Angel’s Trumpet by Sem Thornwood

After the day I rode Sal while he was talking on the phone, he got so much more protective. He didn’t even let me have a big birthday party because it was not safe. At first, I was so angry, but then he made up to me with sweet gifts, most of them being orgasms.

I knew things were going bad. Unlike my brothers, Sal actually shared the details of his jobs with me. At least he shared the important parts.

For some reason, they believed Ricci was going to hurt someone in the family. I thought he was going to play another type of power game. Sal said that I could be right but being ready was important. I couldn’t get too angry at him because he was doing this to protect me, and it still warmed my heart. Every day I spent with him, the feelings I had since the beginning of time grew. At this point, I was sure what I was feeling, but there was no way I was going to be the first to say it. After everything I did, I deserved to at least get that part.

Mateo was instructed to keep a close eye on me at school, but I really didn’t want him to follow me. I had friends, and it was really hard to explain why a man in a suit was checking up on me from afar.

Luckily Mateo listened to my word over Salvatore’s. I never brought up the kiss again, but I felt like that was the reason. He probably thought that I might tell Sal if he didn’t obey my orders. At least there was no other good reason for him to listen to me instead of Sal.

I kind of felt bad because it was almost like I blackmailed him, but my freedom was too important to let go because of that. I didn’t blackmail him after all. I was innocent and lucky.

I didn’t move a lot in school anyway. I was always in public, and the only people I have interacted with were my professors, Dakota, Jagger, and Nate. Even though Nate flirted with me at Vista, he didn’t do something like that again. I actually saw him lesser than Dakota and Jagger. I mostly brushed our first meeting off because we were both drunk. He was a pretty cool guy, actually.

He mostly stayed after class and worked on his final project. Today was one of those days. I used to keep mine at home, but when I got stuck, I decided to bring it to school. Change of environment was usually good for my creativity. Sal didn’t like it that I spent more time away from home, but I shut him up quickly every time he tried to talk about it.

“Wow. Inside of your head is pretty dark, isn’t it?”

I turned to the source of the voice. I was too focused on my work to notice him coming, but Nate was standing behind me and analyzing my art. I felt myself blush. I liked to show off my completed works, but other than my teacher and Verona, I was not used to showing people my work in progress paintings.

“So, I have been told,” I said between giggles. Actually, except Sal, no one ever said something similar to that to me. He was the only person who saw my twisted side. It matched him perfectly.

Nate shook his head like he could not believe it. “I like your style. I want to paint something dark and scary and disturbing, but I guess I don’t have it in me. I am a color guy.”

I lifted an eyebrow. “Really. Never pegged you for one.”

“Did you always paint in this style?”

I looked at my monster painting and shook my head. “No, I used to draw aristocratic portraits. I did a lot of fantasy fanart when I was in middle school.”

“I drew manga when I was younger.”

“Isn’t it too cliché?” I asked while rolling my eyes sarcastically.

He chuckled. “It is kind of. How did you get into monsters then?”

“Well,” I said, thinking about the crazy high school years. Everything around me was too dark, and my paintings started turning into something dark slowly. The death of Aunt Claretta, being away from Bella, Salvatore’s disinterest, and everything that happened with Al and Bella all played a role in the change, but there was also the technical part. I did research on this new style, and I also studied how I could get better and find my own touch.

I didn’t know how I was going to tell all this in a short way, and luckily I didn’t need to say it because Nate cut me off, “That face tells me it is complicated. Maybe you can tell me about it over coffee?”

Coffee? My alerts came out for a second, but it was stupid. He didn’t make a move since Vista, and he must have known that I was married because both Dakota and Jagger knew. It was not like we were going out on a dinner date. It was just coffee, like the ones I had with Dakota and Jagger. Women-men relationships were highly taboo in our world, but the outside was not like that, and the last thing I wanted was to act like all those close-headed assholes.

So, I smiled and said, “Of course.”


I was on my way when I got Mateo’s text. He knew he shouldn’t call me unless it was something important, but the thing he said was fucking important. Mia was out having coffee with a male classmate, all alone. Well, of course, Mateo was close enough to see them, and probably there were other people at the coffee house, but still, it was not enough.

I could feel the anger in my veins. I knew Mia would never cheat on me. I didn’t know how I was so sure, but I was sure that she would not even flirt with another man. Yet, I couldn’t help the ugly jealousy. My dark, crazy side was too primal to be understanding about this shit.

If the only problem was my jealousy, I might control myself, though. I might go home, wait for Mia and fuck her really well as a punishment. That was not going to cut it, though. I didn’t know who the guy was, and I was almost sure Mateo didn’t either. He was so picky about the things he told me. He was getting on my nerves with that, but it only made this situation worse. Since he didn’t inform me about a lot of things, the second I saw the text, I went into a crazy and worrying mode.

