Angel’s Trumpet by Sem Thornwood

I took a big gulp from my mojito and exhaled. “I am so tired. How could you even go on longer than I? you have 20 pounds strapped on your front.”

Bella giggled in her seat. Her belly was poking out from her tight blouse. She didn’t even look remotely tired after our long shopping haul. “I work out while you lock yourself in your studio. If I didn’t, I would be twice this size.”

“God, when I get pregnant, I will be huge.”

She shook her head. “You are very tiny to begin with. You cannot get too big. Also, Aunt Pippa said she didn’t get very big during her pregnancy. My mom, on the other hand, was not one of the lucky ones. That’s why I didn’t stop working out. I also do a special diet.”

Oh man, to me being pregnant was a free pass for eating everything you liked. Because of my good genes, I could eat anything I want now, too, but if I was pregnant, I would get even worse.

“Alessio must be furious with you,” I giggled. “Doesn’t he try to feed you all the time?”

Bella sighed. “He is impossible! He… ugh.” Her face twisted with pain, and she held her belly. It was gone quickly, but I was already in panic mode.

“What is it? Are you okay,” I jumped from my seat to get close to her.

She shook away my touch. “See, you are just like him. It is nothing.”

“It didn’t seem like nothing.”

“Mia, sit back, or I am going to strangle you. It is nothing. There is a human being inside me. Sometimes things get squeezed, and stuff the pain is normal. She also loves to kick me in the girl parts. We cannot get alarmed every time something little happens.”

I sat back on my seat, but the worry didn’t leave me. “Okay, but we are not walking more. We are having drinks and then leave for the house. If something happens, Alessio will kill me.”

Luckily, she accepted that. We sat and had drinks. Bella held her belly one more time, but mostly she was trying to hide her pain. There were alarm bells in my head, but she refused to go to the hospital. For a moment, I thought of calling Alessio, but she looked like she would really chop my head off if I did that. I was actually very eager to get her home and put her to bed.

After we wanted the check and paid, I was relieved. She must have been tired. Hell, I was tired. She just had too much pride to accept she was tired. I reached for her bags and took most of them, but oh god, she bought too many things. Since the weather was getting a little better, she was eager to get more paternity clothing and always more cute clothes for the baby.

She got on her feet and reached for a bag that I was not able to take. “Ahh!” she cried out. I immediately turned to her, and she was again holding her lower abdomen. Her breathing was fast, and this time pain didn’t leave her eyes.

I let go of the bags and wrapped an arm around her waist. With my other hand, I was texting Mateo to come right now. He was close by with Emiliano, but they might not be close enough to see the situation.

“Bells, are you okay?” I asked. I was worried, but luckily I was able to stay calm in crisis situations.

She was still holding her belly and barely leaning onto me, but then her eyes widened, and she looked down. I looked down too and saw that her light blue pants were wet. It was too early for her water to broke.

She whispered, horrified, “No.”

“Fuck,” I managed to say and then saw Mateo and Emiliano rushing towards us. My text was short and didn’t give much information. From the look in their eyes, I knew they were expecting the worst. Well, close enough.

Bella let out a sob. “I am going to lose her, Mia.”

I shook my head and try to hold her gaze. “No, no, no. Don’t say that. We’ll go to the hospital. It will be okay.”

She didn’t hear me, though. “It is a curse. I can’t be happy. I am going to lose her.”

I wanted to assure her it was bullshit. I didn’t want her to become her hopeless self again after finding happiness but rushing her to the hospital was much more important right now. “Emiliano carry her?”

Emiliano didn’t even falter. He took Bella into his arms and started running to the car. I followed close with Mateo. Emiliano put Bella to the back, and I got in with her. “Leave our car here,” I said to Mateo, and he got into the passenger side.

Bella was crying, and I saw a tinge of pink in her pants but didn’t voice that. Emiliano was breaking all the speed limits anyway. Her head was on my lap, and she was shivering with fear. “I need Alessio. Please call him Mia.”

“Mateo,” I said, and he took my order at once, dialing my brother. I slowly brushed Bella’s hair away from her face, whispering assuring words. She was not going to lose her baby. Alessio was going to be there in no time. Everything was going to be okay.

And I prayed that I was telling the truth.

Bella cried out in pain, and my heart broke seeing her like this. “It hurts so much, Mia.”

