His Curvy Beauty by Lana Love

Chapter 3


I’ve only been in the Industrial District a couple of time after dark, always with Miranda when we were driving to get somewhere else. Normally, the ID is deserted in the way that you see when a zombie movie starts.

But right now? There are easily three hundred people here. I knew that street racing was a thing, but not like this, not here. The warehouses up and down this long, wide road are all dark, their parking lots empty. Well, all but the one where we’re at now. Here, an urgency and vibrancy in the air here caresses my skin, reminding me that there’s an exciting world out there. Standing in the ID at night, in the middle of a group of strangers, watching cars rev their engines and take off on high-speed races? Really not how I expected to spend tonight. Yet I can’t deny that every time a car revs its engine or people cheer for a race, a deep thrill electrifies my body.

I was ready to take care of sweet Frannie while Jarvis went out, but he was adamant about me joining him. The looks that I got when we arrived, especially from other women, made it rapidly clear that he normally doesn’t bring anyone with him, much less a woman. The looks on the women’s face ranged from shocked to curious to hostile.

It's obvious I don’t fit in here – I’m dressed like a school librarian and the women here are all dressed in skimpy or tight outfits, like they’re going to dance in a music video. But the electricity in the air here makes my heart race! Watching Jarvis move among the crowd and the way he seemed to both relax and get amped up as he drove here? Total aphrodisiac.

“Are you lost, honey?”

I turn to the sound of the voice and see an impossibly pretty and skinny girl smirking at me.

“Ah…no.” I stumble over the words. She’s one of the women who has hostility in her eyes and looking around, I see we have an audience. Shit. “It is my first time watching, though,” I add, trying to smooth this over.

“No shit.” She crosses her arms over her small chest as she rolls her eyes at me. “How are you even here? Isn’t this a little…not your speed?”

I bristle as she laughs at her own joke, even if she’s right. This is unusual for me, though the only reason I feel uncomfortable here is because of the girls like her. Inwardly I sigh. This isn’t the first time I’ve been misjudged for how I look. Everyone thinks that because I’m fat, that I’m lazy or boring. Part of me wants to scream that this is not outside my comfort zone. Joining Miranda and travelling the world? That is outside my comfort zone, but hell or high water I’m joining her soon. Just this one last tutoring gig with Jarvis, and then I’m outta here. I need a change of scenery, especially when it comes to dealing with people like this girl.

“Actually,” I say, trying to stand up straighter and give myself more confidence than I feel under her withering gaze, “I came here with Jarvis. Do you know him?”

Even before I watch her eyes go wide in disbelief, I know she knows him. It was obvious within a few minutes of getting here that everyone knows Jarvis.

“You what?” Her voice rises about three octaves as she leans forward, squinting at me. “What are you? Some long-lost cousin? Not to be rude, honey—”

I jump as I feel a strong arm slide over my shoulders and pull me close to a tall, muscular body.

“You are being rude, Connie.”

“Oh, Jarvis.” Her voice comes out in a breathless rush. Her demeanor immediately changes from bitchy-combative to flirty and coy. “It’s so good to see you!”

“Can it. Sarabeth is here with me. You have a problem with that, now’s your time to air your grievance.” His voice is deep and husky, and between that and the way his muscular arm feels around my shoulders, I’m lightheaded.

Confidence surges through me as Jarvis stands up for me. Even though I know he’s just being polite, him going all alpha male protective over me is deeply satisfying. I’ve never had a guy stand up for me like this. He’s not just a good dad and hot as hell, he has a sense of decency and conviction. Jarvis has substance.

“Everything’s fine.” The fake smile she plasters on her face fools no one.

“Come with me, Sarabeth.” Jarvis guides me with his arm and we walk through the crowd, back to his car.

“Are we going back?”

“What? No.” Jarvis laughs and it’s richest, purest thing I’ve ever heard. There is joy in his laugh and it makes me smile to know that I sparked this reaction in him. “I’m about to race. I need a kiss.”

“For good luck?” My voice squeaks. He doesn’t sound like he’s joking. My body trembles from and I wonder if somehow I’m dreaming. Did he really say what I think he said? Does this man, who could have any woman he wanted, really want me? How could this possibly be real?

“No. I don’t need luck. I need you.”

Before I can even blink, Jarvis has his arms around me and he’s pulling me against his muscular body. His mouth finds mine and then everything changes. His full lips press against mine, heat radiating off his body and burning through my thin blouse. I can’t help but part my lips when I feel his tongue pressing against my mouth, demanding entrance.

A rumbling groan vibrates through his body and I go weak when I realize that me – chubby me – is making Jarvis groan like this. As his body shifts and presses against mine, I know I’m not dreaming. His tongue strokes mine and I kiss him back hungrily. The depth and power of his kiss unlock a primal desire in me, my entire body and soul need more of this. More than I’ve ever wanted to with anyone, I want to bare everything about me to Jarvis – including my body.

I blink rapidly when our kiss finishes, my mind on such overload that I don’t know what to do. I’ve never had a kiss light up my body like this. It seems unbelievable that after just seeing each other a couple of times, for a few hours, and then with this kiss, that I just know that he’s the only man I’ll ever want. My favorite aunt always told me, that if a man knocks your socks off with the first kiss, he’s the one to bet your future on.

More than anything I’ve ever known, my socks are well and truly knocked off.