Rhett by Margaret McHeyzer




I stand looking at my trailer. My heart flutters with sorrow as Rhett and I prepare to begin clearing out my trailer so I can hand the keys to Mrs. Walton.

“So, you’re going?” Mrs. Walton asks from behind me.

I give the keys to Rhett and smile, before walking over to Mrs. Walton. “Yes, I’m going,” my voice shakes. “I never thought I’d be able to leave here.”

“You’re too young to live here forever, Dani.”

So many feelings quiver through my body. “I know,” I say because deep down in my gut, I knew this was never going to be my forever home. “But I’m sad too.”


“In a way I was hoping Mom and Dad would return, and it scares me that they won’t be able to find me.”

“Oh, darling girl, they don’t deserve the title of Mom and Dad. When was the last time you heard from them?”

I shrug. “I actually don’t remember.”

Mrs. Walton juts her chin toward the trailer. “He’s a good kid. He’ll look after you.”

I smile to hide the hurt and sadness. “I know.” The thing is, I know Rhett will care for me, but it still hurts to be abandoned by my parents. “Anyway, we shouldn’t be too long in there. Maybe an hour or so, and I’ll return the keys.” Mrs. Walton collects the rent every month and hands it to the person who owns the trailer park in exchange for cheaper rent for herself.

“This place is for old people anyway.” She waves her hands toward the trailers in our row. “Not for a beautiful young woman who has her whole life ahead of her.”

I step in to give her a hug. “Thank you for always looking out for me.”

“We wouldn’t have it any other way, Dani.” She pats my back awkwardly before letting me go. “Now, I never want to see you here again, I just want you to live your life with that boy.” She gestures to the only stable thing I’ve ever had.

I give her a nod and tight smile. Tears prick my eyes, and threaten to fall, but I’m strong and I can do this. Mrs. Walton’s words echo inside me. I was never meant to be here, but my circumstances didn’t allow me to leave, until now. With my head held high, I climb into the trailer for the very last time.

Rhett’s throwing the very little I have in the fridge in the trash. “What are we keeping?” he asks. Covering my face with my hands, I break down and begin to cry. “Hey?” He’s got his arms around me, trying to console me. “What’s going on?”

“There are so many emotions running through me, Rhett. I’m so happy that I’m finally leaving, but my heart is hurting because, what if my parents return?”

“We’ll leave forwarding information with Mrs. Walton. I’m sure she’ll let them know where you are if they come back.” He kisses my forehead, while trying to calm me with his tight embrace.

“I’ve got this gut feeling they’re never going to return. They haven’t in the seven years since they’ve been gone, why would they now?” I keep crying. “Why didn’t they want me enough to stay?”

“Aww, sweetheart, I can’t answer that.”

“I know,” I whisper. “I just wish they’d fought for me.” He kisses my head, and holds me so tight, I nearly fall asleep in his arms. It takes me a long time before I’m ready to do this. “Okay, let’s pack my stuff and leave.”

“Are you sure? We can hang out for a little longer if you want.”

I shake my head. “There’s nothing for me here, Rhett.”

“I’m nearly done with the fridge, tell me where you want me next.”

“I’ll pack my clothes if you want to start on the bathroom next. Keep my hairdryer, and hair straightener. Um.” I tap my finger to my mouth thinking. “Keep the pads, tampons, shampoo and conditioner. Anything else, toss it.” Rhett screws his nose. “What?”

“Pads and tampons?”

“Yes, Rhett, because I’m a woman, and women have their periods once a month,” I sarcastically reply.

“No need to be snarky,” he murmurs as he empties the last of what’s in the fridge in a trash bag. “I’ll get started in the bathroom when I’m done here.”

“I’ll clean out my room.” I take a deep breath and walk around Rhett who’s squatting in front of the fridge. I stand at the narrow opening, and look around. The room is mostly taken up by the bed. There’s only enough space to walk around the foot of the bed and open the three drawers in the built-in wardrobe. I puff my cheeks out and exhale, just looking around. My parents would sleep here, while I slept on the sofa. Those days of having my parents here are more like a fuzzy memory. “You’ve got this,” I whisper to myself. I do, I do have this.

It takes me less than an hour to pack my clothes, my shoes, and everything else worth keeping into my car. Rhett’s done with the bathroom, and the last thing left is the kitchen cupboards. “What do you want to keep?” he asks.

“Nothing.” I shrug. “I’ll leave it for the next person.”

“That’s it then,” he says. The finality of his words really hit my soul.

“Yep, that’s it.” I take one last look around and try to remember the good and the bad. Memories are only a snapshot of our past, while hope is the pathway to our future. And right now, I’m full of hope.

“You okay?”

“You have no idea.” I turn to leave the trailer I’ve called home for such a long time. When Rhett is outside, I lock the trailer and head over to Mrs. Walton, who’s nowhere to be found. I chuckle. “She said she never wanted to see me here again.” There’s only one key to the trailer, and I slide it under her door. “Thank you,” I say one last time.

