King’s Demands by Piper Stone

Chapter 14

“Power by itself is not corruption. When human beings hankering for dominance get hold of power, then it becomes a source of corruption.”—Sadhguru



I’d wanted more power within the family since returning. Hell, I’d insisted on it, loathing the way I hadn’t been taken seriously. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I’d thought that by wrapping my arms around a solid portion of the business, I could find what seemed to be missing in my life. It had taken Julieta’s harsh words as well as her stories regarding living with her father to make me realize that along with power came corruption.

It didn’t matter what side of the law someone with that kind of hunger remained on; as soon as he or she obtained a good amount of power, they wanted more. That often led to damning decisions. I knew that better than most people.

I stood on the deck, watching the setting sun, myriad thoughts running through my mind. We were close to Key West, less than an hour before docking. The almost three-day trip had gone without incident, which kept me more on edge than if we’d faced pirates. I’d spent a portion of the time reflecting on my life, trying to provide myself with a fresh new perspective. I felt I owed it to Julieta.

She was going to be my wife after all.

She’d been mostly quiet for the two days after our unexpected dinner on the deck. While our unbridled passion continued to explode between us, there was a difference in both of us. There was no possibility of denying it.

“Mr. King. We’ll arrive within forty minutes.”

I nodded toward John. “Thank you. Any sign of issues?”

“No, sir. There are no storms on the horizon and the water is fairly calm.”

“Good to hear.”

“How long will we be staying, sir?”

Sighing, I stared out at the water before answering. I was itching to get back to New Orleans. While there’d been no new disturbances, both Cristiano and I knew it was only a matter of time. Morales was developing a plan of his own. “That’s a good question, John. It’s possible you’ll be making the return trip with just the crew.”

“Understood, sir. Mr. King, I mean Cristiano mentioned that was a possibility. The crew is prepared for a lengthy stay if necessary.”

“It’s good to have you around, John. I know my brother appreciates your level of professionalism. Julieta and I will be taking a scenic tour of Key West. I have some business to conduct.”

“I think you deserve some time spent with your beautiful friend.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle. I could only imagine what the crew had witnessed over the last three days. “Duly noted.” As I moved away from the railing, my thoughts drifted once again to Julieta. She’d given me more joy in the short amount of time than I’d experienced in years. Maybe ever.

Our connection was raw and explosive, the chemistry undeniable. We’d also gotten closer, although a wall remained between us. There was no doubt I was the one to blame. I remained torn between my duty to the family and my desire to chuck it all away, finding some kind of a normal life. As if I knew what the hell that meant. I could only imagine either my father or Cristiano’s face when I said casually that I was moving to another state. Or another country.

They’d laugh, patting me on the back as if I’d told a good joke.

No, that wasn’t the answer. Finding balance was. That could only happen after Morales had been eliminated.


I walked toward the main salon, moving to one of a half dozen locations where the weapons were stored. While I already had the Glock secured in my shoulder holster, I grabbed a second clip of ammunition. I’d yet to visit the Cabana Club since arriving home, but from what I’d heard from Michael, the lively location was ripe with information. If any motion had been detected, there was a good possibility the club manager would know. It was worth a trip, especially if it meant enjoying a festive evening with Julieta.

The sound of the door made me bristle, my reaction the same as always. I reached for my gun.

Paolo held up his hands as he strolled in, giving me an amused look. “You really think something is going to happen tonight?”

“I can’t be too careful. I don’t like the silence.”

“Yeah, boss. Neither do I. I got a few buddies down here. I’ll sniff around and see what I can find.”

“I look forward to hearing the result.”

“You’re still going to the club?”

Before I answered, I locked the cabinet. “I think it’s worthwhile going there.”

“It’s one wild place.”

The way he issued the statement made me grin. “Are you suggesting I’m not wild enough for the Cabana Club?”

He seemed embarrassed, shifting from foot to foot. “That’s not what I’m saying, boss. I mean… You’re just very committed.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“I didn’t mean to offend you, boss.”

“Paolo, you didn’t. Let me ask you something. Do I seem that difficult to manage?” I studied the confusion in his eyes. The man thought I was testing him.

“You are… different than your other brothers.”

“How so?”

“May I be frank, sir?”

I walked closer, shaking my head. “I’m sorry if I’ve made you uncomfortable. You can say what’s on your mind.”

“You don’t remember me before you left for the service. I know that. I was just a first-tier soldier working the streets, assigned to work the party they had for you before you left for bootcamp.”

“Okay. I wish I could say I remember you, Paolo. I’m sorry that I don’t.”

