Perfect Sinner by Maggie Cole



Two officers leadme through the police station and into a small room. It's hot. There isn't any airflow. One wall is a mirrored window. I wonder how many people are watching me.

Hours pass. I keep my handcuffed fists on the table and stare at them. I can't get the image of Gemma, covered in blood, rocking back and forth out of my head. The vile movie playing on repeat and Orla's bloody corpse were just as shocking.

How many times did she stab her? Fifty? A hundred?


My guess is Gemma shot the thug outside the room and not Orla. The bullet went right between his eyes. It has Gemma's shooting skills all over it.

Did they get away?

They better have gotten to safety.

How the hell am I going to get out of this?

The door opens, and an officer I haven't seen yet walks in. Metal scraping on the floor echoes in the room when he pulls out the chair. He sits and taps his fingers on the table.

"I'm Detective Stillwater. Want to tell me what happened?"

I say nothing, not changing my expression.

"Cat got your tongue?"

"I'd like to speak to my attorney, please," I reply.

He leans closer. "You sure you have nothing you want to say to me?"

There's a knock on the window, and he lets out a long breath of air. He leaves, and more time passes. The air becomes thicker, and my thoughts spiral, wondering if Gemma is okay and if I'll ever get out of here.

The door opens, and Keiran Kelly walks in. Relief replaces my disturbing thoughts.

He sits down and scratches his beard. "Jesus, Nolan. What the fuck were you thinking?"

"Isn't my attorney supposed to ask me if I did it?"

He raises his eyebrows. "Do you think that matters right now? You were the only person alive in the house. That girl got stabbed over one hundred times."

I almost blurt out she deserved it, but instead, I inform him, "I was in a net. The police had to let me down."

"Okay. Tell me how you got in the net. And if you didn't do it, who did?" he interrogates.

I stare at him.

"Fuck," he grumbles.

"Call Liam. He'll talk to the captain. Darragh has some arrangement with him."

"Yeah, I know all about that arrangement. But here's the problem. The captain is on some other continent, probably paying to get his dick sucked by some hooker, and I'm going to have a hard time getting you out on bail with this being all over the news," he claims.

My gut drops. "How long is he gone?"

"Few weeks."

I close my eyes then scrub my hands over my face. "Fine. I'll just sit back and wait a few weeks."

"Did you say anything after they read you your rights?"

I huff. "Fuck no. I know how to keep my mouth shut."

Keiran leans closer and drops his voice. "I already told Liam to call Tully."

My pulse increases. "No. There has to be some other solution."

"There isn't."

"You're my attorney. Figure it out," I demand.

He shakes his head. "There aren't any other options. This isn't something we can sweep under the rug. Your picture is all over the news right now with double homicide attached to it."

My gut churns. "If you involve Tully in this, you know I'll owe him a favor."

Keiran's eyes turn to slits. "It's a favor to Tully, or you're looking at life in prison. Which one do you prefer?"

I focus on the drop ceiling, not liking either option.

Keiran lowers his voice. "I was best friends with your father. I understand the blood between the Baileys and O'Malleys has never been good. I'm not going to even ask why you did what you did. I'm sure the girl deserved it. But your father wouldn't want you here. A favor to Tully is a much better option than letting that woman you asked to marry you lie in an empty bed."

The possibility I'll never hold Gemma again sinks its teeth into my heart. I'm having a hard enough time dealing with the fact she's probably in shock, and I'm not there to help her.

Keiran rises. "It's already a done deal. Liam was calling him. Keep your mouth shut. We'll try to get you out of here as soon as possible."

I say nothing, my pride doesn't allow me to give my blessing to let Tully help me out of this mess. But I also want to spend my life with Gemma, so I don't argue anymore.

He's about to leave when I call out, "Wait."

He spins.

"Why were the cops even there?"

"Concerned neighbor called. Said the house was empty and thought there was a break-in. I'll see you soon."

