Cocky Flyboy by Susan Horsnell


Lunch was a welcome respite after the stress of the visit from the FBI agents. Tim and I were in the process of cleaning up the kitchen when an alarm sounded on the elevator, indicating someone had entered downstairs.

“That will be Roslyn and your bodyguard. I specifically asked for a female, knowing you would be more comfortable.”

I tilted my head to one side and gave Tim what I hoped he would see as a cheeky smile.


Oh, the innocence. “I would be more comfortable, or you would?”

He was saved from answering when a bell sounded, indicating the elevator had arrived. When the doors slid open, not one but two stunning ladies stepped forward.

One wore an ear-to-ear smile as she hurried toward Tim, gathered him in her arms, and smacked a kiss to his cheek. Jealousy crawled over my body like a cluster of spiders as I watched him smack a kiss to her lips. Who the hell was this tall, blonde-haired bombshell with the clearest blue eyes I’d ever seen, and how important was she to Tim?

The woman with her stood aside. Like me, she watched the interaction with interest. This lady was around my height with mousy brown hair and rich brown eyes. Wearing jeans and a tank top, her well-honed muscles were visible, as were the tattoos, which curled down her arms from shoulders to wrists. There was no doubt in my mind that she worked out regularly and took good care of her body. I suspected she was to be my bodyguard.

When Tim and the woman I assumed was Roslyn finally peeled their lips away from each other, they turned to face us. Tim’s arm was still wrapped around his friend’s waist.

“Melissa, this is my friend, Roslyn, who owns Atlantis Security.”

Roslyn’s sincere smile had me grudgingly accepting her outstretched hand and shaking.

“Pleased to meet you, Melissa. Tim told me about your beating and how you were held prisoner. I’m very sorry, honey. Hopefully, the FBI will get the assholes, lock them up and throw away the key.”

“Thank you.” Despite my initial jealousy of the lady, I found her down-to-earth and friendly.

She held her arm toward the woman who had come with her. “This is Emily Light; she will shadow your every move and keep you safe during the day. Emily joined my company about two years ago and she has been an exceptional addition. I suspect you two will find you have a lot in common.”

Emily and I shook hands before she and Tim did the same.

“I’m looking forward to getting to know you better, and as Roslyn said, I will keep you safe.”

“Thank you. I must admit it will help alleviate some of my fear.”

Roslyn continued speaking with Tim. “Emily has an apartment about three minutes from here. I’ll leave you to work out the finer details of her hours with her. Two of my other operatives will watch this apartment, day, and night, until the threat to Melissa has been removed. I will email images of the four threats through to them as soon as I receive them from Gary. Now, I have to kiss and run, I have another appointment.”

She turned her attention to her employee. “I’ll check your reports daily, but if anything arises that you need help with, contact my cell.”

“Thanks, Ros.”

Tim showed Roslyn out while I invited Emily through to the kitchen, where I switched on the coffee maker. We then took a seat at the table. I felt nervous but had no idea why. I’d never had someone shadowing my every move and hoped it didn’t last long.

My gut was warning that Emily wasn’t as open and friendly as she appeared–that I was just another job. I told my gut to shut the fuck up. I liked the lady, and she seemed genuine about protecting my life.

When Tim returned, he took over making the coffee while I joined Emily.

“Tell me about this asshole I’m protecting you from; Roslyn told me he was high profile, a level 4 threat, but left it up to you to give me details. I’m guessing the bruising and your broken arm are the results of his latest handiwork.” Emily certainly didn’t mince her words.

“He’s a US Senator for Illinois.”

Emily whistled. “Roslyn didn’t say he was that high profile. Fuck. He’s gonna have an army backing him. Literally.”

Tim placed mugs of coffee on the table along with sugar, creamer, spoons, and a small plate of cookies before he sat beside me. We each helped ourselves, and once the coffee was to our individual liking, Tim began questioning Emily.

“Roslyn said you have been with the agency for the past two years. What were you doing before then?”

“I was a Personal Trainer and MMA specialist. When one of my friends told me Ros was looking to hire, I decided to put my skills to better use.”

“Single? Attached?”

“Partner–Lisa. We’ve been together for nine years. She accepts my crazy hours because she works from home. She can pick her own hours, so when I have downtime, she spends it with me. It’s worked well for the past two years.”

“That’s good. I’ve organized to have the next two weeks off to stay with Melissa, but I want you covering her during the day so she can get to know you and feel more comfortable when I return to work. I regularly have flights that require me to stay in other cities overnight, while some have me returning late at night. Will there be an issue with you staying over? I’d be happy for Lisa to accompany you.”