He waved his hand, giving me an awkward smile. “Don’t worry, boss. I wouldn’t remember me then either. I’m surprised your father even hired me. I was four inches shorter and a real lightweight.”

When he smacked his hands against his growing stomach, I chuckled.

“Anyway, you seemed so full of life back then. I was used to your father’s gruffness. You were different. I didn’t know you, but I felt such pride you were going to protect our country.”

“I appreciate that more than you know. However, I can tell you’re hesitating.”

He shrugged. “I can’t imagine what you went through over there, but it changed you. I hope that doesn’t piss you off.”

“No, you’re right. It did.” I wasn’t certain what he was getting at.

“The light has gone out of your eyes. What I’m trying to tell you is that the minute Julieta came into your life, no matter the reason, I could see the light again.”

I took a deep breath, wishing I knew how to harness the light he was talking about. “She is a breath of fresh air.”

“Yes, sir. She brings the good out in you. I just thought you might want to know.” He backed away, obviously fearful he’d overstepped his bounds. “I’ll be ready to leave as soon as we dock.”

“Thank you, Paolo, and not just for your service.”

“No, boss. The entire world needs to thank you for your service.”

I hated to say to myself how much I abhorred hearing that. Julieta had been right about something else.

The guilt would never leave unless I did something about it.

That is, if I could.

* * *


We’d docked without issue, enjoying dinner at one of the local restaurants before heading over to the club.

The Cabana Club.

Michael had a penchant for the dramatic. He always had. He’d been the brother with the most artistic talent, including his ability to paint as well as enjoying playing the piano. He’d been the natural choice for running the two clubs owned by the King organization. While the Throne Room in New Orleans catered to wealthy and influential clients with kinky proclivities, the Cabana Club was nothing but one big party after another.

The lucrative venture aided in our ability to handle our party favors in both the Keys as well as Miami. It was also a perfect location to keep an eye on other drug traffickers who used Southern Florida as their port of entry. It had served the family well over the years.

The location was within walking distance of the docks, although I remained concerned about the open space. I pulled Julieta to the side, allowing several others to pass by, the club just ahead of us. The garish neon lights highlighting the name of the club seemed to light up the sky.

“While I want us to enjoy a night out, I’m also here for a purpose. Paolo will remain with you.” I scanned the area as we talked, more cautious than ever. Morales was well aware of the club’s existence. A part of me was surprised he hadn’t made an attempt on the facility before. His soldiers had been identified on several occasions enjoying what the club had to offer.

“Business,” Julieta said in an offhanded manner. “I get it.”

“Do you?” I shifted in front of her, lifting her chin with a single finger. “Every moment we’re out in the open only adds to the level of danger, even here. We can’t take anything for granted, including your safety. I fully understand from our conversations what your father is capable of. He would have no issue recapturing you.”

“At least you believe me,” she mused, adjusting her dress for the fifth time since leaving the restaurant.

I didn’t want to get into an argument with her.

“You look beautiful.”

“You chose the dress. I would hope so.” She gave me a mischievous smile.

“I’m serious. You need to remain by Paolo’s side. That’s the only way I’ll be certain you can be protected.”

“I completely understand. I will obey you.”

Sighing, I could hear the slight contempt in her voice. “I hope that you do.”

“You’re nervous.”

I scanned the area again before heading toward the club. “I’m cautious with all things. You should have learned that by now. It’s kept me alive.”

While there was a long wait at the door, the bouncers ushered us in, both burly men giving me a nod of respect. The night’s party was in full swing and it was barely ten-thirty. I could see why the club was so popular among locals and tourists alike. There were several dance floors, all lit up, pulsing in time to the tribal beat of the music. From where we stood, I was able to see two massive bars, although I knew there was at least one more on the second floor. While it seemed almost every inch of the place was considered a dance floor, the area dedicated to it was on a slight platform, allowing those who enjoyed showing off the perfect opportunity.

I shook my head, paying private homage to my brother. He’d taken a once shithole of a biker bar and turned it into a multimillion-dollar operation.

“Your family owns this?” Julieta asked, forced to shout into my ear given the almost obnoxious music volume. The entire floor was vibrating from the booming drumbeat.

“We have for years.” I shifted my gaze toward the third floor where the offices were located before heading to the closest bar. I’d make a direct call to the club manager, insisting that he meet with me. “Let’s get a drink.”

I shifted through the crowd, Julieta holding onto my arm while Paolo followed us. No one paid a damn bit of attention, a good third of the customers already half lit.

