On His Ranch by Dinah McLeod

Chapter 13

“So… a stuffed animal business.”

“Well, it sounds stupid when you say it like that,” she protested.

Chase glanced at her, then turned his attention back to directing his horse. “Don’t take it that way, I wasn’t tryin’ to say that. Tell me more,” he prompted.

“I just have this dream. And in it, everyone can be who they really are.”

He tried to piece that together with the business she had mentioned. “Who they really are?”

“You know.” A ghost of a smile flickered over her lips. “Who they really are inside. Like, a woman who wants to play dress-up even though she’s eighty. Or someone who has to be dressed business professional all week and wants to put their hair in pigtails and sit in front of the TV with their stuffies.”

There was no denying that Piper was passionate about her dream. It was all over her face. “I can tell it means a lot to you.”

“It does.”

“Well, then for your sake, I hope you get it.”


“‘Course.” Then they were back at the house and he lifted her down from the horse and they rubbed the animals down in peaceful silence.

“So, what’s next?” Piper asked after they’d returned the mares to the pen.

“Look at you, all eager,” he teased. “Well, the cows need milkin’—”

“Of course.”

“And then I promised we’d pick the apples Ma needs for a coupla pies.”

The thought of a homemade apple pie brightened Piper’s face with a smile. “Sounds fun.”

“No funny business,” he warned, wagging his finger at her. “Those poor cows should get milked in peace and quiet today.”

“No promises,” she quipped, batting her eyelashes.

Before he could think better of it, his hand smacked her bottom. He regretted it immediately, because her eyes brightened and the hope in her expression was unmistakable.

So much for business as usual. He inwardly cursed his itchy palm. They’d been having a good time, things were almost normal, and he had to go and ruin it. He knew what Piper was thinking—her face might as well have been a mirror right to her emotions. And damn it all, he didn’t want to let her down.

But is it really what’s best for her? Best for both of us? Maybe I don’t have any right playin’ Daddy to anyone…

“Um, Chase…”

“What?” he snapped.

She flinched, and part of him wanted to reach out and comfort her, but that would only make matters worse. “I was just, ah, wondering… did you want to go the barn now?”

He could feel some of the tension he’d been holding in leave his body. He knew it wasn’t what she’d wanted to say, but inwardly he thanked her for doing it anyway. “Yeah, let’s go.”

They were nearly done milking—true to his suggestion, they’d both worked quietly, lost in their own thoughts—when he came to a decision. Sometimes, people took on more than they were ready for before they were ready for it. But when it came to Piper, how could he not? Whether he’d wanted to or not, he’d come to care for her.

“Good work today.”

She looked up from the bucket she was holding. “Really? Thanks.”

“Sure thing. And, ah… Senior won’t be back ‘till mornin’ and Ma took a third shift tonight.”

“Oh, okay.”

“What I mean is we’ll talk tonight, at dinner.”

Piper’s eyes widened as the news sank in. Then she smiled, and it made whatever doubts he had fade away.

Patti, ever the hostess and homemaker, had left them a chicken pot pie since she wouldn’t be home to cook for them. Hearing Chase come in behind her, Piper took another deep inhale of the savory pie. “Your mom thinks of everything.”

“Yeah, she tends to at that. Want me to serve us up some?”

Surprised by the offer, Piper took a seat and watched while Chase put great big heaping spoonfuls of chicken pot pie over egg noodles for each of them. Her surprise doubled when he also put an ice-cold beer in front of her.

“What? You’re old enough to drink, aren’t you?”

The question made her laugh. “I’m twenty-two, but thanks, I think?”

“Welcome.” He took a seat across from her. “So, what’s with the face?”

“You’ve just never given me alcohol before, is all.”

His grin flashed. “Is that a twang I hear?”

She rolled her eyes, but then realizing her faux pas, quickly busied herself with eating.

“Ma is funny about it, so I keep it away if she’s home.”

“You’re a grown adult,” she pointed out between forkfuls.

“It’s called respect, which frankly, you’d do well to learn more of.”

