riley held onto his biceps. They were huge and firm, like the rest of him. The wall felt cool at her back. Fog kept his beautiful dark eyes on hers. Although her panties were to one side, he had yet to touch her bare skin.

“Relax,” he murmured. Fog brushed his lips over hers. Then brushed a kiss on her jawline, moving to her earlobe. Then his thumb was back. This time on her. Right there! Fog rubbed right over her clit with his finger. Really softly and yet firm enough to have her squirming. Enough to make her want to shove her panties right down and hook a leg around him. This had never happened to her before. Then again, she’d never been with a sexy shifter before.

Riley moaned when he sucked on her earlobe. She was making too much noise. Far too much! It felt so darned good as the pad of his thumb slid over the very sensitive bundle of nerves. She was horrified to find that she was rocking against his hand. The word “more” was still on the tip of her tongue. It reverberated around her brain like a puck inside a pinball machine.

By now, her hips were rocking like mad, and she was making silly little noises. “Sorry,” she whispered, all breathless. “It's been a while.” She choked out a sob, feeling embarrassed to her core. Her words were strained.

“Don’t apologize, Riley.” His voice sounded husky. So deep. “I like it. Makes me want to work harder. To go to town on you.” He slid a finger inside her, curling the tip, which made Riley throw her head back and cry out. “That’s it!” His voice was gravelly. “It’s a good start.”



She wanted to climb him like a pole and impale herself on him. She wanted to ride him like a rodeo bull. Riley wanted more than she’d ever wanted before. She had no time to think about it because Fog kept thrusting into her; it felt amazing. It was like he knew exactly where to touch her for the most impact. The pad of his thumb was firmly on her clit. Then there were two fingers inside her, and her mouth fell open. Maybe there were three. Deep inside her. Riley was panting at this point; her eyes were wide open. She continued to rock her hips. Continued to mewl and groan with every slip and slide of his fingers. Right now, she didn't care about anything but the pleasure he was bringing her. She gripped his biceps tighter, feeling the build in the pit of her stomach. A coiling sensation that seemed to take hold of her entire body. Her skin felt tight. She felt hot all over.

“Oh! Ooooh!” she groaned louder, gritting her teeth. Riley was trying to hold on. He’d only just started, and she was about to lose it.

“Come for me,” he whispered; his words tickled her ear. “Let go.” His chest rumbled. “You’re so damned wet, so tight. Can’t wait to get inside you.” His dirty words sent her tumbling over the edge with a loud yell. She was rocking against him…taking just as much as he was giving.

Her hips jerked as pleasure rushed through her. He kept fingering, kept rubbing while she fell apart. The yell turned into a deep moan. Fog knew precisely when to ease off. Slower, softer, even slower, until he was barely moving. Holy hell, but he was good. He’d done this before tons of times. He was an expert. Possibly even a professional. Women would pay good money.

Not thinking about it!

Riley buried her head against his massive chest. Partly because she was struggling to catch her breath and partly because she was embarrassed. What must he think of her?

“You’re sexy when you come.”

Just like that, her sex clenched around his fingers, which were still inside her. Her clit throbbed. Something trickled down the inside of her leg.



Fog finally withdrew. He pulled her underwear back into place. Thankfully, he had an arm hooked around her waist, or she might have crumpled into a heap on the floor.

“Are you okay?” he asked, his voice a thick baritone.

“Um…yes,” she managed to push out.

“I think we should finish this in bed.” He moved back a little, and her dress fell back into place. “Put your legs around me.”

“I’m too heavy, I—”

“You’re not. Not even close,” he growled, but his eyes were soft.

Riley nodded once and did as he said. Fog had one hand on her thigh and the other firmly on her ass. His hand was huge, making her feel small in comparison. It was the first time in her whole life that she had felt small. It felt good. She liked it.

“Do we have condoms?” she asked.

“No condoms, Riley. You said you were on birth control. Can we go bareback?”


Even hearing him say that had her sex clenching. Had her heart racing. “You said that dragon seed is strong. I worry.” It was true. She did. A baby would be a bad idea since they weren’t together.

Fog chuckled. “I did say that, and you’re probably right. We shouldn’t take the chance. We have two problems, though. One, I don’t have condoms, and two, the best way to get my scent on you would be with my seed. Would you be okay if I pulled out?”

“I guess.”

He dropped his chin to his chest for a second. “Thank fuck!” he breathed out. “I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to be inside a female more.” His eyes told her that he meant it.

Hearing him say that warmed and excited her.