Even still, alarm bells were ringing in my ears. This guy might be dangerous.

Ricci was silent, and I was terrified that at one point, someone I love was going to get hurt. I believed what the Russian guy referred to as the second guy was a rat, but it was possible that it was someone close to us, and this little friend of Mia’s fit the description perfectly. He seemed like an innocent classmate who was trying to be friendly, but he might just trying to get close to her so that he could hurt her to hurt me. The idea of someone even touching Mia was like a knife to the heart.

Love was a bitch.


When I reached the coffee shop, Mateo mentioned he was waiting outside smoking a cigarette. “Why the fuck are you not watching her?”

His back straightened. “She is inside. I am checking her.”

“I didn’t order you to check on her. I ordered you to watch her at all times, Mateo!” I shouted. His face was emotionless, but I knew he was probably cursing at me in his head. Like I would care. “Now leave. I will be taking Mia home.” This time, my voice was calmer and more controlled, but there was still rage bubbling up inside me. How could she put herself in danger like that? She really didn’t understand the seriousness of the situation.

I tried to even out my breathing because I knew she would not appreciate my hot-headed self just yet. She was going to get it when we got back home, though.

I found her sitting on a corner table with a guy who looked her age. Her back was to me, but I could tell she was giggling by the way her shoulders moved. The guy across from him was smiling down at her.

Yeah, dude, I know she looks fucking beautiful when she smiles, but that smile is mine just like the rest of her.

“Mia,” I said when I was close enough. My tone was not too hard, but the look I threw to the guy could kill.

She looked up at me, and her eyes widened but thank God there was no worry, only surprise. “Sal, what are you doing here?”

I let myself fall down to the chair beside her and answered while looking at the guy who turned a shade paler when he saw me, “I came to take you home, Angel.”

Mia moved, uncomfortably next to me. She was aware of the hard environment between her little friend and me, and I guessed she really didn’t appreciate it.

“I thought we were going to meet at home.” Her blue eyes traveled between her friend and me. “Sal, this is my friend from school, Nate. Nate, this is Salvatore, my husband.”

The guy’s eyes widened, and I could tell he was trying so hard to not look so shocked. His surprise even erased the previous expression that was caused by my presence. “You are married?” He asked.

Mia so naturally nodded, and a little smile came to my lips. She was not doing this to flirt with the guy or annoy me. She was really not aware that the guy was flirting with her. I could tell even by the way he was looking at her before I came, but Mia was not used to that shit. Everybody in our world knew she was mine since she was thirteen, so it was probably hard for her to see the little signs.

She was still going to get fucked hard for putting herself in this position, though. She deserved a little playtime.

I moved my fingers on her neck to reach the small-sized lobster clock clasp. “Angel, how can you expect people to know you are married when this is hidden?” I asked, never leaving my eyes on the guy. I unclasped the chain, slowly pulled her ring out, and put it on her finger, aka where it belonged. I knew she put it on a chain at school because she didn’t want to get paint all over it, but she was not near any paint right now.

She looked annoyed but relaxed like she was not aware of what was to come. “I forgot.” Then she smiled with the hopes of easing the environment. “Nate was there the night I went to Vista. He is like one of my only three friends in school.”

Was that a warning for me to not scare him off? We if it was, it was a bad one. “How lovely,” I said, looking at him with a murderous smile, but then I turned to Mia. “Should we go?”

She again writhed on her seat. “Actually, we were talking about…”

“It’s fine. I don’t want to keep you away from your plans,” Nate got out. Smart kid.

Mia looked disappointed. “Are you sure? Sal is the one who barged in after all.”

Oh, how I loved her smart-ass tone. That tone was going to get her spanked.

Nate shook his head. “No, it is fine.” His fear-filled eyes found mine. “Please to meet you.” then he left quickly. He seemed scared and truly oblivious to the fact that Mia was married, but that could be an act. He could still be the guy Russians talked about. And he was too close to Mia.


“What was that, for God's sake?” Mia asked, getting close to my face, and I realized my murder eyes were still on Nate.

I turned to my lovely wife. She was red with anger, and Lord help me, I loved her angry face too. I loved every little thing about her.

“Sorry, I don’t take it well when my wife goes on a date with another man.”

“It was not a date.”

“It was.”

Her brows came together, and yes, I did love that expression too. “Was it? I was not sure, really.”

I slowly brushed my knuckles on her delicate neck. “He was looking at you like he wanted to eat you, and I wanted to kill him.”

