Rhett by Margaret McHeyzer




There’s a selfish part of me that doesn’t want Dani to leave. She’s been here for four days, and she’s certainly getting better, but I want her to stay. “What’s on your mind, son?” Mom asks as she comes to sit beside me out under the pergola.

“Nothing,” I reply.

“And I was born yesterday.” She lifts her brows then brings her mug up to have a sip of her morning coffee.

I look toward the kitchen, making sure Dani isn’t awake yet. “I like having her here.”

“I know. You’re quite protective of her, as you should be.”

“I’m struggling with her leaving. She feels like she’s an inconvenience and she wants to go back to her trailer.”

“You have to remember she’s been on her own for a long time. It’s probably difficult for her to have a family like ours in her life now.”

“So, what are you saying? I should let her go back to her trailer?”

“God, no!” Mom snorts and rolls her eyes. “I told you before, give her no option.”

“I’m conflicted about what I should do. If I’m being honest, no part of me wants her to go.”

“Your brother should be in his house soon. Pack Dani’s things up, give the keys to her trailer back, and move her in here. You’ll only be here for a matter of weeks before you’ll move into Alec and Serena’s house.”

“How would you feel about having Dani here, as my girlfriend, in my room?”

Mom clicks her tongue to the roof of her mouth. “Because I live under a rock, and think you’re a virgin who’s never had sex before?” Well, basically. “My head has never been in the sand with you boys.”

I scrape my nail on the fading image on the mug while averting Mom’s stare. “So, you’re saying you’d be fine with her here? In my room.”

“You change your own sheets, Rhett. Just be respectful.”

“Eww.” I scrunch my nose as a snort rips through me. I can’t stand the thought of Dani on her own in the trailer. “Okay, she’ll move in. But, it’s only until Alec and Serena are in their new house.”

“About time. You’re killing my vibe, son. Killing it,” she says with laughter in her voice.

“Why? You gonna be throwing wild parties when I’m gone?”

“I’m so throwing swinger parties.”

I cover my eyes. “Mom, come on.”

“And I’ll be having hot sex all over the house.”


“Everywhere. Dining table, sofa, the shower.”

I stand and grab my coffee mug. “TMI, Mom, TMI. I’m going to see how Dani is.” I walk into the house, and head to the kitchen so I can make Dani breakfast.

“In your room,” she calls making me cringe even more.

“You can stop now.”

“On the floor in your bedroom.”

I stick my fingers in my ears and sing, “La-la-la.”

She’s still sitting out in the back, laughing while sipping her coffee. I take my fingers out of my ears, and open the fridge. “Bent over the kitchen counter.”

“Now that’s just wrong. For God’s sake, woman. Stop!” Mom’s cackling so forcefully, that when I look over to her, she’s wiping at her eyes. I don’t know how much—if any—of that is true, but it’s not a mental picture I want of my mother.

I take the carton of eggs out and place them on the counter. My lips pull up into a snarl as Mom’s words of being bent over on the counter vibrate through my brain. Push it away, Rhett. You don’t need to remember those images.

Opening the cupboard, I take a glass bowl out, and crack eight eggs into it. I add salt and pepper to the eggs, and a dash of cream before I beat them with a fork. Once finished, I heat a frypan, and place four pieces of bread in the toaster.

I place quarter of a stick of butter in the pan, and wait until it’s melted, before I add the eggs. “Morning,” Dani says as she comes out, and hugs me from behind as I scramble the eggs. She kisses my shoulder, and I let go of the wooden spoon to grab her hand and kiss it. “What are you making?”

“I’m making us scrambled eggs with toast.”

“They look good.” She steps back to lean against the counter. Dani’s extraordinarily adorable in my t-shirt and shorts. I look at her shapely legs, and smirk. “What?” Dani glimpses down. “I had to roll them up because they came down to my knees.” She holds up the t-shirt, so I can see how the shorts have been rolled around the waistband.

“Morning, Dani,” Mom says as she walks into the kitchen.

Dani’s eyes widen, and she drops her chin in shame. “Morning, Elise. I um, I’ll go get changed.” She takes a step away, then returns. “Well, I would if I brought clothes with me.”