“I know Bells,” I said even though there was no way I actually knew. I just wanted to make her feel good. The car was going too fast, and Mateo was making too tense phone calls. Yet everything was background noise to me. All I could hear was my best friend’s voice of agony, and all I could think was how I could make this better for her.

God, I knew nothing about pregnancy or labor. Yet, there were two things that I was sure of. One, Bella was in labor. Two, she wasn’t supposed to be in labor yet.

I had no idea when the baby was going to be here, but I hoped it was not too soon. I hoped that there was nothing wrong with her labor other than the fact that it was early. I also hoped it was not too early. As I knew, she was something like eight months along.

“Bella, breathe,” I said almost instinctively. I didn’t know what was the right breathing for this part of the labor, but she seemed out of breath because of all her painful screams and her crying. Steady breaths were always good, right? I hoped it was.

Luckily Bella listened to me. She still occasionally squeezed my hand and screamed in pain, but she mostly followed my breathing with hers, and no new tears fell from her eyes. It was good.

I wanted to assure her too. “It is good, Bella. Everything is good. Doctors will make this okay. You are doing great.”

“We are here.”

I lifted my head, and Emiliano was not lying. It felt like the longest car ride of my life, but still, I thought there was more to go. For a second, I thought it was never going to end. It was like my own personal hell, and my devil was nowhere to save me.

The car door opened, and I was expecting Emiliano or doctors, but instead, it was Alessio. He reached for his wife and took her into his arms. Bella gave a shaky smile to his presence before her beautiful face clamped up once again with pain.

“How?” I asked more to myself than Alessio as I got out of the car to follow them.

He answered, “I was close,” but his eyes didn’t leave Bella’s. There was concern and worry and love, so much love, in his gaze. Bella clutched his shirt, but she seemed like her pain was less right now. It was like all she needed in life to get through anything was Alessio.

Then I realized this was her hell too, and her devil was here to save her.

Alessio got into the hospital before me and started shouting orders. Probably everybody knew their life was at risk if they didn’t treat Bella right away.

I followed them blindly. I had no idea what I was doing or where I was going. I must have looked like a crazy person from the outside. Then a pair of strong hands came to my shoulders, and I turned to see my big brother towering over me. “Antonio,” I said almost like a plea and realized I was close to tears myself.

“It is okay, Mia,” he assured me like I assured Bella before, but he sounded more confident than me. He hugged me into his chest protectively.

“Is she going to lose the baby?” I asked in tears, even though there was no way he could know that. I felt like a little girl in my brother’s arms. It felt like I had a right to be a little girl when he hugged me like this.

Antonio said, “She won’t,” like he was the God who controlled everybody’s destiny. “She is thirty-four weeks along. It is early but not too early. It will be fine.” Then he put me under his arm and guided me into the depths of the hospital. “Let’s go to them. They need us right now.”

I nodded. He was right. I shouldn’t be crying. I immediately brushed away my tears and promised my broken soul that I was going to cry when I was back home. Right now, Bella and Alessio needed me, needed us. I was not the little girl anymore.

I was not allowed to be that little girl for long. I was the one who took care of people when there was a problem. It almost felt like my job, and now it was time for work. So, I just switched my brain into a caring mood, but this time my worry didn’t ease like always.

This time was different. Usually, I would take care of people after the worst had happened, but now there was only the risk. I could just hope that she wouldn't lose the baby because, knowing Bella, if she did, it would totally break her. She was so scared during her pregnancy, and the confirmation of her fears would sent her to the edge again. If she would go there this time, there might not be something to bring her back.

Fuck, this was so bad.

“Stay calm, Mia. Bella is very worried about the baby, that’s why she is horrified but believe me, this happens to a lot of people. Premature birth is not a new thing.”

I got out of my horrible pit of thoughts and realized we were outside of a room. I could hear Bella’s screams inside. A rush of responsibility came over to me. “Do you think I should go in there?”

Antonio looked at me for a while like he was calculating my state. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. You are too worried.”

“I was good in the car. I can be calm for her. I can shake this off for her.”

His eyes softened, and because he was my brother, I knew that look was the equivalent of a sad little smile on anybody else. “Mia, you don’t have to do that. It is a normal thing that can happen, but still, you have a right to be worried or lose your mind. You don’t always have to be the one that takes care of people or cleans up their mess.”

It sounded wrong. “But you are always that person.”

His mouth twitched. “That’s because I am not capable of losing my mind over anything.”