Fog walked straight to the bed. Then she was weightless for a few moments before landing on the soft mattress. She bounced once or twice. Riley watched as Fog just stood there, looking at her. He was frowning hard. She could see the lust in his eyes, which did weird things to her insides.

This was about to happen!

His pants were tented. There was a small part of her that was afraid. She’d seen that thing. The bed dipped as he put a knee down, his gaze firmly fixed on her. “Stop thinking so hard.” He gave her a feral half-smile.

Riley looked back up at him. His chest was amazing, so smooth and masculine even though there was not a single hair to speak of. Not to mention his abs, ripped to perfection. She wanted to run her tongue across them and suck on his pecs. Could a person have a dry mouth and drool all at once? Maybe Melina was right. Perhaps sex appeal was important after all. Fog was magnificent. She’d never wanted anyone more than she did him. Never!

He licked his lips. “Are you sure I can’t,” he touched the hem of her dress, “devour your pussy?” His dark eyes were on hers. “I promise I’d keep my eyes closed. I won’t peek even once. It’ll be the best orgasm you’ve ever had…and then I’ll one-up it with this.” He palmed his cock through his pants.

She couldn’t talk.

Couldn’t really think.

Riley very nearly agreed before she realized that it would be breaking a rule. Her rules were important. She shook her head, which was arguably fuzzy from coming so hard.

He put a hand on her knee and squeezed. “I won’t fall in love with you. You won’t fall in love with me. In a couple of days, you’ll be gone. It’ll be done.” Fog went down on his haunches. “Let me do this for you. I won’t judge. I’ll put my head under your dress and close my eyes. We’ll keep your panties firmly in place if that’s what you want. Let yourself have this one thing. Let go just a little.”

“Why is it so important?”

“You’re trusting me to save your friend; trust me with this. If you say stop, I’ll stop right away. Trust me. I’ve got you, Riley, I swear.”

“You p-promise?”

“I swear to god.”

Riley trusted him. Everything he had just said was true. She was safe. They weren’t each other’s type, and yet they were attracted to each other. It was the perfect situation. Could she let go? Could she live just a little? “My other rules still stand?”

“Yes.” He nodded once. “All I’m asking is for this one compromise.”

He was doing so much for her. “You’ll keep your eyes closed?”

“It might be fun feeling my way around.” He winked at her.

Riley licked her lips. “Okay.” What was she doing? What the hell was she doing? She grit her teeth and closed her eyes to stop herself from changing her mind. She half expected him to move quickly, but he didn’t.

“Open your legs a little more,” he asked, his voice calm and sweet. “I’m a big guy.”

Yes, he was.

Riley bit down on her lower lip and did what he said. Her dress was still firmly in place.

“My eyes are closed,” Fog said. “I’m going under,” he added. “I can’t wait to taste your pussy.”

So dirty!

It made her want to groan. Then he was moving into position, and she was tensing up. Nothing happened. Not a thing. No! Wait! She could feel his warm breath right there. Then he was sniffing.



He made a noise of enjoyment. “Delicious.” Fog closed his mouth over her most intimate place, and her back bowed. It didn’t matter that it was through the thin scrap of silk. She felt it more acutely than she had ever felt anything ever before.

She choked out a strangled cry.

He gave a moan of satisfaction. Riley felt the vibration all the way in her bones. She cried out again.


His tongue was warm. He licked her through the silk. Licked and sucked and licked some more. She had his head in her hands as it bobbed. Her dress was over him, so she couldn’t see what was going on. Hopefully his eyes were closed. Please! Please!

It was like she couldn’t get enough air. Riley was gasping. Then the silk was out of the way, and her clit was in his mouth. His warm, wet mouth. She yelled and clamped her legs around his head. His tongue kept moving against her, and her eyes rolled back. Her hips were rocking, and her legs fell open of their own accord. She needed to come. She needed it more than she needed her next breath. Riley moaned and moaned some more. Good. So good. Oh, so very good. He sucked and licked as if her sex was his last meal. The term “eating out” had never been so correct as right then. Her legs were vibrating. Maybe it was her whole body. She needed to come again, which was crazy considering she had just come moments earlier. Especially considering this was against one of her most important rules.

Somehow or other ‒ she wasn't sure when or how ‒ her legs ended up over his shoulders and spread so wide that the insides of her thighs burned. She didn't care, though, because she was well on her way to another orgasm. Fog was suckling on her clit. It was a sensation she'd never experienced before. It was mind-blowing. His hot mouth was closed over her flesh, and every so often, his tongue would flick across her clit, mid-suck. She made a weird noise, sounding a little like a dying animal, but she didn't give a shit. Riley was so far beyond giving a damn that it was obscene. It had never felt this good before. His tongue, his mouth, his hands, him.




