Blinded By Love by Reana Malori

Chapter 17


Was I nervous about tonight? Yes.

It was the first time we were going to be out together, publicly, as a couple. Because this was a charity event with some work colleagues, I wasn’t overly concerned, but still.

Putting the final touches on my make-up, I looked in the mirror and smiled at the woman staring back. My dress was an off-the-shoulder, royal purple, floor length gown. A split on the side showed off my toned brown leg up to the middle of my thigh. The waist was cinched tight with a side clasp, giving me an old-time elegance.

I was about to walk out of my room when I heard a knock on the door just before Cade walked in. As my eyes trailed up his body, I couldn’t help the desire that flared to life. He wore a classic tuxedo with a black bowtie. On any other man, it wouldn’t catch my attention. On Cade, it was a different situation all together. He looked… breathtaking. He’d probably laugh if I said that out loud, but it was the truth.

Walking over to me, he stopped just inches away. “So beautiful.”

When he looked at me with those green eyes and that half-smirk on his lips, I wanted to melt in his arms. Every day, I fell even deeper in love with him. Sometimes, when we woke up in bed together, before Lilly started her day, I couldn’t believe everything that had happened. Cade, in bed with me, his arms wrapped around my naked waist, his flaccid cock coming to life as he pressed up against my bare ass.

Lifting my face to his, I met him halfway as he gave me a light kiss. “Thank you. You don’t look so bad. I guess you’ll do,” I teased.

“Woman, I look damn good in this monkey suit. I can’t wait until we can leave. Make sure you stay by my side tonight.”

I pulled away from him to pick up my small evening purse. “Why?” Moving around the room, I took one final look in the mirror before exiting the space. Cade was right behind me.

“Because with how that dress is hugging your curves, I don’t want to have to punch one of these rich fucks who thinks they can press up on you.”

I laughed as I glanced over my shoulder, then we made our way downstairs. “Stop, Cade. No one’s going to be thinking about me. You, on the other hand, may have to fight women off. You look very… tasty tonight.” Facing front, I couldn’t help the smile that came over my face when I heard him growl.

“Keep on talking shit and we’ll never make it to this event.”

That would be just fine with me, but I held back from saying it. This event was important to Cade’s business. The connections he made tonight could help him shift his company to the next level. There was no way we were going to miss it.

Even if I still wasn’t sure how long we were going to last, or what was happening in our relationship, I knew that I wanted to do this for him. I loved Cade and Lilly. They were my family. If schmoozing with people who had pockets deeper than the Grand Canyon would help Cade, then that’s what we were going to do.

Just as my feet hit the main floor, I heard Lilly call out. “Auntie Norah, you look like a princess.”

Walking over to the little girl, I grabbed her in my arms for a hug. “Thank you, ladybug. Now, you be good for Stacy.”

Lilly nodded at the smiling teenager standing off to the side. Over the past few months, Stacy watched Lilly two or three times a month if Cade had a late night and I was traveling. Her family lived across the street, and she was entering her senior year of high school. She was a lovely young lady and never hesitated to watch Lilly when we needed her. It probably helped that Cade paid her more than the going rate. All I know is that it worked for us and that’s what mattered.

“Stacy, we won’t be too late,” I addressed the young lady. “No later than eleven.”

“Yes, ma’am. We already have a movie picked out for the night.”

Nodding, I cupped Lilly’s face in my hands. “Bedtime no later than nine. You get one story… okay, maybe two, but that’s it. Be a good girl while we’re out.” I stood to my full height before glancing over at Cade, who came over to us.

“Yes, auntie Norah. But, if the movie goes past nine, can I stay up then?”

Little imp. “Cade?”

Shaking his head, he ran his hand down his daughter’s hair. “Pick a movie that won’t go past your bedtime. Stacy, you’re in charge, not the little princess here.”

Lilly poked her lip out before wrapping her arms around Cade’s waist. “Okay, Daddy.”

“I love you, ladybug. We’ll be back later.

“Night Mr. Donovan, Ms. James.”

Waving, we made our way out of the house and to the car waiting for us at the curb. Since we’d both probably be drinking, Cade chose not to drive tonight. “You know she’s gonna stay up past her bedtime, right?”

A smile lifted his lips as he placed his hand at the small of my back. “Definitely. To be so young, that girl has the gift of negotiation. I don’t know where she gets it from.”

I tried to ignore the heat permeating through my dress where his hand touched me. It would do no good to lose myself in his touch tonight. It was too early, and we had a whole night ahead of us.

“Oh, she gets it from her momma. Rebecca could convince me to do just about anything. Half the trouble I got into in my teens and young adult years was because of her. So, be ready for what’s coming your way.”

Once we arrived at the door, cade took my hand as I climbed inside. “Don’t worry. We’ll handle it together. She’ll have both of us and as long as we stick together, it’ll be fine.”

It’s a good thing I was looking away from him because I’m sure my face reflected the shock I felt inside. I knew I was behaving like one of those foolish women who couldn’t believe her good fortune. Him speaking so freely about us raising Lilly together surprised me. Then again, maybe he was only referring to me being her godmother, not he and I as a couple.


Once he was inside and the door closed, he turned to look at me. His eyes looked me up and down, his gaze lingering on my breasts, then my lips. “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?” He said while reaching over to grab my hand.

