Her Daddy’s Special Girl by Mary Potter












I felt bad that the very first person I tried to set Rebecca up with had a girlfriend. Luckily, she didn’t seem to mind too much, for which I was grateful. I also had this strange feeling of relief when it happened, and that was confusing.

Rebecca was gorgeous; of course, there was no doubt about it. I saw hundreds of pretty girls every week, though, and that usually wasn’t enough to have me interested. There was just something about her and the way she carried herself… it drew me in.

The last relationship I’d had was years ago. She had said she was into all of the things I was into, but a few months into the relationship, she confessed she didn’t really get what we were doing or why I liked it. She seemed confused that I wanted to take care of her, and while she liked calling me Daddy, she didn’t like it when I acted protective or did lots of things for her.

We had made it work for a couple of months. I stopped trying to do everything for her, which seemed to make her happy, and she made an effort to let me take care of her in some ways, which helped for a while. Eventually we both admitted that our relationship wasn’t working, and after the breakup I was certain of what my deal breakers were.

I wanted to be in a relationship and, despite what James and my other friends said, I was trying to find one. It was easier now, knowing what I did and didn’t want. I knew I wanted a Little who would let me take care of her, let me shower her with gifts and affection, and who wanted me as much as I wanted her.

Given all of that, it was strange that I felt so connected to Rebecca. She’d been coming into my club for years, but I’d never spent so much time talking to her. I sighed and decided that it was probably because she was letting me take care of her in some small way and that brought out the Daddy in me. I missed getting to be that version of myself.

Walking back over to her, I noticed her drink was still mostly full, even though she’d had it for almost an hour now.

“Do you want me to get you something else?”

She looked up at me with wide eyes. “What?” she whispered.

I pointed to her drink. “Do you not like it? Do you want something else to drink?”

“Oh,” she said. She closed her eyes and shook her head. “No, it’s fine, thank you. I don’t want to drink a lot tonight, but felt like I needed some liquid courage.”

“Do you want a soda instead? I can add a lime; make it look like a mixed drink?”

Rebecca looked like she was about to shake her head, but then paused and shrugged to herself. “Um, alright. Yes please.”

I nodded and got to work on pouring a soda water with a splash of cranberry, and I added both a lime and a lemon slice to the glass. Putting that down in front of her, I took the martini glass away.

As I turned, I saw a guy at the other end of the bar that I’d seen in my club before. He was nice to my staff and a solid tipper, which I always thought was a sign of good character. I made my way back over to Rebecca and nodded my head in the guy’s direction.

“What do you think of him?” I crossed my arms and leaned towards her over the bar so she could hear me. “The clean shaven guy at the end with the red shirt, by the second beer taps.”

Rebecca looked at me for an extra moment before leaning over to get a look at him. Her mouth pulled to the side cutely, and I smirked as I watched her.

Her eyebrows went up and quickly stopped leaning, looking alarmed.

I couldn’t help my laugh. “What?”

“He caught me looking,” she said, putting a hand to her head.

“Well, did you like the look of him?” I asked. I wasn’t sure which answer I was hoping for.

“Um, he’s good looking,” she said. “Bit… young, maybe.”

I looked over my shoulder to reassess. He was facing this way and smiling, probably looking at Rebecca. He was at least ten years older than she was, maybe more, but definitely not forty.

Turning back around to face her, I moved more to the right to hide her from his view. “You really weren’t kidding with the age thing, huh?”

Rebecca blushed fiercely. She looked even prettier like that. I was just about to tease her some more, wondering just how pink I could make her, when the guy with the red shirt appeared by Rebecca’s side.

“Hi,” he said, his voice light and musical. He held out his hand for her to shake. “I’m Noah.”

She smiled, looking shy and embarrassed as she extended her hand out to him. “Rebecca,” she said. “I’m sorry for staring at you.”

“That’s okay,” he said easily. He let go of her hand, but leaned on the bar next to her. I furrowed my brows while I looked between them. “It was a good reason for staring, wasn’t it?”

Rebecca let out a puff of laughter and shook her head. “It wasn’t a bad reason.”

“I’ll take it,” Noah said. He looked over at me and said, “Hey, I’m Noah.”

I swallowed down whatever weird emotion I was feeling and smiled. “Will. Can I get you anything?”

“Not for me, but,” Noah gestured towards Rebecca, “I’d love to buy you a drink, if you’re okay with that.”

She looked at me briefly, and I smiled at her, nodding once even as something in my gut twisted. She looked at Noah for a long moment before turning back to me with a small-but-nervous smile. “I don’t need a drink right now, but can I have another lime please, Will?”

I nodded once. So, she wanted to keep talking to him. Good. That was… good. Wasn’t it?