Something changed when he said that. The air felt charged, and as delicious as dinner was, she set down her fork and sat up straighter.

Chase took a swig out of his bottle, then set it down and looked her square in the eye. “I will be your daddy.”

Instead of the gratitude or relief she expected to feel, the muscles in her belly knotted. Somehow, I don’t think it’s going to be that simple…

Chase immediately proved her right by adding, “I mentioned before that if you were my little girl, there would be more rules.”

She swallowed hard. “Yes, sir.”

But instead of answering, he arched a brow and locked gazes with her in the most intense version of a staring contest she’d ever had.

“What… what are the rules, Daddy?”

There was no missing the way his lips quirked when she called him that. “Remind me of the ones you already have.”

“Obey, respect, danger.” She ticked them off her fingers.

“Y’know what, that’s pretty good. I’m impressed.”

Piper took a sip of her beer, feeling pleased with herself.

“Next time, I think you can have milk while I drink my beer,” Chase mused, almost to himself as he took another swallow. “Maybe chocolate milk, if you’re a good girl.”

The knots in her belly alternately tightened and loosened until she didn’t know how she felt, except squirmy. “How do I earn chocolate milk, Daddy?”

“Hmm, that’s a good question. Because havin’ a daddy is more about what you will do than won’t.”


“We won’t be able to discuss all of ‘em in one sitting, but some of the most important ones are: no cussin’, no keepin’ secrets, no eye rollin’, either.”

I guess he saw after all, she thought, blushing.

“Remember your manners, that’s another good one.”

I have good manners, she thought, almost rolling her eyes before she caught herself.

“This here would be where you say ‘yes, Daddy,’” he prompted.

“Yes, Daddy,” she answered as dutifully as she could manage.

“We’ll work on that, I know you can do better. And lastly, no brattin’.”

Her brow crinkled. “Uh, what’s that, Daddy?”

Chase’s grin flashed once more. “It’s a bit of a longer conversation. Finish up your dinner, we have other items on the agenda.”

That didn’t sound good.

He quickly confirmed her thought by adding, “We have your punishment to deal with.”

Piper squirmed in her chair. “P-punishment?” she squeaked.

“The one you said you deserved?” he prompted.

“Oh. Well, yeah, I know I said that, but…”

“I thought I said ‘no brattin’.” He chuckled at the perplexed look on her face. “And it’s not up for discussion. Understand?”

“Yes, Daddy,” she said, pouting.

“Eat your dinner.” That said, he went back to his own with relish.

But Piper quickly discovered she no longer had an appetite. Instead, she pushed her food around her plate, her stomach in knots. She did deserve to be punished, but that didn’t mean she looked forward to it.

Time seemed to drag on as her dread of the impending punishment grew. Every move he made caused her to flinch until even the sound of his fork clinking against his bowl set her teeth on edge.

But when he pushed his chair back, all of a sudden it felt too soon. He stood up, making sure she was looking at him before he spoke. “Now, although you’re my little girl, you earned a big girl’s punishment, and that’s what you’re gonna get. Understand?”

Piper squirmed in her chair. “Ah… I think so.”

“Alright then, here’s how this is gonna go. I have somethin’ to tend to, so while I do that, I want you to clean the kitchen. We don’t want my mom to have to worry about that when she gets home.”

“Okay. Sure. Um, I mean, yes, Daddy.”

“You’ll get used to it.” He winked.

Piper stood up, her legs a bit wobbly. But she was relieved. Maybe being a little girl would work to her advantage where punishments were concerned, because this was by far the best one she’d gotten. She began gathering up their dirty dishes.

“Jus’ one more thing.”

She looked up expectantly.

“I want you naked.”

“I… w-what?” she stammered.

“Strip,” he ordered with a point of his finger.

“But… why?”

“Because you’re bein’ punished, silly.”

