King’s Demands by Piper Stone

Chapter 2


A killer.

Likely a psycho.

For certain a waste of oxygen.

Unfortunately, he was now my captor.

I’d been stupid enough to try to run away from my father’s hold, only to find myself in a predator’s lair. There’s been no other choice but to hide in the vehicle. My instincts had told me that possibly being found hitching a ride was less dangerous than the soldiers preparing cartons of cocaine and heroin.

I’d been wrong.

Just hearing the screams of the men echoing to the mouth of the cave had sent a wave of terror skating into my system. I’d also panicked until I’d heard footsteps and voices returning to the jungle. Just before I’d crawled until the covers of the man’s Jeep, I’d seen a glimpse of his face in the glowing torches.




My father had told me a long time ago that the most powerful men in the world came in all shapes and sizes, but the ones who were cunning in their methods of destruction were the most dangerous. He’d considered himself to be one of the most influential men in the world, a man almost everyone feared. He also had a huge ego and a short fuse, flying off the handle for no reason.

How many men had I watched crushed by his acts of vengeance? How many women had he taken as lovers? And how many illegitimate children did he have strewn across the world? And my mother had looked the other way, doting on him as if the man had been a god.

The great Carlos Morales. A true monster.

However, I’d taken a significant risk catching a ride from Dante King. Maybe I’d been a fool to try to get away, but there was no other choice. I certainly couldn’t hang around in case my father’s men came looking for me, let alone the few soldiers who hadn’t been killed by Mr. King. Maybe if I played the victim I could get him to help me. I was the enemy’s daughter after all.

The other alternative was no more pleasant than dealing with a monster like Dante. Then again, there was no doubt what my father would do the second I was found. He’d have me locked away in a cage until the beast he’d contracted with came and dragged me to the altar.

For an unholy, filthy marriage derived in blood.

I knew all about the King family and their hold on the southern portion of the United States, a place I’d never been to. I hadn’t been allowed out of my father’s great compounds, other than to attend school in Switzerland. That had been the only happy time in my life.

Then my father had ordained that I’d marry a disgusting asshole like Casillas Ricardo. I’d rather die than be tied to the brutal man who had no conscience. I couldn’t bring myself to say anything about it to Dante, not that he would give a shit.

Keep your resolve. You can get out of this.

I stood my ground as the two men studied me like I was some kind of a research project. The one thing my father had taught me was to never show weakness.

“Then what do you want me to do, boss?” the second man asked. “You going to keep her?”

“I’m doing nothing permanent at this point. However, I need to spend some time with Ms. Morales.” Even in the darkness, I could see his dark eyes as they gazed down the length of me, a slight smile curling on his lip. I resisted punching the bastard.

When Dante took me by the arm, I jerked it away. “Let go of me.”

He took a deep breath, looking into the darkness for several seconds. “I’m going to make this very clear for you, Julieta. Not only were you spying on the activities at the camp, you were foolish enough to hitch a ride with the wrong man. That makes you my property and you are going to follow my rules. I won’t accept anything otherwise. If you do not follow my commands or answer my questions, you’re going to be punished. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“Spying on you? I couldn’t care less that you’re distributing drugs. That’s the real way of life, isn’t it?” I knew I was pushing his buttons. At this point, I didn’t care. But I could feel his increasing rage.

“Do. You. Understand?” he repeated.

I’d been a fool to think I wouldn’t be found. Sadly, now there was no other recourse but to try to play along. My father would think it nothing more than a betrayal, which could mean my certain death if I tried to return. He’d feel dishonored, humiliated by his own daughter, especially if the marriage contract was pulled, of which there was a significant chance. “Yes. I understand.” A part of me wanted to beg Dante for help.

No. Hell, no. There had to be another way.

“Then come with me.” He remained extremely cautious as he jerked me toward the house, scanning the perimeter for any sign the location had been compromised. “Make certain there are no compromises, Paolo.”

“Will do, boss.”

