Her Daddy’s Special Girl by Mary Potter












Noah was nice. He talked to me about his friends first, whom he clearly admired a lot, and then his sister, who had moved to the city recently and was staying with him for a while. The way he spoke about all of them made it obvious that he cared a lot, and that made me feel better about him. So what if he wasn’t exactly my type. Maybe he’d still be able to help relieve some of my stress. Maybe he’d be enough for me tonight.

Will caught my eye every once in a while, raising his eyebrows, like he was asking if I was okay. I nodded each time, and he smiled, but he didn’t exactly seem happy about it. Maybe I was projecting. It’s not as if I expected the owner of the club to actually care about how my potential hookup went.

After a while, Noah asked me to dance. Bonnie was always telling me that the way a man danced told you all you needed to know about the way he had sex. This was the perfect opportunity to see what he might be like in bed.

There was a heavy rhythm pumping through the speakers as we walked hand-in-hand to the dancefloor. Noah laughed and twirled me under his arm and then started shimmying, keeping our fingers interlaced. I shimmied right back, assuming he’d pull me back into him when the beat dropped, but he didn’t.

We danced like that for a couple of minutes and when the song changed he moved his hips sensually before twirling himself under my arm. I threw my head back and laughed, but felt slightly disappointed. He moved well, and he seemed like he’d be very attentive during sex, if his dancing skills really speak to the way he’d act in bed, but it didn’t really seem like he was one to take charge. I wanted someone to take charge, to pull me out of my own head long enough to forget the stress and anxiety.

I turned around, pressed my back to his front, hoping it would let him know that I wanted this, that he could be a little more hands-on with me. Noah did put his hands on my waist, but his touch was light.

He was so lovely and kind but just… not what I needed.

After the next song ended, I excused myself by saying I needed to get some water. He offered to come with me but I told him I’d be back in a minute. I walked towards the bar, feeling a little sweaty from the heat of all the bodies, but not satisfied.

Just before I reached the bar, I saw Bonnie walk in, wearing a slinky black dress, cropped jacket, and her signature red lipstick. She spotted me, waved, and made her way over.

“Becs,” she said, sending me a wink before bumping her shoulder against mine. “Why am I finding you alone in the middle of a club? Why are you not wrapped around a gorgeous older gentleman who’s getting ready to ravish you for the night?”

I smiled and then sighed.

Bonnie’s playful smile faltered and she reached a hand out to squeeze my arm. “Hey, is everything okay?”

“It’s fine,” I said, looking out to the sea of people grinding on the dance floor.

“You don’t sound fine, Rebecca,” she said. “You know you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, right?”

“I know,” I said. “I just…” I looked around, my eyes landing on Will for a moment as he smiled brightly at a customer, and then Noah, who was still dancing. I refocused on Bonnie. “How do you do it?”

“What? Sleep with someone?” she asked.

I huffed.

Bonnie was always much more open about her wants than I was, and that was normal. We’d started in the same type of role at our company, and while we were both good at the job, Bonnie really went above and beyond, constantly aiming for a higher position. She saw how hard I worked and how good I was at the job, so as she got better roles, she pulled me up with her. We became great friends along the way.

She was the one to first share that she was a Little. I’d only figured out that I was one a few months prior, but it felt like a relief to have someone who shared the same kinds of feelings. Even if we went about it differently, we could understand what the other was talking about. Now, I wanted to know how she did it.

“How do you figure out who’s going to give you what you need?” I asked.

“Oh,” Bonnie said. “How do I figure out if he’s a Daddy, you mean?”

I blushed and looked around to see if anyone heard her —or cared— before I nodded.

“It's energy, mostly,” she said. “He’s got to be confident, strong, passionate… but not aggressively so.” She tilted her hand back and forth. “A lot of it is in the way he looks at you, too.”

“That’s… very unhelpful,” I said.

She laughed. “C’mon, let me grab a drink and we can talk through it some more. I’ll see if I can point some out.”

We walked the last few steps to the bar and easily found space to stand and wait for a bartender. Will spotted us almost instantly and held up one finger to say he’d be right with us.

“Like Will,” Bonnie said.

“Like Will what?”

“Will’s a Daddy,” she said.

I blinked at her. “What?” I looked over at him briefly and then back at her. “You think?”

“Oh, yeah, absolutely.” She nodded, seeming certain. “Obviously I don’t know, because we’ve never talked about it or, you know, done anything about it, but I’m as sure as I can be without confirmation.”

“Oh,” I said. I looked at Will again. His strong shoulders and arms, the way he carried himself and his assuredness… Oh.