Piper took a deep breath and let it out slowly. It’s still better than a spanking, she thought as she nodded. Then, while he watched, she took off her clothes one by one. She had thought she could at least leave her panties on, but a grunt from Chase relieved her of that notion. Once they hit the floor, she quickly crossed her arms over her chest to try to ward off some of the cold, avoiding his gaze while her cheeks blazed hotly.

“Good girl. Now, if you happen to finish up before I’m done with my errand, then I s’pect to find you standin’ in the corner. Understand?”

She nodded, but when he cleared his throat pointedly she added, “Yes, Daddy.”

He nodded and strode from the kitchen. Piper watched him go, wondering what she had gotten herself into.

Chase, true to what he told Piper, had a few evening chores to tend to. He had to see to it that the horses were put away for the night and do the last round of milking with the cows. Given everything that had happened over the last week, he also wanted to check the perimeter and make sure the gate was good and locked. It was long, tiring work on a full stomach after an even longer week.

I’m too old for these late nights, he mused, knowing even while the thought crossed his mind he wouldn’t trade it for anything. Getting to know Piper had been an unexpected pleasure, but being her daddy? That was a gift, and one that he still didn’t know if he’d ever feel worthy of.

When his work was done, he made a quick stop by his workshop. His desk was there, the one he used only for doing the never-ending paperwork that came with owning a ranch. But it wasn’t tax forms he was after, but something in his drawer. He slid that in his pocket and headed back up to the house.

As silently as he could, he slipped into the kitchen. He was pleased to see Piper had obeyed and took a moment to watch her. I don’t think I’ve seen anything sexier than a woman doin’ dishes in the buff.

When he’d watched a while—he didn’t think he’d ever get his fill of Piper, so he might as well get on with her punishment—he walked over on silent feet. Delight filled him as she gasped when he cupped her bare ass in his right hand. His left arm snaked around her and he captured her soft nipple, which he pinched between his fingers.

He released her ass and led her by the nipple back over to the table.

He could tell the exact moment that she saw what he had set on the table, because she gasped again and her body stiffened.

“Do you know what that is?”

“Um…” She was blushing, whether from the answer or because of the humiliation of the entire situation, he wasn’t sure.

“What does it look like?” he prompted.

“Well, if I had to guess… I guess I’d say it looks like a blue penis.” The red in her cheeks intensified.

Chase chuckled. “It does at that, I guess. It’s called a butt plug.”

“Oh, I see,” she said.

He laughed again, knowing she most certainly did not. “Do you know what’s it for?”

“Um… no.”

“It’s for showin’ that adorable little asshole who’s in charge.” He waited for his words to sink in, and when they did, he was not disappointed. The perfunctory flush in her cheeks changed to a deeper pink and then to crimson.

“You… you can’t mean…” She dropped her eyes to the floor, wringing her hands in front of her.

“I reckon spankings by themselves don’t seem to be as effective as I might’ve hoped.”

Piper swallowed hard. “I… I promise I’ll do better, I’ll be good. I promise, Daddy.” Her eyes were wide and plaintive.

“Good, I’m glad to hear it. Which means you’ll have no problem following orders.” He managed to bite back a chuckle just in time as her eyes widened. “Would I be right in assumin’ it’s your first time?”

Her nod was clearly nervous.

“Well, don’ worry, I’ll do my best to make it as quick and painless as possible.”

Piper’s brows furrowed. “Then what’s the point?”

He couldn’t hold back a chuckle that time. “You’ll just have to see, I reckon. Now, you’re gonna bend over the table here.”

Her teeth were worrying her bottom lip as Piper allowed him to guide her over the table.

“Stick your ass out, toward me. Yep. Now, spread your legs a bit.” As soon as she’d followed his instructions he was content to make her wait while he opened and squeezed out a small amount of lubricant. He smoothed it over the surface of the plug. “Now you’re gonna want to take a deep breath. That’s a good girl. Nice and easy.”

“Why do I feel like one of your horses,” she muttered.

“I treat my horses very well,” he said, rubbing circles on her back with one hand while the other was poised to insert the plug. “Relax.”

“I’m trying,” Piper insisted, doing her best not to whine, since Daddy didn’t like whining.

