Cocky Flyboy by Susan Horsnell


I flipped the switch on the coffee maker and dropped into a seat at the table to read the news on my iPad. I hadn’t been able to sleep more than a couple of hours, thanks to my dick being harder than a steel pipe and pleading for relief.

What had I been thinking, inviting Melissa into my bed, her warm body wrapped around mine for hours? Hardened nipples pushed against the muscles of my chest. Her womanly scent wafted up my nose—I’d been in a constant state of heightened arousal.

The coffee maker gurgled before coming to a stop. Leaving my seat, I poured a mug of the steaming black brew before returning to the table. I’d barely opened the news app on my iPad when my phone buzzed with an incoming call. Picking it up, I saw Gary’s name on the screen.

“Gary, you’re calling early.”

“I wanted to let you know that I’ve put Alejandro and Hayly on a plane back to Springfield. The warrants for Jamison, Beaufort, Findlay, and Cross have been issued, and police should be in the process of picking them up as we speak. Alejandro said he would call me as soon as he gets to his office. He also asked me to thank Melissa for her statement.”

“I’ll let her know. Hopefully, they will be refused bail and stay locked up until the trial. Does Melissa have to testify?”

“Yes, she’ll be called, and if she refuses, a subpoena will be issued. Since she signed the statement, it’s only logical she would need to testify. Until then, Alejandro said he would try and keep her name and whereabouts unknown. They expect the trial to be fast-tracked considering Jamison’s position and could take place the week after next.”

“Will that give the lawyers enough time to prepare prosecution and defense? I’d hate to see him walk free because it was rushed.”

“I’m sure both sides will ask for more time if needed, but I think political pressure will play a big part in getting this over with as soon as possible. There won’t be months of waiting for the case to be heard.”

“The shit is really going to hit the fan on this, and I only hope Melissa is strong enough to cope with all the fallout.”

“She’s stronger than you think, Tim. She’s a survivor, so don’t underestimate her ability to push through difficult times.”

“I just want to make it easier for her, you know. She’s had so much cruelty in her life. I want to spoil her, lavish her with gifts, take her away to exotic places. Show her what it’s like to be loved.”

“Whoa! You sound hooked on the lady.”

“I am, but I need to take things slow after what she has been through.”

“Well… well… well. I never thought I would live to see the day that Tim Reisher got serious over a woman. I like her, and I hope it works out for you both.”

“Thanks, Gary. I hope so too.”

“Gotta go. I’ll call you soon.”

I disconnected the call, placed the phone on the table, and looked up to see Melissa standing in the opening to the kitchen. Fuck, how much of the conversation had she heard? I pushed onto my feet and started toward her. She held up one hand as I approached.

“You heard?”

Melissa nodded. “I knew once I signed the statement I’d have to testify and that I would not have a choice, but hearing you confirm the fact… being in the same room as Lincoln...”

Stepping forward, I pulled her into my arms. “I’ll be with you every step of the way, and as soon as this is over, I’m going to take you away to an island where you can relax and enjoy yourself.”

Melissa gazed up at me and at that moment, I had never seen her looking so vulnerable. “You don’t have to do that, Tim. I’ll be fine, and as soon as my arm is healed, I want to get back to work.”

“We’ll talk about it more as this situation unfolds. Okay?”


“Now, how about breakfast before Emily arrives.”

“I’ll get the coffee; the aroma is making my mouth water.”

I laughed at Melissa’s exaggerated lip licking, gave her a quick kiss, and while she made herself a brew and refreshed mine, I made the cereal and toast. I couldn’t help thinking it was what I wanted to do every day—wake up to Melissa in my bed and share breakfast.


When Emily stated she wanted to take Melissa out to get some fresh air, my first instinct was to argue it wasn’t safe. Then, common sense kicked into gear. Emily was a highly trained operative, and Melissa was pale and could do with a bit of sunshine to put color back into her cheeks. The men endangering her life were around one hundred and forty miles from New York and were more than likely locked away. They were no threat to her for the moment. So, I had escorted them to the lift, given Emily some cash to buy lunch, and told them to have a good day.