Both of her hands were buried deep in his hair, which she was pulling. Riley looked down. His face was buried between her legs. His tongue. His mouth. Holy shit! It was the sexiest thing she had ever seen. His eyes were squeezed shut. She was thrusting her hips and couldn’t stop. Pretty much fucking the poor guy’s face. She couldn’t stop that either. Nearly, so very nearly… Please!

Riley mewled. Then she was spiraling out of control and coming so hard that her throat hurt from the groan she was forcing out. Her hips jerked against his face. Her skin felt too tight. Her eyes too wide. Her hands were clasping his head. Fog finally slowed and pulled away, licking his lips. He pulled her dress over her pussy and opened his eyes. “I’m doing that again soon.”

She was panting too hard to argue. Still moaning. Riley felt boneless.

“I need to fuck you so badly.” He pulled down his pants, and his cock jutted forward. It was thick as well as long. The head was shiny; it leaked pre-cum. The thing may have been big when it was swinging free, but it was ginormous now that he was fully erect.

Her mouth fell open. “Crikey,” she whispered. “I forgot how big you were.” She panted out.

Fog slid a hand down his length. Watching him do it made her throat dry up. “You’ll take all of me and beg for more.”


Just like that, she was feeling all rattled again. All hot and needy. This man!

“You can try to make me do it,” she blurted. “Beg, that is.” She’d never been so brazen before. It felt good. Who was this person? No! She wasn’t thinking about it. Fog was right. Within a couple of days, a week at the most, they wouldn’t see each other again. This wasn’t real. She wasn’t going to get hurt. Perhaps she could let her hair down a little.

His Adam’s apple bobbed. He stroked himself once and shook his head; his eyes were on her mouth. “Don’t tempt me.” He stood and pulled his pants all the way off, stepping out of them one leg at a time. His balls were heavy between his legs. His thighs thick with muscle, and his hips narrow. He even had that whole V-thing going on. Wow! Just wow!

“Can I take your dress off?” His eyes stayed on hers. “We’ll leave your underwear on.”

His eyes were feral and hungry ‒ for her. It looked like he really wanted her. Panic hit! That would be going too far.

“Forget I said anything. It’s a pretty dress. You’re sexy no matter what.” He palmed his cock, and more pre-cum leaked out. “It’s better if you’re comfortable. You should also know that it’s been a while for me too.” His eyes were lighter than normal, almost as if they were glowing. “This might be over quickly.”

“I’m good. I’ve already gotten off twice.” Her cheeks heated.

“You’re forgetting my number one rule.”

“You really don’t have to make me come three times.” She narrowed her eyes a little.

“Not three times, at least three times, and I absolutely have to make that happen.” A zing of need coursed through Riley as he gripped his cock.

Fog flipped her over onto all fours. He gripped her hips, pulling her ass into the air. “I’m going to take you now.” His voice was a deep rasp. One hand slid around her belly, his deft fingers finding her clit underneath her dress. “I’ll go easy, but I can’t be gentle.” She could feel that her dress was still in place, over her ass. He was crouching over her and carefully maneuvering the fabric. Then he was pulling her underwear to the side. Her heart was racing. She could feel him thick between her legs. Could feel how wet she was. Then he placed the tip of a finger onto her clit.

Rub, rub, rub.His ministrations were turning her mind to mush. Riley moaned. Again? How did this feel so good? How? Half a minute later and she was already desperate for release all over again. How? She was panting like a wild thing. The sound of her breathing filled the room. Her breathing!

Without any fumbling, he put his tip at her opening. There was pressure, but not enough to breach. All the while, he kept up that rub on her clit. Soft and easy. Enough to destroy every brain cell, but not enough to tip her over the edge. She felt something drip down her leg again.

Oh god!She was that wet. She’d never been this turned on, this desperate. “Please!” It came out as a half moan, half plea. Begging already. Crap!

Fog chuckled. It sounded strained. “Do you want me to fuck you, little Riley?”


She’d never been referred to as “little” before. Riley mewled instead of answering. For the first time in her life, she wanted to be fucked. She wanted to be taken hard and fast. She wanted to feel his huge cock sliding in and out of her. The funny thing was that she knew without a doubt that he was going to make her come. She moaned when he pinched her clit, holding it between two fingers.

“Is that a no?” he asked. “Tell me what you want.” His finger started moving again. The pressure increased and eased and increased and eased. His finger danced around her clit, barely touching her. She glanced back. Oh, good god! Fog was making small thrusting motions with his hips even though he hadn’t breached her yet. His eyes were glowing, his jaw tight. So darned sexy that it almost had her coming.