“Fascinating,” she commented as we moved closer to the bar.

“A tourist destination.” I managed to push my way through a large crowd of people, easily attracting one of the bartenders.

“Yes, sir, Mr. King,” the young man said. Michael had done a good job of ensuring that everyone who worked here knew exactly who every member of the family was.

“Is Ryker in?”

The bartender motioned toward the loft. “He’s in his office. I think he’s expecting you. Anything you want is on the house.”

I resisted chuckling, turning my attention to both Julieta and Paolo. “I should be gone for only a few minutes. Don’t let her out of your sight, Paolo. I trust you on this.”

“Don’t worry, boss. She’s not going anywhere.” Paolo moved even closer as I walked away.

I could feel the heat of her eyes following me. She didn’t appreciate being on a short leash, no matter the reason. I hadn’t told her about my idea of how to draw her father out in the open. I didn’t think she’d appreciate the irony. However, Cristiano had yet to sign off on the concept, likely because it was risky as fuck, especially given the birth of his children. At last Bella was doing well, Emily set to be released in the morning. That should provide a small amount of comfort for my brother.

I’d learned that Vincenzo had made a trip to Texas, checking our establishments and talking with our employees. There’d been no sightings of anyone involved with Morales. Key West was more likely, Michael set to return two days later. My visit was simply preliminary.

The pulsing lights and intense shadows made the location ripe for an assassination, especially given the number of costumes worn by many of the customers. I wanted to get the hell out of the place as soon as possible

I headed up the stairs, unbuttoning my jacket, turning around once to peer down from over the railing. It was almost impossible to catch a glimpse of Julieta. With a growl, I took long strides toward Ryker’s office, not bothering to knock on the door.

Ryker stood immediately and I could swear even under the limited lighting that he was paling.

“Mr. King. I didn’t expect you for another half hour,” Ryker stated. From what Michael had told me, Ryker had been a fairly recent hire. While I knew how much vetting Michael did before hiring anyone, my instincts were on high alert. There was something about the guy I didn’t like.

“I finished my previous business early.” I walked closer, holding my arms in front of me. “Is there a problem?”

“Of course not. What can I do for you?”

“You can answer me some questions.” I moved to the single seat opposite his desk, easing down and crossing one leg over the other. I studied the expansive space, searching for any signs that there was an issue with the man.

“Of course. Would you like a drink?”

I noticed his hand was shaking. “No, but thank you. First of all, how is business on both sides?”

He grinned, instantly more relaxed. What the hell did he think I was going to ask him?

“Excellent. What you see downstairs is the kind of crowd we get every night, seven nights a week. As far as the other, there have been no issues.”


“Honestly, Mr. King. We’ve had no difficulties whatsoever, which is actually surprising. However, there is something you should know.”

I leaned forward in the seat, cocking my head. “I’m listening.”

“A couple of guys came in here last night. I wouldn’t have noticed them, but I happened to be behind the bar. They were asking if the bartender had seen you. They didn’t cause any trouble, but the guy doing the talking definitely had a Spanish accent, at least from what I could tell.”

The soldiers were sentries and nothing more. “And what were they told?”

“The truth, that you hadn’t been in the club for years,” Ryker stated, although he still seemed nervous.

“And what happened next?”

“Nothing. They left without talking to anyone else.” He searched my eyes with his, blinking several times. He could tell I was pissed. “I followed them outside, but I lost track of them. There were just too many people arriving at the club at that point. There was some big parade going on. A lot of chaos.”

I rose to my feet, taking my time to move around the desk. Within two seconds, I had my hand wrapped around his throat, shoving him against the wall. I dug my fingers in, twisting with enough pressure his face turned red. When I leaned forward, he gasped for air.

“I’m certain you know exactly who I am and where I spent several years. Military experience allowed me to receive extensive training in three different martial arts. I’ve been told my hands are lethal weapons. With a single snap of my wrist, I could end your life with ease. That’s not something I want to do, Ryker, but I can’t have an employee who doesn’t have the common sense to pick up the damn phone and make a call when something out of the ordinary happens. We won’t talk about your inability to trail after them. That’s in your job description.”

Ryker grabbed my wrist, struggling in the hold.

“We are in a very delicate business, one that requires various skills. The King family can’t afford to have mistakes made. Am I making myself clear to you?”

His garbled response was all I needed. I had no intention of killing the man, but the fact he’d allowed twenty-four hours to go by without informing anyone of the visit couldn’t go without punishment. Only it wasn’t mine to give.

