His Curvy Beauty by Lana Love

Chapter 10


Excuse me, what?” Mandy’s head snaps toward me, her eyes blazing.

“When I heard that you’re moving back here,” I say, reaching out and putting my hand over hers, “that sealed the deal for me. Coach Fitzgerald has been after me to take his job for months now. When he heard I was retiring, he started campaigning to get me to take over.”

“But…” Mandy’s mouth open and closes. Her eyes are bright and I can see her mind racing, even though her mouth keeps opening and closing, and no words come out. “Would you really be happy here?”

“Why wouldn’t I be happy here? Everything I need to make me happy is here. You’re here.” I squeeze her hands with mine and gently caress them. Her body tenses a little bit, but she doesn’t pull her hands away.

“Won’t you miss playing with your team? Going from professional sports to be a high school coach, that’s a really big change. What about the fame and flashy lifestyle?”

“Of course I’ll miss playing with the team. They’ve become my brothers. We’re a family. They mean the world to me, but pro ball isn’t the life I want. My knee can’t take much more damage, anyway. Worrying about hurting it keeps me from playing like I want to play and how my team needs me to play.”

Mandy’s eyes narrow and I get the distinct sense that she doesn’t believe me about any of this.

“But is it going to be enough, to be back here?”

“Mandy,” I say, pulling her hands so that she’s standing in front of me, between my legs. “Look, sure. Fame is fun. But it gets old. Believe me when I say it’s not a line that I want to settle down, too.” I look into Mandy’s eyes and her body stills. “It’s why I’m moving back home. You were the one who got away. Now’s my chance to fix that.”

I stand up and wrap my arms around Mandy, pulling her into a kiss. I have every intention of going slow, enjoy this moment…but when she wraps her arms around me and pulls me tightly against her soft curves, I can’t help myself. My tongue pushes hard at her lips, desperate to taste her again. She needs a reason to believe I’m staying and I want my kiss to show her just how serious I am.

Mandy moans into my mouth and deepens our kiss, and I pull her closer, desperate for there to be no space between us.

A loud ruckus around us catches my attention and we both pull apart, panting as we stare into each other’s eyes.

“Did we score?” Mandy asks, glancing toward the TV above the bar. But all that’s on is a beer commercial.

“I think so.” I don’t give a fuck about the game on the TV. All I care about is Mandy and doing what we’ve needed to do for years. I let my fingers caress her waist, my heart pounding that this is finally happening. “I don’t care, Mandy. I care about you. Let’s get out of here.”