King’s Demands by Piper Stone

Chapter 15



What the hell did I know about love?

Enough to know that I wanted her so much every muscle in my body ached. Enough to realize that my presence in her life was no better than what she’d endured, but I couldn’t live without her. I crushed her mouth, pulling her onto her toes and wrapping my arms around her.

Julieta was stiff at first, smashing her fist against me. Then she melted, sliding her arms around my neck. There was nothing like the feel of having her in my arms, the soft mewing sounds escaping her lips.

I cradled her as close as possible, my heart aching. I wanted nothing more than to ravage her body, licking every bit of her beautiful skin. The taste of her was explosive, much like everything we’d shared together. The way she undulated her hips back and forth brought every vile thought to the front of my mind.

The rush was intense, the need only growing. I thrust my tongue inside her mouth, exploring as if I’d never kissed her before. We were nothing but a live wire crackling in a thunderstorm, the longing we both felt all consuming.

When I finally broke the kiss, I held her close, darting my eyes back and forth.

“You love me,” Julieta asked breathlessly.

“Yes, but I won’t tolerate you acting out. You have no idea what that did to me. You disobeyed a direct order. You…” I couldn’t finish the sentence, my mind reeling from what could have occurred.

“I love you too, Dante. I’m afraid. My father will never stop.”

“No, he won’t. That’s why we’re going to end this bullshit once and for all.”

“You’re going to kill him.”

I took a deep breath, expecting her to pull away. “I don’t know yet.”

Her mouth twisted, her eyes darting back and forth. Then she nodded, the simple action surprising me. She’d come to terms with her new life, making a decision that would alter the course of her future.

And I was the reason.

I took a step away, giving her a stern look. “I can’t let your ridiculous behavior go unpunished.”

“You’re kidding me?”

“No, I’m not kidding you, Julieta. You knew you were to follow my rules, yet you reacted as you always have, putting yourself in harm’s way. That has to stop. I am sorry about your panic attack, but you were rational enough to find a rear exit. That meant you know what you were doing.”

Julieta gave me a hard look, closing her eyes briefly. “Fine. Just get it over with.”

“Take off your dress.”

“You’re such a bastard. You do know that.”

Her harsh words made me smile. “I’ve never denied it. Have I?” I unbuttoned my sleeves, rolling them both to my elbows as she turned away from me, cursing in Spanish. But she obeyed, removing her dress with her usual flair then tossing it onto one of the chairs. When she turned around, she held out her arms, as if I all I wanted to do was inspect her sensational body.

Which I did.

But that was for another time.

I could feel the captain steering the boat into open waters. We would be safer than at the dock for the night. However, tomorrow we would return to New Orleans. One way or the other.

“Panties too.” My command boomed into the space as I started to remove my belt.

She watched my actions for a few seconds before complying, sliding her long fingers under the thin elastic of her panties, provocatively sliding them over her rounded hips, then shimmying until they started to fall naturally to the floor.

Everything about her was tantalizing, making my mouth water, filthy thoughts racing through my mind. I took a deep breath, relishing the scent of her intoxicating perfume. If only we had all the time in the world with no concept of danger hanging over our heads. One day.

When she was completely naked, she turned in another full circle, fisting her hands as she positioned them by her side. “Where is this atrocity going to occur?”

I didn’t answer her right away, merely concentrating on sliding the thick leather strap from my belt loops. “I think over the table will work nicely.” The small conference-style table was the perfect height, allowing me full access to her gorgeous exposed bottom.

She sashayed toward the wooden piece, easing over as if she had all the time in the world. God, I adored her spunk, even if she’d terrified the hell out of me.

I didn’t know what I would have done if the bastards would have taken her except for destroy the entire city in an effort to bring her back… home. Home. Maybe there was some truth in the fact that home was where the heart is.

After she positioned herself, sliding her arms out and grabbing both sides of the table, I inched closer. She sighed before pressing her face against the cool wood, looking serene and entirely in control. But I knew better. She loathed the fact I was in command of her as well as the entire situation.

However, she’d yet to be broken, something that I would eventually do.

I brushed my fingers down her spine, the tips seared from the touch of her alone. She obviously felt the increasing electricity shared between us, her body trembling and goosebumps appearing along her arms and legs. That only excited me to the point my throat threatened to close. Thoughts of the intimacy in the hot tub entered my mind. I wanted nothing more than to feast on her pretty pink pussy.

“I think thirty will do for the night,” I said casually.

“Why not forty?”

“Do you really want to push me, Julieta? I’m in no mood for games.”

