His Curvy Beauty by Lana Love

Chapter 4


Time stops in the best possible way when I pull Sarabeth into my arms and tilt her head up to mine, for a second kiss. I want her so profoundly that I can’t stop with just one kiss. I press my lips against hers, hard, my body revving as I pull her womanly curves tightly against my body. A surprised sigh escapes her mouth, and then she moans as she opens her sweet lips and wraps her arms around my waist.

Never has a woman or a kiss been so perfect. I lower my hands so that they’re on her lower back, my fingers tantalizingly close to her gloriously full ass. My heart pounds in my chest as desire drives deeper into my being. It’s terrifying how much I want… No, how much I need Sarabeth in my life. I doubted that I’d ever meet a woman that I even wanted to introduce to Frannie, much less a woman I’d want to call Wife and share Frannie with. Sarabeth is everything I didn’t realize I could find.

“Ride with me.” My voice is hoarse as I kiss her ear, my cock throbbing as she shivers in my arms. I know I shouldn’t even suggest this, but I can’t help myself. I want her to experience the glory of racing, to feel the power of my car, to see if she gets the same kind of high from it that I do.

“Are you…” Sarabeth groans as I lick the delicate curve of her ear. “No,” she says, her voice softer and firmer. “I don’t want to distract you. Take me for a ride another time.”

I open my mouth, then close it. I’m not used to being told no, but Sarabeth is right. At nearly a hundred miles per hour, any tiny mistake can cause an accident or death. I’ve seen it happen. It’s foolish to think she could be in the car and I wouldn’t be distracted. Sharing driving and racing is something I will do with Sarabeth, but she’s right. Tonight is not the night.

“Thank you. You’re right.” I kiss her lightly, then run my fingers through her silky hair.

“Jarvis, my man!”

The sound of Chico’s voice cuts through this moment with Sarabeth, and the rest of the world comes rushing back.

“I’ll be back soon.” I tuck Sarabeth’s hair behind her ear and give her another kiss, before meeting Chico and starting this race.

I revmy engine at the starting line, adrenaline spiking through my blood and making me feel more powerful than anything on this planet. It’s been too long since I raced.

Tonight, I’m racing not just for the pure joy of it, no matter how much I’ve missed this power and freedom, but I’m also racing to impress Sarabeth. I need for her to see I’m the best at what I do and I win. Always, I win.

The race starts and my body vibrates as my car exerts its power as I push the speed higher and higher, demanding my car perform at elite levels. My muscles tighten as I grip the steering wheel, turning it just enough to round the corner without flipping or going too wide and crashing. Downshifting my car, I see the finish line and I push my car harder, my adrenaline and pride soaring. Another car comes close to me, but I shift gears again and push ahead, my ride screaming as I cross the finish line and re-take my rightful place as Champion.

I safely slow down my car and park, immediately searching for Sarabeth. Everyone is yelling at me to congratulate me or talk shit, but I don’t stop. I have to find Sarabeth, so I can share this moment with her. I need her to recognize that this is who I am and that is never going to change.

Finally! I shove my way through the crowd the moment I see her. She’s standing there, looking so different than anyone else here, but she’s smiling.

“You won! Good job!” Sarabeth jumps in my arms, hugging me with an unbridled enthusiasm. She feels perfect in my arms, her soft curves pressing against my body. Adrenaline and desire course through my veins as I let myself feel emotions I’d locked away and thought I’d never experience. I want her by my side. I want to build a future with her.

It feels oddly intimate to share this moment with her, in the middle of a large crowd of people. I want to be just with her, to tell her about why racing is important to me, how it’s in the very core of my DNA. I want to tell her the things that I don’t tell anyone.

More than ever, I realize that I fundamentally need Sarabeth in my life. I thought I was just hiring a tutor to get Frannie past a temporary educational block, but someone so much more walked into our home that day.

Now, I can’t stop thinking about how she said she was planning to go fly off to some country and join her friend. The look in her eyes was one I recognized – it was the look of someone with nothing to tie her down, so she was going to drop herself into the wind and see where she landed. I want…no, I need…to be the reason she stays.

“Let’s get out of here. I want to celebrate with you – not everyone else.”

When she smiles at me and nods, slipping her hand into mine, I’m done for. I would do anything to keep her smiling like she is right now.

With my heart pounding, we go back to my car and I hold the door for her as she gets in. She looks perfect in my car and I can’t imagine anyone else, aside from Frannie, that I want to see in that seat. Sarabeth is the family I didn’t realize I could find. I thought life would just be little Frannie and me, and that no woman would ever measure up or be worthy of joining our little unit, but oh how wrong I was. When Sarabeth walked into my home, I knew that I wanted to share my life with her.

She’s talked about travelling, but I can’t let her go. I recognized the look in her eyes, that need to seek out new places and experiences, to not stop moving until you find that thing that you need but can’t name. If she leaves, I know she’s never coming back.

It’s now a race for me to convince her to stay, to convince her that fate brought us together for a reason and that I’m the one she’s so clearly looking for.