Delusion by Avery North

Chapter 10

“This is our cottage?” Adam said, his eyes wide, as they got out of the car at the cabin. They had wanted to show Adam where they would be spending a lot of their time during the summer.

“Yes, I guess you can call it that. You can bring your friends up here too when we come so you’ll have someone to play with,” Amber said, watching Adam run to the edge of the driveway and look down at the lake.

“Can we go swimming?” he asked, turning and looking at her.

“Yes, we can go swimming and fishing and all kinds of things,” Jake said, taking the luggage out of the trunk.

“Can we have a fire and roast marshmallows? I’ve never had a marshmallow before,” Adam asked.

“Yes, you can. In fact, that’s what we are doing tonight. Why don’t you come in and help us get our stuff put away, and then we’ll put on our swimsuits and go for a swim before dinner,” Amber said, smiling at him.

Adam let out a whoop and skipped ahead, running into the cabin to look around.

“He really is excited by the simplest things,” Jake said, laughing.

Amber looked at her fiancé and smiled. “Joys of being innocent, I guess.”

Once Adam had picked his room, and they put away their groceries and clothes, the three of them wandered down to the lake. There was a small sandy beach off to the side, and Amber had found some old buckets and spades in the boathouse and brought them out.

“I wonder if I used these when I was a kid,” Amber said, throwing them onto the sand.

It was a beautiful warm sunny afternoon, and Amber felt a certain calmness inside of her. Things between her and Jake were still tense, although they tried their best when Adam was around to be normal. Still, Amber could tell her actions had deeply hurt Jake, and she didn’t know what to do about it.

After their swim, they ate grilled hot dogs and salad, and Adam and Jake went out and played a game of horseshoes. Once done, Jake got Adam to help collect some firewood while Amber got everything ready for the smores.

As the three of them sat in the dusk, roasting their marshmallows and talking and laughing, Amber looked over at Jake. He had a sparkle in his eyes that she hadn’t seen for a long time, and it saddened her to think that they almost lost each other over a misunderstanding.

After tucking Adam into bed, Amber found Jake snoozing on the couch, so she poured herself a glass of wine and went out on the deck to take in the night air. Putting her head back, she closed her eyes, listening to the sound of the crickets and loons on the water.

“Mind if I join you?” Jake asked, coming outside with the bottle of wine and a glass for him.

Amber looked at him and smiled. “Certainly. It’s a beautiful night.”

Jake sat down and poured himself a glass of wine, then sat back, admiring the view. They sat in silence for what seemed like an eternity, each of them lost in their own thoughts.

“Adam is definitely happy with everything that has happened to him," Jake said, breaking the silence.

Amber smiled. “Yes, he is. He is a changed boy. I’m glad we could provide him with a safe home, despite everything.”

Jake sat forward in his chair, putting his elbows on his knees, and looked at his fiancée. “Amber. I’ve done a lot of thinking about past events and how I feel about everything.”

Amber looked at him and swallowed. She didn’t know if she wanted to hear his next words. Everything was so perfect right now; she didn’t know if she wanted anything spoiled. “Jake, can we not talk about this right now?”

“No, I need to say it. If we are ever going to move on from all of this, I need to speak my mind,” Jake said. “I know those pictures hurt you, and I know I’ve been upset trying to understand how you could believe that I would be capable of doing something like that after I’ve continually told you I don’t remember.”

“Jake, I know, and I’m so sorry. I was confused …."

“Wait, let me finish,” Jake said, holding up his hand. “Once the truth came out, and I had a chance to think about it, I was upset that you would think that. I love you, Amber, with my life, and now having Adam has fulfilled something deep inside of me. I can’t explain it.”

“Can we ever get what we had back, Jake?” Amber asked, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Jake looked at her and shook his head. “We never lost it. I realized that if the tables were turned, I would feel the exact same way as you did. So, as much as I can mope and sulk about the fact you didn’t believe me, deep down, I don’t blame you, and I would probably think the same thing.”

“Jake, does this mean …?”

“This means I love you and that we should put this behind us. When we get back to town, we are going down to the police station with those pictures to file a formal complaint against Corrine and have her put away for good. I don’t want that woman interfering in our lives ever again.”

“Do you really think she was involved?” Amber asked.

“How else would she have been able to give you the pictures? She has to be involved.”

Amber looked at him and nodded as she wiped her cheeks. “I’m so glad we can move on.”

“I am too. Now, if you will follow me to the bedroom, I want to make love to my fiancée,” Jake said, standing up and holding out his hand to her.

Smiling, Amber let him lead her up the stairs to their bedroom. Closing the door, he turned and looked at her, holding out his arms.

Without any hesitation, Amber ran into them, feeling his warmth wrapped around her.

“I don’t ever want us to feel that that again,” she cried into his chest. “I should never have doubted you.”

“Shhhh, let’s put it all behind us. I think we have both learned a valuable lesson about love,” Jake said. “So now, I’m going to show you how much I love you.”

Jake slowly undressed Amber, savoring every part of her body, driving her crazy with desire.

“I have missed us so much,” Jake whispered into her hair as they lay together on the bed. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too, Jake,” Amber moaned as Jake’s fingers continued to tease her. “Make love to me.”

As their bodies joined together, they moved together in their familiar dance, bringing each other to new heights.

“Oh, Amber, you feel so good,” Jake gasped as his body began to move faster, his lips seeking hers.

Trying desperately to hold on, Amber finally let her body take over, and their moans echoed in the darkness of the room.

Afterward, as Amber lay in Jake’s arms, a small rap came to their door.

“Mom! Dad! Are you okay?” Adam's tiny voice came from the hallway. “I heard you shouting or something.”

Giggling, Amber jumped out of bed and grabbed her robe, putting it on before opening the door.

“Hey, sweet boy. We are just fine. Daddy was tickling me and being silly. I’m sorry if we woke you,” Amber said, looking back at Jake. “Let me take you back to bed. We have a busy day tomorrow.”

After getting Adam tucked back into bed, Amber returned into the room, closing the door.

“So, I see another way our lives will be different. We will have to quiet our moans,” Amber giggled, getting back into bed.

Jake kissed her head as he held her. “That will be the hardest to do, my love, but we will do it for our son.”