He stopped moving his finger. Riley was going to die if he didn’t take her now. “Yes, I want you to fuck me,” she sobbed, feeling so darned naughty. She’d never said anything like it before. Not ever. It was empowering. Especially when his eyes darkened up, and his jaw tightened. She could see how turned on he was.

“It would be my pleasure.” Fog thrust into her. It hurt, but at the same time, it felt amazing.

How was this real?

Who was she?

Riley cried out, her fingers gripping the comforter so hard that she was sure she broke a nail. Her back bowed as his thick cock slid all the way in. As his hips hit her ass. As he bottomed out inside her.

“Fucking tight,” he growled, sounding so guttural he reminded her of an animal.

He pulled out and then thrust back into her with a hard grunt. “Amazing,” he muttered. “You feel so good. So…good.” His fingers dug into her hips as he thrust again and again. Her boobs were mashed against the bed. Thank god she was so wet because he was big. Huge. Good though. It felt… Ahhhh.

Her eyes rolled back in her skull; she ground her teeth, groaning deeply with every hard, even thrust. The bed shook harder as he picked up the pace, grunting with each stroke. She could hear the sucking noises her body was making. Riley had never been taken like this before.

“Yes!” she yelled as the coiling sensation took hold once more. As her belly tightened up all over again. As her skin tightened.

“Come, Riley! Come for me.” Fog reached around and gripped one of her breasts. “Love your tits.”

Had he just said that? Really? More wetness dripped between her legs.

Fog grunted loudly with each hard thrust. He was very vocal. Not letting up an inch. Riley loved it.

“Oh,” she moaned. “Oooooooh …” Everything was tightening. She couldn’t catch her breath and didn’t want to.

Fog reached around her, caging her with his massive body. His hard chest against her back. She couldn’t move. Good thing Riley was right where she wanted to be.



More frantic this time. The tip of Fog’s finger slid over her clit. She clenched her jaw and squeezed her eyes shut. Then everything let go. Riley screamed his name as her orgasm belted through her.




Aptly named since he’d turned her brain into a fog. Just as she was coming down, he pulled out.

Riley turned just as Fog groaned and bent over the middle. He had his cock in his hand; he was holding the tip. His eyes were tightly shut. He yanked up her dress, tossing it over her back. Then he palmed his whole length, moving quickly. His hips jerked as ropes of come spilled out onto her ass and back. His face was a mask of pure pleasure. His hand moved fast. There was more. It hit her in warm spurts as he groaned her name.

Then he was undulating his hips in little circles. Riley had never seen anything so sexy in all of her life. Fog finally stopped moving. His eyes stayed closed. His jaw was tight. His still mostly erect cock was long and thick in his hand.

“Fuck me,” he groaned. “I wanted to come inside you so badly. Can I open my eyes yet?”

She realized that she still had her ass in the air. Her dress was almost over her head. Her ass completely exposed. Her panties were still to the side. She was covered in her own slick and his come.

“Um…just a sec.” She pulled her dress down. It was weird that the thought of him seeing her didn’t worry her as much as it should, which in turn worried her.

“I want to do that again,” Fog finally murmured. “And soon.”

“You can open your eyes now. Um…yes, I guess you need to get your scent on me some more, right?”

He opened his eyes and smiled. “There’s that. But it’s mostly because I enjoyed the hell out of fucking you.” Fog let go of his dick, which stayed at half-mast. Impressive after what had looked like a massive climax.

Riley was still struggling to breathe after that life-changing orgasm. Make that three of the things. How did she go back to getting herself off? Even worse, how did she go back to ugly douchebag losers?

“Are you okay?” He narrowed his eyes. “I wasn’t too rough?”

“No.” She shook her head. “Not at all. I enjoyed it…very much.” Too much!

He chuckled softly. “We’ll have you riding my cock naked in no time.” He winked at her.

She laughed. “Not on your life.”

“We’ll see.”

She started to get up.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked, eyebrows raised.

She widened her eyes. “I really need to shower at this point. I’m sticky and disgusting.”

He shook his head. “You need to stay right where you are. My scent needs a chance to take hold. I’ll make us lunch while you lie here in bed. Then we’ll move onto round two.”

“Round two?” Her voice had gone back to being squeaky.

He made a noise of agreement from somewhere deep in his throat. “First, I’m going to send Storm a quick text to tell him to back off.” Her mouth dried up when he stood, making his way to the kitchen. It looked like he was going to prepare them lunch naked. Had she died and gone to heaven? It was possible.