Dipping my head, I avoided his gaze. If I looked at him too long, I knew he’d recognize the need in my eyes. I couldn’t get enough. During the day, I counted down the hours until he returned from the office. Whenever I traveled, I dreaded being away from him overnight. It was like he was underneath my skin, changing me, molding me into someone else. A woman made just for him.

“Yes, you mentioned it a time or two,” I finally managed to whisper.

“Not enough.” Cade brought one hand to my face, using his forefinger to lift my chin. He slowly moved closer to me, pressing his lips to mine for a soft but quick kiss. “You are so beautiful. Every man in that room will wish he were me tonight. You’re mine, Norah. Just in case you ever doubt how I feel about you, I want to make it clear. We belong together. Being with you feels so right, so good.” He paused, looking into my eyes. “Do you believe me?”

Okay, so maybe I was exactly like all those women in the romance books. The man I’d wanted for so long, who made love to me every night, who told me with words and actions that I was the one he wanted… I still questioned if he meant what he said.

“Norah? Say you know that we belong together.”

Staring off to the side, I took a deep breath. “Do you want honesty, or do you want me to tell you what you want to hear?”

I watched his shoulders fall as the look on his face hardened. “I want the truth,” he snapped.

Pulling back, I finally looked into his eyes. What I saw there stopped the words from spilling. He looked… hurt. “I believe you. I believe that you want this to be true. I believe that you desire me, that you enjoy having me in your bed… or being in my bed,” I tried to joke. He didn’t smile.

Leaning back against the seat, Cade blew out a harsh breath. “Why can’t you believe that I want you?”

Shaking my head, I tried to find the right words. This was getting all messed up and I had a feeling I was ruining our night. I didn’t want that. “I know you want me, Cade. You prove that every night and morning.” I smiled. He glanced over at me and smiled in return.

“Yeah, I do. There’s nothing like waking up and feeling that ass pressed against me. All I want to do is slide inside you, make you moan my name again and again. It’s the sweetest fucking sound in the morning.”

If I were lighter, my face would be flaming red right now. Good thing we were in a dark car. If he could see the need reflected in my eyes right now, my dress would be flipped over my head and my legs wide open for him. “As you’ve so eloquently said, I know how much you want me. But I still question what happens to us two months from now or even two years from now. Will you still want me the way you do today?”

Grabbing my hand, he pulled me close. “Sweetheart, I don’t know where this is coming from. Then again, maybe I do.”

I think we both knew where this was coming from, but neither of us wanted to bring it up, but it didn’t mean it wasn’t something I worried about, something I didn’t think about.

Was I still just a replacement for Rebecca?

Rubbing his thumb along the back of my hand, he sat in silence for a few minutes. “Norah, look at me,” he said when my gaze fell to my shoes. They were nice shoes after all, silver, shiny, with a peep-toe design. At his words, I looked up as he requested.

“Baby, I’m here with you because I want to be. No matter what may have happened before, being here with you today, is where I belong. I know that big, beautiful brain of yours is still trying to come to grips with what’s between us. I just wish you would see the truth in front of you.”

Nodding, I tried to just hear his words and listen to what he was saying to me. I wanted to just be with him without all the worry filling my head. It was difficult. “I’m trying,” I finally admitted.

“That’s all I can ask. Just be in the moment with me.”

“Okay.” Just then, we pulled up to the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC where the event was being held. “This is a good night for you, Cade. I’m right here by your side.”

“I know you are. Thank you, Norah.”

We stared at each other for a moment, our nonverbal communication said more than words could. The driver opened the door for Cade to exit. He waited by the door, grabbing my hand to help. I held onto his proffered elbow as we walked up the stairs and into the building. There were lights, a red carpet and music welcoming us into the grand space. It felt like I was stepping into a whole new world. Maybe I was.

As we entered the space, I looked around in awe, amazed at how everything had been transformed. Oh yeah, there was some big money in the room tonight. Not only would the domestic violence cause benefit, but I had a feeling tonight would change everything for Cade.

He whispered in my ear. “Would you like something to drink?”

“Yes, please.” Just then, a waiter passed by, holding a tray full of champagne glasses. Grabbing one for each of us, he handed me mine.

With the clinking of our glasses, he toasted me. “To new beginnings, our future, and building something together.”

My mouth fell open at his words. Oh, so he wasn’t playing around.

“Close your mouth, Norah. Take a drink.”

Lifting the glass, I took a drink, but I didn’t taste the expensive liquid. His words were still floating around in my head. “To our future,” I smiled up at him and went to lean in for a kiss when a voice interrupted us.

“Cade? Is that you? It’s been such a long time.” The brunette looked at him, then at me, then at Cade’s arm around my waist. “I wasn’t expecting to see you tonight, but I’m glad you’re here. You don’t come out enough now that your wife has passed.” She looked at me again, her eyes seemed to widen in recognition. “Hi. I’m Sylvia Martin, an old friend of Cade’s. You are?”

Glancing at Cade, I saw him looking down at me with a hard glint in his eyes. I turned back to the woman and reached out my hand. “I’m Norah James.”

“Oh… I know that name. Aren’t you the best friend of his late wife? Well,” she glanced down at Cade and I standing so close together, “isn’t this interesting.”

And that’s when the night went to hell in a handbasket.