Neither he nor his family had any real understanding of what my father was capable of. I’d overheard my father on more than one occasion discussing the King family’s extermination, biding his time for some unknown reason. That’s all I’d managed to catch. Women weren’t allowed to learn aspects of the business. We were allowed on this earth for two things.


And power.

I hated being dragged into the house like some common criminal. I’d been considered a princess to the common man, although I’d never worn a crown, let alone obtaining any level of authority. While I’d been pampered as a child, I’d become nothing more than a commodity the day I turned eighteen.

Dante closed the door, arming the security system before letting me go.

There was very little light, the various shadows giving me the jitters. There was no way of knowing what to expect. I backed away quickly, darting my eyes around the space.

When he switched on a light, I winced, taking another two long strides away from him. He continued to study me intently. At least now I was able to take a full look at the man I’d sought out. I’d seen pictures of his entire family on the internet, his older brothers the epitome of wealth and influence. There was something entirely different about Dante King. He was certainly just as gorgeous with his dark hair and midnight black eyes, long lashes framing a perfectly chiseled face. However, everything about him was much more primal, a man unafraid to wear his predatory nature like a beacon of honor.

“Take off your clothes.”

His command shocked the hell out of me. An immediate tremor skated down my spine. “Idiota,” I whispered under my breath, snarling after spouting off the single word. The bastard was exactly like all the rest.

“Fuckhead. I assure you that I’ve been called every name in the book, sweetheart.” He eased his hands in front of him, the weapon dangling in his fingers. There was no smile on his face, no expression of any kind. “I thought I made the objective of our conversation very easy for you to understand. I don’t like repeating myself. That’s something for you to keep in mind.”

I loathed the fact I continued to quiver, my heart racing. “Why?” My hiss was laced with as much defiance as I could gather together.

He issued another deeply rumbling exhale. “I’m no fool, Julieta. I spent years behind enemy lines, prepared for an attack of any kind. That included coming from beautiful women. They were often used as suicide bombers. Sadly, some of my military brethren fell for the bullshit. However, I was also trained by a ruthless and dangerous family never to trust anyone or anything at face value. Strip or I’ll be forced to terminate you.”


He used it word as if my death would simply be a matter of doing business. I had no choice, not if I wanted to see the light of day. I closed my eyes, unfastening my jacket, my fingers shaking as I tugged it off my shoulders, merely dropping it onto the floor. I turned in a full circle, allowing him to see there were no bombs strapped to my chest. I was only wearing a tank top and pants, for God’s sake.

Dante kept his hands on his weapon, his eyes narrowing as if he was already losing his patience.

I crouched down, untying the boots, my cold fingers having difficulty following his orders in a timely manner. After jerking them off and kicking them across the floor in a fit of frustration and anger, I turned away from him, hating the blush that had already swept across my cheeks.

“Nice try, sweetheart. Turn around. I need to see every move you’re making.”

My God, the man was a real bastard. I swallowed back a whimper and did as I was told, keeping a clear look of defiance on my face. I even managed to smirk, locking eyes with his as I unzipped my pants, yanking them over my hips, hissing as I jerked them off. Now I stood in white panties, a black tank top, and freaking socks. I couldn’t have been any more embarrassed than if I was standing in front of him completely naked.

Still, I folded my arms over my breasts in a moment of stupid protection.

As if the douchebag couldn’t do exactly what he wanted to me.

Dante cocked his head, studying me just as intently as before. When he walked closer, I fisted my hands, ready to provide some sort of protection. He shifted around me in a full circle then snagged my jacket before heading further into the house.

“Follow me,” he commanded.

I realized I’d been holding my breath. After exhaling, I cursed under my breath. I’d never been treated this way. I trailed behind him, surprised that the house was almost as lavish as one of the many estates my father owned.

He headed for the kitchen, taking his time to slide his hands into the pockets of the jacket I’d worn. I could tell when he’d found the single item that I’d brought with me, hesitating before pulling the velvet bag into the light. “What’s this?”