That sounded horribly wrong. Even though I knew Antonio and knew that he didn’t have emotions like everybody else, it still sounded wrong. There must have been something that could even make my big brother lose his mind. But I didn’t say that. It didn’t contribute to our argument, and with Antonio, that was an important thing to keep in mind.

“You have to let other people pick you up,” he said.

That sounded wrong too. God, this was horrible. I hated that I have no control over the situation. I hated that I couldn’t make it better. Pregnancy was unpredictable and horrifying. “I am never having kids,” I declared, exhausted.

Then the voice of the only person I would let pick me up came behind me. “Wow, thanks for letting me know.”


I was out of my mind. Once more in my life, my sister was in agony, and once more, I was powerless to stop it. This time all I could do was to pray and maybe put a gun to one of the doctors’ head.

After Antonio called me, I got into my car so fast that I didn’t even remember how I got into the hospital. I knew I needed to be calm in the hospital, though. It was almost impossible for me to not lose my shit in situations like this, but lately, I was more in control of myself. Thanks to Mia, I was able to get some handle on my actions.

And the only reason I haven’t stormed into the room and threatened a doctor was Mia. She looked so broken and so shaken. It was so weird seeing her like this. She was the opposite of me. Always calm and always knew what to do when things went downhill. The urge to take care of her rushed through me at that moment. I just wanted to give her a break and let her be the vulnerable one for once.

I needed that as much as her too. There was no way I could help Bella. I felt too powerless, and I hated it. I could not save her baby if anything happened. I could save Mia, though. I could carry her sadness for her.

That was the reason I decided to make the little joke when she said she was never having kids. Mia turned to my voice, and her teary eyes filled with relief, making my chest too tight for my damn heart. She flung herself to me and wrapped her slender arms around my middle. “This is not the time to argue me about that,” she murmured.

I wasn’t going to anyway. I smiled and put a kiss on the black crown of her head. But my smile faded when my eyes lifted to Antonio. “Is she okay?” I asked, keeping Mia tightly close to my chest.

Antonio nodded. There was no way I could tell if he was telling the truth or if he was worried. “Just an early birth. It should be fine.”

I felt Mia shook her head against my chest. “There was blood on her pants.”

Antonio didn’t seem alarmed, but that was just him. “There is usually blood on birth Mia.”

“Stop being so okay with this. I am scared here.”

He seemed confused. “I am trying to soothe you.”

“Well, you don’t,” she said and buried her face back into my chest. I started caressing her hair and felt her get soft under my touch. I looked at Antonio and gave a little shrug. He didn’t make a big gesture, but I could tell there was an approving glimmer in his eyes.

Asshole started this fight between us at the beginning of our marriage by giving me that big brother talk. Still, I couldn’t find it in me to hold a grudge against him. I knew he did it because he loved Mia and wanted to keep her safe. And maybe it was a good thing. It made us talk and not go into things blind-eyed. Talking made things easier for my control, and after everything, I was doubt-free in my marriage. I knew I would never hurt Mia in a blind lust, not in a way she would not want, at least.

I knew I loved her, and she loved me. I knew she would never stop loving me for any of my flaws. She loved me with all of them.

I squeezed her softly in my arms and leaned into her ear to whisper. “Let’s sit, Angel. It might take some time.” She nodded, and I sat on one of the chairs, pulling her to my lap. She needed me, and I needed her. We were going to get through this together, and hopefully, in the end, we were going to meet our tiny but healthy niece. 


It took five hours of waiting. Pippa and Rafael came shortly after us. Both of them seemed as worried as Mia, but Rafael was better at hiding it. Valerio and Verona called and said they wanted to come. Probably for the first time, Mia was not the one who took care of the twins in a crisis. I talked to them on the phone, leaving Mia with her parents. I promised them that they will be brought here when the baby was out and healthy.

After that, I returned to my wife’s side so she could clutch to me. I also realized her parents were also looking at us with approval. I guessed our other encounters were not very successful at displaying our relationship, and after being so sure that I was going to hurt her, they were surprised and pleased at the current outcome, except Aunt Pippa, of course. Her expression was filled with a knowing look. She was the only Mazzoni who believed I was going to make Mia happy after all. Good guessing, Aunt Pippa.

When Alessio finally came out, Mia was close to sleeping on my lap, but she got into her feet fast enough despite that. There was a huge tired grin on Alessio’s face that drained everyone from their worries. I thought I had never seen him this happy and relieved.

“So?” Mia was the first one to ask.

