Perfect Sinner by Maggie Cole



Several Days Later

"You look hot."I squeeze Gemma's ass. "Are these leather pants new?"

She beams. "Yep. Forty percent off."

I tilt my head. "Are you a bargain shopper?"

"Of course!"

"Good job, then." I peck her on the lips. "I have to go to the pub and meet my brothers and attorney."

Worry fills her face. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Routine stuff. It should only take ten minutes or so. I'll have Tiernan pick you up and bring you to the pub so we can go to our last wedding class."

She pumps her fist in the air. "Another awesome hour with Father Antonio!"

I grunt. "You're a good sport."

She smirks. "Well, it was super stimulating listening to Father Antonio discuss the importance of a healthy sex life. I especially enjoyed his lecture on making sure we give ourselves enough time to learn how our bodies respond to one another."

My lips twitch. "Conflict Management is tonight. Maybe we'll learn something."

She bats her eyes. "But we never fight."

"Nope. We avoid conflict at all costs," I tease.

She traces my Celtic knot tattoos on my biceps and innocently asks, "Do you think it involves hot makeup sex?"

I grin. "Why don't you ask Father Antonio?"

"Don't tempt me. You know I will."

"Dare you."

She pats my arm. "Done. What do I get when I fulfill this dare?"

"It wouldn't be fun if I told you everything. But I left a present on the bed. Make sure you wear it to class."

She arches an eyebrow. "Oh? What is it?"

"You'll see." I dip down and kiss her. "I've gotta go. See you in a few hours." I leave and get in the car.

Tiernan rolls the divider window down. "Nolan, are you ever going to put me back on bodyguard duty?"

"Not for my soon-to-be wife or anyone I care about," I reply.

"Seriously? Am I going to be a driver my entire life?" he whines.

"Talk to Liam." I roll the divider up. It might have been months ago, but I'm not giving him nor Fergal a pass. The day Orla sliced Gemma's thigh is still fresh in my mind.

The garage door opens. The news reporters begin screaming and flooding the street. I groan, ready for them to leave me alone and get on with my life.

My phone buzzes, and I glance at it.

Gemma: Vibrating panties?

Me: Scared you can't handle it in front of Father Antonio?

Gemma: How does it turn on? I don't see a button.

Me: Trying to sample the goodies without me?

Gemma: I could video chat with you if you wanted.

I laugh, and the car pulls up to the pub.

Me: Sorry. Just got to the pub. See you soon.

She sends me a kiss emoji. I put my phone in my pocket then get out and go inside. My brothers and Keiran Kelly are at a corner table. It's the middle of the day before the evening crowd comes in. No other patrons are anywhere nearby. I slide into the booth next to Declan. My chest tightens. "Keiran. What's going on?"

He takes a sip of whiskey. "The DA's office is dropping all charges."

I glance at my brothers. "So that's it? I'm off the hook?"

He downs the remainder of his glass then motions for Molly to bring him another one. "Yep. There will be a press conference tomorrow at noon. Dress up. Make sure Gemma is with you. The DA will make a formal apology and explain you were kidnapped, held hostage, and lucky the murderer didn't see you and kill you, too."

I huff. "I was kidnapped?"


"Makes you look like a pussy, doesn't it?" Killian jeers.

"Shut up," I warn, but I can't deny it.

"Can he sue the DA's office?" Declan asks.

Keiran looks between us and points at me. "You three do realize he's a lucky motherfucker and not to push your luck, right?"

"I say we sue him for slander," Killian says with a straight face.

"Maybe some trauma, too," Declan adds.

"Watch it," I threaten.

Keiran shakes his head. "Tell me you're joking."

Killian leans forward. "What about sexual confusion?"

"What?" I bark.

Declan shoots me a concerned look. "Did anyone try to touch you, and now you aren't sure what side you bat on?"

I go to slap him, but he ducks. "Shut up, you two."

Molly comes over and sets his drink down. "You need anything else?" She avoids looking at me. It's something she does since Colin brought her to the house and made her apologize.

"No, we're good," Declan says.

She leaves. Keiran leans forward. "What did Tully want in exchange?"

Guilt fills me. I hate my brother volunteered to take on my debt.

Declan motions to Killian. "Him."

Keiran furrows his brows and stares at Killian. "What for?"

Killian shrugs and takes a sip of Guinness. "Who knows? He'll call, I'll have to drop whatever I'm doing, deal with some bullshit for a few days, then it'll be back to normal life."

"You underestimate him," I warn.

Killian sniffs hard. "What's he going to do? Chain me up in his basement and keep me there at his beck and call? It's one thing. Everyone needs to get over it."

Declan sits back and crosses his arms. "Have him chain you up naked. He could film it for your social media. You'll get a whole new set of crazies following you."

"Can't help it if the lasses like what they see," Killian states.

"Lasses? Don't you mean the guys who message you?" I add.

"Oh! Show Nolan what that one dude sent you when he was locked up," Declan says.

I take a sip of water. "Glad you two were having fun when I was behind bars."

"You three need to take this seriously. Tully is no one to mess around with or underestimate," Keiran reprimands.

I sigh. "I know."

Keiran downs his whiskey and rises. "Be careful. Nolan, I'll see you at noon tomorrow."

