King’s Demands by Piper Stone

Chapter 16

“At this hour, lie at my mercy all mine enemies.”—William Shakespeare



I’d known from the minute Dante had captured me that he would act on his need for retaliation against my father. His faith in his family as well as his love ran deep, much more so than he was willing to admit. For all his pontification about hating a portion of his family’s regime, he could no more fight what he’d become than push away from his loyalty and honor to them.

I’d come to understand if not appreciate that about the powerful man. He was also haunted by demons, not just from his experience in the military but from the tragedies he wore on his sleeve. The entire family did. They couldn’t move past the two murders of innocent lives any more than they were able to think twice about taking that from their enemies.

Dante was exciting and gorgeous, haunted and dominating.

And he’d finally said he loved me.

Even though I’d told him I believed it was possible to find love at first sight, our… relationship had extenuating circumstances. I laughed nervously to myself at the thought. Relationship. What we had was caustic and passionate, heated and manic. Yet the loving moments had been the most powerful in so many ways.




That was Dante in a nutshell. As I paced the floor, I bit my lower lip to the point I tasted blood. At least he’d told me about his grandiose plans of luring my father to a fake wedding. I wasn’t certain if he’d buy it. My father was many things, including even more arrogant than Dante, but he wasn’t stupid. Even the ridiculous photographs Dante had insisted on taking of our engagement might only warn my father instead of luring him in.

Yet here I stood all alone in a place I’d never been to before, terrified at the possible outcome.

The small house was cramped, mostly uncared for. All I knew was that it belonged to one of the soldiers, access making it almost impossible for anyone to come within close proximity without being seen. Four soldiers remained on guard, prepared to take out anyone who dared enter the King Empire.

Groaning, I moved toward the sliding glass door leading to the tiny backyard. While the grass had been cut recently, the ugliness of the area was a reminder that soldiers for the King family were on call twenty-four hours a day. A part of me wondered whether they were even given time off. While my thoughts rambled much like the words erupting from my mouth when I was nervous, I managed to laugh at the question.

What did I care?

Or maybe I did.

Hell, I wasn’t certain what to care about any longer, but I knew one thing in my heart. I loved Dante with all of it. He’d broken through all the armor I’d used to protect myself but certainly not by his suave methods of interrogation or romance. Just by being himself on several occasions.

I hated not knowing what time it was. Only the sun told me that at least three hours had passed, maybe more. When was Dante going to let me know what happened?

Or when he’d executed my father.

Could I be okay with that, even if I knew there was no other choice? I wasn’t certain, but at least my mother would be freed from her virtual chains to live out the rest of her life in peace.

Or so I hoped.

I backed away from the glass, moving until I could hide in the shadows. Fear remained trickling through my veins, but not for myself. For the man I loved. I glared at the weapon Dante had provided before he’d left. He’d trusted me with the fact I wouldn’t exterminate his own men. Maybe that was a step in the right direction.

A nervous laugh bubbled to the surface. Was there any right direction for us? I couldn’t answer the question.

I rubbed my eyes, angry with myself for remaining so distraught. I’d been the one who’d wanted to leave South America to find a new life. I’d known there was a possibility that Dante’s enemies would eventually make an attempt on his life. Why did I remain so antsy about it? Huffing, I moved toward the kitchen, my throat aching from not bothering to quench my thirst.

The small space was just as dingy as the rest of the house, unloved and uncared for just like the atmosphere in Dante’s condo. However, the refrigerator appeared new, the stainless-steel piece not matching the other appliances. When I opened the door, I couldn’t help but smile. It was easy to tell a man opened the piece of property by the contents inside.



A few condiments.

And little else.

But there were bottles of water. Quickly grabbing one, as I attempted to close the door, the hair stood on the back of my neck. Within seconds, I found it difficult to breathe.

No. No… There was no way my father had gotten into the house. None. I was seeing things in the warped reflection of the open door.

Then he spoke.

“Hello, daughter.”

Almost paralyzed, I realized how much of a fool I’d been not to carry the weapon with me no matter where I went in the house. After taking a series of deep breaths, I finally turned around, trying to keep a wry smile on my face.

“I’m surprised to see you here,” I said quietly.

“You mean instead of lying in a pool of blood?” He chuckled as he inched closer. There was no rush to his steps, no fear on his face. Only a wry smile as if he’d already taken care of everyone else who’d stood in his way.