She wiggled her body as an answer and a growl slipped up from my throat. The woman could vex any man with a simple yet defiant action.

After caressing both ass cheeks, I took a step back, folding the belt then bringing it closer to my nose. There was nothing like the strong smell of leather. With a simple snap of my wrist, I brought the folded loop against her bottom. She didn’t make a sound, nor did her body react in any manner.

But I could tell she was digging her fingers into the wooden surface.

I gave her four in rapid succession, stopping long enough to slide my fingers over the slight warmth already developing on her skin. Then I smacked her several more times, making certain to cover her sit spot.

Only then did she let out a few moans, undulating her hips and curling her toes.

Exhaling, I cracked the belt across the tops of her thighs twice, her angry yelp indicating she was receiving the message.

“I hate you,” she managed in a breathless voice.

“No, you don’t because you know this is entirely justified.”

“Fuck you.”

“Oh, that will happen. I assure you.” After providing six additional smacks, I stood back, noticing the redness blossoming across her bottom as she squirmed, cursing a blue streak in Spanish. Sadly, all I could do was smile. Not because the sadist in me was breaching the surface, but because there was no man who could ever break her spirit. She was a ferocious lion, a predator herself.

Which is why I couldn’t seem to get enough of her.

“Count off the last ten for me,” I commanded.

“Hate isn’t a strong enough word,” she barked, wriggling until she almost pitched herself off the table.

“Stay in position.” I found it difficult not to laugh. When I smacked her twice, she hesitated in following my orders. “Do you want me to start all over again?”

“No. Sir. One, asshole. Two, asshole.”

“Better.” I knew there was a twinkle in my eye as I delivered two more.

“Three and four, shithead.”

What I did know is that she would need to learn respect. I moved closer, stroking her gently as I leaned over, fisting her hair. “While I very much enjoy bantering with you, it’s time you learn about respect as well as trust. Do you trust me?”

She thought about my question, twisting her mouth. “Yes.”

“Then know that I deserve some level of respect. Can you do that?”

I noticed a change in Julieta’s face, as if she was tired of playing the game as well. “Yes, I can.”

“Fantastic. Let’s get this finished.” After cracking the belt two more times, there was no hesitation, although her tone remained cold.

“Five and six. Sir.”

I suddenly wanted nothing more than to have her in my arms. I smacked her the last four times and she’d barely recited the required answer before my cellphone rang. “You can get dressed now.” As I grabbed my phone, an odd feeling rushed into my system seeing Cristiano’s number on the screen. “You got my message.”

“Yeah, when I was trying to console Emily’s hysteria.”

“Oh, no, not Bella.”

Cristiano growled, making the kind of sound that meant he’d reached his limit. “No. Worse. The asshole sent a gift to my lovely wife for such a joyous event.”

A cold chill shifted down the length of my body. “What the hell did Morales do?”

“You sent another team to South America?” he demanded.

“I felt it was necessary.”

“Well, it backfired. The present in a brightly decorated box was the severed head of the person you put in charge of that mission. It was delivered to Emily’s room. This means war. Your plan is accepted. Get married.”

My plan.

The risk was significant, but the reward could mean an end to the decade-long battle. I ended the call, turning my head toward Julieta. I could see in her eyes that she knew her life was once again about to change.

I only hoped she wouldn’t confirm her earlier words of hatred.

That would destroy me.

* * *

Three days later


I’d rejected the idea for so long that standing in the chapel seemed foreign in every way. Yet here I was in a tuxedo, wearing a damn bowtie that threatened to cut off my circulation. The plans had been escalated, using all our resources in order to make it happen. I was nervous, although in truth, it had little to do with the thought of spending the rest of my life with the woman I loved.

I still had difficulty getting used to the idea.

“What’s that sly smile on your face, brother?” Michael asked as he flanked my side, shoving a white rose into my lapel.

I rolled my eyes, glaring down at the stupid flower with disdain. “Isn’t it fascinating that I’m the one getting married in more pomp and circumstance than any of my other brothers?”

He laughed. “Just like you always wanted. Hey, I caught the new pictures in the paper today. The two of you look hot together.”

I shifted my attention out the open door, craning my neck until I was able to glance at the pews. “Yeah, well, Pops insisted.”

“You know how he is.”

“Yeah, I certainly do.” I pressed my hand against my jacket, ensuring for the fifth time my weapon was in place. We couldn’t be too careful at this point. Given all the publicity, including the damn wedding ceremony hitting the national wires, everyone remained on edge.