“I have no issues with that at all and thank you for the offer to have Lisa stay. I’ll bring her over to meet you, Melissa, and if you feel comfortable around her, I’ll consider having her here now and again.” Emily directed her last words toward me, and I appreciated her consideration.

“I’m sure there won’t be a problem,” I reassured Emily.

“I’ll have Mrs. Pearson set up the third suite for you both. You’re welcome to use it any time. Now, if you ladies don’t mind, I’m going to leave you to get to know each other while I go and work off the two cookies I just ate.”

Emily and I watched Tim saunter away before turning back to each other.

“That man has the body of Adonis, and I doubt two cookies is going to make much of a change.”

I didn’t feel jealous when Emily admired Tim, aware she wasn’t on the same team and wholeheartedly agreed with her comments. Tim was almost perfect in every way, and wasn’t that the problem? I was so imperfect, despite what he’d said, we just wouldn’t work. Sadness descended over me, I was all too aware that my stay here in Tim’s apartment, in his life, was finite, and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do to change things.


Tim dropped onto the couch beside me after we had finished cleaning up the kitchen following dinner. He draped one arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer, turning me slightly toward him so we could chat.

“What’s the verdict on Emily?”

“I was a little uncertain when Emily first arrived, I thought she was a bit arrogant. She is actually a little shy and I really like her.”

“That’s great because you will be spending a lot of time together for some time to come.”

“She wants to take me for coffee tomorrow, and Lisa will join us at the café. I’m rather looking forward to spending time with them.”

“That will be nice for you.”

I studied Tim’s face, and then it hit me—the man had taken two weeks off work to spend time with me, and on the first day, I was leaving him for a girl’s time out.

“Oh, Tim, I’m so sorry. I completely neglected to remember you will be off work. I’ll call and cancel.”

“No, I would prefer you didn’t. I think it will be good for you to make new friends after spending so much time alone. I have a few business issues to take care of, and we’ll spend time together in the evening.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive. It makes me happy to see you spreading your wings.”

Tim wrapped me in his arms and crushed his lips to mine. While one hand fisted in my hair, the other roamed my body. I was restricted, having the use of only one arm, but I still had the opportunity to explore Tim’s hard muscles.

When we ended the sensual, almost desperate lip lock, we were both breathing hard.

“I think it might be time to watch some television before I take things too far.”

“I wouldn’t mind if it’s what you want.” Tim’s body engulfing mine, his dick reaching deep inside. It all sounded pretty good. What happened to the not being ready and wanting to take things slow?

The voice in my head was becoming rather annoying, but it made a good point. I wasn’t ready for a commitment ,and I didn’t want to hurt Tim by leading him to believe there was a chance we could have something special. I was tainted and a good man like him deserved better.

“No. It has to be what you want.”

We settled back to watch a light-hearted comedy, Tim said it was to help take my mind off my troubles. The film, in brief, was about a woman, who after being rendered unconscious by a mugger, discovers that she now exists in a romantic comedy. Despite her cynical outlook on love, she's now the leading lady and pursued by a very handsome man.

The antics of the leading lady had me laughing until my stomach hurt and tears streamed down my face. I’m not sure whether Tim was laughing at the actress or at me. When the movie came to an end and credits rolled over the screen, I appreciated being able to take a moment to catch my breath. Tim switched off the television, and the screen plunged into blackness before he turned toward me.

“I have the impression you enjoyed the movie.”

“Very much. I’ve never watched a comedy before and for me, it was very funny.”


“No. I’d watched only a couple of movies before I was taken captive.”

I didn’t miss the anger that flared in Tim’s eyes, although it was brief. I had no doubt, if he could get to Lincoln first, he’d make sure the man never hurt anyone ever again.

“I’m tired. Bed?”

“Yes, it’s getting late, and Emily will be here at eight in the morning.”

Tim escorted me to my suite, switching off lights as we left each room. At the doorway, I hesitated.

“Yes, you can sleep with me again. Get yourself ready and come down.”

Tim strode away, leaving me to wonder how the hell he managed to read my mind the way he did. I wasted no time getting washed up and changed. Tim was waiting for me when I entered his room, and after I climbed into his bed, he crawled in beside me, switched out the lamp and drew me into his arms. After sharing a heated kiss, he rolled me onto my side, scooted up behind me, and wished me a goodnight.