Blinded By Love by Reana Malori



One Year Later

“Cade, it’s time. Wake up.”

His eyes opened and once he got a good luck at my face, he smiled. “Is it time?”

Breathing heavily, I tried to focus on anything other than the pain working its way through my body.

“Yes. I need to take a shower,” I rolled to the side of the bed and moved to get up, but he was already standing in front of me.

“What are you doing? We’re going to the hospital. There’s no time for the shower.”

Don’t ask me why, but I immediately burst into tears. It wasn’t fair that I couldn’t take a shower before having his big-headed baby. For a first child, the doctor said I would probably be a week or two late. Nope, I had to be different.

Rather, little Adam had to be different.

Apparently, he was so damn big that I was going into labor a week early.

Thank God my mom was staying with us. So was Elizabeth. My dad was at home. We were supposed to call him when his new grandbaby decided to make an entrance. Cade’s parents were older and had stayed away for now. They would be coming to the house once the baby and I were back and home and settled.

“Norah. Baby, stop crying. If you want to have a shower first, that’s fine. How about I have one with you? We can shower together and that way it’ll go faster.”

I slapped his hands away and tried my best to waddle… walk fast… toward the bathroom. “No. This is all your fault anyway. First, you get me pregnant with your big-headed baby and then we had sex last night. My momma told you what might happen, but could you wait? No, you couldn’t. I’m not talking to you. Go shower in another room.” Slamming the door to the bathroom, I immediately opened it again. “I’m sorry.”

He was still standing there, looking so patient, sexy, and understanding… and did I say sexy? Just as he always did.

“I love you, Norah. I’m glad you’re having my big-headed baby and making me a father for a second time and giving Lilly a little brother to love.”

See, this is why I loved him. Maybe I didn’t deserve him, but he was mine. I wasn’t giving him up and no one could make me. “I love you, too. Um… Can you help me with my shower? I can’t bend over to reach my legs.” Once I hit my ninth month, my stomach got so big, I couldn’t do a lot of things. We’d taken to showering together every day. Sighing at the thought, I felt overcome by emotions. “Cade? Are you happy?”

He’d finished turning on the shower when I asked him that question. “What?”

“Are you happy? I mean, we got married after we found out I was pregnant. Your life changed so much in such a short time.”

“Stop, Norah. Yes, I’m happy. You and Lilly and little Adam are my life. My world. There’s nothing I want more than to be your husband and father to our children. I already told you, I want as many babies as you’re willing to give me. Even when you look like you’re carrying twins and there’s only one big-headed baby inside you.”

I nodded. “I’m happy, too. My life couldn’t be any better. You’re an amazing husband and father and we’re so lucky to have you.” I paused, feeling another tightening of my stomach. When it passed, I stopped procrastinating and began getting undressed. It was time to get to the hospital. “You better have me a push gift,” I muttered.

“Aren’t I all the gift you need?”

“You wish,” I said with a smile, but in all honesty, he had a point. He was the best gift I could have ever received.

Twelve hours later, I was exhausted but happy. They’d placed me in a large private room that I knew wasn’t the standard issue. When we toured the hospital and the hospital administrator showed us the recovery room, Cade had been displeased at the size and the fact that I might have a roommate. He must have pulled some strings and made other arrangements for me.

Adam Cade Donovan weight nine pounds eight ounces. He was our little chunky butt, and I couldn’t be happier. When things started happening down there, I thought Cade was going to leave and let my mother inside. No dice. He was with me the entire time, holding my hand, encouraging me, and telling me how much he loved me for giving him the gift of another child.

The door opened and my mother walked in with a balloon bouquet in her hand. “My baby. How are you feeling?”

“I’m fine, momma.”

“I love you, Norah, but I was talking to my grandbaby Adam.” She smirked at me, making that outlandish statement. “I’m kidding.” She came over to hug me. “I’m so proud of you. He’s a beautiful baby.”

“Thanks momma. Where’s Daddy?”

“Parking the car. Elizabeth stayed home with Lilly but they’re gonna be here in the next hour or so. We wanted to make sure you had a chance to recuperate before she came. You know how excited she is for her little brother.”

“Yeah, thanks, mom.”

The door swung open and in came Cade with a bag of food. The hospital food would have been just fine for me, but again, my man had to be extra. “Hey, baby.”

“Hey, sweetheart. Hi momma Bernice.”

“Hiya, Cade.”

I sat up when he started removing food from the bags. “Are you planning to feed an army?”

“You need to eat to regain your strength. Plus, there’s me, your mom, dad, Elizabeth, Wayne, and Lilly and we all need to eat.” Pausing, he walked over to me. “Sweetheart, you’ve done an amazing job bringing our son into the world. Let me do the rest.” Leaning down, he kissed me softly. “I love you.”

I’m not even going to think about how ratchet I probably looked right now. At least I’d been smart enough to get my hair braided a few weeks ago. There was no way in hell I was going to try and wrangle my hair while also worrying about giving birth.

Shortly afterwards, the room began to fill up with guests. My daddy finally arrived, then Elizabeth, Wayne, and Lilly.

“Mommy Norah, where’s my brother,” she announced as soon as he walked into the room.

“Hey, Ladybug. Come here,” I held out my arms to her and Cade helped her climb up on the bed with me. My mom brought Adam over from his bassinet and placed him in my arms. “Lillian Annette Donovan, meet your little brother Adam Cade Donovan. He’s so happy to meet you.”

Her face was filled with awe as she stared down at the bundle in my arms.

“Hi Adam. I’m your big sister.” She reached out to touch one of his tiny fingers. “I’m gonna take care of you.”

I glanced up and my gaze captured Cade’s as he stood behind Lilly. “I think she just claimed him.” I couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped. “I’ll help you with Adam and so will your dad.”

Lilly shook her head at me. “No, momma Norah. He’s my baby. I got it.” I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped. Lilly was trying to take over my baby. I looked up at Cade, a smile hovering on my lips. “Um….”

He smiled down at me. “Let her have this moment and we’ll deal with it later. For now, I want you to focus on getting some rest.”

Nodding, I looked at the family surrounding me. My heart was so full of love, I knew this is where I was supposed to be. Touching Cade on the arm, I lifted my face for a kiss. When we broke apart, I whispered, “Thank you.”

He shook his head. “No. Thank you. You’re amazing. I had no idea how much I could love you until you came into my life. I will do everything in my power to make you happy.” He paused, still looking down at me. “You are so beautiful.”

“Love really is blind because that’s a whole dang lie,” I said, trying to watch my language since my two babies were in the room. “But I love you for saying it though.”

“It’s the truth,” he said with a smirk.

I had no idea what life had in store for us, but I knew that it was up to me to build my own happiness. Sometimes, when I’m alone, I still thought about my desperate letter to The Love Vixen all those months ago. She told me that grief takes time, that everyone has their own timetable to move on to the next phase of their life. It may have taken me a while to get where I needed to be, but I wouldn’t change a thing.

Rebecca was no longer alive, but she was still here with us, in the face of her daughter, in some of the simple touches of our home. When I said I wasn’t trying to replace her, it was true. But in the process, I found my own place and now that I was here, I was going to live my best life.