“They are both healthy,” he assured all of us, and Aunt Pippa exhaled in relief. Then Alessio’s grin got even wider, and for a second, I could swear I saw tears in his eyes. “They are both perfect.”

Everyone was so relieved and smiling that we just stood there for a second without knowing what to do. Of course, the first to break off our happy silence was Antonio. “Can we come in?”

Alessio looked at him, trying to make sense of the words in his happy drunk state. Luckily, he gathered himself quickly and nodded. “Yes, yes, of course. Come in.”

Mia held my hand and pulled me behind her into the room, and her small warm touch made everything better. It almost felt like as long as she was at my side, everything would be good. I might have been her corruption, but she was my redemption.

We all stepped into the room and saw a tired Bella smiling down to a bundle on her arms. There was pure happiness on her face, and my chest tightened at the sight. After everything, this was what she deserved. She deserved all the happiness in the world, and even though I was not able to give that to her, I was happy Alessio did it for me. I was grateful he saved my sister and put that magnificent smile on her face. Maybe every Vasile needed a Mazzoni in their lives to save them from the darkness.

Alessio immediately sat next to Bella on the bed and wrapped an arm around both of his girls. The look on his face was priceless. I went to church a lot in my life but have never seen a man look at something with so much adoration.

All that love in the room made me more aware of my own heart, and I pulled Mia a little closer to me. All of us comically leaned over Bella to see the new member of our family.

“She is small but healthy,” Bella explained, not taking her eyes off of the little girl. “She still needs care, but we don’t want to leave her here. We will take her home tomorrow with a preemie nurse.”

Considering the current situation, not wanting to stay in the hospital made sense. We could fill their home with every equipment they needed.

I also made a mental note of filling the hospital with guards for the night. No Russian was hurting my sister or her family.

I looked at the small girl. I probably haven’t seen a newborn since the twins, but I could tell Bella’s daughter was so much smaller. Yet, she had a few dark hairs on her head. They were not too dark, though, more like Bella’s and my dark brown. Her eyes were closed and probably too early to tell what color they were but her nose and her cute little lips… “She looks like you, Bells.”

Bella giggled. “She is small and wrinkled. She can’t look like me.”

But Alessio looked up at me and nodded, smiling. “She does look like her.” His tone made it obvious that was what he wanted all along. If I had a daughter, I would prefer it to be a little version of Mia too. The only thing better than having one Mia was having two of them. Well, maybe three of them could be even better, but I was not going there right now.

“Are you going to tell us the name now?” Mia asked excitedly next to me. All of the eyes turned to them expectedly. They didn’t tell us what name they chose because they wanted to surprise us.

Bella and Alessio looked at each other and smiled. Then Bella looked at all of us. “Everybody, this is Clara.”

Aunt Pippa made a happy gasping sound. “After Claretta?” she asked.

They both nodded and made everybody a little more teary. It was beautiful. Our mother didn’t have a chance to be happy, but this little girl who carried her name would. I just knew every person in this room was going to make sure she’d have the best life she could.

Bella looked up at Aunt Pippa and realized her longing gaze. “Do you want to hold her?” she asked. I could see it was hard for her to hand away her daughter, but she also knew everybody in this room would put their life on the line for little Clara.

Aunt Pippa snuggled her first grandchild close to her chest and put kisses on her little face. Rafael and Antonio were watching closely. Rafael had a soft look in his eyes, and he ran a finger on the baby’s soft cheek. Antonio, on the other hand, had a weird expression. Probably all the emotions were tiring him up, but I knew he was happy. He was most likely planning what did we need to know to keep the baby safe and make the situation comfortable for Bella and Alessio. Having the “Heartless” as a Consigliere and a brother-in-law was really beneficial most of the time.

“Do you want to hold her too, Mia?” Aunt Pippa asked.

Mia’s eyes widened, but I could see she wanted that. “She is so small. I don’t know how to hold her.”

I couldn’t help but smile. I ran an encouraging hand down her back. “Just support her head. It is not hard, I promise.” If I was able to hold the twins as an eleven-year-old, Mia could definitely, do it. 

She nodded and reached her mother to take Clara. She supported her head and delicately held her against her chest. Clara’s glassy eyes opened, and she looked up at Mia but didn’t cry. “Oh, you are the cutest little baby, aren’t you?” Mia pressed a very soft kiss to the baby’s forehead and cheeks. She was so amazed by the sight, but I was more amazed by the sight of her. I have never been the one to want children but seeing Mia hold a little baby was just too much for me.

