Blinded By Love by Reana Malori

Chapter 22


I was still thinking about yesterday, and Rebecca’s mother coming to the house. It hadn’t been a surprise, but I can admit that I held that information from Norah. With the way she’d been feeling, I felt she needed to be jarred into action. I’d been too indulgent with her, allowing her to dictate the pace of our relationship. Seeing Elizabeth was going to cause her to do one of two things… fight for them or run away.

To her credit, she’d done neither.

Even after their talk in the family room, where I knew the subject of our relationship came up—I’d planned it with Elizabeth after all—Norah was still skittish. She’d stopped pulling away from me when I touched her hand and wrapped my arm around her waist, but I could tell she was still somewhat uncomfortable.

When we went to bed that night, she’d tried to hold back from me, but I wasn’t allowing that shit to happen either. I made sure Norah knew that trying to hide from me wasn’t going to work.

Looking at my watch, I saw that only twenty minutes had passed. It felt like two hours. I’d just finished a call with Overwatch Security about some ads they wanted to place in the international airports. Savvy business move. I was still thankful every day that I’d partnered with them. Plus, I liked the men who ran the company. They were family men. Mission-oriented. Former military. His kind of people.

Mildred knocked on the door, interrupting his thoughts. “I’m heading out for an appointment. I’ll be back tomorrow.”

“Everything okay?” I knew it wasn’t always the right thing to ask your employees, especially if they were dealing with personal issues, but Mildred had been with me for years. If there was something going on with her, I wanted to know.

She waved me off. “Yes, everything’s fine. Just some things I need to take care of. See you tomorrow.”

As she walked out, I thought about heading home myself. With everything so up in the air with Norah, I didn’t feel like being in the office. I wanted to be wrapped up in her arms, her body close to mine. It had been a long time since I felt this intense need for someone. Nothing against Rebecca, but the depth of my feelings for Norah… well, let’s just say, what I felt for her was different.

It hurt like hell that she was still pushing me away. I was trying to understand, but it was hard. I’d given up so much of my life to do what was expected of me. I married the woman who loved me more than her own life, had a beautiful little girl, and built the picture-perfect life. Did it matter that I hadn’t craved her the way I do Norah? No. Because I gave her every piece of me that I could give her at the time. It just so happens, that I’m now able to provide Norah with more.

A knock sounded on my door, breaking through my musings. “Come in.” Expecting it to be one of my employees, I didn’t bother looking up. “Yes?”

“I was wondering if you had time for an early lunch.”

My head lifted at the first word that left her mouth. “Norah? Baby, what are you doing here?” I watched her lock my office door. She had on a blue wraparound dress, the one I loved removing from her body with just the pull of a piece of cloth that functioned as the tie. The one thing keeping her luscious body hidden from view. I stood from my chair and made my way around my desk. “Is everything okay? Why are you…”

“I love you.”

Her words stopped me in my tracks. My eyes bulged and my heart stuttered. That feeling people have when their world tilts on its axis? Yeah, I was feeling all of that.

“What did you say?”

Her smile was like a beacon of light, blinding me as I tried to fight through. Needing to be closer, I reached out and grabbed one of her arms, pulling her close. I didn’t even recognize my voice when I spoke again. “Tell me again.”

Lifting one hand, she cradled my jaw. The other hand rested on top of mine as I gripped her waist tight. “I love you.”

Eyes closing, I sent up a silent prayer of thanks. “I didn’t think I’d ever hear you say those words. I’ve been waiting for you…”

“I know and I’m sorry for that. I’ve been in love with you for… well, it’s been a while. But I’m tired of holding back. You and Lilly mean everything to me. You’re my life. My place is by your side.”

Tightening my hold on her, I brought her body flush with mine. “What about your concerns? Other people may not understand at first.”

She nodded and my disappointment flared. For once, I wanted her to choose me. To choose us. Fuck everyone else if they didn’t understand what was happening between us. The people closest to us knew the deal. They understood how everything went down. All they cared about was our happiness. I needed Norah to focus on that also.

She stepped back from me, my hand reaching out to keep her close. Shaking her head, her hands went to the belt of her dress… then she pulled. My dick thickened in my jeans as I stood in front of her. Every inch of her skin called out to me.


“Yes, Cade.” The dress fell from her shoulders, landing on the floor at her feet.

She wore a purple satin bra with matching panties. It didn’t matter to me what she had on. Hell, white cotton would have had the same effect on me. I wanted to slide inside her body. I wanted to smell her scent. Needed her pussy attached to my mouth as she screamed and moaned my name.

“What are you doing, Norah?”

Unhooking her bra, she flung it to the side. “I’m here to tell you that I’m not going anywhere. I spent so much time waiting for a second chance, but there was always some reason to not feel good enough for you, for this life. It was hard at the end of the day, loving you, being with you, wanting you to see the real me, that I didn’t recognize that you already did. You saw me, Norah, not a replacement. You came to my bed every night and gave every bit of yourself. You found comfort in my arms and yet, I still tried to deny you. Deny us.”

I heard her words, but I was still focused on her movements. Grabbing her underwear, she slid them down those long brown legs, and I almost reached out to her. She was teasing the fuck out of me and all I wanted was to be inside her.