“You don’t need to get changed for me, Dani.” Mom gives her a small hug. “This is a very casual home, so don’t worry yourself about it. But I do have to start early today, so I need to get ready for work.” Mom peers over my shoulder as I’m buttering the now popped toast. “No thanks, son. I’ve had my breakfast already,” she says sarcastically.

“Good, ’cause I wasn’t offering,” I bite back with equal satire.

Mom turns to Dani and shakes her head. “Careful, he’s been known to give people food poisoning.”

“I have not!” Mom’s laughing as she locks herself away in her room. “Don’t believe her.” I divide the toast on two plates, then empty over half the eggs on Dani’s plate, and the rest on mine. “Come on. Breakfast,” I say as I place two sets of flatware on the plates and carry them outside.

I set the heaped plate in front of Dani and her eyes widen with the amount of food on it. “Um.”

“Coffee or juice?” I ask.


“Start, I won’t be long.” I jog back into the kitchen, pour two coffees and bring them out. I notice Dani’s swapped the plates, and added some of hers onto mine. “You need to get your strength back.”

“I haven’t eaten a lot over the last few days because I’ve been sick. There’s no way I would be able to eat that mountain of eggs.” She slowly picks at her eggs and frowns when she has a bite of her toast, then grabs at her throat. “My throat is still a bit sore, not like it was though.” Quietly, I continue eating, trying to think of how I’m going to tell her she’s moving in here with me. “What’s wrong?” she asks. “Shit, I’ve overstayed my welcome, haven’t I? It’s okay, you can take me home after breakfast. I don’t want to be a burden on anyone, Rhett. Shit, shit, shit.” She’s rubbing her forehead, scolding herself.

“You’re moving in here,” I simply say. “I’m taking you home once we’re done with breakfast for you to pack your stuff and drop off the keys.” I continue eating breakfast, so damn happy I finally got that off my chest. I look over to Dani who’s staring at me with her mouth open, and her lip curled up on one side. “What?”

“What?” she says, her tone unusually high.

“What?” I ask not knowing what she’s asking.

“I’m moving in here? Do I have a say in this?”

I look around, confused. “Ah, no. Not really. You’re moving in.”

“Did you just wake up today and say, oh, hey, let’s pack Dani up and move her in with me and my MOM!?”

“Oh, so it bothers you that my Mom is here?”

She slaps her forehead. “You’re missing the point here, Rhett. You need to talk to me about these things. You can’t decide for me.”

“Why not? I don’t see the problem.”

She lowers her fork, and sits back against the chair. “These are things we need to talk about.”

“No, we don’t. You live somewhere that isn’t with me. Which means I can’t take care of you when you’re there and I’m here.”


“I’m going to...” Mom pauses as she steps back into the room, looks to me, then Dani. “Okay then.” She offers us a tight smile. “I’ll see you both tonight. Have a good day and you’re cooking dinner tonight.” Mom purposely looks to me.

“Bye, Elise,” Dani says. She picks up her fork and pushes the scrambled eggs around the plate.

The front door closes, and Dani keeps her eyes down. “You can’t live there anymore. It’s not a good place for you.”

“Ask me, Rhett, don’t tell me. Ask... Fuck.”

“There’s nothing to ask, Dani. The trailer isn’t somewhere you should be living. Even your neighbors know it. You should be with me, in a home we can make our own. If you don’t move in here, then I’ll move in with you. But here is more comfortable than the trailer. Besides, it’s only until we move into Alec and Serena’s house, which will likely be in just a week or two.”

She furrows her brows. “Basically, it’s either you move into the trailer with me, or I move here with you until we move into your brother’s house.”

She’s finally getting it. “Yes.”

“What’s my choice in all of this?”

“You move in here, or I move in with you.” She stands and paces back and forth in front of me while I continue eating my breakfast. “It’s not rocket science.”

She stops pacing, sticks her hands on her hips, and stares hard at me. Did I say something wrong? “Are you kidding me?”