"Yeah. Thanks."

He leaves, and I ask Declan, "Is the stock price on Jack's company where we need it?"

"We've got another ten percent to go."

"Shit. Obrecht was over a few days ago. With everything going on, I haven't had a chance to talk with Liam."

Declan shifts in his seat. "Finn's not going to budge. He wants Jack alive until he finds Brenna."

"If Jack hasn't said anything yet, he's never going to. Besides, he's wasting away in that cage. Have you seen him lately?" Killian asks.


"He looks like he aged twenty years."

"Good. Serves the bastard right after what he did to Selena," Declan barks.

My phone vibrates.

Gemma: I'm outside. Want me to come inside?

Me: No. I'll be out in a minute.

I rise. "Agreed. I need to go."

We say our goodbyes, and then I join Gemma in the car. Normally we would walk since it's close to the pub, but since the media is following me, I decide it's safer to drive. Her woody lavender scent fills the air, and I inhale deeply. I lean over and kiss her. "Are you wearing the panties?"

She softly laughs. "Yep."

I reach into my pocket for the remote and click the button on the lowest setting.

"That all you got?" she taunts.

"Patience is a virtue, remember?"

She leans closer. "But do you have any?"

"Ha ha." I put my arm around her. "I have good news."

"About the charges?" Hope fills her eyes.

"Yeah. Keiran said tomorrow at noon, there will be a press conference. We both have to go. The DA will drop all charges," I inform her.



She throws her arms around me. "Thank God!"

Tiernan pulls the car up to the church. Gemma's bodyguard gets out and guides us inside. We go inside the room. There are four other couples in class with us. Since we're on a fast track, there are new couples each time. Father Antonio likes to wait a month between sessions so you can practice what you've learned. After I offered to make a donation of a few thousand dollars, he was more than happy to deem us capable of learning quickly.

When we sit down, I turn the notch up on Gemma's vibrator. She squirms in her chair and looks at me.

I arrogantly smirk.

Father Antonio begins his boring lecture on conflict resolution. We have to role-play and say to each other, "What I'm hearing you say is..."

I turn the vibrator up again. Gemma uncrosses and recrosses her legs. Her face turns red. She begins taking shallow breaths.

"Your turn, Gemma," Father Antonio directs.

I press the up button until it's at full power.

She pins her blue gaze on me. Her cheeks flush crimson, and she squeaks, "What I'm hearing you say is..."

I put my hand on her forehead. "Are you feeling okay, princess?"

She squirms in her seat again. "Umm..."

I say to Father Antonio, "I'm going to take Gemma to the restroom for a minute. She's pretty hot."

"Are you okay, Gemma?" Father Antonio inquires.

The other couples all stare at us with concerned expressions.

Gemma puts her hand on her stomach. "I think the bathroom is a good idea."

I rise and grab her hand. I quickly lead her out of the classroom and into the vestry, where the priest gets ready for mass.

"What are we—"

I press my lips to her, push her against the counter, quickly shove her leather pants to her ankles, then spin her, so she's facing the counter. I splay my hand on her back, place my other one on the vibrator, and maneuver it in a circle.

"Oh God!" she cries out in a shaky voice.

I slap her ass.

She gasps and arches her back.

I rub out the sting and bend over her ear. Now that the DA's dropping the charges, I need to set her straight. "That's for saying you're going to turn yourself in." I slap her again, and she shrieks. "This is for ditching my security and me in the middle of the night." I rub it out and repeat slapping her while getting her off with the vibrator. "This is for not letting me handle things." I slap her again, and her knees buckle.

Sweat drips down her cheek. I slide the vibrator out, move her panties to the side, and enter her in one thrust.


I hover over her and put my lips against her ear. "Who do you let handle dangerous things?"

She shivers. "You."

"Why?" I growl and thrust at a slow pace.


"I handle things. I love you, and that's my job. Do you understand?" I assert.


"If something happened to you, I'd die. Don't you ever do something like that again!"

She nods.

"Give me your word. Say it in front of God," I bellow.

"I-I promise," she breathes.

I kiss under her ear. "Good girl. Now, do you want it hard or slow, princess?"

"Hard. Please!" she whispers.

I cover her mouth with my hand and pound into her while slapping her ass a few more times. She arches her back, whimpering. Her body spasms, and the room becomes filled with her muffled cries.

I fist her hair and tug her head back. My lips hit her cheek. "My wife will not put her life in danger, do you understand?" I pound into her one more time.

"Yes!" she cries out, and her eyes roll.

I pump my seed deep inside her, staring at the only woman I've ever loved. She's the one person in the world who can aggravate me and understand me at the same time.

In our aftermath, I spin her into me and kiss her, as hungry and greedy as ever. I need her, and she clutches me, returning every ounce of affection I give her. And maybe that's why we work. We're two trains headed right toward each other, but instead of colliding, we couple together, creating something more powerful than we were apart.

I end our kiss and hold her face in front of me. "I mean it, Gemma. You scared me. Don't ever do anything crazy like that again."

She nods. "I won't. I promise."

I tug her into me and kiss the top of her head. I murmur, "We better get back to class. You still have to complete your dare with Father Antonio."

She tilts her head up, and her lips twitch. "Was this my surprise?"

"No, princess. This was your punishment."