Think. Think. Tell him what he wants to hear.

“How about payment for my protection?” My father had never allowed me any access to cash and I certainly didn’t own a single credit card. The gems were my only method of trying to get the hell out of the country. Maybe they’d be enough to provide safe passage. Who was I kidding? I doubted there was an honorable bone in Dante’s body. While I’d taken some time in developing a plan of escape, once I’d heard about Dante’s sudden arrival, I should have put my crazy idea on hold, but I’d felt so desperate. My entire life as I’d known it had been about to cease to exist. The planned wedding had been two weeks away.

The gems meant nothing to my father, at least in this small of a quantity. It was likely he wouldn’t even notice they were missing from his collection. But to me, they would have brought a significant price, enough money to allow me to get the hell out of the country and start a new life.

His eyes shimmering from curiosity, Dante tugged open the bag, peering inside then pouring a portion of the contents into his hand. “Opals.”

“Not just opals. Black opals. They’re considered one of the finest gems in the world, mined in only two countries.”

Dante rolled several in his palm before slipping them back into the bag, saying nothing as he moved toward a bottle of liquor on the countertop. After chuckling, he placed the bag on the counter, shoving it aside. He didn’t ask me if I wanted a drink. He simply poured two glasses, every action methodical.

“Let me try and recap what is going on. Somehow, you make your way to the jungle, a dangerous place for anyone, let alone a woman and especially at night. After that, you hitch a ride with someone you don’t know. You don’t have any identification, carrying only a military grade weapon and black opals. You claim to be Carlos Morales’ daughter, which as you might imagine seems very odd to me, but you were determined to buy your way out of the country.” He rubbed his jaw, his damn gorgeous eyes twinkling. “I have to tell you that if you think I’m that much of a goddamn fool, you’re wrong.”

I had to fight to keep from flinching as his voice increased in decibels. “I’m not lying. The opals are mined here in Brazil. My father has bags of them, all uncut and ready to be sold to the highest bidder.”

“Not unless this massive quantity of gems he supposedly has was mined several decades ago, which I find ridiculous.” He moved closer, taking his time.

When he was standing over me, a series of tremors shifted down my legs from a jolt of electricity that was so unexpected, I almost whimpered. He was much taller than I realized, vivid tattoos covering a significant portion of his arms. I reached out without thinking and when our fingers touched, my body was instantly aroused from the incredible chemistry coursing through me. My reaction was ridiculous. I couldn’t be attracted to him.

I yanked the glass from him, purposely stepping away. His scent lingered, spilling into every cell, the intoxicating fragrance all male. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means that there was a single vein found in Brazil, the Boi Morto vein over twenty years ago, which was sucked dry soon after it was found. Almost one hundred percent of the opals are now found outside of Lightning Ridge, Australia. I’m not certain what kind of scam you’re trying to run with me, but I won’t tolerate a single lie.” He took a sip of his drink, his gaze slowly falling to my breasts. There was no doubt he could see my hardened nipples poking through the thin shirt.

While I was embarrassed, I refused to allow him to even get a hint that he bothered me. I was shocked how much he knew about the precious gem, but that didn’t deter me from the reason I’d brought them in the first place.

“The vein you’re talking about was just the beginning and you’re correct. It mostly dried up. There are others, although it is one of the best kept secrets harbored by the Morales family. The stones are being mined using slaves, men and women forced to endure terrible conditions within the cave walls. As if my father would care. I assure you that he’s going to use them as another method of obtaining business within the United States. Doesn’t your family have interest in the jewelry business?” I offered a sly smile before lifting my glass, dragging my tongue around the rim.

I enjoyed the fact he instantly seemed out of sorts, as if a girl knowing such information about his family was difficult for him to believe. The man had no idea what I was made of.

He would soon learn.