Bella was the most beautiful mother I have ever seen, but I knew it was going to change the moment I saw Mia holding my baby in her arms.

Like she heard my thoughts, her eyes found mine, and something she saw there flashed a little fear in hers. Probably all of my intense thoughts were written on my face. I pressed a kiss to her hair to ease her fear. Don’t worry, Angel, we are not having a baby yet.

Clara’s mouth opened, and she tried to reach out to Mia’s breasts. Mia giggled. “I think she is hungry.”

Bella also giggled and reached for her daughter. I could see the small shine of relief on her face when she took the baby back.

“We give you privacy,” Pippa murmured and left with Rafael. They were a little old to accept a publicly nursing woman, I guessed. But I knew we should leave too because they probably needed to rest.

Bella latched her baby into her breast and started nursing happily. Mia went to her to give her a kiss. “I will go to your house and make sure everything is ready for tomorrow,” she said. It was a good idea, and I felt bad for not thinking about it myself.

“The twins can meet Clara tomorrow at home,” I said, and my sister gave me a grateful smile. They were not too young, but after five hours of labor, I didn’t think she wanted two kids in the hospital.

I went to Alessio while Mia rained my sister and niece with kisses and goodbyes. “I’ll surround the room with security, don’t worry. You guys should rest.”

“Thank you,” he patted my arm. “I’ll be up watching over them all night.”

I nodded. It was not necessary after putting guards on the door, but I understood. I would not be able to sleep also. Then I went to my sister while Mia hugged her brother. I kissed her forehead and then Clara’s. “You deserve all of this, Bells,” I whispered into her ear.

Bella flashed a big beautiful smile at me. “I know.”


I held it all in during the car ride. All of the emotions and the chaos.

Sal drove us to Alessio and Bella’s apartment. We were going to make sure the house was ready for the baby tomorrow and probably spent the night there. I was filled with the heaviness of my responsibilities, but I knew Sal would give me time to let it all out before I did them. So, I waited until we got off the elevator.

The second elevator doors closed behind us, I buried my face into his chest and cried and laughed. All the chaos just set free. “Thank god I was so afraid,” I murmured, my voice muffled by his shirt.

He held me tight, brushed my hair and my back. “I know Angel,” he said. He didn’t try to assure me that all was good now. I knew all was good, and he knew that I knew. He just gave me soft touches and whispers to calm my catastrophe of emotions.

I cried and laughed until his shirt was wet with my tears. When I pulled back, he gently brushed away my tears. He was too soft to me. I could never imagine him being like this.

“Was I the only one who thought she was too wrinkly?” I asked, wanting to change the tone I set with crying.

Sal burst into laughter. His eyes were shining like I was the most extraordinary thing in the world, but he was wrong. He was the most extraordinary thing in the world. There was nothing better than a smiling Salvatore with eyes full of his love for me.

“She was beautiful for a very wrinkled human, though,” he said, amused.

I nodded, “I guess.” Then I was hit by another memory from the hospital, and just like the first time, my eyes widened a little. “You looked at me funny when I held her. “

For some reason, this made him even more amused. “I was imagining how you would look holding our child.”

My heartbeat was so fast in my chest. A child with Salvatore was a cute dream, but it also carried fear for me. “We decided that it is too early,” I said doubtfully. I had no wish to get pregnant before finishing school, and even when I was ready, it might not be easy for me to conceive. His pure gaze when he looked at me with Clara brought back all of my insecurities before we talked about not wanting children. Now my biggest fear was for him to change his mind.

Thankfully he nodded quickly. “Not now, but when the time comes.” He nuzzled my neck. “You will be a beautiful mother.”

Despite the delicious kisses he pressed to my neck, I still couldn’t relax. “You know I might not be able to get pregnant.”

He pulled back to examine my face and brushed the lines of worry on my forehead sweetly. Then pressed another kiss to my temple. “That’s okay.”

“How?” I demanded. “You want kids.”

Sal pulled back again and lowered himself to the floor, pulling me with him. I didn’t fight him and let him put me on my back on the floor. All I could focus on was his answer. He seemed too relaxed. I wanted to make sure he understood the situation. I might never be able to give kids to him. I didn’t want to lose him for it. I could not bear losing him.

This time he kissed my lips. “We will try our best to get pregnant, Mia, but if we can’t, that’s okay. If we both want kids and can't get pregnant, we will adopt. This is not something that should come between us. This is something that should fill us with joy, not sorrow.”