He steps out of the room and a female officer comes in. She leads me to the booking area and orders, "State your name."

"Nolan Patrick O'Malley."

She points to the wall with a height chart. "Stand in front of the wall facing forward and look straight at the camera."

I clench my jaw and obey.

"Turn," she commands.

I spin and breathe more sour oxygen, wondering how anyone works in this place day in and day out.

She holds up a flat bowl. "Empty your pockets."

I toss my phone, wallet, and keys in it.

A male officer approaches us. "Follow me."

I get led back to a changing area. He hands me an orange jumpsuit then gives me a bag to put my clothes in. It disappears, and he takes my fingerprints, then does a full-body search. He checks I don't have any warrants out for my arrest then leads me into a cell with six other men. It's similar to the cell Killian, Leo, and I were in on St. Patrick's Day.

All night, I don't sleep. When morning comes, I skip the tray of food they shove inside the cell. A few hours later, a guard yells out, "O'Malley."

He escorts me to court. When I walk in, Gemma stands between Killian and Declan. Hailee is between Liam and Finn. Nora grips Boris's arm. Gemma starts crying, and I have to look away from her.

A man in an expensive suit whom I've never met before stands next to me. I ask, "Where's Keiran?"

“I'm taking over. Quinn O'Connor." He holds out his hand.

I shake it. "You're related to Tully?"

"Fourth cousin. And plead not guilty."

The judge comes in and the session begins. Each attorney states their case. I block it all out, fighting the urge to turn around and look at Gemma. The judge asks me how I want to plead.

"Not guilty," I state.

When it comes time for bail, the defense attorney states, "Due to the violent nature of the crime, we ask that bail be denied."

My insides quiver at the thought. I have to get out of here.

Quinn rebukes, "My client has no felonies or even misdemeanors. We ask that you release him on his own recognizance."

"Bail is set at one million dollars." The judge hits the gavel, and Quinn turns to me. "You'll be out in a few hours. Continue to stay quiet."

Relieved I got one win, I nod. The guard leads me away and I don't look at anyone. Not my family, nor Gemma. I get taken back to my cell, and a few hours later, the guard calls my name again.

He leads me to an area to put my clothes on. They return my personal items to me, and I sign a form. When the door opens, Killian and Declan are waiting.

"Where's Gemma?" I ask, worried about her being on her own.

"Calm down. She's with Liam," Declan informs me.

I let out a breath. "Good. Take me to her."

"Yeah, it's going to be a bit longer," Killian states.

The hairs on my arms rise. "Why?"

Declan steers me toward the door. "Tully's waiting in his car."

I freeze. "What does he want from me?"

Declan shakes his head. "We don't know. Let's just get it over with so you can get home to Gemma."

I sigh, and we go out to the parking lot. We get in Tully's SUV. His chestnut hair has hints of silver in it. His forehead is wrinkle-free and shiny from too many injections. His dark-brown eyes hold no expression. He nods. "Boys. It seems like you got yourselves into a mess."

"My brothers don't have anything to do with it," I claim.

He raises his eyebrows. "Oh? I heard they left you behind."

"No. They didn't. I told them to go," I insist.

"Did Darragh not teach you to protect each other at all costs?" Tully asks.

"Don't talk about our uncle now that he's dead," Killian snaps.

Tully puts his hands in the air. "No disrespect. You know Darragh and I got along well."

"Why don't you cut to the chase? Tell us what you want," Declan bellows.

Tully pulls a metal cigarette case out of his expensive suit pocket. He takes out a joint and lights it. He inhales a long drag, holds it in his lungs, then cracks the window. He passes it to me.

I follow suit, as does Declan and Killian. Once it gets back in Tully's hands, he sets it in the ashtray. He presses the pads of his fingers together and studies us. "It's going to take a lot to make this go away."

My gut twists. I blow out the smoke. In a cold voice, I question, "What do you want from me?"

"I'm not sure yet." He points at us. "But if you want this to go away, all three of you are on the hook."