“Still, it was very rude, Sal.”

I chuckled and grabbed Mia’s throat, pulling her close to me. “Funny, I don’t care.”

She didn’t seem even a little alert. She could be the only person that would stay this calm when my hand was on their throat. I loved how relaxed she was with me, how she trusted me so easily.

I didn’t care about the people around and bit her earlobe. “I really don’t appreciate this behavior, Mia.”

“You are ridiculous,” she got off like she wanted to have our argument here. Well, no, Angel, this is not the place, and we are not going to have an argument. We are going to have a punishment.

I squeezed her throat gently and whispered to her ear. “I rather do this in our bedroom.” And felt her shudder against me. I loved how she was so in lust with my darker side.

I was so deliriously in love with Mia Vasile.


Sal didn’t talk to me one word on our way home. During the drive, he entwined our fingers and rested them on his thigh. When he pulled in front of the house, he didn’t let me walk. He simply threw me over his shoulder. My little cry of surprise didn’t even get a reaction from him. He carried me to our bedroom. He still didn’t say anything to me but did call out to Maria, saying, “Don’t wait for us for dinner.”

Oh boy, I was really in trouble. Funny thing, it stirred more lust than fear in me.

Only when he stepped inside our bedroom and kicked the door shut, he put me back on my feet. His eyes were filled with the dark lust I now knew too well. My mouth went dry at that look. I tried to find my voice. “Well, about Na…”

He shut me up by pulling me by the throat and covering my mouth with his. I was not even a little disappointed but had no idea what to say. I really didn’t do anything wrong but was curious to see what was his punishment for me.

His kiss was hard and brutal. I let him devour me. His big hands held the hem of my shirt and broke our kiss to get me rid of it. After that, instead of kissing my lips, his mouth found my neck, and he bit down hard as he almost ripped my bra.

“Ahh,” I cried out. It was painful, but other than my cry, all it did was drench my panties. “Is this my punishment?”

Sal made a low dissatisfied sound and pulled back to take off his own shirt. “I am just getting started.” Then in a blink of an eye, he pushed me to the bed and pulled out my legging with my panties.

At my naked form, his eyes filled with more mischief.

“So pretty,” he murmured and dove right between my legs. Even the sight of his head between my legs was something I still couldn’t get used to, let alone his tongue. He always ate me out like I was his favorite meal, but this time something was different. He licked me from my asshole to my clit like he was starving.

I couldn’t help but shudder.

It was good, but honestly, it was a horrible punishment. When he circled my clit, I couldn’t silence my bratty side. “I thought you were going to punish me.”

He stopped his devouring of my pussy and looked up at me with a devilish smirk. “This is a punishment Angel, but it is also a warning and a reminder.” He licked me again. “This is mine,” he snarled. “And I am going to remind you of that and warn you to not let any other man even dream of it and then punish you because you let that guy look at you with hunger in his eyes.”

Well, it was stupid. It was not my fault that other men looked at me, and Sal knew it too. But when I tried to say that, he bit the inside of my thigh to stop me. “Shh, no talking unless I ask you a question.” His tongue circled my opening, and I felt my juices slid down to my asshole. “You are too wet, Angel. If I lick you good, you are gonna come too quick. We don’t want that.” We don’t? “So, let’s play a little spelling game.”

“Spelling?” I asked, confused, and tried to push my pussy to his face, but he had no trouble keeping me at my place.

He nodded. “Yes, just a little game to remind you who owns you, Mia. Now spell loud and clear for me, or you don’t get licked.”

No, no, no. I would do anything for him to eat me out. The man was too good at that. I still didn’t understand how I was supposed to spell but thought Sal would give me instructions. Instead of doing that, he licked me again in a circle-like motion. Then stopped.

What the fuck.

“Spell it, Mia?” he grunted, and when I looked at him with furrowed brows, he repeated the motion. “Spell the letters.”

Then it dawned on me. He was making letters with his tongue. Okay, I could do that. I nodded before Sal dove back in, his eyes filled with fire. He pushed a finger inside me and touched my spot, making me whimper. “If you want me to touch this little spot and suck your clit you should go until we are done, Baby.”

This time I didn’t have time to nod because he pulled his fingers free and licked me again. I obeyed and spell it for him. First “S” and then “A” and then “L” until I was done spelling his name. when he came to the “O,” it sounded more like a moan. “Ohh.” He still kept going. I finished with “R” and “E” and earned a satisfied grunt from my husband. He dipped his fingers back inside me, “That’s right, Angel. That’s who owns you.” and then he closed his mouth around my clit and drove me crazy.

