His Curvy Beauty by Lana Love

Chapter 2


Well, hello to you, too, Mandy Hunter. Are you enjoying the holiday season?” I grin, delighting in Mandy’s reaction when at seeing me. I gave specific instructions for Jimmy not to tell anyone I’d be home this year, but I wasn’t sure if he’d actually keep his word on that.

Mandy marches past me, cheeks red from the cold and her eyes bright, and a bolt of desire goes straight to my groin.

Holy fuck.

I knew she was coming, but I didn’t realize how amazing she looks now. Our paths haven’t crossed in years, since I’ve always been in a stadium, playing a game on Christmas Day.

If I’d realized Mandy was all sexy and soft curves, I’d have made it back home years ago. She’s the one I always wanted, the one who always said no and forever teased me. Fuck. I’ve spent years fantasizing about her.

“Hey man, close the door! That wind is freezing!”

“Yeah, sorry, Jimmy.” I close the door behind me, I turn and see Mandy staring at me.

“Hey, Mandy. How are you? It’s been a long time.” I move closer to her, to give her a hug, but the expression on her face rapidly cycles between surprise, what I hope is lust, and then a wall comes down in her eyes. Obviously, she has a boyfriend waiting for her or coming along in a day or two. I’ve heard about her, occasionally, from Jimmy, and there’s no way someone as smart and gorgeous as she is could be single.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I…” she mumbles, her blue eyes quickly cutting away from mine. It stings when she looks toward the living room and walks away from me. No one ever walks away from me.

“Sis! You made it!”

“Barely,” she sighs, shrugging off her coat and throwing it on a side chair. “Hey Grace. I’m so glad to see you! It’s been too long since I saw my best friend!” She gives everyone else a big hug and jealousy rises up in me something fierce.

“It’s about time you got home, sis.” Jimmy hugs her with one arm and passes her a bottle of beer with the other. “Didn’t run out of gas?”

“No,” she says. Damn… Watching her tilt that bottle back and take a long drink? A rush of blood goes straight to my groin as I envision her lips wrapped around my cock. Mandy was always sexy, in her shy way, but Jimmy made it damn clear she was off limits.

Now? We’re all grown up and it’s time for the rules to change.

“What areyou doing back here, Trevor? I thought you were living your best life as a famous football player.”

I look at Mandy, relieved that she’s finally talking to me. We weren’t on bad terms last we saw each other, but there’s been something dark in her eyes every time I’ve seen her looking at me tonight. It’s like she has a grudge against me, though I know that’s impossible. I haven’t seen her in years.

“I suppose I was.” No matter how many times I’m recognized in public or get interviewed on television, I just feel like me, that talented kid from Gresham. I don’t feel like a superstar, though playing pro football has definitely had some Hollywood moments. “I hurt my knee again last month and I’m on the DL. Since I can’t play on Christmas, I came home.”

“Huh.” Mandy’s eyes are unreadable as she looks at me, but at least she no longer looks like she wants to kill me. Still, there’s a definite distance between us.

“What about you? How you doin’ in the big city?”

“Don’t ask.” She rolls her eyes and takes another long pull of her beer. “In fact, I dislike it so much, I’m moving back here in February. I wanted to come back earlier, but work locked me into a final project. Honestly, I can’t wait to come home, even if it means seeing my obnoxious brother all the time.”

Mandy smiles at her brother, leaning over to punch him on the arm. Jimmy laughs, punching her back on the arm.

“Yay!” Grace’s voice is a screech of excitement and she lunges over to Mandy and gives her a big hug. “You didn’t tell me you had a finalized move date! I can’t wait for you to be back! You won’t regret it, girl, seriously. Oh my God! I can’t believe I’m finally getting my BFF back!”

Once again, a shadow falls over her eyes. There’s a story she’s not telling people. I want to ask her, but I know better than to ask her in front of the others. Though, I tell myself, why would she even talk to me? She has absolutely zero reason to confide in me and with the way she’s been looking at me, I seriously doubt she has any plans to.

Maybe she’s heard about the reputation I had a few years ago. A lot of money and a lot of fame doesn’t lend itself to respectable behavior. I fell into the fame trap that so many of us did – lots of parties, booze, women, money to burn, acting like kings because everyone treated us as kings. Looking back, I’m grateful I didn’t get in any trouble and I didn’t end up with a surprise baby from a woman I didn’t remember.

These days, I want a nice quiet life, to give back to the community that helped me become the football player I became. I want to be married and have a big family.

As I watch Mandy relax in front of the fireplace, laughing and joking with her brother and Grace, I’m reminded even more why I liked her. She’s funny and down to earth, not to mention the shape of her body. I feel damn lucky to be a part of this. She’s natural, here, the love for her brother and best friend plain as day remind me why I always found her so compelling.

Mandy is exactly the kind of woman I want for a wife. I finish another beer, then am blindsided by the realization – it’s Mandy. It’s always been Mandy. Even when she turned me down, time after time in high school, it was always her. Some part of me, deep down, knew that she was the one. She was the only girl I ever longed for enough that I kept asking and asking.

She’s the woman I want to be my wife.