"My brothers don't have anything to do with this," I reiterate.

"They left you."

"I told them to."

"Doesn't matter."

"So you get all three of us for one thing? Seems a bit tilted in your direction," Killian fumes.

Tully looks at him. "You drove the car, didn't you?"

"I told them to go," I repeat, getting pissed that Tully seems to not be listening.

Tully doesn't take his eyes off Killian. "Answer my question."

"Yeah. I drove," Killian confirms.

Tully's lips curve. "Okay, then. Since you don't think I'm fair, your brothers are off the hook. You're the only one on it."

"No," I firmly state.

Tully turns to me. "You want to sit in jail for life, or have all this disappear?"

I angrily fire back, "Killian isn't—"

"I'll do it," Declan offers.

I jerk my head toward him. "No. You aren't, either."

In typical Killian fashion, he arrogantly interjects, "Fine, I'll owe you. One favor. That's it. But you're giving us one other thing."

Tully raises his eyebrow. "Oh? What's that?"

"We get to see the kids once a month. You give us access to fly into New York if Bridgett doesn't want them in Chicago," Killian insists.

Tully takes another drag of his joint and passes it back to Killian. "You know how Bridgett feels—"

"And you know it's bullshit." Killian rolls down the window, defiantly tosses the joint, then crosses his arms. He pins his challenging stare on Tully.

Tully grunts. "You've always had balls, kid."

I lean closer to Tully. "Killian isn't taking on my debt."

Tully keeps his gaze on Killian. "Fine. I get you, and the O'Malleys get to see the kids once a month in New York."

"Did you not hear what I just said?" I bark.

Killian holds his hand out. Tully reaches for it, and Declan and I exchange a pissed-off glance. Killian never backs down. He doesn't know when to shut his mouth. Who knows what Tully will make him do.

"I'll be in touch," Tully promises.

"Gee, can't wait," Killian snarks.

Tully turns toward me. "Consider yourself a free man. All evidence will disappear over the next few days."

"Just like that?"

He snaps his fingers. "Poof."

"I'd say thanks, but I'm not sure what you just conned my brother into," I seethe.

He grins. "Oh, come on now. We're family."

Declan snorts. "Someone should teach you how families behave."

I open the door, pissed off at Tully and Killian. When we get into our own vehicle, I slap Killian on the side of the head. "What the fuck were you thinking?"

He points in my face. "Do that again, and you'll wish you stayed in jail."

Declan shakes his head. "You never know when to shut your mouth, do you?"

Killian scowls. "I'm sorry. Did you want Nolan in prison the rest of his life?"

"It was my debt to take on, not yours."

Killian shrugs. "Whatever. I'm not scared of Tully. And at least I got us access to the kids now."

I sigh and grumble, "That was a good move."

He mutters, "Tully is right. I'm the one who drove the car. And there's no point in all of us being at his mercy."

"I told you to go," I reaffirm. "You did what you should have."

"Yeah, well, it sure as hell didn't feel like something I should have done. I hope Gemma is worth it," Killian adds.

"Don't ever say anything like that again," I warn.

Killian locks eyes with mine. "She's not blood."

Declan groans.

"Have something you want to say, old man?" Killian chides.

The car pulls onto my street, and news vehicles and reporters cover the entire block.

"Shit," I mutter.

Tiernan pulls into my driveway and goes straight into the garage. He shuts the door, but the sound of reporters shouting permeates into the car.

"Want me to go flex for them? Give them something else to report on? Actually, some of those lasses looked pretty hot," Killian quips.

Declan groans, gives me an exasperated look, then focuses on Killian. I don't let Declan speak, not forgetting Killian's prior statement. "Gemma's going to be my wife. She's as good as blood. If it's saving her or me, you better always save her. Don't ever forget it." I open the door then turn back to him. "Thanks for taking on my debt to save my ass, but you're a stupid motherfucker sometimes."

He grins and winks. "Love you, too, bro."