He burst into laughter. “Let me get this straight. You’re from the wealthiest family in the entire freaking continent of South America and you felt it necessary to walk into the jungle on the slim chance my enemy soldiers wouldn’t notice you were hanging around waiting for a ride? That’s bullshit, sweetheart.”

“Not bullshit, you asshole. Since you had your own men murdered, you obviously figured out your men betrayed you. They were working for my father. Would just a nobody have that kind of knowledge?”

“And you were privy to his operation.” Dante snorted, shaking his head, his tone one of disbelief. He obviously didn’t buy a single word I’d told him. Not that I blamed him. The entire craziness I’d pushed myself into was more than just desperation. It rang of a big fat lie.

“My father certainly doesn’t tell his only daughter about his business activities, but I learned a long time ago that information was power. I discovered various ways of finding out what he was doing.”

“Uh-huh.” Dante held his gaze for a few seconds before chuckling as he leaned against the counter. “You’re offering me what I’m guessing you’d consider rare opals in exchange for exactly what?”

It was now or never. He could be my only ticket out of here. “Allowing me to leave the country with you.”

He said nothing for a few seconds. When he laughed again, I wanted to scratch out his eyes. “You actually want me to believe you’re Carlos Morales’ daughter?”

I hadn’t anticipated that he wouldn’t believe me, at least about my identity. While there were only a few pictures of the entire family posted anywhere, he had to know every detail about his enemy. I was momentarily stunned, trying to figure out what I could say or do to prove it. “My name is Julieta Margarite Morales. I am the only daughter of Carlos Morales, a man who is intent on killing the entire King family in order to expand into the United States where he will become what he calls the rightful king.”

He shifted his drink from one hand to the other. “An interesting story and one that’s easily accessible over the internet. It’s almost as colorful as the crap you told me about the mine. As I already told you, I don’t like liars. You’re going to have to do better than that.”

Bestia miserable,” I hissed.

“I may be a wretched beast, Julieta, but I’m holding all the cards. Let’s just say I actually buy the story of your identity. Why in the hell should I believe that a beautiful, wealthy princesa of a billion dollar family would not only want to leave her pampered world for a life in a foreign country but with one of your father’s enemies? You must think I’m a fool to buy that bullshit. I admit the tactics your father is using are certainly different than his usual methods of torture and murder; however, I don’t buy it for one second. But I certainly don’t mind providing you with a message to give him. However, I don’t think you’re going to like what I have to say or the kind of punishment I will dole out for your lack of judgment.”

Oh, my God. I’d heard the King brothers were merciless assholes, but I could see by the glint in Dante’s dark eyes that he wanted nothing more than to exact some form of retaliation in the most brutal manner. I’d never been so angry in my entire life. My heartrate immediately skyrocketed, the Spanish blood flowing through my veins giving me the courage I needed.

“You’re such a bastard, Dante. Or should I call you Mr. King? I’ve heard you aren’t a Boss or even an Underboss. You’re just a lowly son trying to make his inroad into an existing empire. How does it feel knowing that you’re never going to be the top dog, always forced to scrape off the crumbs left by your more powerful brothers?” I could tell I’d gotten under his skin by questioning his lineage as well as his powers.

He simply stared at me, his black eyes piercing mine, his strong jaw clenched. My God, the man was sexy.

But I’d been such a fool.

I moved closer with purpose, slamming the glass down on the counter. He was lucky I didn’t smash it into his face. “I rescind the offer, which would have included vital information for you and your great family to be able to keep that kingdom of yours. Fuck off.” There was no doubt I was playing with fire. I swiveled, able to grab my jacket as well as the opals before heading for the door. I had no idea what I thought I was doing, but I refused to make a deal with a snake like Dante.

“Not so fast, sweetheart.”

Vete al infierno!” I knew that telling him to go to hell would only toss gasoline onto the flames. I didn’t give a shit. I was my father’s daughter. I refused to be treated this way.

My father had always called me as hardheaded as I was hot-blooded, taking after my Portuguese mother. Perhaps I should have thought about that before crossing a man like Dante.