“Try harder,” he replied, warning evident in his voice.

Does being told to relax ever actually help anyone to do it? she couldn’t help but wonder.

But a moment later she had other more pressing things on her mind because he’d gotten the plug inside her.

“How do you feel?” he asked, his voice gruff but not unkind.

“Um… weird,” she admitted.

“Yeah? What does it feel like?”

Piper got up from the table and turned toward him, her movements slow and stiff. “I don’t know. Like I’m full. It’s not comfortable,” she added.

“That’s why it’s called punishment, baby. Now, I’m gonna watch the news and you finish cleaning. If you finish before I—”

“Yeah, yeah, go to the corner,” she muttered.

Without a word, Chase took her by the shoulders, turned her around, and pushed her to lie over the table again.

“Wait! I’m sorry! I—”

But she might as well not have been speaking for the attention he paid to her pleas. For some reason it had escaped her notice before, but in addition to the butt plug and the lube, he’d also put a round ping-pong paddle on the table. He reached for it now, and she tried to pull away, which he responded to by tightening his hold on her.

The paddle came down once, twice, on her right cheek while she howled. Then the left cheek received the same treatment. When he let her up, her eyes had filled with tears at the scorching sting.

“No brattin’,” he reminded her. “Are you goin’ to be a good girl now?”

She nodded, but when his intense stare hardened, she quickly added, “Yes, Daddy!”

“Well, I reckon we’ll see, won’t we? And just in case you think you can slack off, I’ll be lookin’ in on you.”

Sniffling, Piper nodded and was released. Ever since she could remember, with her fair skin and tendency to embarrass easily she’d had a problem with blushing. But since she’d entered this house—heck, since she’d known Chase, period, she’d never felt in a more constant state of humiliation.

Under normal circumstances, that would be enough to tip her off that she needed to leave. But even though her face was scarlet and hot, even though she kept glancing to the door, afraid any moment Patti or Senior might come home early, there was something else. A low churning burn in her belly that she’d felt often enough now to know she was excited—if her pebbled nipples didn’t give it away.

It was a cycle, because that same excitement made her feel humiliated all over again, which somehow only increased the slick wetness between her thighs.

As she finished the dishes remaining in the sink, Piper wondered what any of her past boyfriends would think if they could see her now—naked, her ass pink from a quick paddling while a blue butt plug stuck out between her cheeks. There had only been three boyfriends in her past, some of them so short-lived she wasn’t sure if it counted. And anyway, those had been boys who wouldn’t dare play erotic games like these.

Who wouldn’t have spanked her when she was naughty or made her call them Daddy. Which, all things considered, was probably why none of those relationships had worked. Chase was a man through and through, albeit sometimes a scary one.

And yet… just thinking of him made her feel quivery inside. It seemed too soon to love him, given her past experience, but even though it had only been a week, she knew she did. She loved him.

Of course I do. Piper rolled her eyes, then quickly glanced over her shoulder to see if he was looking in. She exhaled in relief when she saw the back of his head and the soft glow of the television. I mean, why else would I be doing this?

She surveyed the spic-and-span gleaming kitchen with a sense of pride. Patti had done so much for her; it felt nice to do something for her in return. Chase hadn’t specified how clean he wanted the kitchen, so in addition to the dishes and wiping down the table she’d wiped down the counters, the cabinets, and scrubbed the floor. She’d felt very much like a naughty Cinderella and had felt his eyes on her more than once—an added bonus!

But he still hadn’t come in, so she shuffled over to the corner, as ordered. I hate corner time. She swallowed a sigh. Of course, Daddy would just say I’m supposed to.

It felt like she waited for an eternity staring at the faded blue wallpaper, growing indignant and sullen and wanting to demand he let her out.

Huh, I wonder if this is what he meant when he talked about bratting?

“Alright, turn around.”

Piper startled. Darn Daddy and his catlike feet! But she turned around, folding her arms over her chest—a ridiculous cover since he’d already seen them plenty.