“I’ll follow you home,” Rhett says as he walks me to my car with his arm around my waist. “You sure you’re alright?”

“Yep, I am.”

Rhett places a chaste kiss to my lips once I’m in my car. “Let’s go home.” He closes the door, and jogs back to his car.

As I drive out of the trailer park, tears cling to my cheeks. I refuse to look backward, because my life is ahead of me, not behind. All this time I thought this was home. But it was only ever a place to lay my head at night.

“What’s for dinner?” Rhett asks as he watches me keep myself busy by cooking.

“I’m making chili mac. It’s the one dish my mom would make and I used to love it. I haven’t had it in years. But, I like it extra spicy, so I hope you and Elise are good with spice.”

“Mom’s good with spice, and so am I,” Rhett replies as he leans against the cupboard. “Mom should be home in about an hour, and I think she’ll like this.” Nervously, I smile over my shoulder to Rhett. “What is it?”

I shrug slowly. “I feel like I shouldn’t be here.”

“Neither Mom nor I would have it any other way.”

“Should I sleep on the sofa? I don’t want your mom to have the wrong idea of me.”

“You can try, but I doubt she’s going to be okay with that. Anyway, my bed is much more comfortable, because that’s where I am. And my face enjoys this way too much.” He pushes off from the counter, hugs me from behind, and slips his hand into my shorts.

“What have I created?” I whisper as he kisses along my neck. He slips a finger into me, and I suck in a harsh breath. “Jesus, Rhett.”

“I’m not even sorry.” He rubs at my clit, and I shift my weight so he’s got the exact spot I like. “Leave it,” he says about the food. I only have a moment to turn the range heat levels to low before he swings me around, and picks me up.

“I can walk,” I say.

“Yeah, but I like knowing I can pick you up anytime I want.” He kisses me hard on the mouth, slipping his tongue in while carrying me back to his room. We’re all arms as we try to rip off our clothes, but we’re so hot for each other we’re just a mess. Rhett lowers me until my feet feel the floor, and we make quick work of tearing our clothes off.

“Condom,” I say desperate to have him inside me.

He grabs a condom from the drawer, and rolls it on. Stalking over to me, he pushes me on the bed, grabs me like a damned rag doll, and flips me onto my stomach. “On all fours.”

Oh, doggy style. Yes, thanks. That’s nice and deep for both of us. Without hesitation, he works himself into me. He grabs my hips and grips with such intensity, I can feel the passion coursing through him. I buck up against him while he thrusts hard and deep inside of me. Rhett leans over me, grasping at my left boob. He squeezes tightly while propelling and groaning behind me. I face plant into the pillow and use my right hand to rub and my clit while Rhett fucks me hard from behind.

He plunges hard into me, while his grunting and groaning keeps to the same tempo as his hips. I keep rubbing at my clit, my body loving the feel of his hard cock deep inside of me. “Fuck,” Rhett groans.

I’m on the verge of coming, too. He thrusts several more times so hard there’s a delicious ache tingling my pussy. “That’s it,” I breathlessly moan as I bring myself to the brink of orgasm. Rhett pulls out, flips me, and licks until I come on his face. “Jesus!” I say as I try to get air in my lungs. “Warn a girl before you do that, will you?”

“My mouth is here for your pleasure.” He leans on one elbow, kissing my stomach. “I love…” Kiss. “Love...” Kiss. “The taste of your...” Kiss. “Pussy.” Kiss.

“I love when you lick my pussy.” I push my fingers through his hair, playing with it and slightly scraping my nails against his scalp.

“I can tell you one thing for sure, keep doing that, and we’re not leaving this room.” Rhett places a kiss on the top of pubic bone, then straddles me before getting off the bed. He opens his mouth to say something, chuckles, and shakes his head. “Mom will be home soon,” he reminds me.

Great, and I have to finish dinner. “Yeah, I know. But this really hot guy started finger fucking me, and well, what can I say, I needed his cock inside me.”

Rhett’s lips pull up into a smirk. “You have one dirty mouth.”

“But yours is glistening.”

“I’m going to the bathroom before I get another hard-on, and hold you hostage here for the rest of the night.”

“Promises, promises,” I call as he walks out of his room, naked.

I get up, get dressed, then head back out to finish dinner.

“Don’t let this boy get away with not cooking, Dani,” Elise says to me as she lifts her beer bottle and has a drink before eating some more of her dinner. “This is nice. I like the heat to it.”

“I was worried I made it too spicy.” I lower my fork, and turn to Elise. “Thank you, for allowing me to stay here until we can move into Alec’s old house.”

“Oh, darlin’, there’s no thanks needed. Family looks after each other, that’s what we Morgans do.”

There’s a pang of envy sitting like a boulder in my stomach. “I doubt my parents know what it means to be a family.”

“Do you have any siblings?” Elise asks.