I released my hold, hissing as he slumped over. Allowing a slow breath to escape, I returned to the other side of the desk, slapping my hands on the surface. “I’m going to let you live, Ryker, because Michael believes that you are an invaluable employee. However, he will learn of your infraction. It’s his decision as to what the fuck to do with you.” He continued to cough behind me, the choking sound grating on my nerves.

Sadly, my reaction had been harsh, more so than normal. The last thing I needed to do was go off the rails, which is exactly what Morales wanted.

“I… I’m sorry,” he sputtered. “I tried to… get to… them.”

I rubbed my eyes, loathing my freaking behavior. “All right, Ryker. I believe you. I will advise you one last time, if anything strange happens, you make certain one of the King family knows about it. Understood?”

“Yes, sir.”

I left his office, unfastening the snap on my holster. If I had to guess, I’d say sentries had been sent to every one of our locations. What was the bastard planning?

My shoves against the rowdy customers were with much more force as I headed back to the bar. Coming here hadn’t been the best idea. When I moved to the location where I’d left my guests, my hackles were immediately raised. Neither Paolo nor Julieta were anywhere to be seen.

What the hell?

After turning in a full circle, I finally noticed Paolo pushing his way through the crowd.

“What the hell happened? Where is she?”

“We started to move away from the bar and a rowdy crowd came in. One of them said something lewd to Julieta and she reacted, punching the asshole in the face. At that point, the drunk assholes shoved me to the floor, the motherfuckers. By the time I got off the damn floor, she was gone. I swear to God, boss, she was standing right there.”

I turned in another full circle. The tactic was one used far too many times. “That was a damn ploy. The bastards have her.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“They were in the club last night asking about us. Damn it. Stay inside. I’m going to check the perimeter.” I snapped my head in his direction. “So help me God, if anything happened to her on your watch, you will pay the price.”

He nodded, backing into the crowd to look for her.

Hissing, I motioned the same bartender as before. “Did you see the girl I was with?”

“Not in a few minutes. We had some assholes we had to toss out.”

His answer, albeit truthful pissed me off. I didn’t waste any time, heading out the main door, shifting away from the group waiting to get inside as I searched the parking lot. There were too many freaking vehicles as well as people. I raced forward, tossing people right and left who dared to get in my way.

There was still no sign of her.

Every part of me was lit like a firecracker, rage unlike any I’d experienced before pushing to the surface. After checking the entire lot, I headed back toward the building, moving around to the side.

Then I saw her standing against the wall, leaning over with her head in her hands. A moment of relief washed into my system, adrenaline pumping into my blood. I did my best to calm my anger before approaching, but there was no way to corral the beast. “What the hell is wrong with you, Julieta?”

I could see in the dim lighting she was having difficulty breathing. After closing the distance, I forcefully lifted her chin, staring into her eyes. She was clammy, perspiration beading across her face. “What happened?”

“I… Panic attack. I haven’t… had one since… I was a kid,” she managed. “The crowd.”

“You punched a guy.”

“So… what?”

So what? The girl had no control whatsoever. What I wanted to do was berate her for disobeying, but seeing the terror in her eyes, I yanked her into my arms. “My God. You fucking worried me.”

She clung to me, wrapping her hands around my shirt and pressing her face against my chest. “I couldn’t stay inside. There were too many people and this asshole groped me and…” She made a sobbing sound, yanking at my emotions. “Yes, I punched him, and I’d do it again.”

I pulled her even closer, pressing my hand on the back of her head. Jesus Christ, the woman had no true understanding of the kind of danger we were in. “It’s all right. We’re leaving. As a matter of fact, we’re getting the fuck out of here.”

“I… I’m sorry.”

“Do you think you can walk?” I remained furious with her, but thankful she hadn’t been hurt. Still, the shit was getting too close for comfort. It was time to get the hell out of town.

“Yes, of course.” She pulled away from me, careful to walk in her high heels.

Paolo met us on the sidewalk, cursing under his breath. “Where the hell did you go?” he barked.

“Don’t, Paolo. Not right now. We’re going back to the boat. Then the captain is going to dock the boat offshore. Call the man and have him ready to leave as soon as we board.”

“You got it, boss.” As Paolo walked away, I kept one hand on my weapon as I led us away from the building, trying to stay out of the light. There was only one way to get to the docks and it was far too open.

“Listen to me. We need to get back on the yacht,” I instructed, keeping my voice low.

“They weren’t drunk assholes, were they?”

“I doubt it. Which means you’ve been spotted. I’m going to try and get us out by plane, but that’s going to take a couple of hours.”

“I understand.”

