Rhett by Margaret McHeyzer




My eyes automatically open, while it takes me a few seconds to realize where I am. I reach for my phone and see it’s only four in the morning. My body clock does that to me, considering my shift always starts at six. I tuck my phone under my pillow, and turn to face Dani.

She’s curled into herself with the blankets drawn over her head so I can only just see her nose and mouth. I can’t help but smile at the way she’s sleeping. I slide closer to her and try to mold my body against hers. The moment I touch her, intense heat radiates from her, but I can feel her trembling beneath my hand.

I click my tongue against the roof of my mouth, and Dani stirs. Shit, I shouldn’t wake her. I know she has two jobs and works awfully long hours, I should let her sleep. I push the blanket off the bed, and head into the bathroom. When I return, Dani’s in the exact same position as I left her.

Dani’s tired, and I should try to get another hour or so sleep. I splay my fingers over her hip, and she wiggles toward me. “Cold,” she murmurs. I use my body heat to warm her up, and fall asleep with Dani flush against me. I really could get used to this.

A chirping bird startles me awake, and I find Dani’s on the other side of the bed, her head still swaddled under the blankets with her nose and mouth the only thing visible. She makes me smile with just how cute she is. I grab my phone to see what time it is, and I’m surprised to find it’s after eight in the morning.

“Dani,” I say as I try to gently rouse her from her sleep. “Dani.” I try to shake her. The heat coming from her is worrying.

“Cold,” she says. Wait, that’s what she said earlier.


She moves the blanket, and I notice how pale her face is, but more alarmingly, her eyes are red and bloodshot. I feel her forehead to find she’s burning up. “I’m really cold, Rhett,” her voice is frail and small.

“Have you got a thermometer?” I try to smooth the hair clinging to her forehead as I look at her.

“I have to go to work.” She sighs, but makes no movement to get out of bed.

“You’re not going anywhere. Where’s your phone?”

“I can’t stay home. I need to go to work.”

“You’re sick, you’re not going anywhere,” I repeat. “Where’s your phone?”

“I don’t know.” She draws the covers up covering her face again. “Can you put another blanket on me?”

“No, I can’t. You’ve got a fever.” She may not have a thermometer, but with the fact she’s freezing and burning up at the same time, it’s only common sense that’s she’s sick. Starve a fever, feed a cold.

“I’m freezing.”

I get up and head into her miniscule kitchen searching for any kind of medicine. But she doesn’t even have a box of Tylenol. I run my hand through my hair, and try to think of what I need to do. I see her phone sitting on the counter, so I grab it, and of course it needs her face ID or a pin to unlock it. “Baby.”


“Are you at Elle’s this morning?”


“Are you at The Narrow Table tonight?”

“No,” she softly replies.

I pull the cover back and use her face to unlock the phone, before I pulling the cover back up. I search through her contacts and find Elle’s number. I open the door to her trailer, and step outside before I make the call. The phone only rings twice. “Hey Dani,” Elle chirps.

“Hi, Elle. This is Rhett Morgan.”

“Shit, is Dani okay?” Elle asks, her tone changing from light, to wary and concerned.

“I’m not sure if you know who I am.”

“Rhett Morgan? Of course, I do. I know who you are, and I know your brothers. But, I’m more concerned for Dani.”

“She’s sick. There’s no way she’ll be able to make it in today, and judging by her condition, she might not be in tomorrow either.”

“Tell her not to even worry about coming into work until she’s better. Thank you for letting me know.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Look after her please. She’s such a sweet girl.”

“I will.”

“Thank you for the phone call.”

“I’ll call you tomorrow and let you know how she is.”

“I’d appreciate it.”

Mrs. Walton from the trailer across from Dani’s is outside sitting in her chair and sipping something from a mug while her little dog wanders around. She watches me with suspicion. “You’re the youngest of Elise and Patrick’s boys, aren’t you?” she calls as she watches me.

“Yes, ma’am, I am.”

“Good people, Elise and Patrick. When your father died, it left a hole in the community. But I’m glad to see you and your brothers have taken after him.”

A tinge of regret bubbles inside the pit of my stomach. “Thank you.”

“Where’s Dani?”

I look toward the trailer. “She’s not feeling well.”

Mrs. Walton gestures for me to come over to her. I don’t want to be rude, but I need to get back to my girl to look after her. “Look, that little girl, she shouldn’t be living here. We’re all old, and she needs people in her life who are her own age.”

“I’m working on that,” I say.

“You look so much like your daddy.”

I thrust my chest out, and lift my chin high. There’s a deep-seated warmth pulling in my gut. To be compared to Dad is an absolute honor. “Thank you, ma’am,” I say as I stand taller and more confident. “I should get back to Dani.”

“She’s a good girl. We all like her here.”

“Yes, she is.”

“Take care of her.”

