Cocky Flyboy by Susan Horsnell


Sunday Two Weeks Later

The small aircraft tilted to one side, giving me a view of the sprawling city of Springfield below. A city I thought I would never set foot in again. My fists gripped the armrests until Tim brought the plane back to level, or I assumed it was him who was piloting the aircraft.

When we had arrived at Teterboro airport, I’d been introduced to his regular co-pilot, Carl Miller, a man I estimated to be in his late forties. He was tall like Tim, with salt and pepper hair, a short beard, and brown eyes. His face appeared rather weathered as if he spent a lot of time outdoors, which it turned out he did. When he wasn’t flying with Tim, he was a groundsman for a golf course.

I liked Carl immediately. He was kind and showed genuine affection for Tim. I made a note to ask about the relationship between the two when Tim and I were alone later.

Carl informed Tim that he had fuelled the plane, filed the flight plan, and the aircraft was ready for us to board. I had never flown in such a small aircraft before and was nervous as hell. After handing our single suitcase to Carl, Tim escorted me up the steps and into the cabin.

He settled me into a seat at the front, buckled me in, and handed me a bottled water. We decided that it wasn’t necessary for Emily to accompany us since Tim would be by my side. Alejandro had confided that it was highly unlikely I would be in any danger now the four men were locked up in jail.

Emily and I had developed somewhat of a friendship over the past two weeks. Despite my initial misgivings, I’d grown to both like and trust the woman. I had also had an opportunity to meet her lovely partner, Lisa, and from the way they looked at each other, there was no doubting they were a match made in heaven.

Tim had welcomed me into his bed every night, demanding nothing other than a few heated kisses, which I gladly gave. There was no doubt in my mind that I wanted him in every way, but fear seemed to be holding me back. What if I was unable to please him? What if I wasn’t good enough? I knew nothing about caring, gentle sexual encounters; what I had experienced had always been brutal. Maybe it was time I discussed my fears with him.

The plane tilted again, and I swallowed the squeal that bubbled up in my throat. I hadn’t been fond of take-off; I was even less fond of landing. Peering through the window, I saw the runway rushing up and crossed my fingers that Tim and Carl would set us down safely. I had no idea why I was worried with two accomplished men at the controls.

The aircraft hovered above the tarmac, and when the wheels finally touched, there was barely a bump. We taxied to a hangar off in the distance, where the plane was pulled to a stop, and the engines were shut down. I flipped open the buckle on the seatbelt and stood. Moments later, Tim was by my side.

“How did you enjoy your flight?”

“Apart from take-off and landing, I enjoyed it very much. Were you at the controls?”

“Yes. Carl usually watches over the indicators and makes sure all is okay while I concentrate on flying.”

“Can I ask you a favor?”

“Of course.”

“When we go home, please don’t tilt the plane on its side, or you might find you need to replace the leather on the armrests.”

Tim reached out and pulled me close. “I promise I will keep it level for you. I thought you would like to admire the view?”

“I can admire the view just fine without being tipped on one side.”

Tim laughed before leaving me to gather our suitcase. When he returned, he explained Carl would meet us later at the hotel after taking care of post-flight requirements.

With my hand firmly grasped in Tim’s, we descended the steps, and he led me to where a rental car had been left for our use.

After settling me into the passenger seat, Tim placed the suitcase in the trunk and slipped behind the wheel. The engine came to life and he headed for the hotel opposite the courthouse where we were staying.


Tim and I shared a suite at the upscale hotel, while Carl had one across the hall. After unpacking, we all headed out for an early dinner at a nearby restaurant.

We were seated at a table by the window, which overlooked the street. While the two men caught up on recent times, I watched people rushing about, wondering where they were going and what they were doing.


I snapped my attention to Tim, wondering what he might have asked.

“Sorry, I was a million miles away.”

“So, I saw. I was asking what you’d like to drink?”

“Just water, thank you.”

Tim ordered the drinks and our meals, and when the young waiter set off to place the orders, Carl asked, “How are you feeling now, Melissa?”

“I’m doing much better. As you can see, the bruising and swelling are almost gone, so there is only this to heal.” I held up my arm, which now sported a pink plaster cast.

“Tim told me a little about Jamison. Are you nervous about seeing him in the courtroom?”

“Terrified would be a more suitable word.”

Tim rubbed a hand over my back. “He can’t hurt you anymore and I’ll be right by your side.”

“I know, but he is going to be so angry.”

“That’s his problem, he brought all this on himself,” Carl spoke with annoyance. “With any luck, it will be over quickly, we’ll go back to New York, and you can get on with your new life.”

“I hope so, but I can’t help feeling something is brewing.” I shrugged. “Time will tell.”

Over a delicious dinner, the three of us discussed my hopes and goals in my new career. When I yawned, tired due to both the late hour and stress of the impending trial, Tim decided it was time to return to the hotel.

After saying goodnight to Carl, Tim followed me into our suite. We took care of brushing our teeth and changing into nightclothes before crawling into bed. As had become a pattern over the past three weeks, we kissed passionately before Tim rolled me onto my side, and moved in behind me, one arm over my waist.

I felt safe, comforted as usual, but the time was fast approaching where I would want more. Much more.