His fingers curling to my G-stop and his mouth devouring my clit was too much. Especially after all the teasing he gave me with the spelling, I could not hold it back for long, and I didn’t try either. I know he would make me come again. “Sal!” I screamed and clamped around his fingers, pushing my hips closer to his face.

He didn’t stop like he usually did but instead kept going as I rode it out and didn’t even stop after I came. “Sal, it’s too much,” I plead, but he didn’t care. He just kept fingering me and licking me until I came again into his mouth.

Only when I went limp, he pressed one last kiss to my folds and climbed back on top of me. Another little kiss came to my lips. “Are you worn out, Baby?”

I nodded.

He smirked. “Good.” Then he held my hips and turned me onto my belly. I gave a cry of surprise, but Sal only lifted my ass in the air. “Now I can really punish you,” he murmured, and I felt the thick head of his cock at my entrance.

God knows I was too worn out, but the feel of his dick still made me excited. Probably my pussy was excited too and clenched because Sal made a sound between frustrated and aroused. “You are still too eager for my dick, aren’t you, my dirty little slut?”

Oh, how I loved when he called me that. “Yes, please fuck me.” Usually, please worked well for him.

I felt him line himself to my entrance and pushed in one go. Despite his size, I didn’t feel discomfort because I was just too wet, but still, a loud moan escaped me.

“Oh, I will fuck you. I will make you scream my name so loud so that everyone will know who owns this pretty little cunt of yours.” He started thrusting into me hard. Every time his cock filled me up, my body moved on the mattress, but his deadly grip on my hips held me in place for his punishing, deep thrusts.

“Do you like to get fucked, Angel? Tell me.” He slapped me at the same time as his command.

“Y-yes s-so much.”

He wrapped his hand around my hair and lifted me up, pulling me to his chest. “And who is the only man that can fuck you? Whose cock do you take like a good little slut?”

“Yours,” I panted, moving my hips to meet his thrusts. His thick cock was stretching me so good. I couldn’t hold my loud moans inside.

Sal fucked me harder. “Scream my name, Angel. Remember who you belong to.”

I was in no position to deny him, so I did. I moved my hips and screamed his name. He groaned and grabbed my cheeks to turn my head to his. His green eyes were frantic as he fucked me hard and fast. He squeezed my cheeks to open my mouth. “Don’t ever forget that,” he whispered and then spit on my mouth, and I moaned louder.

Then he pushed me back down, my head on the mattress. He drove into me harder, and I felt a finger on my back entrance. “Sal,” I protested.

He didn’t care. “Shut up.” I could stop him by using my safe word, but I didn’t. I wanted to give him everything he wanted. I tried to touch my clit to ease the pain he created as his finger penetrated my ass, but he pushed my hand away. “No. you are going to come only with my cock.” Then he expertly changed his angle a bit and hit my spot. I was close, and touching my clit would throw me off the cliff, but I was not allowed, which made everything more intense.

Sal slapped me, and his finger went deeper into my ass. It was not too uncomfortable and actually started giving me pleasure as well. He added a second finger, and when I felt him getting knuckle deep on my ass, he groaned with pleasure and fucked me faster.

“Touch where we are joined but not your clit.”

I could fool him by touching my clit, but I was obedient, so I did what he said and put two fingers on either side of his cock, feeling it disappear inside of me. It was so hot feeling him stretching me so wide.

“Don’t forget this moment, Angel. Every time you even think about talking to another man, remember whose cock is filling up that pretty pussy.” I could feel him lost control and get even rougher.

“You fuck me so good,” I moaned. I was too close that my pussy started clenching around his dick.

His grip on me tightened painfully. “Yes, Angel, come all over my cock. Now I will fill you up with my cum, mark your cunt because it belongs to me. You are my little slut.”

“I am. I only belong to you. Ahh.” The orgasm ripped through me, and at the same time, Sal’s hot cum filled me up. He came and came and came. He came so much that when he pulled out, I felt it trickle down my thigh. I was too far gone, but Sal didn’t fall down on top of me like he usually did after sex. Instead, he carefully gathered his cum that was sliding down my thigh with his fingers and brought them to my lips.

I licked it because I wanted to be a good girl for him.

“The taste of your owner, Baby,” he murmured in satisfaction and fell next to me on the bed. All his words and primal acts might make some other women run away, but there was no other woman. There was only me.

I leaned in and kissed him not to make him taste himself on me but to make him taste me. when I pulled back, I mirrored his words. “The taste of your owner, Baby.”

Amusement filled his eyes, and he chuckled. “Damn right.”

I realized that the linen was stuck to my body because of all the sweat. I tried to move my legs and get rid of that, but there was a sweet deep ache between my legs. “Ah! I think you broke me.”