I like how both Elle and Mrs. Walton feel confident in me to protect her. “I will.” I pivot and head back into the trailer. Dani’s managed to flip the blanket on herself, but I can see she’s still shivering. I open her wardrobe, and down the bottom is a small overnight bag. I pack a few things for her, concentrating on her underwear and bras. She can wear my t-shirts and shorts. I don’t even bother with her toothbrush, we have new ones in the packaging at home. I take the overnight bag out to my car, then come back into the trailer to get my girl.

I lie on the bed, and try to gently wake Dani. “Hey, baby.” I place my hand on her shoulder, where she responds with a shiver.

“I’m so cold.”

“You’re sick, and you’re coming home with me.”

“I need to go to work.”

“No, you’re not going to work. I’ve already called Elle, and she’s got it covered. Can you walk, or do you want me to carry you?” I pull the covers back. Her lips are dry and cracked, and her skin is pale with a gray tinge.

“I’ll be okay, I just need to sleep.” She settles back under the blankets, refusing to move.

“I’ve got you.”

I scoop her up, blankets and all, and her eyes open. “What are you doing?”

“You’re coming home with me, so I can look after you.”

I walk her out to my car, and gently lower her into the passenger seat. “I’m cold.” She cowers into herself, shivering. “Get another blanket,” she says.

“Where are the keys to the trailer?”

“On the hook beside the door.” She sinks back into the seat, and closes her eyes while curling into herself.

I close the door, and head back to the trailer to grab her keys, her bag which is sitting on the sofa, and lock it all up. The moment I’m back in the car, Dani groans, trying to warm herself up. “We’ll be home soon.”

“Can you put the heat on, please?”

“No, I can’t.”

“Please,” she begs. I hate how sick she is. “My throat is sore.”

“No, I can’t. We have to cool your body down, not heat it up.”

“But I’m so cold. Please, Rhett. Please, I’m freezing.” It’s killing me that I can’t give her what she wants, but she doesn’t know what’s best for her now. “Please?”

“We’re nearly home.”

She lays her head on the side window, and she closes her eyes. Her body is shivering, and her arms are covered in small goose bumps. The moment I’m home, I notice Mom still hasn’t left for work. I walk around to the passenger side, open the door, and reach in to scoop Dani up. “I can walk,” she says as she stands on wobbly legs.

With my arm under hers I support Dani while we head into the house. I unlock the front door, and head down toward my room. Mom’s in the kitchen, and when she sees us, her eyes widen and she places her mug on the counter. “What’s happening?”

“Dani’s running a fever, and she had nothing at home to help break it.”

“I’ll get the Tylenol. What’s her temperature?”

“I’m not sure. She doesn’t have a thermometer either.”

“For God’s sake,” Mom mumbles. “Put her in your bed, strip her out of her socks, and only put a sheet over her.”

“I know, Mom.”

She raises her hands. “I’m sorry,” she says. “I’ll find the thermometer, and Tylenol.”

I take Dani to my room, and lay her down. Gently, I slide off her socks, and Dani instantly folds into herself attempting to absorb the warmth from her body. “Can I have a blanket please?”

“No.” I strip the blanket back, leaving only the sheet over her body. Dani looks helpless lying on my bed, unable to do anything but shiver.

“Here.” Mom sits on the bed next to Dani, and points the digital thermometer to her forehead. It rapidly tells us she’s running a fever of just over a hundred-and-two. “I’ll get the Tylenol,” Mom says softly.

“Thank you.”

She places the thermometer on my desk, and leaves to get the medication. She returns with a glass half-filled with water, and two pills. She hands them to me, and watches as I sit beside Dani and help her to a semi-seated position. “Here, you have to take these.” Dani doesn’t argue. She takes the pills out of my hand, places them in her mouth, and barely sips the water. “A little more.” I place the glass to her lips, and tip it so she has another mouthful of water.

“Can I have a blanket now please?”

“Not yet. In a few minutes,” I say as I kiss her on the forehead, lay her back down, and stand. Dani is fast asleep within only a few seconds. Mom gestures toward the door, and I follow her outside my room.

“That girl is sick.”

“I know, Mom. That’s why I brought her home. I wasn’t going to leave her in the trailer.”

“Good job, son. I’m proud of you. I’m going to work, but I can leave early if...”

“No need,” I say, interrupting her. “I’ll look after her.”

“Make sure you keep...”

“Mom, I’ve got it. I’m not moving from her side. I’ll give her the next course of Tylenol in four hours, and in five hours, if there’s no improvement, I’ll call Dr. Allard and get him to come out to see her.”

Mom straightens her shoulders and smiles. “Yeah, you’ve got it.” She places her hand to my shoulder. “I’m damned proud of you.”

“She’s mine, Mom. I’ll take care of her.”