Being at a loose end, I decided to head to the station and get an update from Gary. After greeting the duty officer at the front desk, I asked if Gary was in his office. Picking up the phone, he told the detective he had a visitor, and I was invited to head up to the fifth floor to his office. I didn’t need anyone to escort me, I had been there on many occasions.

I found Gary seated at his large wooden desk, which was side on to a window overlooking the city below. He was surrounded by manila folders and loose papers. It appeared he was working on more than one case. He looked up and sat back in his chair when I entered the space.

“What brings you here, Tim?”

I dropped into a chair opposite, loudly sighing as I did. “Emily has taken Melissa out and I thought I would take the opportunity to get an update from you. Have you heard anything from Springfield?”

“Nothing yet. Alejandro and Hayly should have just about returned to their office, so hopefully, I’ll get a call soon.”

Gary managed to finish speaking before the phone on his desk began demanding his attention. He picked up the receiver and identified himself before listening to whatever was said from the other end.

“No bail?”

I could only hear one side of the conversation, and from the few words Gary spoke, it was unclear as to whether he was talking about Jamison and his associates, or some other criminal.

“That’s good news, Melissa will be relieved.”

There was silence for a few moments while Gary continued listening.

“I was telling Tim earlier that the trial would be pushed up for political reasons, so it doesn’t surprise me.”

After a few more moments of silence, Gary asked to be kept in the loop, said goodbye, and hung up the phone.

“As you probably gathered, that was Alejandro. Lincoln, Beaufort, Findlay, and Cross have been arrested and their urgent request for bail was denied. The trial is set down for Monday week.”

I whistled. “They certainly aren’t wasting time in getting justice for all those young women and Melissa.”

“No, they’re not, and it’s all thanks to Melissa’s willingness to give a statement and testify. I know it wasn’t what she wanted to do, but without her, those four would have continued doing what they have been until the FBI caught another break. Who knows when that would have been?”

“I know. I understand Melissa’s reluctance, and fear, and hate that she has to be brought into all of this. But like you said, they could have continued on for years if she had refused. Hopefully, with what the FBI has, and with Melissa’s testimony about being picked up and held prisoner, it will be enough to get them off the streets.”

“I hope so…”

“You’re bothered by something.”

“Alejandro said in our conversation that the lookouts witnessed the girls going into the Apollo building, and they were fine when they left with Lincoln a short while later. They weren’t seen again until they were found dead in a back alley. There is no evidence that Lincoln, or his lackeys, killed those women. If they were sold, Lincoln and his men can be charged with trafficking but can’t be held accountable for their deaths.”

“Why not? Jamison would have been aware the girls he’d sold had been killed and yet he continued to sell more.”

“That doesn’t prove he was aware of the deaths.”

“I can’t see he wouldn’t have been unaware. He would have seen images of the girls when they were found and known they were girls he’d had with him.”

“I agree with you. I’m confident he knew but proving it is something entirely different. We don’t know for a fact if he follows the news, social media.”

When I opened my mouth to protest that he would have to be living on another planet not to be aware of local news, Gary held up his hand to silence me.

“Personally, I have no doubt he is all over the news and social media trends. Being a politician, it’s hard to imagine he wouldn’t be, but he could insist he is fed news and trends by his staff, and we have no way of proving otherwise.”

“So, are you saying he’ll get to walk?”

“No. I’m saying the sentence may not be as harsh, or for as long as we want.”

“He trafficked women for sex, for fuck sake!”

Gary raised both hands, palms out in a defensive manner. “Hey, I’m on your side, and I’m sure the FBI and prosecution know what they are doing. I’m just voicing what my concerns would be if I were on the case.”

“Sorry. It’s just frustrating to think the asshole might be able to walk in a few years.”

“Let’s wait and see what happens at trial.”

I pushed up from the chair. “Join me for lunch?”

“On you?”

I laughed. “Of course, when is it not?”

We left Gary’s office and headed for a popular café about a block from the building. Hopefully, I would be able to set the worry about the trial to the back of my mind.


I was in my office, going over mundane necessities, like bank statements and accounts for my business when I heard the sound of the elevator arriving. Moments later, I heard the sound of Melissa’s laughter. It brought a smile to my face. It was good to hear her enjoying life, I only hoped it would last.