I felt tears forming in my eyes. “The Outfit will never accept an adopted child.”

He shook his head and started kissing my neck again, following a line to my breast. For a second, I thought he was using sex to distract me, but he answered. He was simply not able to keep his hands off of me. “They won’t accept a boy, but they will accept a girl. Valerio can continue being my heir.” He slowly started unbuttoning my shirt dress.

“It is not going to be your biological child.” I was okay with the idea, but I wanted to make sure he was too.

Sal looked up from my chest to my face. His gaze was still too soft for him, and he was still too relaxed. I never saw him like this, especially not when he was undressing me for sex. “It doesn’t mean shit to me, Mia. Giovanni was my biological father, but he was an asshole. I can love any kid more than he loved me because she is going to be ours. It is not some primal urge to breed. I want to have kids with you. I want everything I can get from you.”

A tear ran free as I pulled Sal’s head and kissed him. My heart was going to burst. I loved him so much, and all he wanted was me. There was no need for insecurities. I wanted him, and he wanted me. It was just that simple. Nothing else mattered.

His kiss was hungry but slow, like he was savoring every second. He continued unbuttoning my dress, but it was so different from his normal self. He seemed so much in control. It was not Crazy Eyes. It was just Salvatore.

“We can’t have sex on their floor,” I said even though I parted my legs for him.

Sal nuzzled between my breasts and nibbled a nipple over my lacy bra. “Please,” he said, and I wondered if I ever heard him use that word. “Let me make love to you.”

At that moment, I wanted nothing more, but I also didn’t want him to do something just to make me happy. “You don’t have to,” I murmured but arched my back to push my tits into his mouth. “I know that is not how you enjoy it,” I was not sure if that was how I enjoyed it since my sexual experience was limited with Sal, but I was eager to try.

He shook his head with a smile, “I want to do it. I want to get everything.”

I smiled too and nodded. I didn’t care that we were on the floor of Alessio and Bella’s apartment. All I cared about was Salvatore. I kissed him a thousand times and let him undress both of us slowly. He didn’t slap me or degrade me. He filled me and fucked me slow and deep. He consumed the soul that already belonged to him. He touched me and kissed me, and the only thing he whispered was, “I love you.”

After I came shattering under him, Sal followed and filled me with his cum. He pressed a soft kiss to my lips and fall down to the floor next to me after pulling out of me gently.

I looked at the white ceiling with a smile on my face. “Wow.”

“I know,” Sal said, and I could see the smile on his face.

I rolled and propped myself on his chest. He didn’t look as disheveled as he usually did after sex, but his eyes were filled with the same loving glimmer. “Did you enjoy it,” I asked, wanting to make sure?

He ran a hand along my arm. “I did. And you?”

“Yes. It felt different. It felt more than just physical pleasure.” Then I saw a slight hint of disappointment on his face. I knew where it was coming from and wanted to assure him. “But I don’t want it like this all the time.”

“Really?” his eyebrows rose. He was still having a hard time believing I loved what he loved in bed and not just endured it for him.

I nodded, beaming up at him. “I mean, it gave me so many emotions and felt like something bigger, but physical pleasure is important too. I like it better when you are rough with me. We can do this once in a while, though.”

“Agreed,” he said but kept looking at me with an intense gaze. After a second, he cursed under his breath. “You are really made for me.”

I laughed and pressed a kiss to his swollen lips. After my expression turned a little more serious. “We need to make this place ready.”

“Okay,” Sal said, but both of us didn’t move. I knew I should have got up but couldn’t help the ideas in my head. Luckily my sweet husband read my mind just right. “Do you want me to fuck you hard before we do that?”

I bit my bottom lip and nodded.

Sal groaned and turned us, pinning me under him. I could feel he was getting hard again. he roughly parted my legs and pushed two fingers into me, his cum making it easier to slide. He fingered me a little, but there was no need; I was already ready to take him. When my eyes turned to the back of my head, he pulled out his fingers and slapped me so I will look at him. he squeezed my cheeks with one hand and aimed his cock at my entrance with the other. “Ready to get fucked like a slut?” he asked.

I smiled as much as I could while his hand was on my cheeks and nodded. “Yes.” Then he pushed to me, and every other thing around me disappeared. I didn’t need slow love-making. He could slap me, spit on me, call me slut, and I would still know he loved me to death.

We were one on the light and were one on the dark.