A rush of terror clawed at my throat, the few seconds nearly suffocating me. Visions of Dante’s lifeless body shifted into my mind. No. That couldn’t be true. He wasn’t dead. He couldn’t be.

Stay calm. Breathe.

Even though my inner voice did everything to keep my emotions in check, all I could think about was the horror of losing Dante.

“What the hell did you do, Father?” I managed, darting a quick glance around the kitchen. There was no butcher block holding knifes, but a single knife remained in the sink, obviously used the night before. I slowly turned to face him, gazing up and down before issuing a plastic smile.

“I did what was necessary. It’s time to take you home, daughter. You have a wedding to prepare for.”

I dragged my tongue across my lips, taking a slight step backwards. I was within only two feet of the sink. However, in my father’s hand was a weapon and while it was crazy, I could swear I was able to smell gunpowder. I knew instinctively he’d managed to eliminate the soldiers outside. “You’re right. I do, but I refuse to marry the pig you signed a contract with.”

He dared to take two long strides closer, rage covering his face. “You are my daughter. You will do exactly what I tell you to do. Then you’ll be in your husband’s hands. What he does with you simply no longer matters.”

“I mean that little to you, Father? Did you want another son so badly that you hated me from the day I was born?”

I could tell the question vexed him. But the bastard smiled. “You are my greatest joy and one that will bring peace to our country for decades. For that, you will always be remembered as the shining star of the family.”

The man was out of his mind, not just drunk with power but positive that he was some kind of God. I’d never hated him more than I did at this moment. I took another step away from him, shaking my head. “Whatever you say, Father. I’ve learned many things being in this country including all about free will.”

He burst into laughter, throwing back his head.

That was all the time I needed. I dropped the water, twisting then grabbing the knife. Then I lunged toward him, driving the blade into his abdomen.

He continued to laugh, his reactions slow as he gazed down at his chest. Then he roared his anger, tumbling backwards. When he wrapped his hand around the handle, I realized that I was cornered in the room. There was no way around him. As he started to pull on the knife, I knew I had to act.

A strangled hiss erupting from the depths of my being, I rushed forward, pushing him hard enough he almost toppled to the floor. As I bolted toward the entry, I heard his strangled howls from behind me.

Then he snagged my hair, yanking me back with tremendous force, tossing me against the counter.

He continued bellowing, the sound riddled with agony. Even though pain had erupted, making it difficult to breathe, I forced myself away from the counter, darting a look over my shoulder. He struggled with the knife, his body reacting to whatever damage I’d caused. Yet he was a fighter, lifting his gun toward me.

“You’re going to kill your only daughter?”

There was something entirely different in his eyes, the look of pure evil. No longer was there any portion of the man I’d remembered as a child. There was only hatred and the need for full control.

I knew I was going to die. There was no way of getting out.

I braced for impact, closing my eyes and saying a silent prayer as he took aim. Please God, forgive me for I have sinned.


The single gunshot came from a different location, the sound echoing in my ears. Gasping, I opened my eyes as Dante flew into the room, another man following him. Daniel. Oh, my God. The soldier had been shot at least twice, his chest covered in blood, but he immediately moved toward me, able to yank me out of harm’s way.

Dante took several deep breaths, giving me a single look that was full of anger and hatred and… love. As he stood over my father, pointing his weapon toward the fallen man, he took several deep breaths then laughed.

“You really thought you could destroy my family?” he snarled.

To my disbelief, my father snarled back, “You are just as worthless as your brothers and your father.”

Daniel kept his body in front of mine, forever the protector as required by his training.

And by the fact he’d been allowed to live.

“No. No!” I shoved him aside, moving forward.

Dante gave me one last look and as my father shifted his aim in my direction, the man I would marry, the one who’d entered my life out of chance did what was necessary.

He fired his weapon.

Then he moved without hesitation toward me, grabbing me into his arms. “Oh, God. I thought I’d lost you.”

I clung to him as my lifeline, gasping for breath as I tried to accept what had just happened. There were so many emotions facing through me, anger and hatred toward my father.

But there was so much relief in having Dante holding me. He’d saved my life. He’d come for me. He’d protected me.

And he loved me.

“I was so worried,” I muttered, the sound muffled as I pressed my face against him.

“I wasn’t going to allow anything to happen to you.”

A strange sound occurred and both Dante and I reacted, but not quickly enough. The roar as my father rose as if from the dead permeated my eardrums, the echo one I would never forget.

Dante reacted instantly, twisting around, pointing his weapon at my father, although there was no need.

Daniel took the final shot.

