His Curvy Beauty by Lana Love

Chapter 4


This game can’t end fast enough.

I want to lose myself in Mandy and her luscious body. I want to hear her sigh and moan as we roll around in bed and take care of what I wish we’d taken care of so many years ago. She said no to me so many times back in the day, that it really feels like Christmas has come early. Her saying yes to a drink feels better than winning the Super Bowl.

“What’s gotten into you man?” Jimmy asks. “You’re barely passing me the ball.”

I wipe my arm across my forehead. “I’m scoring, right?”

“Sure. But were supposed to be a team, right?” Jimmy’s voice is tight.

“Sorry, man. Next one’s yours.”

I get the ball and run to the side, easily evading Mandy and Grace. Jimmy runs long and is wide open. I throw the ball to him and it sails perfectly through the air. He’s going to make a touchdown easily, because Mandy and Grace are trying to block me and completely ignoring him.

“What?” Grace says, her eyes tracking the ball. “Dammit.”

I watch as Jimmy reaches to catch the ball. Mandy is sprinting toward him and she might just catch him.

“Get it, man!” I yell.

Jimmy jumps for the ball, but his timing is off. He stretches for the ball and fumbles it, and I wince as he falls and lands on his arm. Hard.

I immediately run over to Jimmy because I know what a bad fall looks like. He’s slow to get up off of the ground and his eyes are screwed up in pain. This isn’t good. I recognize how hard he’s trying hard to mask his pain, but the way he’s swearing shows how badly he’s losing the battle.

“Dude. You okay?”

“Jimmy! Are you okay?” Mandy asks, breathless.

Jimmy groans and starts to sit up. “I dislocated my fucking shoulder again.” He stands up and wrenches his shoulder back into place, bellowing as he does so. Resetting your own shoulder is excruciating.

“Dude, we need to get you to the hospital.”

Jimmy tries to resist, but when he tries to make a fist and only manages to faintly grasp at the air, it’s glaringly obvious that he needs the ER.

“That’s it. Don’t try and argue with me. We’re going to the hospital.” The look in Mandy’s eyes is pained when she sees how much her brother is hurting. She’s already walking to the car, assuming that we’re following her.

“Fuck, man. I think I pinched a nerve.” Jimmy’s eyes are rolling back in his head and I wince, worried he’s about to pass out. We follow her and she sets off for the hospital like a bat out of hell.

“Almost there, buddy.” Mandy speeds through the traffic. Every bump in the road on the way to the hospital makes Jimmy groan like a dying man. “I know this isn’t the greatest time to say this, but this is why you shouldn’t try to deal with your shoulder on your own.”

“I know, I know. Damn shoulder is why I never got a shot at playing pro.”

“You’ll befine in a few weeks. This next week, you need to keep that arm in a sling. No exceptions.” The doctor narrows her eyes at Jimmy. “You remember what happened last time you didn’t follow my orders, right?”

Jimmy looks sheepish as he looks up at the pretty doctor. This is obviously not the first time she’s set Jimmy’s shoulder for him. If she is who I think she is, she’s the one that nearly put him in a hard cast after he played a game when his shoulder wasn’t healed and he came back less than a week after she had set it.

“Yes, ma’am. Don’t worry. I know I’m not getting any younger. Besides,” he grins, his eyes starting to sparkle from the effects of the painkiller they gave him, “I can get these two here to do the Christmas cooking. That’ll be fun to watch.”

“What?” Mandy’s voice rises to a shrill pitch that makes everyone wince. “I can handle all the cooking just fine.”

“Tell that to the ham you scorched three years ago.”

Mandy grumbles and looks away from Jimmy, embarrassment coloring her cheeks.

“I like to cook, though I’m not always the most attentive…and sometimes things get burnt.” Mandy doesn’t look me in the eye as she says this and it takes all my self-control to not smile. In high school, she always had this persona of having everything together and being in control, even though I knew from Jimmy that that wasn’t really the case.

“Trevor, man. Make sure she doesn’t kill the ham. It’s not Christmas without ham. Don’t kill the ham. Please?” Jimmy’s eyes are drooping and whatever they gave him for the pain is kicking in strong.

“Can you even cook?” Mandy challenges me, her eyes narrowed and highly skeptical.

I step closer to Mandy, my eyes locked on hers. “I know how to do more with my hands than just throw a football.”

The blush that flames across her face makes me smile and makes my cock vibrate with desire. I’m gonna have permanent blue balls if I can’t get her alone and naked sometime soon. I need to be close to her, because I need to know if she feels the way I do.

Mandy eventually cuts her eyes away and it thrills me to see just how flustered she is.

“Okay. Fine. Let’s take Jimmy home, then you can buy me that beer and tell me about these supposed mad cooking skills you have.”


“And that,”I push a paper coaster with a dinner menu listed on it toward Mandy, “is how I think we should do Christmas dinner.”

Mandy looks at me, then looks back down at the menu. She lets out a low whistle and shakes her head. Her auburn hair falls in her face and I instinctively reach out and gently push it behind her ear.

“Oh!” Mandy jumps like she’s been electrocuted. Even though she’s not saying a word, she’s studying me closely, a million emotions and thoughts racing across her pretty face.

Seeing Mandy squirm makes me want her even more. Little by little, her tough girl façade is cracking. I know she wants me, but I know I also have to work for it. One bad play and she’ll be saying no to me for the million and tenth time.

“Are you okay?” I turn my bar stool so I’m facing her and put my hand on her knee. Her eyes follow my hand and my heart isn’t the only thing pounding when she puts her hand on mine.

“Oh, I think I’m quite okay. Don’t you?” She smiles at me, her cheeks red from the beer and the heat of the bar.

“I think you’re more than okay,” I say, leaning closer toward her. Something has shifted in her, whether the beer or something else, but no way in hell am I going to ask her what changed – I’m just thankful that she’s opening herself up to me. I curve my hand so that it’s on the back of her knee, then I pull her knee out so that I can stand up in front of her, between her legs. “In fact, I think you’re quite spectacular.”

“You don’t say, Trevor?”

I see the smile on her lips and know that I’m a goner. Her lips are full and perfect.

“I’ve been saying this for years. Or don’t you remember?”

“Maybe I need a little reminding. Perhaps you—”

“OH MY GOD! Trevor Collins! Is that really you?”

I take a deep breath and turn my head toward a shrill voice I recognize in an instant. Jessica Yarrow.


“Jessie. How ya been?”

I watch Jessie look at me, then at Mandy, then to my hand on Mandy’s knee. Jessie’s forehead creases and she tilts her head.

“I’m well. Why don’t you come over, talk with me a few minutes?” Jessie bats her eyes. That used to mean something to me, in high school, but it doesn’t phase me anymore. “You don’t mind, do you Mindy?”

“It’s Mandy.” Mandy’s voice is tight.

“No thank you,” I say, aggravated at how Jessie flicks her blonde hair and turns so that she’s facing me, and aggressively ignoring Mandy.

“Come on over, please? You can join us, too, Mandy.”

“No. We were just leaving, weren’t we Mandy?”

Mandy looks at me, confusion and upset on her face. My parents raised me to be polite, but I will be rude to Jessie if I need to. I’m here with Mandy and she’s the only person important to me right now.

“Sorry about that,” I say once we’re in the parking lot and away from the bar. “Let’s go somewhere else.”

“No, that’s okay. I’m going to head home.” The sadness in her voice kills me. I’d do anything to make this right, but reading her body language doesn’t take a pro football player to read. She’s glancing toward her car and the sexy vibe we had going is gone. Fuck.