“It looks good,” he remarked, eyes roving over the kitchen. “I’m sure Ma’ll appreciate it.”

She cleared her throat. “Um, if we could just leave out the part about me being naked…” But Chase didn’t smile. It seemed like he was all business now, and she knew what that meant.

Sure enough, he had the paddle in his hand. “It’s time for your spankin’.”

Her stomach dropped. She’d only gotten four swats earlier and her skin was still prickling. “Haven’t I been punished enough?” she pleaded.

“I don’t do anything if I don’t plan on doin’ it well,” he replied. “Now, remind me why you’re bein’ punished, Piper.”

“For… for disobeying you.”

“That’s right. Now, bend over the table and we’ll get this business over with.”

“Then we’ll be done?”

He arched a brow. “Well, I reckon that all depends on you.”

Taking the hint, she was quick to follow his order. Her hands splayed against the cool, worn wood, she tentatively bent her body over its surface, her breasts flattened by the wood as she pushed her butt out toward him. She expected the spanking to begin at once and braced for it, but she found herself waiting for a while. What is he doing?

“So, uh, do you play ping-pong?” she asked to lighten the mood.


“Oh. So you just…”

“This isn’t a ping-pong paddle, Piper. I made this myself for paddling naughty little girls.” The amusement in his voice was evident even though she couldn’t see his face. “It looks like one, I s’pose, but I wasn’t thinkin’ about that. I just needed somethin’ nice and wide, and heavy, of course. This is three inches thick.”

Even though she’d already tasted a bit of the bite it imparted, hearing it described made her heart wrench in her chest.

“Be a good girl, and it’ll be over soon,” he said again.

Then she felt it explode against her backside. From the first swat, she knew the others she’d gotten earlier had merely been practice swings. Chase meant business and the hard paddle knocked the breath right out of her. Piper was gasping when the searing pain surfaced. It felt like a million needle pricks all over her cheek.

Then the second fell, on the exact same spot. She arched her back, but Chase was holding her down, making it impossible for her to run.

“It… it… hurts!” she gasped out when she could manage it, eyes prickling with tears as she flexed her legs up and down in a vain effort to relieve some of the sting.

“I know it does, baby. It’s s’posed to hurt. It reminds you what happens to naughty little girls who disobey.”

Piper sobbed, knowing it wasn’t over yet and wanting more than anything to turn back time. But I guess that’s the point!

A point he was making loud and clear, again and again, against her tender, quickly heating ass. With the first smack, it had taken a few moments for the pain to register, but with each additional hit of the paddle the burn increased until her ass felt scorched by fire itself.

Her feet were drumming against the floor as tears streamed down her face and pooled on the table. It would occur to her later that she had to wipe the table all over again, but just then she didn’t have the presence of mind to think of anything but the harrowing burn that bit down deeper into her buttocks with each hard, punishing thud.

Smack. The paddle walloped her left cheek. She tried to gasp, but a sob surfaced instead. Her entire body was racked with them as the paddle was laid in the same spot with equal strength, compounding the heat and prickly, angry sting all over her ass.

“D-da-dd-y!” she wailed. “Please!” She wished she could make a more eloquent plea, but it was all she could manage.

“Almost there, baby. You’re doin’ good.”

But that praise didn’t stop him from lighting into her tail with what felt like a sledgehammer as the paddle smacked down again and again. Piper didn’t think her poor heinie would ever recover as she sobbed pitifully.

“Almost done. Stay good for me now. You’ve got two more comin’.”

Two more. The words felt blissful and terrifying all at once. She didn’t know how she could take anymore.

The first spank landed right in the center of her buttocks, pushing her forward over the table and driving that damn butt plug into her like a chisel! It was a different pain—still hot, biting agony, but made worse by the plug. Piper tried to brace herself through her breathless sobs, but there was no preparing for the last swat. It came down like a clap of thunder as she screamed, choking on sobs.

She didn’t hear him set down the paddle or say anything. All she could hear were her own heart-wrenching cries.