“You’re making a huge deal over nothing.” I pick my toast up, and take a huge bite.

“I... We... You... I...” She stomps her foot and takes off back into the bedroom.

For fuck’s sake, what the hell is her problem now? I eat the rest of my toast, giving her a few moments to cool off before I go to see what’s happening. Standing, I take both of our plates into the kitchen. Dani comes out, holding the small overnight bag I found in the bottom of her wardrobe. She’s walking toward the front door, her head held high as she storms past me, in my damn clothes. “Ah, where do you think you’re going?”

“I’m going home, Rhett,” she says as she keeps walking toward the door.

I take off after her, making sure to get to the door so I can block her exit. “First, this is your home now.” I point to the floor. “Second, don’t think for one moment I’m going to let you leave here dressed like that.” I look at her completely inappropriate attire.

“Fine.” She steps back, and rips my t-shirt and shorts off, leaving her in her underwear. I gulp, and try my hardest not to look at her tits and her hot body. “Keep looking at my boobs while I leave.”

I lean against the door, crossing my arms in front of my chest. Dani is a little spitfire. The top of her head comes up to my chin, and considering I’m six foot one, that would make her...short. “Stop acting like a crazy woman. Are you on your period?”

Her eyes widen, her mouth falls open, and her cheeks redden. Oh shit! I think I said something I wasn’t supposed to. “Move out of my way!” she shouts as she attempts to shove me.

“No, you’re being unreasonable.”

Her eyes now narrow, while she purses her lips tight. There’s a slight twitch happening to her right eye. “I’m being unreasonable?” Um, suddenly I don’t feel so confident. “Move.”

I uncross my arms and hold my hands up in surrender. “Let’s talk about this.”

“Move!” she barks even louder. Jesus, for a short chick, she can be scary.

But I can be just as persistent as she is. “I’ll take you back to the trailer.”

Her shoulders soften and she gives me a small smile. “Thank you.”

“So we can pack you up and move you here.” The anger radiating from her eyes should scare me, but it doesn’t. I love her, and I’m not letting her live anywhere I’m not. She charges at me, trying to push me to the side. “Really? You think you can move me?”

“You infuriate me, Rhett. Just let me go.”

Fuck this shit. I bend, scoop her up and throw her over my shoulder, taking her back to my room. Her fists are hitting me. “You’re getting over an illness. It’s made you weak. You’re not hurting me.”

“Let me down.”

I take her into our room, and throw her on the bed. “Now, let’s talk this through.” I lean against the door, blocking her way out.

She’s up and off the bed, trying to get past me. “Just let me go.”

She balls her hands into fists, and tries to hit my chest. I grab her hands, swing her around and push her up against the door. Instantly, she stops fighting. Dani’s skin flushes as I hold both her wrists in one of mine. “I said no,” I say in a tone that even surprises me.

“Just...um.” Dani’s eyes are fixated on my mouth. “Let me go,” she whispers. Dani licks her lips, her chest rising and falling quickly.

“I’ll never let you go.” Jesus, my cock stirs, and I push into her. Dani wraps her leg over my hip, and closes her eyes. “You’re moving in here.”

“No,” she says in a tiny voice. She arches her back, pushing her tits into me.

“You’re moving in here with me,” I repeat, darker. Dani opens her mouth to argue, and I silence her with a kiss. With my left hand holding her wrists above her head, I grab her tits over her bra, and thrust hard into her.

“More, Rhett. More.” I cup her ass cheek, and force her to jump up on me, before turning and lowering her to the bed. “Rhett.” Dani opens her eyes and watches me. I stop for a second. “Wait.”

Shit, yeah. Condoms, where are they? “Are you okay?”

Dani pushes me off her, and stands. “Trust me.”

“I do,” I reply. She sinks to her knees, and slides my sweatpants off.

“You’ve had blowjobs before,” she states as she peers up from beneath her lashes. I nod. “Then I better make sure I give the best blowjob you’ve ever had.” Dani takes my hard cock in her hand, and starts rubbing it, before burying the tip in her mouth. Jesus. I close my eyes and let my head roll backward, appreciating her wet mouth and everything she’s doing. She nibbles on the head, and I nearly lose my fucking mind. She licks the length slowly, teasing me. She plunges her mouth deep around me, nearly choking, then pulls back.