Slowly, I lift my shoulders. “Not to my knowledge, and I would be devastated if I found out I do have a sibling. Not because I don’t want them, but because I hate to think of them being abandoned too.” Elise reaches over, places her hand over mine and squeezes. “I’m truly grateful for you opening your home.”

“Like I said, we Morgans look out for one another.”

It must be nice to be part of a tight family unit. “I’ve been thinking, I was paying four hundred dollars a month at the trailer park. I’d like to pay that to you for me staying here.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Elise scolds.

“Ah, no,” Rhett agrees with Elise.

“Then, I’m happy to do all the cleaning,” I offer.

“No, that’s not going to happen either. You’ll fit into the schedule,” Elise says. My brows raise in question. “I clean my bathroom. Rhett cleans the one he uses. He makes his own bed, and does his own washing, and vacuums once a week for me. If the dishwasher needs emptying and reloading, it’s up to whoever’s in the house at the time. When Rhett works his twenty-four hours on, I’m not going to ask him to do anything while he’s sleeping.”

“But I still do things around the house. Yard work...”

“Except the back. That’s my sanctuary, not his. So, I take care of the yard work out in the back,” Elise adds.

“I have to do something. Or let me pay you what I was paying for the trailer.”

“You will do things. Tonight, you cooked, and whoever cooks also cleans. So, there you go.”

“Oh, don’t forget I’m working tomorrow,” Rhett recaps to both Elise and myself. “Which means, I’ll be going to bed in probably two hours.”

“I’m working at both jobs tomorrow too,” I say. “I should be back by about ten or eleven.”

“Ah, you just reminded me.” Elise pushes the chair out, and scurries inside. She reappears only a moment or so later holding a keyring. “I need to give you keys.” She sits again, and shows me the keys. “This one is for the front door. And this one is for the back. I had them color-coded so you know. Green for the front, and red for the back.” She pushes the keys toward me.

My forehead crinkles when she hands them to me. “I don’t remember the last time anyone has showed me this level of kindness.” I place the keys beside me and try hard to smile.

“You’re with us now,” Rhett says as he slips his hand under the table to lay on my thigh. “And that’s all that matters.”

The rest of dinner is spent with Elise and Rhett talking easily, while I try to hide my emotions. How lucky am I to find a family who accepts me without any judgement at all?

Damn lucky.

Once I’ve cleaned the kitchen, I head into our bedroom to get my pajamas so I can take a quick shower. Rhett’s sprawled out on the bed, already fast asleep. I grab my pajamas, and head for the bathroom.

When I return, Rhett hasn’t moved. I try to move his arm so I can crawl into bed alongside him, but he’s amazingly heavy. I nudge him, and he startles awake, looks around, sees me standing beside the bed and reaches out of me. “Sorry,” he says as he smacks his lips together. “Here.” There are times it takes me hours to fall asleep, but Rhett, he’s out in moments. I lie on my side facing away from Rhett, and he cuddles up behind me. “I’ll take you to the doctor so you can get your blood tests done,” he whispers as he peppers soft kisses on my neck. “I want to know what it’s like to have sex without a condom too.”

Okay then. “For someone who was a virgin earlier this week, you’re not shy, are you?”

“Nope. Can you go on the pill?”

“Sure. I used to be on it, but then it’s been a long time since...well, doesn’t matter,” I mutter trying not to stumble over the words.

“How many men have you had sex with, Dani?” We’ve touched on this question earlier, but I guess, he deserves an answer.

“Including you?

“Yes, including me.” I hold a hand up and when I get to the fifth finger, I hold the other hand up. When I reach the fifth finger on that hand, I go back to the first one. “That better stop real quick.”

I start laughing and turn in his arms. “Including you, three.”

He stares into my eyes, not amused by the fifteen plus I was playfully counting. “Three,” he says in a low voice.

“Yes, three. But I’ve only loved one of those three.”

“Better be me,” he says lightening up.

“Well...” I nibble on my bottom lip and suck in a loud and deep breath.

Rhett slowly lowers his hand to my waist and starts tickling me. I don’t even flinch. “Oh, come on!”

“I’m not ticklish.”

“You’re not ticklish?” he asks with a deadpan voice. “That’s not fair. How am I supposed to punish you for saying I’m not the only you’ve ever loved?” He pushes me on my back, and hovers over me. I wrap my legs around his hips as he steadies himself over me.

“I’ve got an idea,” I offer as I try to get that friction between us.

“Sounds good to me.” He kisses my nose. “But I really need sleep.”

Damn it. “I know,” I say, trying to hide the disappointment from my voice. “Get off me.” I push him off, and turn so my back is to him.

“It’s already started.”

“What has?”

“You telling me to get off you.”

“Well, you’re working in the morning, and you need sleep. Love you.” I tuck my hands under my pillow and try to sleep.

“Love you.” And he starts freaking snoring. What the actual fuck!