Delusion by Avery North

Chapter 8

“Where’s Adam?” Jake asked, coming into the kitchen where Amber was making peanut butter and jam sandwiches.

“He’s upstairs with his guests,” Amber answered, smiling. “Timmy and Stevie came over for the afternoon, and I am making them a feast.”

“Wow, he didn’t waste any time having his friends over,” Jake laughed.

“I know. He was so excited to show them his room,” Amber said, smiling. “It’s so nice to see him smile and be happy − not that he wasn’t happy at the Cornerstone, but this is a different type of happy.”

“Well, I’m sure it’s a welcome feeling to know he belongs,” Jake said. “I can’t imagine what it must be like knowing you aren’t wanted.”

Amber looked at Jake and nodded. “I know that feeling very well. I always wondered how my parents could just up and leave me. That feeling of abandonment never leaves you, even though Corrine was good to me at the beginning.”

“Speaking of that, I have some good news, at least,” Jake said, sitting down at the island. “I didn’t go home with anyone from the bar that night.”

Amber looked at him, her eyes wide. “What happened.”

“Well, apparently, I was drinking at the bar with a woman, but she left. I guess she was looking for something more than a drink. The bartender said I was so drunk; I couldn't stand up, so he and a friend drove me home, parked my car in the driveway, and left me standing at the front door. They watched me go into the house and then drove away,” Jake said with a sigh. “That’s a big relief, but it still doesn’t explain how those pictures were taken.”

Amber looked at Jake as she picked up the tray of sandwiches, cookies, and juice boxes to bring up to the boys. “I don’t know, Jake, and I don’t know what to think anymore. Part of me says, let’s just move on with our lives and forget it, but I just can’t put those pictures out of my head. I need closure somehow.”

“I know, sweetheart. I do, too,” Jake said as he watched her walk out of the kitchen. Getting up, he walked down the hall to his office and sat down at the desk. Sighing, he pulled out the brown manilla envelope from the drawer and pulled out one of the pictures. He had to find out who this guy was, and if it was indeed him, why did he not remember?

“Jake, how the fuck do you not remember this?” he said to himself as he took in the scene. Jake was kneeling on the bed, kissing one woman as another woman gave him a blowjob while the third woman lay back on the bed, taking in the scene and pleasuring herself.

Jake lifted the picture closer to his face as he studied it, trying to work out where this had happened. Stopping, he quickly reached into his drawer for the small magnifying glass he always kept in his drawer and held it up to the picture, studying it carefully.

“I’ll be a son of a bitch. I knew it!” he shouted. “AMBER, COME HERE!”

“Shhh, what is it?” Amber said, coming quickly into the room. “Why are you shouting? The boys will hear you.”

“Look at this,” he said, handing the pictures and magnifying glass to her.

“Jake, I don’t want to look at those vile pictures,” Amber said, giving him a disgusted look.

“No, seriously. Take a look and tell me what you see,” Jake said eagerly.

“Fine, if it will shut you up,” Amber said testily, grabbing the pictures and magnifying glass. “What am I looking for?”

“Look at the guy's feet,” Jake said, smiling.

“What? Most of them are hidden in the sheets,” Amber shook her head, handing the picture back to Jake.

“Look again,” Jake said. “Tell me what you see.”

“Jake, it’s your foot. I don’t know what you are getting so excited about. It’s your foot and your tattoo,” she said, looking up at him, puzzled. “But …”

“Exactly. I don’t have a tattoo, and that guy does,” Jake said, pointing.

Amber looked at the picture again and saw the small lion-shaped tattoo on the man's ankle. Looking up at Jake, she smiled tentatively. “It’s not you?”

“No, it isn’t me,” Jake. “I’m being framed.”

“Jake! It isn’t you!” Amber cried, throwing down the picture and going over the Jake. “I’m so sorry I doubted you.”

Jake looked at her and smiled. “Do you have any idea what a relief this is?”

“I can imagine. Oh, Jake. I’m so sorry,” Amber said, opening up her arms to hug Jake.

“But you did doubt me, and I’m glad I’ve been cleared, but it upsets me to think that you would think I would do such a thing,” Jake said, feeling relieved but still hurt.

Amber looked at Jake. “I should have known you wouldn’t do something like that, but it’s just that the pictures were there, and I kept thinking of them.”

“Yes, I know. Let’s find out who this guy is and who took these pictures and why," Jake said, putting the picture back in the envelope. “After that mystery is solved, we can work on us.”

“Are you saying that …” Amber started to say.

“I’m saying we need to talk about this. I’m not leaving or anything. I love what we have here and what we are building, so I’m in for the long haul. I just think we need to talk about Corrine and why you would even think I would be capable of doing something like this.”

“I’d like that,” Amber said, giving him a sad smile. She knew she was wrong in thinking he would cheat on her, and now that she knew it wasn’t him, she had to find some way to make it up to him.

“Mom, can I show Chris and Peter your backyard,” Adam said as he approached the office where Amber and Jake were talking.

“Excuse me, what did you say?” Jake said, smiling at Adam.

"Sorry! May I show Chris and Peter MY backyard," Adam said, giggling.

“You certainly may,” Amber answered as she watched the boys giggle as they walked out the patio door.

“Stay away from the pool,” Jake shouted after them as they closed the patio door. Turning, he looked at Amber. “That is why we need to figure this thing out and get ourselves back on track,” he said, gesturing to Adam and his friends.

Amber watched the boys run out into the backyard, then turned to Jake and smiled. “So are we okay?” she asked, approaching him and holding out her hands.

Smiling, Jake took her hands and brought her closer to him. “We were always okay as far as I’m concerned. We just need to adjust a bit,” he said, taking her face in his hands and gently brushing his lips against hers.

“Oh Jake,” Amber breathed, closing her eyes and feeling herself give in to the softness of his lips. “I want this nightmare to be over with so we can move on.”

“Hmmm, I do too,” Jake whispered, leaving a trail of kisses down the side of her neck. “I do too.”

“Jake, please, we shouldn’t start anything,” Amber said, putting her hands on his chest. “The boys are just outside.”

“We can go into the closet,” Jake answered, taking his finger and gentle circling around Amber's nipple, which was erect and showing through the thin fabric of her shirt. “Can’t you just imagine what my mouth would feel like there?"

“Jake, that’s not fair,” Amber moaned softly, feeling her breath come in gasps. “No, we need to stop.”

“Are you sure?” Jake teased, cupping her breast in his hand and squeezing. “That closet is just over there.”

“NO1 Jake, stop,” Amber said, laughing as she finally found the strength to push him away. “Tonight, I promise. Until then, you’ll just have to wait.”