Sal slapped my ass softly. “You deserved it.”

Despite the ache, I turned to my back and rolled my eyes at him. A strange light filled his eyes every time I did that. “You are being ridiculous. Nate is just a friend, and I have not many of them. I would prefer if you do not push them away.”

He got closer and hovered over me, wrapping a dark lock around his finger. “You should tell those friends you are married.”

“I thought he knew!”

“Apparently not.”

I exhaled and rolled my eyes again. Now he was being unreasonable. “It was not like I was flirting with him.” Something like worry filled his eyes. It didn’t make sense. He would not worry that I was going to flirt with someone else. The only person I was attracted to at any point in my life was him.

“It is not just me being jealous.”

“What is it then?”

He exhaled deeply and put a kiss on my jaw. “I told you there is another man Russians are working with. It can be anyone, Mia. I can’t lose you.”

Whenever he said something like that, my heart melted, but it was ridiculous. I would know a mafia when I saw one, and there was no way Nate was associated with any kind of crime organization.

I cupped Sal’s cheek softly. “Believe me, he could not be him. I am protected well. Nothing will happen to me.”

His eyes darkened. “I can’t even imagine if it does.”

I shook my head and decided to lighten the mood. “Only danger he posses is that when I talk to him, you decide to punish me, and considering how nice your punishment was, I might just be best friends with him.”

Sal bit down my jaw. “You are such a brat.”

“Yes, but you still love me.”


What did I just say?

Sal’s body went rigid for a second, but after he pulled back to look into my eyes. There was something soft but also doubtful. I couldn’t stand looking at it. I squirmed under him to get off. “I should take a shower.”

Even though I managed to get my legs out of bed, Sal’s hand came to my waist and pulled me back to my previous spot under him. Now there was also some anger in his gaze. “Before you run away,” he rasped between his teeth. “Wait for me to answer.”

I lost my breath. It was not something to answer, but I was in no headspace to tell him that. I was too excited to think anything. “Yes?” I managed to ask.

He slowly brushed my cheek with his knuckles. “Of course, I love you, Mia. I love you so much that sometimes even looking at you hurts, but I cannot look at anywhere else. You are holding my heart in your palm. Break me, fix me, hurt me, love me, you can do whatever you want to me.”

Happy tears filled my eyes. God, how long have I waited to hear those words from him? And it was even better than I imagined. I pulled him down to taste his words.

There was nothing better than being loved by Salvatore.

He let me kiss him long and slow, so different than how we usually kissed. When he pulled back, there was not only joy in his eyes, though. He seemed nervous, almost naïve when he asked, “Do you love me too?”

I threw my head back and laughed. “Of course, I do. I loved you as long as I can remember.”

“That is different. After everything I have shown you, do you still love me?”

I beamed up at him and wrapped my arms around his neck. The guy really thought he was flawed. “I love you more because of it. I am not afraid of your darkness; I am in love with it.”

Sal’s jaw flexed, and at that moment, his emerald eyes were full of love, love for me. “Fuck, you are too perfect.”

“Am I?” I asked with my bratty tone.

He started leaving kissed all over my face. “You are, Angel. And I love your darkness too. I love how this proper little lady is turning into a devilish creature in my hands.”

His kisses were sweet, but those words reminded me of Mateo’s. How he told me I shaped myself into something Sal could love. He was not aware of it, but I still wanted to voice my thoughts on that. More for myself than him. “You know, at one point, I thought I was doing it for you. After you left, I was too angry, but I still wanted you. I thought I just became someone you can love. I thought I was acting, but in reality, it was the exact opposite. I was acting before that. The perfect girl everybody wanted me to be, the trophy wife, someone who wants to get married and cooks and pop out too many babies. But that is not me. I can truly be myself when I am with you. You set me free.”

Sal pushed a lock of hair from my face. He was looking at me like I was both his salvation and ruin. “You set yourself free, Mia. You are the ruler of your destiny, and I am just lucky to be a part of it.”

Finally, tears let loose. “You are horrible. Don’t make me cry.”

He licked tears from my cheeks, eating up my happiness, and I pressed myself against him harder. I wanted him with me forever. He saw himself too low, but he was the star of my every dream.

“I am too sore,” I informed him even though he didn’t try anything sexual. I was the one who was too desperate. All the love stuff was making me hot and bothered. “But can we have a bath together? It will be erotic.”

He chuckled while nuzzling my neck and the vibration filled all of my body. “Anything you want, Angel. I love you.”

I loved that he said it just because. So, I repeated, “I love you, Salvatore.”