He pressed his hand against my shoulder. “This is all going to work out.”

“I like your reassurance, but I’m not so certain.” When I noticed Cristiano’s top ranking Capo walking into the room, a slight red flag raised in my mind. “Dimitri. Why aren’t you with Cristiano?”

“He instructed me to come to you. One of the soldiers is running late.”

Dimitri was one of the most loyal men to the organization, having worked with my father when he’d barely arrived from his wretched prison stint in Russia. He’d been responsible for saving my brother on two occasions, my father as well. He was also one brutal man, capable of killing with a simple snap of his wrist.

I nodded, checking my watch. “What’s going on outside?”

Dimitri grinned. “There’s some activity. They’re being watched carefully. A corps from the press tried to get through, but they were pushed back.”

While the press had been contacted, told it was a private event, I’d had a bad feeling a few would ignore our requests. Hell, they’d get a firsthand view at a massacre.

“Shit. I was worried about that,” Michael huffed.

“They will be protected,” I assured him as the organ music began to float into the entire area. “It’s about that time. Be prepared.”

Dimitri kept the grin on his face. “Don’t worry, Mr. King. We have all the bases covered.” When he started to walk away, I snapped my hand around his arm.

“Whatever you do, you protect the bride. That’s your number one concern.”

He gazed into my eyes, giving me a nod of respect. “Don’t worry, Mr. King. No harm will come to you or the lovely bride. I make you that promise.”

“I know. Thank you, Dimitri. You’re a damn good soldier.” I knew what the man was made of. He wouldn’t let me down.

As he walked out of the room, I took a deep breath. “This should be interesting.”

“Or deadly,” Michael added.

I shifted my gaze in his direction. There was such concern in his eyes. This was perhaps the craziest idea I’d ever had, but the entire family agreed it might be the only way to contain the bloodshed. “Let’s do this.”

With Michael by my side, we walked to the altar, facing the entrance. I took a deep breath as the bride walked into the room, escorted by my father. I couldn’t help but smile seeing the crimson red dress, a stunning piece that truly depicted what a beautiful woman she’d become. While I couldn’t see her face, I knew her well enough to know she was beaming under the thick veil. She carried a single black rose in her hand, a telling statement that every member of the party understood.


Yet life reborn.

Everyone in the church stood, all appreciative. There were the normal murmurs about how beautiful she was as a bride. My heart ached. She was all grown up now.

I could see my other brothers located close by, all three keeping close eye on the various ways of entering the church.

She moved slowly, taking her time to look from one side of the church to the other. She’d been well trained herself, capable of fighting off any enemy. However, she was the one person I was most concerned about because she would be the primary target.

I fisted my hand as she finally moved up the two steps, taking her fingers in mine and inching closer.

“You’ve outdone yourself,” she whispered.

“Are you certain about this? I don’t like having you involved.”

She tipped her head and even through the hazy material, I could see her smile. “I’ve always told you that I’m one hell of a fighter, brother. You just chose not to believe me.”

I bit back a laugh. “Oh, my sweet Angelique, I believed you. But that’s also what I’m worried about. You are far too insistent.”

“Something my five brothers taught me.”

As the man approached the altar, he raised his arms to the congregation. He was merely another soldier, also prepared to fight as necessary. “Ladies and gentlemen, we honor these two people as they enter into the realm of marriage, a sacred union.”

I could hear everyone returning to their positions. I remained on edge, my heart thudding.

“Dante and Julieta, have you come here today to enter into marriage without coercion, freely and wholeheartedly?” the man asked.

I’d never felt so damn uncomfortable in my life. While the soldier had learned all the appropriate language, the church previously abandoned given the damage to a significant portion, what we were doing still felt blasphemous.

“Yes,” Angelique answered.

“Absolutely,” I managed, fighting the urge to look around me. While the only logical choice for a bride had been my sister, the fact I was risking her life weighed heavily on my mind.

Even if she’d insisted on being a part of the ruse.

“Are you prepared, as you follow the path of marriage, to love and honor each other as long as you both shall live?”

“I do, Your Grace,” Angelique stated without hesitation.

There were times during my commitment to serving in the military where I’d known the exact moment of an insurgent’s attack. Today was one of them. A hum pulsed in my ears, my instincts on high alert. While there was no glaring indication, I knew without a doubt the fuckers had surrounded the building.

Little did they know what we had in store for them.

I squeezed my sister’s hand, giving her a concentrated look. She knew what to expect.