Paolo was already waiting for us, shifting behind as we moved quickly. Every freaking person that passed us irritated the hell out of me. I’d been a fool to come here. No amount of information was worth risking her life.

With the yacht in sight, I pushed her aside, making certain we hadn’t been followed. This shit was getting out of hand.

The captain was waiting when we arrived, the boat ready to pull away. “We’re ready to go, sir.”

“Then get us into deeper waters.”

I took her to the main salon, immediately drawing the blinds.

“You’re really worried, boss,” Paolo said under his breath.

“We’re sitting ducks until we get out into the ocean. I’m going to make arrangements to get us off this deathtrap.” I noticed Julieta out of the corner of my eye. She’d eased onto the couch, staring at me with no expression on her face. “Stay alert. I’m not going to warn you again.”

“You won’t have to. I’ll be outside. I’ll let you know if I see anything.”

I waited until Paolo left before yanking my phone into my hand, immediately dialing Cristiano. As I’d expected, I got his voicemail. “Cris, we need a way out of here now. We’ve been compromised, a confirmed sighting of two of Morales’ soldiers last night. We need to escalate our plan.” I ended the call, snarling as I shoved the phone into my pocket, immediately pacing the floor. I’d give him a chance to return the call before assuming he wasn’t in any position to handle business. Lucian would be my next call.

“Two soldiers?” she asked in a demure voice.

“Yeah, last night in the freaking bar.” I heard the decibel of my voice increase, but I couldn’t get over the fact the asshole in the club hadn’t picked up the phone warning a single person. For all I knew, he was working with Morales and had been a player all along. What the hell was wrong with us? We’d allowed our arrogance to get in the way. I yanked off my jacket, removing the holster, placing it on the coffee table. I had to be ready at a moment’s notice.

“They’re coming for us.” She gazed down at the gun.

“Yes, they are,” I snapped, immediately closing my eyes. “You shouldn’t have left the bar.”

“What would you have me do?”

“First of all, you shouldn’t have punched the guy in the face.”

“Oh, yeah? Have you ever had some asshole grope you?” She jerked to her feet, her defiance returning.

I shot her another look, shaking my head. She refused to back down, moving closer.

“No, you wouldn’t have punched the guy. You would have just shot him.”

The woman knew every button to push. I had to control my anger, but the woman had to be taught a lesson. She couldn’t go off half-cocked. “Do you realize that those assholes were likely plants hired by your father? Do you also understand that they could have easily abducted you given the melee you caused?”

“And do you realize that I know exactly how to handle a situation? Yes, I was in the middle of a panic attack, but I was cognizant enough to find the rear exit, staying out of sight until they stumbled away. I’m no fool, Dante. No matter what you think.”

“No, you’re simply an impetuous child always acting on impulse. You could have gotten yourself killed. Do you get that? Do. You. Understand?”

She glared at me in her usual fashion, folding her arms. “What does it actually matter to you, Dante? Seriously. Then you wouldn’t have the trouble of marrying someone you don’t care about.”

“That’s bullshit and you know it.”

“No, I don’t, because you don’t tell me anything. You act as if caring about a single person is the worst thing in the world, so if I’d died, it wouldn’t bother you in the least. Would it?”

“That’s not true,” I bellowed, instantly recoiling. My heart was thudding to the point I found it difficult to breathe.

“Tell me why,” she challenged.

“You know why.”

“Because I’m your possession.”

I took a deep breath, the combination of emotions sweeping through me keeping my blood pumping. “Yes, you are.”

She took a step away, lowering her eyes. “And that’s all I’ll ever be.” Even though she tried to turn away from me, I’d seen the hurt in her eyes.

Every tragedy that my family had been through, all the horrors and bloodshed, the guilt surrounding Brad’s death resurfaced. I could no longer control the feelings I had for her. I had no method of reining in the desire to keep her safe, to protect her against all the odds and every enemy.

I took long strides, yanking her against me.

She raised her arm, fisting her hand, venom scorching her lovely dark eyes.

I snapped my hand around hers, squeezing until she hissed. “You need to listen to me. I do not want anything to happen to you. I will protect you with my life.”

“Why?” When I didn’t answer, she fought me like a wildcat, twisting and turning her body in an effort to get out of my clutches. “Why?”

Unable to see clearly, I fisted her hair, yanking on her head until she was forced to look into my eyes. “You want to know why?”

“Yes, if you have the courage to tell me.”

I took several scattered breaths, fighting the man inside one last time, but it was no use. “Because I love you. Because I can’t live without you in my life. Because you belong to me.”