Within seconds, he snapped his hand around my wrist, dragging me backward with ease. The force he used as just enough to cause me to lose my grip on the opals. As they tumbled out of my hand, the coat shifting to the floor, I issued a bellowing hiss. I managed to turn around, raking my nails down the side of his face.

For one beautiful split second, he pulled back, almost long enough for me to jerk out of his hold. But the man was too strong. He threw me against the island, but I reacted quickly, smashing my fist just under his jaw, snapping his head back by several inches.

There was a change in his eyes, so dark they burned with fire, his chiseled features becoming harder. A guttural sound unlike anything I’d ever heard pushed up from his gut. He slipped his other hand around the back of my neck, taking deep breaths as he peered down at me.

“You shouldn’t have done that, little princess.”

I gritted my teeth, pushing my hands against his massive chest. The electricity surged through me like a violent jolt of current. When he squeezed his fingers around my neck, my throat closing had little to do with his savage actions. My body was humming from the electricity surging through me, the rush of desire making it almost impossible to focus. “I’m not your freaking princess or your sweetheart.”

There was no doubt he was trying to determine what he was going to do to me. When he shoved me over the edge of the island, pressing my face against the granite counter, I couldn’t stop a series of moans from escaping. What the hell did he think he was doing?

He pressed his hard body against mine, leaning over until his hot breath skated across my skin. “I don’t take kindly to anyone disobeying my rules or defying me on any level. You crossed a line. Now, you’re going to pay.”

“What the hell does that mean?” My voice was muffled, and I continued to struggle in his hold, doing everything I could to push up from the surface.

“That means, sweet little princesa, that you’re going to be punished.”

My heart was hammering to the point the sound was echoing in my ears. I tried to think of something to say, but I was terrified at what he was going to do. When I felt my panties being ripped down from my hips, yanked to my knees, I fought his actions with everything I had. I managed to swing my arm back, slapping him in the stomach. I knew instantly the only thing the stupid decision had done was piss him off even more.

“You’re a very bad girl, aren’t you, Julieta?”

“You have no idea, but you will find out one day.”

He chuckled, the sound entirely different than before. Huskier.



I was thrown into a fog as he brought his hand down against my bottom, moving from side to side. I couldn’t fathom what was happening. There hadn’t been a single person in my life who’d dared to touch me in this manner. As he peppered several smacks against me, I remained in a state of shock.

Until the stinging sensations roared into pain crisscrossing the length of my body. “Stop. Stop, now!”

The bastard actually ground his groin across my already heated skin, leaning over once again. “You don’t have a single right to tell me what to do. Now, I am a fair man, so I’m going to offer you a choice.”

What the hell was he talking about? “What? What kind of freaking choice could a monster like you have for me?”

“You can either stop fighting me and behave like a good little girl, accepting your punishment.”

He stopped, pushing the anticipation of what he was going to say to the edge. “Or what?”

“Or… I can deliver you back to your father personally, but if I do, I’ll be the one to hand off my thoughts on his daughter’s behavior as well as allow him to know what you’d offered me.”

“No, you wouldn’t dare.”

“Yes, I think I would. Which is it going to be?”

I closed my eyes. This was an impossible position. There was no other choice and he knew it. But I made a promise to myself that he would understand my wrath as soon as I found the correct way of providing it.

“What’s your choice, princesa?”

God, the man was infuriating. “Fine. Spank me. I don’t give a shit.”

“So be it.” Without hesitation, he resumed the spanking, rapidly striking me with a solid dozen smacks, each one harder than the one before.

Almost instantly, I was lightheaded, trying to control my breathing as he continued to hold me down. I’d never been so mortified in my life. I was being spanked by a man I didn’t know, someone I’d thought would help me. I hadn’t been just desperate.

I’d been fucking stupid.

I’d always been a fighter my entire life, maybe in some ridiculous effort to find favor in my father’s eyes. This man certainly wasn’t going to get to me. Fuck him. I could take almost anything.