Even before the first shot was fired, Dimitri reacted, racing toward the woman he adored. Although Angelique had other things in mind. Within seconds, she yanked the weapon secured on the inside of her leg, popping off several shots as three of the Morales soldiers entered from the right.

All the people sitting in the congregation were considered our employees, all highly trained and prepared for what we’d hoped would occur.

Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!

As the shooting began, our soldiers moved into action, rushing toward the assholes who’d dared to defile such an occasion. Dimitri quickly reacted, dragging Angelique against him as he attempted to move her out of harm’s way.

The sounds of gunfire became deafening, eradicating any other noise. I shifted quickly toward the battle, my weapon in both hands. Within seconds, I took out four of the assholes, shifting my aim back and forth as I rolled through the crowd.

Morales had fallen for the fake wedding, just as I knew he would. The man might be a powerhouse in his country, but the thought of his only daughter marrying an enemy had been too much for him to ignore.

As the battle continued, I caught sight of Cristiano, enjoying being able to take out his revenge on the assholes terrifying his beautiful wife. What hadn’t settled in my mind was how Morales had located the hospital where Emily was staying. My brother hadn’t been able to determine the person responsible for providing the information to our enemy, but it was only a matter of time.

In my mind, it was the same asshole who’d betrayed the entire family with slipping details regarding my visit to South America.

The horror of the moment was fleeting even as blood ran in strings down the walls. Maybe I was nothing more than an evil man but watching the three dozen or more soldiers fall to their death gave me an incredible feeling of glee. There was only one thing left to do.

Ensure that Morales had been taken out.

As the gunfire began to slacken off, I grabbed Cristiano’s arm, pulling him into one of the shadowed alcoves, gasping for air as the adrenaline continued to flow. “Where the fuck is he?”

“I don’t know.”

A series of ugly thoughts entered my mind. “We need to find him.”

Another blast of heavy gunfire sounded off in the distance.

Then there was nothing but quiet. There were no moans from the injured because they were all dead, taken out successfully.

I shifted through the rubble and debris of the aftermath, my brothers doing the same. There was no sign of him. Hissing, I headed toward the open set of double doors, racing into the sunshine, trying to catch my breath. “Where the fuck is he?” I shouted to my men.

“No sign of him, boss,” Paolo managed as he wiped blood from his face. “There were at least a dozen others who lined the streets. Not a single sign of Morales.”

I moved quickly toward every fallen body, yanking one after the other until I could see their faces. Vincenzo moved beside me, shifting his weapon back and forth.

“He’s not here,” I stated, angry as hell.

“Then where the hell is he?”

“We got a survivor, boss,” Paolo said from behind me.

Snarling, I shifted around to face him, studying the single surviving enemy of the attack. I approached, smashing the enemy soldier’s face with my weapon. “Where is Carlos Morales?”

The soldier had been shot in the shoulder but was otherwise unharmed. He stared at me with blank eyes, as if he really thought he could ignore my question.

“I’m going to ask you one more time. Where is Morales?” As my other brothers moved closer, surrounding the asshole, I shifted my attention to Cristiano.

He lifted his head, nodding only once.

“Last time, asshole. Where is your boss?”

The bastard actually had the nerve to laugh. “It’s too late. She’s already dead.”

As the air around me became suffocating, images of Julieta raced through my mind, one after the other.

Her smiling face.

The moment she stood staring out at the ocean.

The defiant woman in fatigues.

There was no other choice in my mind, no possible method of redemption for the soldier who’d decided to give up his life protecting a man like Carlos Morales. As I placed the barrel of my Glock against his forehead, I had zero hesitation before firing off a single shot.

Then I turned my attention to my brother, closing the distance to Cristiano. “The soldier who was late. Was he on your detail at the hospital?”

My oldest brother had always been the keenest observer, able to detect a treacherous beast from across the room. Sadly, what he’d been forced to endure with his family had stripped away the edge he’d always had.

Yet a light flashed in his eyes.

“The fucker betrayed me,” he hissed.

“Yes.” The world around me seemed to remain in the same ugly vacuum. I’d thought Julieta would be protected, surrounded by four of my men, including Jarvis and Daniel.

I’d thought wrong.

“Julieta’s location has been compromised,” Cristiano said without reservation, although his fury was building.

There was no time to waste. Not a single second.

I boosted through the carnage, heading for my vehicle. Whether or not any of my men or brothers followed, I didn’t give a shit at this point. I was determined to save the love of my life.

Unless it was too late.

Julieta had accused me of being far too arrogant, but I hadn’t listened to her. My assumptions of her father’s need for glory would likely get her killed.

And I was the one to blame.