The kill shot.

As the light slowly faded from my father’s eyes, for a few seconds, I could see the man I’d remembered as a child.

The one who’d adored me.

The one who’d made certain I was protected.

And in those few seconds, my heart started to break.

* * *

“Do you know how important you’ve become to me?” Dante asked the question so slowly, as if fearful of my answer.

“Yes. You’re my hero.”

My answer didn’t seem to faze him. Then he lifted his head, gazing out the windshield of his Jeep. “I already told you about that.”

I squeezed his arm as I studied the small house with the beautiful flowers growing in several pots. “You are a hero, at least to me. My knight in shining armor.”

Two full days had passed since the incident in his soldier’s kitchen. A part of me remained numb, but another exhilarated from the freedom I felt. Maybe that made me a horrible person, but no longer did a black cloud hang over me.

While my brother remained in South America, his pledge to retaliate against the King family already stated, Dante had sent soldiers to secure my mother. Ensuring her safety had meant so much to me. “How are your men?”

Dante smiled. “Daniel and Jarvis are going to be just fine. Unfortunately, my other soldiers lost their lives.”

“I’m so sorry.”

A moment of quiet settled between us.

“I want you to know that you are free to live your life the way you choose.”

His words didn’t register at first. Then I realized what he was saying. “You no longer want to marry me?”

Dante didn’t react at first. Then he shifted toward me, taking both my hands into his. “That’s not what I’m saying at all. I love you, Julieta. I think I have from the moment I laid eyes on you but requiring you to fulfill that obligation isn’t fair on any level.”

“Always the protector.” I brushed my hand across his cheek, shuddering from the tingles rushing through me. “If you don’t mind, I’d love to marry you.”

He shook his head, closing his eyes. As he reached into his pocket, I could see more emotion on his face than I had since I met him. “This might not be the right time.”

I wasn’t certain what he was getting at until I noticed the small box in his hand. “What is this?”

“This is something I should have done before.” As he opened the box, a slight grin shifted across his face. The beautiful ring was glorious in design, a single diamond flanked by two sterling silver dolphins. “Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

I had no words, the emotions far too powerful. The ring wasn’t spectacular by the King family standards, but he could have no way of knowing just how much his choice meant to me.

As tears trickled down my face, all I could do was nod.

“You are the light in my darkness, the joy in my heart. I promise you that I will do everything in my power to bring you happiness.” Dante rarely showed any emotion other than anger, but on this day, a single tear ran down his cheek as he placed the ring on my finger.

“I love you, Dante King.” I cupped his face as he lowered his head, capturing my mouth. The moment was extra special, especially given where we were parked. I’d never felt such peace or warmth, love or happiness. All because he was finally letting go of his demons.

He kept the kiss gentle, more tender than usual, but somehow, I knew the night would be filled with passion.

When he finally eased away, he swept his tongue across the seam of my mouth.

I pressed a finger against his chest, pushing him back. “You need to do this.”

“I know. And I’m ready.”

“I know you are.”

I waited until he’d climbed out of the driver’s seat before opening my door. He’d insisted that I be a part of this, although I had no doubt by the end I would turn into a blubbering mess.

He took my hand into his, the envelope he’d prepared firmly planted in his other. As we walked toward the colorful door, he took several deep breaths, giving me a single look. He took his time walking up the two stairs, finally knocking on the door.

I was able to hear the sound of a crying baby and for a few seconds, I fought to try and control my emotions. When the door was finally opened, the young woman peering out, she gazed at Dante for almost a minute before recognizing him.

“Dante?” she asked.

“Yes. Sheila?” Dante answered.

“Yes. I can’t believe you’re here. Oh, my God. I’ve wanted to meet you for so long.” Sheila’s strong southern accent tickled my ears and as she invited us inside, I was able to catch a glimpse of the beautiful baby girl lying in her bassinette.

“I have something to give you. This is long overdue,” Dante started. “I can tell you that Brad loved you with all his heart. I hope you will forgive me for taking so long. I just… I couldn’t face his death.”

Sheila remained silent for a full ten seconds. Then she threw her arms around him, pulling him close. “He loved you so much.”

I knew that he hadn’t just brought her the note that he’d been holding for over a year. He’d arranged for her bills to be taken care of for the next ten years, also creating a college fund established for the beautiful baby girl.

And in those minutes, I’d never been prouder of the man I loved.

The one who’d learned to accept what had happened as well as to forgive himself.

Maybe there were no more demons.