However, as the spanking continued, the pain turning into anguish, I realized that I wasn’t just infuriated by the harsh round of punishment. I was furious with my body’s reaction. I was wet and hot. How in the hell could that happen? Dante King wasn’t anything but a user, a man who took what he wanted without concern for anyone’s choices.

Or their life.

Vile images of what I was going to do to him when I managed to secure my knife entered my mind. I’d carve him up into pieces, feeding him to the wild boar. That made me feel better. I was even able to laugh.

Exhaling, he stopped what he was doing, tapping his fingers across my bottom. “I can see I’m not managing to provide you with a firm understanding of why I’m disciplining you.”

“Because you’re an asshole.”

I wasn’t entirely certain what he was doing.

Then I heard a sound I’d recognize anywhere. The horrible man was unfastening his belt. Oh, hell, no.

“Get off me,” I snapped.

“We have a deal, princesa. However, I’ve changed the terms.” Dante wasted no time yanking the thick strap through his belt loops, the sound unmistakable. “But if you’ve changed your mind, I’m certain I can have you home within an hour or so.”

Damn him.

There really was no other choice. I closed my eyes, trying to keep my composure. Dozens of memories floated into my mind as well as the recent conversation I’d had with my father, if one could call it that.

He’d brought me into his office, holding a pen in his hand, telling me to sign some papers. A contract. My own father had sold me off to the Ricardo family, trying to force me to marry a man I considered a thug. I’d never seen my father so angry when I’d refused, even calling in one of his soldiers to ensure I remained in the room.

He hadn’t expected I’d rip the contract in half.

Then he’d locked me in my room, placing guards by my door.

When the first crack of the belt slapped across my backside, I jumped, my whimper almost like a whine. I hated myself for being forced to endure something like this.

I tried to find a happy place to go to, but in truth, I wasn’t certain where that would be. I’d never been allowed to do anything that I’d wanted in my life. I’d been treated like a doll or a possession since I could remember.

You can endure this. You can do anything you set your mind to.

The whooshing sound of the belt cutting through the air brought me back to reality. I’d made a bed of thorns. There was nothing to do but retain my perseverance and resolve. And one day I would become a queen.

The strap was brought down several additional times, including smacking across the tops of my thighs. Then he abruptly stopped. The second I felt the warm caress of his finger sliding down the small of my back, brushing along the crack of my ass, I bristled.

But my pussy clenched and released, the scent of my desire wafting between us. Nothing could be anymore humiliating that allowing the man to know how turned on I was. I was sick inside, hating myself and the entire world.

Suck it up.

You aren’t attracted to him.

Dante’s breathing was labored as he continued caressing me, gently pressing the tips of his fingers across my skin as heat continued to build. The second he slipped his hand between my lips, I tensed, taking shallow breaths.

“Are you wet, Julieta?” His voice was so husky, smooth velvet sliding across my naked skin.

I almost spiraled out of control, even daring to open my legs a few inches. I had to be losing my mind to find him so attractive, his darkness cold and calculating yet more desirable than I’d expected.

A moment of reality settled in. I had to think about saving myself, getting the hell out of South America. That was my single goal. There could be no others. I clamped my legs shut, fisting and pounding my hands against the counter.

Snarling, he pulled back, releasing his hold on my hair. “I think you’ve had enough. Now, we’re going to talk.” His tone was colder than before.

I heard his footsteps as he walked away and for some crazy reason, they echoed in my ears. My body quivering, I backed away from the counter, heat remaining on both cheeks as I attempted to yank my panties back into position.

“You’re going to tell me everything you know about your father’s plans, including when and how he’ll make his attempt on my family. If you do not, you will die. If you do, then your request will be granted, with certain terms.”

“I thought we had a deal,” I huffed, finally managing to face him.

He stood like he was guiltless, swirling his drink. Damn him.

“As I stated, the terms of the deals have changed. You have five seconds to make your choice. I suggest you make the right one.”