“Tim!” Melissa called loudly.

“Office, be there in a moment. Put the coffee on, please.”

I shut down the computer, placed files back where they belonged, and padded out to the kitchen, where I heard the girls talking. As I reached them, Melissa again burst into laughter.

“Am I missing out on the joke?”

Melissa shook her head. “Emily and I were just laughing about some of the fashion we saw on the way to and from town. I know I was locked away for a long time, but when did fashion become so absurd?”

“Lily tells me it is how people show their individuality and there is no harm done.” I had no problem with the various trends as long as the clothing covered the ‘important’ parts.

“Some are certainly individual. I agree with Lily, dressing a bit ‘out there’ doesn’t hurt anyone. To each his own, I guess. It’s just some outfits really are over the top.”

“It brought a smile to your face and I think that’s the first time I have heard you laugh.” I wanted to see more of her happy demeanor instead of the fear and sadness that had plagued her for so long.

“Emily and I had a good time, and I really enjoyed our lunch. We went to a Vegan hole in the wall and then ate in Central Park. The food was amazing. We should go there, Tim.”

“Hmm, no steak or chicken, let me think it over.”

Emily glanced at her watch and the action had me checking the clock on the microwave, it was well after four in the afternoon. While I was home, it had been agreed that Emily would work from eight through to four.

“I’ll be off home.” Emily placed a hand on Melissa’s arm. “I really enjoyed getting to know you better. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“I enjoyed my time with you, Emily, thank you.”

“I’ll see myself out. Bye, Tim.”

After Emily left, Melissa and I settled in at the table with a freshly made mug of coffee.

“What did you do today?” Melissa asked.

“I visited Gary down at the station. We had lunch together and I spent the afternoon doing the bookwork for my business.”

“Don’t you have an accountant?”

“Yes, but I need to fill in the books before they go to him to be checked.”

“Has Gary heard from Alejandro?”

“Yes, he got a phone call from him while I was there. Lincoln and the other three are locked up and their urgent request for bail was denied. The trial is being rushed through because of his position as a senator and is set for Monday week.”

“Wow, so soon. Doesn’t it usually take months?”

“I think there is a fair bit of political muscle involved in this case. The government probably wants the matter resolved so they can replace Lincoln as soon as possible.”

“What if he is found innocent? Wouldn’t he remain as a senator?”

I gathered Melissa’s hand and she locked her eyes onto mine. “First of all, he won’t be found innocent. I have complete faith that the jury will find him guilty. Secondly, I’d say the government will find some way to ease him out even if the court lets him off. Too many people will believe he’s guilty even if he’s found to be otherwise by the court. He will be a liability to the government.”

“Does Gary believe they will all go to jail?”

“He has some concerns about the length of sentence due to a few legal technicalities but is convinced they will all get substantial sentences.”

“Will you accompany me to Springfield for the trial?”

“Of course. I called National today and told them I was taking open-ended leave without pay. They weren’t thrilled but agreed. I won’t return until the trial is done. I’m going to fly us down to Springfield and expect Emily will join us also.”

“Thank you. With you there, I won’t be so nervous.”

“There is nowhere I would rather be than by your side, especially at a time like this.”

“Can I ask you a question, Tim?”

“You can ask me anything, honey.”

“Why me? You know I’m damaged goods, not good enough for you. There are so many beautiful women out there who would be much more suitable for you.”

I stood, pulled Melissa onto her feet, and placed my hands on her waist. I saw the confusion in her beautiful eyes.

“The heart wants what it wants. My heart knew you were the one for me the moment I set eyes on you. It’s not for either of us to question, but for us to embrace and accept. Melissa, I am beginning to care a great deal for you, and you are more than good enough for this cocky pilot. I don’t see you as damaged goods. I see you as a strong, beautiful woman who has overcome the very worst of adversity. Despite everything, you have remained a warm, sensitive, kind-hearted person. How could I not care for you?”

Melissa’s eyes shone with tears but before she could respond, I captured her lips with mine and kissed her deeply. There was one thing I was completely certain of at that moment in time, I would not allow Melissa to slip through my fingers. She was mine and I would give her the sun and moon to keep her that way.