His Curvy Beauty by Lana Love


One year later…

“No cheating!” Jimmy hollers at me across the field as he sees me looking at Trevor. Of course I’m going to pass the ball to my boyfriend—he’s the best player out here!

“But we’re on the same team!” I yell back at my brother. He rolls his eyes and turns away for a split second and I throw the ball.

“Of course she did!” Grace shouts as she chases after Trevor.

“I’m king of the field!” Trevor does an end zone dance and, for the millionth time in the past year, my heart explodes with love and happiness. I run down the field to join him, throwing my arms around him and covering his face in kisses.

“We are the best team ever.”

“Anything for my Mandy,” he says, then pulls me in to a deep kiss.

“Dude! How many times I have to tell you to keep your hands off my sister?” Jimmy starts running towards us, laughing and with his fists up in the air. Trevor wraps his arms around me even tighter, with a look of amused defiance on his face.

Despite Trevor and I practically living together these days, Jimmy still does that protective older brother thing, though now it’s just a running joke among all of us. It’s been clear since last Christmas that Trevor and I belong to each other and that nothing can stand between us.

“I’m never letting Mandy go and you know that, Jimmy.” Trevor laughs, but there’s still a hint of impatience to his voice, which makes me realize he’s about as tired of Jimmy’s joking as I am.

“Trevor.” There’s an edge to Jimmy’s voice that confuses me. It’s like he’s serious all of a sudden, but I have no idea why.

“Is everything okay between you two?” I ask, turning to Trevor. I snuggle into his arms and hold him tightly. If Jimmy has a beef with Trevor, he’s going to have to go through me too.

Trevor looks me and nods.

“Can we get the game moving?” Grace calls out, crossing her arms over her chest and shivering a little bit. “It’ll be dark soon and we need to get dinner going.”

“Okay, okay.”

We play the second half of touch football, and I laugh every time Trevor intentionally trips so that Grace or Jimmy can score a touchdown.

Trevor throws the ball to me and I sprint as fast as I can down the field. Jimmy reaches out for my flag, but misses and I scream as I keep running.

“I made it! I get the final touchdown!”

I spike the ball on the cold ground and dance around it, waving my arms in the air.

I start to walk away, but I catch the look on Grace’s face and it stills me. She makes a little motion with her hand for me to turn around, and I do. Trevor is kneeling on the ground, his hand outstretched to me.

“Is this… Are you…” I can’t even say the words because so much emotion is rolling over me. I walk over to Trevor and place my hand in his. One million thoughts explode in my mind all at once.

“Mandy. When you tackled me last year, it gave me so much hope that what I always wanted was what you wanted, too. Ever since then, and especially since last Christmas, you have brought me more joy and love than I ever thought I would be lucky enough to find. You are an incredible woman and I want you on my team forever. Just you and me, tackling the world.” Trevor’s brown eyes fill with tears and his voice trembles, and it spikes into my heart so much that I start crying, too. “Mandy, my best cheerleader, will you marry me?”

It takes me a few seconds to do more than simultaneously laugh and cry, but I finally get it together.


Trevor smiles so wide that I think his cheeks are going to split open. My eyes never leave him as he reaches into the inside pocket of his puffy jacket and pulls out a dark velvet box. His strong fingers fumble as he opens it, revealing the prettiest diamond ring I’ve ever seen. The setting sun hits the ring and it dances with color. Trevor gently takes my hand and slides the ring on, then I tackle him and kiss him passionately.

“I love you more than life itself,” I tell Trevor, not wanting to let him go.

“Good grief! Get a room!” Grace calls out, laughter in her voice.

Trevor and I get to our feet, never once taking our hands off each other. We walk over to join Grace and Jimmy, and I look at Jimmy, not knowing what to expect.

“You treat her right, you hear?”

“You know, I’m standing right here, brother.” I roll my eyes and squeeze Trevor tighter.

“Show me the ring!” Grace squeals and I turn to her, smiling so much my cheeks hurt.

Trevor gives me a quick kiss and chuckles, then lightly pushes me toward Grace. She oohs and aahs over the ring, giving me so many hugs I can barely breathe.

“You’re next, you know,” I tease.

“You’re not wrong… I’ve been dating someone I really like. I think there’s potential.”

“Whoa. That’s something, coming from you. Is this why I haven’t seen you as much lately? I’ve been wondering what you were up to.”

“Yeah,” she says, looking away and blushing a little. “I’ve invited him to watch the game after Christmas dinner this year.”

“Yay! I can’t wait to meet him!” I give Grace a huge hug and cross my fingers that she really has found the guy for her. I know she wants a family just as much as I do and I’d love it if we had children at the same time.

“Come on, you two! It’s cold out here. Let’s get dinner and to celebrating!”

“I love your brother and Grace, but I’m glad we’re finally alone.” Trevor pulls me close as we walk into his house. For the first time since he proposed, my mind quiets, because there’s a new peace in my world. He gives me a slow kiss and my love for him expands even more.

“Me, too. I’ve wanted to be alone with you since the game.” I push my body against Trevor’s and run my hand under his sweater and across his smooth, hot skin.

We nearly fall over each other’s feet as we rush to his bedroom, removing each other’s clothes as we go, giggling at our shared clumsiness and urgency to be naked.

Trevor turns on the light to watch me finish undressing. It took a long time for me to be comfortable with this, but he loves me – every inch of me – and has always been incredibly vocal about how much he loves my curvy body.

“You never need to hide anything from me. You’re the most beautiful woman in the world.”

“I love you, Trevor.”

“I love you, too, Mandy.” He pulls me into a kiss, then playfully pushes me onto the bed and moves his strong, muscular body over mine. “Now, do you think we need to get a new mattress set?”

“Hm…” I moan as his mouth and hot tongue find that tender spot on my neck. Spreading my legs for Trevor and pushing my hips up to him, I cry out as he pushes into me. “I think that calls for investigation. Let’s see how much this bed can handle, and then ask me later.”


Our bodies move together, hot and sweaty, and I know – this is just the beginning of our forever.