“Cade, you are the man I want. You’re the man I love. And if you’ll have me, we can build a life together. Have a family with Lilly.”

“I want more babies,” the words slipped out, but I knew that I meant them. I wanted Norah pregnant with my child. First, I needed to get a ring on her finger so I could lock her ass down.

Tilting her head, she smiled, before taking a step closer to me. “Babies. As in more than one?”

Nodding, I grabbed her tight and began walking back toward the couch against the wall. My office was filled with all the executive accoutrements it needed to impress my clients. That meant a full-size sofa, a single wing-back chair, and a coffee table. Today, that couch would be the place I’d fuck my woman into oblivion.

“I want as many babies as you want to give me.”

As I looked down at her watching me, I couldn’t believe how lucky I was. Some men have trouble finding happiness once. In my life, I’ve loved only two women, one of whom was in my arms.

“I’m here to say I’m sorry for making you wait. For questioning who I am to you. Mildred is gone for the day. Your outer office door is locked, and your woman is standing naked in front of you. So, what are you going to do about that Mr. Donovan?”

Turning, I sat down on the couch before bringing her onto my lap, her legs spread wide as she straddled me. “I’m going to give you what you’re asking for.” I grabbed her around the back of the neck as I pulled her face closer to mine. Kissing her soft lips, I heard and felt her moan. Her lower body began to shift and twist as she ground into my hard cock. As she broke away and pulled back, I looked into her eyes. “I love you, Norah. I will be faithful. I will come home to you every night. You are my light, guiding me home.”

She nodded, wiping away the wetness that filled her eyes at my words. I wasn’t trying to make her sad, but I needed her to understand the depths of my feelings for her. I wanted to taste her lips every morning and night.

Her hands were at my waistband, undoing my belt buckle, pulling my shirt out from my slacks, freeing my cock. “You want this dick, baby?”

Nodding, she lifted her body, positioning her slick channel over my burgeoning member. “Yes.”

Fuck, I wanted her touch. I wanted to claim her. I wanted to never be separated from her again. Grabbing her hips, I controlled the pace as I pulled her down, breaching her center. We both hissed at the feeling. She tried to press further, but I held her still. “No. You came to me wanting to play, so I get to control the game.”

“Cade. Please,” she whined.

“Beg me for more,” I demanded.

“Please, baby. I need you inside me. Stop making me wait.”

I chuckled. “Demanding, aren’t we?”

Nodding, she cradled my face in her hands before planting a soft kiss on my lips. “I need you.”

Finally acquiescing, I bit her bottom lip hard and surged inside her in one thrust. “Fuck,” I yelled.

“Cade,” Norah screamed as she felt the full brunt of my entry.

Groaning at the slick, tight heat, I sunk into the pleasure she was giving me. No matter how many times I claimed her, her body welcomed me as if it were the first time. Determined to bring her to the brink, I pushed inside her body as I held her bottom half still. Her fingers clutched my shoulders as she urged me on with soft cries and whimpers that were music to my ears. With those sweet pleas releasing from her mouth, I had no choice but to go deeper, needing to find that soft spot inside her that always made her shake and quiver.

“Fuck! Cade. Yes,” she chanted.

“There you go, baby. Just like that.”

She leaned forward to kiss me, and I could feel her begin to clench around my hard shaft still pounding inside her. "Norah, give it to me baby. You feel so good wrapped around my dick.” My baby loved it when I talked dirty to her. Something about my words caused her to tighten on my dick. “Come for me, Norah. Come for Daddy. You know you want to feel me inside you.”

“You feel so good,” she mumbled, her words slurring.

“Are you coming?”

Norah nodded.

“Not without me.” I flipped her over, placing her back on the couch, putting me on top. My hips thrust faster as her screams of ecstasy filled my office. Stroking deeper, I wanted to make sure she never forgot just who the fuck I was. “Tell me again,” I demanded as my grip tightened on her hips, holding her body right where I needed her. “Tell me, Norah. Give me the words.”

“I love you, Cade.”

Her body released around me, wetness covering every inch of me. But did I stop? Hell no. I wanted more. When I was in my office, I wanted to look over at this couch and remember the moment she became mine. “Norah,” I mumbled into her neck as I felt my orgasm rushing up, the force of my release was so strong, it felt as if I were floating. As my warmth entered her, she arched her back, wetness raining down her channel once again. Norah whimpered, her hands clawing at my shirt.

“God woman, I fucking love you.” I shifted to the side, removing most of my weight from her body. It was a tight fit, but I pulled her close enough for us to make it work.

“Promise me something,” she said with a smile on her face and her eyes still closed.

Hell, this woman could have everything I had to give, and then some. “Whatever you want.”

Turning, she draped one bare leg over my half-clothed lower body. Once she got her bearings, she’d fuss at me for still wearing my suit while she was naked.

“Promise me it’ll always be like this with us. Even with kids and life and when I’m wrinkled, and things aren’t as perky as they are now.”

Laughing, I squeezed her ass with one hand before using the other hand to lift her chin. “My feelings for you will never change. Even when we’re old and gray, my love for you is blind to anything and anyone else. Now, why don’t we go home and finish what we started?”

“We have three hours until Lilly gets home. Race you.” She hopped up, running over to her clothes as I sat up slowly. Damn, how did I get so lucky?