“I know. Okay, I’m off to work, I’ll be home by about four today. If you need anything, call me.” She leans over and gives me a small kiss on the cheek. Staring at me, she smiles widely. “Bye.”

“Bye.” I walk her to the door, and lock it as she leaves. I head back into my room, and sit on the floor, watching my girl. She’s huddled into herself, while she’s lightly snoring. I take my phone out of my pocket and shoot Dean a message. Won’t be in at work tomorrow. Dani’s sick and I’ve brought her back to Mom’s.

The reply from Dean is nearly instant. You’re so pussy whipped.

I might be pussy whipped, but you’re just a pussy. I chuckle as I send it.

You’re fired.

I laugh louder. I send him the middle finger emoji in response. I know Dean understands. I’ve seen how he is with his woman, and I totally understand it now. I know if Joanne was sick, there’s no way he’d leave her side.

Leaning my head back, I close my eyes for a moment.

“Rhett?” Dani’s soft voice wakes me from my nap.

“Hey,” I say as I blink several times trying to wake myself up. “Are you okay?”

“My throat is really sore. Feels like I swallowed razor blades.”

“Are you hungry?”

“Only thirsty.”

“Hang on.” I stand, grab the thermometer, and take her temperature. “Your temperature has come down a little, but it’s still well above what it should be. I’ll get you something to eat, and you need to take two more Tylenol.” I check the time to make sure it’s been at least four hours from the first two tablets she had.

“I need to pee, too.”

“I’ll help you,” I say as I move to help her out of bed.

“No, you don’t need to see me peeing, Rhett,” she says, cranky, as she sits up in bed. She braces herself against the mattress. “Whoa. Dizzy.”

I lift her from under the arms, and assist her to walk to the bathroom. “I won’t come in. But, if you need me, call for me.”

“Thank you.”

I close the door, then call, “Don’t lock the door.”

“I won’t,” I hear Dani reply. I lean against the hallway wall, and wait until I hear the flush before I open the door to find Dani washing her hands. “What if I was pulling up my shorts?”

“Then I would’ve received a welcome eyeful,” I teasingly say.

She shuffles toward me, and I support her while she heads back to my room. “Can you take me home, please?’ she asks.

I snort and say, “Hell to the no. I’m looking after you.”

“You’re working tomorrow, and I don’t want to be a nuisance to anyone.”

“I’m not working, and you’re not being difficult.”

She stares at me and shakes her head. “Why aren’t you working?”

“Lie down.” She sits on the edge of the bed, just staring at me. “Lie down,” I repeat.

“Why aren’t you working?”

“I’m taking a personal day.”

She lowers her chin while shaking her head. “Rhett, I can look after myself. I’ve been doing it for the last seven years. Another day or so won’t kill me.”

God, she’s so damn stubborn. “I know you can do it on your own, but I want to look after you. You can relax, and know I’ve got you.” I kiss her burning forehead, and lay her down. “I’m going to make you something to eat, and I’ll feed you.”

She smiles and yawns. “I’m tired.” She turns on her side, and closes her eyes.

Leaving the door open, I head into the kitchen to make a basic broth for Dani. It’s nothing fancy, but considering her throat is hurting, it’s what she needs. It takes roughly an hour for it to cook. I taste it, and when I’m satisfied with it, I pour some into a mug. I get the pills ready, with a glass of water, and put a spoon into the mug so I can feed her.

“Dani,” I softly say as I enter my bedroom.

“Yeah?” She turns over to look at me. Her face is so pale, and she’s shivering again. I should’ve given her the pills already, but I don’t want her having them on an empty stomach.

“Sit up.” I place the tray beside the bed. Dani sighs, then pushes herself up on the bed. Using the spoon, I ladle some of the broth, and blow on it before bringing it to her lips. She opens and takes it, then licks her lips. I repeat it a few times, until she shakes her head. “No more?” I ask.

“No more. I’m really tired.” She starts to sink back into the bed.

“Wait.” I give her the two pills, and hold the glass of water to her lips. She takes the pills, slips down, and is instantly asleep.

I pack everything up, and take it out to the kitchen. I send Mom a message. Do you have any lip balm? Dani’s lips are cracked.

Under the cabinet in my bathroom there should be three that are unopened.

Thanks, Mom.I find four unopened lip balms, I pick one, open it, and go back to my girl. She’s now lying on her side, her hands tucked under her head, facing the door. I roll the lip balm up, and as carefully as I can not to wake her, I roll it on. Dani doesn’t even stir.

Leaving the door open, I sit out on the sofa and put the TV on low. I’ll check on her regularly to make sure the Tylenol is kicking in. I massage across my forehead as I think about all the times Dani’s been sick and has had no one.

How many times has she needed to have her parents look after her, and they weren’t there for her? Well, that shit ends now. Because, she has me, and I’m not letting her go.