“Fuck,” I moan as I lace my fingers through her hair. God, is it bad that I want to fuck her mouth? Nope, nope, not gonna blow in her mouth. Fucking hell, hold it together.

Dani has an amazing mouth. Her tongue is un-fucking-believable, but when she nibbles, holy fucking hot mouth! I’m holding everything back, trying not to buck into her mouth.

She pulls away, and I look down at her. Cheeky little thing. She fucking winks at me. “Take off your t-shirt, and get on the bed. Where are your condoms?”

“Top drawer, over there.” I point to the chest of drawers.

“Why do you have condoms if you’re a virgin?” she asks as I make quick work of stripping.

“I bought them the other day when I went to the pharmacy. Ulterior motive.” I lay on the bed, and watch as Dani strips. “Just stay there.” I love watching how perfect she is. I blow the air out of my lungs. She’s fucking beautiful.

“What?” Dani sassily places her hand on her hip.

I take in every perfect part of her. Her tits are small, but super perky, her pussy has a neat triangle of hair that I can’t wait to get my mouth on. “Once we do this, I doubt I’ll ever get enough of having my mouth, or cock inside you.”

She smirks, brings her left hand up to play and pull at her nipple. “Just so you know, I’m gonna go slow, and I’m gonna take control. Next time though, that tongue of yours better be here.” She pulls at her nipples, and I greedily watch as she’s expertly playing with herself. “And then it better be here.” She plunges a finger into her pussy as she closes her eyes and groans. Fuck me dead. “But for now.” She opens her eyes, brings her finger to her mouth and licks herself clean.

“I’m gonna have a heart attack. You’re my own personal porn movie.” Shit, I wonder if she’ll let me record us? Note to self: ask Dani if she’s good with a little home movie.

“Lie back.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Happily. She straddles my hips, rips the condom packet open and slides it down my cock like she’s done this many times before. A part of me wants to ask how many men she’s been with, but another doesn’t want to know.

“What’s wrong?” she asks, reading my mood.

“How many men have you been with?”

“Is this really the conversation you want to have while I’m holding your cock?”

“No.” Yes. No.

“Then shut up, watch, and feel.” She lines herself up, and sinks down on me slowly.

What the fuck have I been missing out on? Dani’s pussy is warm, wet, and fucking tight. I grip her hips and want to thrust into her hard. “Nope. Hands here.” She moves my hands so I can grip the sheets. I look at where we’re joined together and watch as she swivels her hips slowly. Dani closes her eyes and arches her back, breathing deeply while she keeps moving her hips slowly against me.

Fuck. This makes me feel alive. My heart is racing, my body is craving being as close to Dani as I can. I can’t help my reaction. I grip Dani’s hips, turn us over, and thrust into her. I lift her leg, placing it over my shoulder as I pump hard into her.

“Slow down,” she says.

There’s no way I can slow down. No way at all. I thrust hard into her, and feel myself on the verge. “Shit!” I say as I come so hard. My body vibrates with excitement, and I know I’ve just fucked up. “I’m sorry,” I say embarrassed.

“This is your first time.”

“Just give me a minute, and we’ll go again.” I pull out of Dani and lay back on the bed beside her. Dani’s staring at me, smirking. “What?”

“You think you can go again in a minute?”

“Give me five, and I’ll be good to go.”

“Five minutes?”

I hold a finger up, stand and head into the bathroom to dispose of the condom. I make sure to grab two bottles of water from the fridge before heading back into my girl. “Here.” I hand her a water before opening mine and having a good long drink. She takes a drink from hers, and hands me the bottle once she’s done. “Now, where was I?” I push her legs open, lower my head and tongue fuck her delicious pussy.

“Holy shit!”

It’s only fair I get her to come around my mouth before I fuck her again. My new favorite pastime, having my mouth full.

She grips my hair, and uses my face for her own pleasure. Hell yes.