Dragon Hunter by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 16

“Holy fuck, but you look amazing.” Fog leaned in and kissed her on the temple.

Riley’s cheeks suffused with pink. “Thanks. Melina is a genius.”

“Not really!” Melina giggled. “I had a fantastic canvas to work on.”

“I love it.” Riley touched her sleek strands. “The feathering around my face is great. I appreciate it.”

“I’m glad it’s still long,” Fog said, his eyes moving down her back. Her dress today was a little shorter. Fucking hot!

The gear would be arriving today. He only wished he had at least one person who would go with him. So far, no one was willing to go against the royals. Everyone thought he was crazy for even trying to put a team together. Why do it when a rescue team was about to be sent anyway? What they didn’t realize was that there was no rescue mission. He couldn’t give them answers. Or speak out about what was really going on. Fog was getting to a point where he was contemplating putting it all out there. At least with his closest friends. He was beginning to realize that he might have to go in alone. Perhaps it would be better that way. In and out without anyone being the wiser.

Melina and Riley were chatting.

He checked his phone, reading the message a tenth time. Storm had asked to see him that afternoon. Damn! Fog could guess what he wanted to talk about. The pressure was on. Fog didn’t like it one bit. It wouldn’t be long before an ultimatum would be delivered to him…to them. Two days. That’s all he needed.

“I’m ready when you are,” Riley said.

“Oh…sorry. Just checking my messages.” He shoved his phone into his pocket.

They said their goodbyes and headed out. Fog put his arm around Riley. He hoped there wouldn’t be any shit on the way back. He didn’t feel much like it. Having said that, he was ready if anyone tried anything.

Most of the males they passed looked away. Good! Word was getting out that despite Riley not being claimed yet, that she was off bounds. The one or two cocky fuckers who looked her way received a stern warning in the form of a growl or a snarl.


“How do she-dragons deal with this attention?” Riley asked after he gave a particularly loud snarl.

“Most of our females are infertile.”

“Does that make them undesirable?”

“They’re still desirable, but…dragons are base. We are driven to procreate, and therefore, females who are fertile are more appealing. It’s different with the she-dragons.”

Riley laughed. “That’s silly. Who knows whether or not I’m even fertile? How can you tell?”

“You are human,” Fog said.

“Yeah, and…?” She widened her eyes. “That doesn’t automatically make me fertile.” She shrugged.

“Most humans are fertile. Even those with problems will normally become pregnant. Dragons have strong seed. Also, humans are very attractive to us dragons. Especially humans who look like you.”

“Like me?” She snorted. “Give me a break.”

“I mean it.” Fog growled at a male who dared to look for too long. Once they turned down the next hallway, he said, “You’re lush.”

“Lush?” She snorted again. “As in chubby?”

“Not chubby! You’re tiny. I’ve told you that before. But you’re also curvy in all the right places.” His voice turned deep. “Your hips are made for holding, your ass too.”

“Holding!” She laughed.

“Holding during hard rutting. Your hair is made for it too.”

“My hair…?” She gave him a double-take, her mouth agape. “Is that why you prefer it long? Just in case we…you know…?”

“Just in case we fuck.” He pushed out a breath. “And no, I like it long because it’s pretty like that. The fact that I could fist it while we—”

“Okay…alright…I get it!” Her chest heaved.

“Then there are your breasts.” He wasn’t sure how this conversation had gotten so off track. Fog was enjoying her scent. Holy fucking shit! Candied apples and cherries. His mouth watered for a taste.

“No. Don’t go there,” she muttered. “Don’t you dare tell me you think they’re lush.”

“They are lush and plenty curvy, but—”

“Too curvy. They’re too much. They’re starting to get a little droopy and—”

“Don’t put yourself down.” He stopped walking. “I don’t like it. You have fantastic breasts.”

“You haven’t seen them.”

“That can be rectified.”

She gave him a dirty look. “Take it from me. They’re not that great. They look better under clothing.”

“I highly doubt that; though they look fucking amazing under—”

“You have a wonderful scent, Riley. It is Riley, isn’t it?”

Fog turned, feeling his blood turn both hot and cold and all at once. “Tornado. What do you want?”

The male openly sniffed the air, causing Fog to growl. “Mmmm, I can scent your arousal. Smells good.” The dickhead addressed Riley, ignoring Fog. “It doesn’t look like this asshole is doing anything to ease your need. Perhaps I could be of service?”

“Like hell!” Fog roared as he charged. He hoped that Riley would get clear. Tornado was one of the team leaders who protected the lair. He was a male who was full of himself. Posing wasn’t going to deter a male like this. Fog needed to act, and quickly. Fucker needed to be brought down a couple of rungs. His rage was white-hot. Very similar to the other day, Fog hit Tornado square in the jaw. Only, this particular male didn’t go down, even though Fog hit him hard.

Tornado staggered back, managing to block a second blow. Then he kneed Fog in the stomach. Fog grunted, getting in a hit to the side of Tornado’s head. It didn’t do much damage. They both separated.

“Give up!” Tornado taunted him. “Let me take her off your hands. I know how to please a female.” He hit his chest. “I wouldn’t leave one suffering for days.” He sniffed.

“Fuck you!” Fog snarled, trying to keep his cool. Fog went at the male again. Tornado ducked at the last second.

Fog pulled back, but Tornado got him with a right hook that stung. Although his eyes watered, he went in hard with an uppercut, followed by a left to the stomach. Then he head-butted the male; one solid shot to the face. His nose shattered.

Tornado staggered back, blood gushed.

Fog needed to send a real message. He grabbed Tornado’s head and kneed him in the face. The male went down hard. For a second, Fog was tempted to break a couple of bones. To do some real damage.

“Fog!” Riley screamed. “No!” she yelled.

“You got off lightly!” he shouted down at the male. “My female is watching. Next time I’ll fucking kill you.” He gave Tornado a kick to the ribs.

The male grunted, and Riley screamed.

He turned to her. She was crying, looking pale. Her eyes widened, and she gasped. “You’re bleeding.”

“Let’s go home,” he growled.

She nodded, wiping her eyes. “I’m so sorry,” she muttered. “Is he going to be okay?”

“That prick deserved far more than he got.”

“Does it hurt?” She looked up at his cheek.

Fog touched the area. It stung. His fingers came away wet from where he was bleeding. The skin over his cheekbone had split from the force of the blow. “I’m fine,” he muttered.

Riley winced. “It doesn’t look fine. That’s going to bruise.”

“We have superior healing. I’m okay. I’m sorry about that. Tornado was fucking rude.”

“I’m sorry. This is all my fault.”

He stopped and turned to face her. “For the hundredth time, it’s not your fault. Stop blaming yourself.”

His pocket buzzed with an incoming message. Fog pulled it out and glanced at his screen. “Fuck!” he ground out.

“What is it?” her eyes were narrowed in concern.

“It’s from Storm.” He stuffed his device back in his pocket, chewing on the inside of his cheek.

He watched as her shoulders sagged. Watched as the color drained from her features. “What does he want?”

“I think you know.”